Document ID: 1YHT905410A

Supported product release information

Note: This parameter list is the maximum set of parameters available for 620 series IED products. Parameter shown here are not available in each variant. Always use the parameter list delivered with the corresponding product connectivity package to see which parameters are available in each release and product. Please see the Application Manual for more information about the functions used in the products.

Explanations of tables

IEC 61850 Function IEC 61850 name
IEC 60617 Function IEC 60617 name
ANSI of function ANSI name
Category INP=input; OUT=Output; CFG=Configuration; SET=Settings; MON=Monitoring; CTR=Control; TES=Test; INF=Information; VER=Version
IECName Complete 61850 name of the data attribute (excluding the IED name)
CDC Common data class of the data object according the IEC 61850-7-3
Type Data attribute type (maximum length for strings)
FC Functional constraint acording the IEC 61850: ST=Status, MX=Measurement, CO=Control, SP=Setting; SG=Setting group, CF=Configuration, EX=Extension
Access ED2=Edition 2 only, ED1 edition 1 only, B=Basic, A=Advanced, P=Protocol only, H=LHMI only, O=Operator R/W, E=Engineer R/W, A=Administrator R/W, C=Coldboot, I=Application parameter re-init, #=Dependent on the product variant
Default Default value of settings, inputs and version data, settings are in pu level
Dataset Event handling default dataset
Event Event handling: P=Protocol, H=LHMI, T=transient (no deactivation events)
CMT MB=Modbus, DN=DNP, I1=IEC101, I3=IEC103
Parameter name Parameter name in menus
Parameter desc Parameter help in menus/ tooltip in PCM
Parameter range Enumeration values; minimum and maximum in pu level
Menu path Complete menu path
Channel relation Relation to analog channel (if defined)

Protection LLN0

IEC 61850-7-4:2007
IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Protection LLN0 INP LD0.LLN0.Act2SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_2_ACT Setting group 2 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 INP LD0.LLN0.Act3SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_3_ACT Setting group 3 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 INP LD0.LLN0.Act4SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_4_ACT Setting group 4 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 INP LD0.LLN0.Act5SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_5_ACT Setting group 5 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 INP LD0.LLN0.Act6SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_6_ACT Setting group 6 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.Act1SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B SG_1_ACT Setting group 1 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.Act2SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_2_ACT Setting group 2 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.Act3SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_3_ACT Setting group 3 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.Act4SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_4_ACT Setting group 4 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.Act5SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_5_ACT Setting group 5 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.Act6SetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 SG_6_ACT Setting group 6 is active Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.LgcSelSetGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST ED2,B SG_LOGIC_SEL Logic selection for setting group Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 OUT LD0.LLN0.LgcSelGr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST ED1 SG_LOGIC_SEL Logic selection for setting group Monitoring\Setting group\Outputs
Protection LLN0 CTR LD0.LLN0.IndLEDRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Indications and LEDs Clear indication LEDs and texts 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
Protection LLN0 CTR LD0.LLN0.ProgLEDRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Programmable LEDs Clear programmable LEDs 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
Protection LLN0 CTR LD0.LLN0.MeasStatRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Metering records Reset meterering minimum and maximum recorded data 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
Protection LLN0 CTR LD0.LLN0.PQRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Power quality data Reset all power quality data 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
Protection LLN0 CTR LD0.LLN0.ActSetGr.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Active setting group)
Device CTR LD0.LDEV1.ChgFlg.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Composition has changed)
Device CTR LD0.LDEV1.WrmStrCmd.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Software reset Reset of IED 0=Cancel; 1=Activate Configuration\General
Device CTR BOOLEAN B,H 0 Factory setting Restore Factory settings 0=Cancel; 1=Activate Configuration\General
Device CTR LD0.LDEV1.EvtLstClr.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Events Clear events in HMI 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST StatIed P,H (Behaviour) 1=on2=blocked3=test4=test/blocked5=off
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.NamPlt.paramRev LPL INT32 ST StatIed P,H (Name plate)
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.NamPlt.valRev LPL INT32 ST StatIed P,H (Name plate)
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.SvMaxDl.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B,# Max delay Maximum SMV delay during last minute -1000.00...1000.00 ms Monitoring\IED status\SMV traffic
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.SvAvDl.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B,# Average delay Average SMV delay during last minute -1000.00...1000.00 ms Monitoring\IED status\SMV traffic
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.ParChgCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Setting changes Number of setting changes 0...20000 Monitoring\IED status\Setting changes
Protection LLN0 MON LD0.LLN0.ParChgCnt.t INS Timestamp ST B Setting time Latest setting time Monitoring\IED status\Setting changes
Physical device MON LD0.LPHD1.PhyHealth.stVal ENS Enum ST StatIed P,H (General state) -2=Waiting-1=Test1=Ok2=Warning3=Alarm
Physical device MON LD0.LPHD1.PwrUp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Power up detected)
Device MON LD0.LDEV1.WrmStrDet.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Warm start detected)
Device MON LD0.LDEV1.WacTrgDet.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Watchdog reset detected)
Device MON LD0.LDEV1.DevWrn.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatIed P,H Warning IED warning 1=All ok; 2=System; 5=Time synch error; 6=Over temperature; 10=Watchdog reset; 11=Power down det.; 20=IEC 61850 error; 21=Modbus error; 22=DNP3 error; 23=PNIO error; 24=Dataset error; 25=Report cont. error; 26=GOOSE contr. error; 27=SCL config error; 28=Logic error; 29=SMT logic error; 30=GOOSE input error; 31=ACT error; 32=GOOSE rec. error; 33=AFL error; 34=SMV error; 35=Comm. channel down; 40=Unack card comp.; 85=ARC1 cont. light; 86=ARC2 cont. light; 87=ARC3 cont. light; 50=Protection comm.; 96=RTD card error,X130; 106=RTD meas. error,X130; 112=UPD voltage low,X115; 113=UPS comm. error,X115; 114=UPS cmd fail,X115; 115=Breaker oper. fail; 90=RTD card error,X105; 91=RTD card error,X115; 92=RTD card error,X000; 93=RTD card error,X100; 94=RTD card error,X110; 95=RTD card error,X120; 100=RTD meas. error,X105; 101=RTD meas. error,X115; 102=RTD meas. error,X000; 103=RTD meas. error,X100; 104=RTD meas. error,X110; 105=RTD meas. error,X120 Monitoring\IED status\Self-supervision
Device MON LD0.LDEV1.DevFail.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatIed P,H Internal Fault IED internal fault 1=All ok; 2=System error; 3=Runtime app. error; 4=Runtime exec error; 7=File system error; 8=Test; 10=SW watchdog error; 11=Uaux error; 32=Settings error; 43=SO-relay(s),X100; 44=SO-relay(s),X110; 46=SO-relay(s),X130; 53=PO-relay(s),X100; 54=PO-relay(s),X110; 56=PO-relay(s),X130; 57=Light sensor error; 62=Conf.error,X000; 63=Conf.error,X100; 64=Conf.error,X110; 65=Conf.error,X120; 66=Conf.error,X130; 72=Card error,X000; 73=Card error,X100; 74=Card error,X110; 75=Card error,X120; 76=Card error,X130; 79=LHMI module; 80=RAM error; 81=ROM error; 82=EEPROM error; 83=FPGA error; 84=RTC error; 96=RTD card error,X130; 110=UPD card error,X115; 111=UPD self check,X115; 40=SO-relay(s),X105; 41=SO-relay(s),X115; 45=SO-relay(s),X120; 50=PO-relay(s),X105; 51=PO-relay(s),X115; 55=PO-relay(s),X120; 60=Conf.error,X105; 61=Conf.error,X115; 70=Card error,X105; 71=Card error,X115; 90=RTD card error,X105; 91=RTD card error,X115; 92=RTD card error,X000; 93=RTD card error,X100; 94=RTD card error,X110; 95=RTD card error,X120; 116=COM card error Monitoring\IED status\Self-supervision
Device MON LD0.LDEV1.ChgAckCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST A No of comp. changes Number of composition changes 0...100000 Monitoring\IED status\Composition changes
Device MON LD0.LDEV1.WrmStrCmd.t SPC Timestamp ST B Boot up time IED boot up time Monitoring\IED status\Self-supervision
Protection LLN0 CFG LD0.LLN0.OpModSetGr.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 SG operation mode Operation mode for setting group change 0=Operator; 1=Logic mode 1; 2=Logic mode 2 Configuration\Setting group
Protection LLN0 CFG LD0.LLN0.SetSvMaxDl.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I,# 1 SMV Max Delay SMV Maximum allowed delay 0=1.90 1.58 ms; 1=3.15 2.62 ms; 2=4.40 3.67 ms; 3=5.65 4.71 ms; 4=6.90 5.75 ms Configuration\System
Customer information CFG LD0.LINF1.BayNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B REx620 Bay name Bay name in system Configuration\System
Customer information CFG LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eBayName LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 REx620 Bay name Bay name in system Configuration\System
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.IPAddr.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B,C IP address IP address for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eIp LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1,C IP address IP address for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.IPAddrSubNtw.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B,C Subnet mask Subnet mask for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eIpSubNet LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1,C Subnet mask Subnet mask for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.IPAddrGtw.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B,C Default gateway Default gateway for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eIpGateWay LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1,C Default gateway Default gateway for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.IPAddrFrt.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B IP address IP address for front port (fixed) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Front port
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eIpFront LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 IP address IP address for front port (fixed) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Front port
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.Mac1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Mac address Mac address for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eMacAddr LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Mac address Mac address for rear port(s) Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.Mac2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Mac address Mac address for front port Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Front port
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eMacAddr1 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Mac address Mac address for front port Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Front port
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.WrmStrCmd.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Software reset Reset of IED 0=Cancel; 1=Activate Configuration\General
Device CFG BOOLEAN B,H 0 Factory setting Restore Factory settings 0=Cancel; 1=Activate Configuration\General
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.BlkMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Blocking mode Behaviour for function BLOCK inputs 1=Freeze timer; 2=Block all; 3=Block OPERATE output Configuration\System
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.HzSetSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Rated frequency Rated frequency of the network 1=50Hz; 2=60Hz Configuration\System
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.PhRotSet.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Phase rotation Phase rotation order 1=ABC; 2=ACB Configuration\System
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.DiVThres.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 16 Threshold voltage Binary input threshold voltage 16...176 Vdc Configuration\I/O modules\Common settings
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.DiOscThres.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 30 Input osc. level Binary input oscillation suppression threshold 2...50 events/s Configuration\I/O modules\Common settings
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.DiOscHys.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 10 Input osc. hyst Binary input oscillation suppression hysteresis 2...50 events/s Configuration\I/O modules\Common settings
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.PhOrdMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,# 1 Phase order mode Selection for phase connection order 1=ABC; 2=BCA; 3=CAB; 4=ACB; 5=CBA; 6=BAC Configuration\System
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.ACrvSatPnt.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 50 IDMT Sat point Overcurrent IDMT saturation point 10...50 I/I> Configuration\System
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.ADmdAvMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 A demand Av mode Current demand calculation method 1=Linear; 2=Logarithmic Configuration\Measurements\Demand metering
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.MtrDmdItrv.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Demand interval Interval for demand calculation 0=1 minute; 1=5 minutes; 2=10 minutes; 3=15 minutes; 4=30 minutes; 5=60 minutes; 6=180 minutes Configuration\Measurements\Demand metering
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.LgtLivTm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Backlight timeout LHMI backlight timeout 1...60 min Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Time format Time format 1=24H:MM:SS:MS; 2=12H:MM:SS:MS Configuration\Time\System time
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.DateFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Date format Date format 1=DD.MM.YYYY; 2=DD/MM/YYYY; 3=DD-MM-YYYY; 4=MM.DD.YYYY; 5=MM/DD/YYYY; 6=YYYY-MM-DD; 7=YYYY-DD-MM; 8=YYYY/DD/MM Configuration\Time\System time
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.NamConvn.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 FB naming convention FB naming convention used in IED 1=IEC61850; 2=IEC60617; 3=IEC-ANSI Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.DftVw.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default view LHMI default view 1=Measurements; 2=Main menu; 3=SLD Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.AcsMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,H,C 3 Web HMI mode Web HMI functionality 1=Active read only; 2=Active; 3=Disabled Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.ConnExpTm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Web HMI timeout Web HMI login timeout 1...60 min Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.SLDSymFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 SLD symbol format Single Line Diagram symbol format 1=IEC; 2=ANSI Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.ScrDlTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Autoscroll delay Autoscroll delay for Measurements view 0...30 s Configuration\HMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.ClsDlMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Close delay mode Selection for using delayed LHMI close 1=In use; 2=Not in use Configuration\Control\LHMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.ClsDlTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 60 Close delay Delay for close done from LHMI 5...900 s Configuration\Control\LHMI
Device CFG LD0.LDEV1.SetVsb.setVal ENG Enum SP B,H 2 Setting visibility Setting visibility for HMI 1=Basic; 2=Advanced Configuration\HMI
Protection LLN0 SET LD0.LLN0.SGCB.ActSG SGCB INT8U SP B 1 Active group Selected active group - -
Protection LLN0 SET LD0.LLN0.SGCB.EditSG SGCB INT8U SP B,A 1 Edit group Selected edit group - -
Protection LLN0 SET LD0.LLN0.SGCB.CnfEdit SGCB BOOLEAN SP B,A 0 Commit settings Commit or reject the edit copy - -
Protection LLN0 SET Enum B,H 1 Copy group 1 Copy setting group 1 values into selected group 1=Cancel; 2=Copy 1 into 2; 3=Copy 1 into 3; 4=Copy 1 into 4; 5=Copy 1 into 5; 6=Copy 1 into 6; 99=Copy 1 into all Settings\Setting group
Protection LLN0 TES LD0.LLN0.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Test mode Test mode 1=Normal mode; 2=IED blocked; 3=IED test; 4=IED test and blocked Tests\IED test
Device TES LD0.LDEV1.FailTest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 Internal fault test Internal fault test mode 0=Test off; 1=Test on Tests\IED test
Device TES LD0.LDEV1.ModRemCtl.setVal ENG Enum SP A,H 1 Remote test mode Authority for remote activation of test mode 1=Off; 2=Maintenance; 3=All levels Tests\IED test
Physical device INF LD0.LPHD1.PhyNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B X HW revision IED HW revision Information\Product identifiers
Physical device INF LD0.LPHD1.PhyNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B X.X SW version IED SW version Information\Product identifiers
Physical device INF LD0.LPHD1.PhyNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 1XXXXXXXXXXX Serial number IED serial number Information\Product identifiers
Physical device INF LD0.LPHD1.PhyNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B REx620 Type IED type Information\Product identifiers
Physical device INF DPL VisString64 DC B TIGER Technical key Technical key set by tool Information\System identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CfgNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B PC15 Configuration name IED configuration name Information\Product identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eConfName LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 PC15 Configuration name IED configuration name Information\Product identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.DevRev.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Product version Product version number Information\Product identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eDevRev LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 Product version Product version number Information\Product identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Customer name Name of the customer Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eCustomer LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 Customer name Name of the customer Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstStNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 State Name of state Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eState LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 State Name of state Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstStreNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Street Name of the street Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eStreet LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 Street Name of the street Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstHouNum.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 House number Number of the house Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eHouseNum LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 House number Number of the house Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstZip.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B 0 ZIP/Postal code ZIP/Postal code Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eZip LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 0 ZIP/Postal code ZIP/Postal code Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstCityNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 City/Province City/Province Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eCity LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 City/Province City/Province Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CstCntyNam.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Country Name of the country Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.NamPlt.eCountry LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 0 Country Name of the country Information\Site identifiers
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B X HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B A SW version Card SW version Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 1XXXXXXXXXXX Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 2RAAXXXXXX Article number IED article number Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\Main board
Customer information INF LD0.LINF1.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\Main board
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.SwrNum.stVal VSS VisString255 (20) ST ED2,B SW number IED SW number Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eSwNum LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 SW number IED SW number Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.SwrNum.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B SW date IED SW date Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eSwDate LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 SW date IED SW date Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.OrdrNum.stVal VSS VisString255 (20) ST ED2,B Order code IED order code Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eOrdNum LPL VisString255 (64) EX ED1 Order code IED order code Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.OrdrNum.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Production date IED production date Information\Product identifiers
Device INF LD0.LDEV1.NamPlt.eProdDate LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Production date IED production date Information\Product identifiers
Protection LLN0 VER LD0.LLN0.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC G (Name plate)
Protection LLN0 VER LD0.LLN0.NamPlt.ldNs LPL VisString255 (20) EX IEC 61850-7-4:2003 (Name plate)
Physical device VER LD0.LPHD1.PhyNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B X.X SW version IED SW version Information\Product identifiers
Customer information VER LD0.LINF1.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B A SW version Card SW version Information\HW modules\Main board

Security application

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Security application CFG BOOLEAN B,H,OR,ER,AW 1 Local override Disable authority Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRem.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B,OR,ER,AW 1 Remote override Disable authority Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthAcsLev.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Authority logging Authority logging level 1=None; 2=Configuration change; 3=Setting group; 4=Setting group, control; 5=Settings edit; 6=All Configuration\Authorization\Security
Security application CFG BOOLEAN A,H,OR,ER,AW 1 Secure Communication Secure Communication Configuration\Authorization\Security
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.RemUpdEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B,OR,ER,AW 0 Remote Update Remote update 0=Disable; 1=Enable Configuration\Authorization\Security
Security application CFG VisString255 (64) ED2,B,H 0 Local administrator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthLoc.pwdAdmin VisString255 (64) ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Local administrator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG VisString255 (64) ED2,B,H 0 Local engineer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthLoc.pwdEng VisString255 (64) ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Local engineer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG VisString255 (64) ED2,B,H 0 Local operator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthLoc.pwdOper VisString255 (64) ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Local operator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG VisString255 (64) ED2,B,H 0 Local viewer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthLoc.pwdView VisString255 (64) ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Local viewer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRemAdm.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Remote administrator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRem.pwdAdmin SPG VisString255 (64) EX ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Remote administrator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRemEng.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Remote engineer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRem.pwdEng SPG VisString255 (64) EX ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Remote engineer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRemOpr.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Remote operator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRem.pwdOper SPG VisString255 (64) EX ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Remote operator Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRemVw.setVal VSG VisString255 (64) SP ED2,B 0 Remote viewer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application CFG LD0.GSAL1.AuthRem.pwdView SPG VisString255 (64) EX ED1,OR,ER,AW 0 Remote viewer Set password Configuration\Authorization\Passwords
Security application VER LD0.GSAL1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 H (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B X HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B A SW version Card SW version Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 1XXXXXXXXXXX Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 2RAAXXXXXX Article number LHMI article number Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device INF LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\LHMI
Device VER LD0.IHMI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 H (Name plate)
Device VER LD0.IHMI1.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B A SW version Card SW version Information\HW modules\LHMI

X100 (PSM)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INP LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X100-PO1 Connectors 6-7 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INP LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X100-PO2 Connectors 8-9 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INP LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X100-SO1 Connectors 10c-11nc-12no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INP LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X100-SO2 Connectors 13c-14no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INP LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X100-PO3 Connectors 15-17/18-19 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INP LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X100-PO4 Connectors 20-22/23-24 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) TES LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X100-PO1 Connectors 6-7 Tests\Binary outputs\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) TES LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X100-PO2 Connectors 8-9 Tests\Binary outputs\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) TES LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X100-SO1 Connectors 10c-11nc-12no Tests\Binary outputs\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) TES LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X100-SO2 Connectors 13c-14no Tests\Binary outputs\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) TES LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X100-PO3 Connectors 15-17/18-19 Tests\Binary outputs\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) TES LD0.XGGIO100.SPCSO6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X100-PO4 Connectors 20-22/23-24 Tests\Binary outputs\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) INF LD0.XGGIO100.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X100 (PSM)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) VER LD0.XGGIO100.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)
X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) X100 (PSM) VER LD0.XGGIO100.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

Programmable LEDs

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 1 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 1
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 2 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 2
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 3 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 3
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 4 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 4
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 5 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 5
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 6 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 6
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 7 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 7
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 8 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 8
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 9 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 9
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 10 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 10
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Alm11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ALARM Alarm input for LED 11 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 11
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 1 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 1
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 2 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 2
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 3 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 3
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 4 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 4
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 5 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 5
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 6 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 6
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 7 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 7
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 8 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 8
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 9 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 9
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 10 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 10
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.Ind11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OK Ok input for LED 11 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 11
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 1 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 1
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 2 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 2
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 3 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 3
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 4 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 4
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 5 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 5
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 6 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 6
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 7 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 7
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 8 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 8
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 9 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 9
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 10 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 10
Programmable LEDs INP LD0.LEDGGIO1.InRsLED11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for LED 11 Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Inputs\LED 11
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt1.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 1)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt2.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 2)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt3.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 3)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt4.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 4)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt5.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 5)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt6.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 6)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt7.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 7)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt8.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 8)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt9.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 9)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt10.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 10)
Programmable LEDs CTR LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt11.Oper.ctlVal ENC INT32 CO (LED 11)
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt1.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 1 Status of programmable LED 1 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt2.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 2 Status of programmable LED 2 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt3.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 3 Status of programmable LED 3 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt4.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 4 Status of programmable LED 4 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt5.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 5 Status of programmable LED 5 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt6.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 6 Status of programmable LED 6 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt7.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 7 Status of programmable LED 7 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt8.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 8 Status of programmable LED 8 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt9.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 9 Status of programmable LED 9 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt10.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 10 Status of programmable LED 10 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs MON LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt11.stVal ENC Enum ST B StatIO P Programmable LED 11 Status of programmable LED 11 0=None; 1=Ok; 3=Alarm Monitoring\Programmable LEDs\Monitored data
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt1.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 1 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 1
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt1.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 1 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 1
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt2.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 2 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 2
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt2.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 2 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 2
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt3.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 3 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 3
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt3.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 3 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 3
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt4.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 4 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 4
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt4.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 4 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 4
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt5.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 5 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 5
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt5.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 5 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 5
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt6.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 6 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 6
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt6.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 6 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 6
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt7.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 7 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 7
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt7.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 7 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 7
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt8.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 8 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 8
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt8.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 8 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 8
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt9.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 9 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 9
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt9.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 9 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 9
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt10.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 10 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 10
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt10.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 10 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 10
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt11.dU ENC Unicode255 DC ED2,B Programmable LEDs LED 11 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 11
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSt11.d ENC VisString255 (64) DC Programmable LEDs LED 11 Description Programmable LED description Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 11
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq1.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 1 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 1
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq2.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 2 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 2
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq3.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 3 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 3
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq4.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 4 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 4
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq5.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 5 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 5
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq6.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 6 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 6
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq7.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 7 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 7
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq8.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 8 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 8
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq9.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 9 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 9
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq10.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 10 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 10
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.LEDSeq11.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Alarm mode Alarm mode for programmable LED 11 0=Follow-S; 1=Follow-F; 2=Latched-S; 3=LatchedAck-F-S Configuration\Programmable LEDs\LED 11
Programmable LEDs CFG LD0.LEDGGIO1.AlmColr.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 2 Alarm colour Colour for the alarm state of the LED 1=Green; 2=Red Configuration\Programmable LEDs\General
Programmable LEDs VER LD0.LEDGGIO1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE OUT LD0.GSELPRT1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Receiver Alarm general Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Outputs
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE CTR LD0.GSELPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Resets GOOSE diagnostics counters Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received msgs Received GOOSE messages. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted msgs Transmitted GOOSE messages. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.RxStCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B State changes Received GOOSE state changes. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.RxSeqCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B SeqNum changes Received GOOSE sequence number changes. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.RxTestCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Test msgs Received GOOSE messages with test bit set to TRUE. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.StWrnCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B State warnings State number miss or disorder in GOOSE message reception. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.SeqWrnCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Seq. warnings Sequence number miss or disorder in GOOSE message reception. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.RxTmOutCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Recv. timeouts Receiver timeouts. Goose messages were not received in defined time. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.ConfErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B ConfRev errors Received configuration revision mismatched GOOSE messages. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.NdsComCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B NdsComm errors Received GOOSE messages with Needs Commissioning bit set to TRUE. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.DSErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Dataset errors Received dataset mismatched GOOSE messages. 0...10000000 Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE MON LD0.GSELPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Resets GOOSE diagnostics counters Monitoring\I/O status\Communication\GSELPRT1\Monitoring
GSELPRT1 GSE GSE VER LD0.GSELPRT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

61850-8-1 MMS

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
61850-8-1 MMS OUT LD0.MMSLPRT1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CHLIV MMS Communication status (True = OK, False = No connections) Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS CTR LD0.MMSLPRT1.SetCnfMod.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO I (Setting group editing mode)
61850-8-1 MMS CTR LD0.MMSLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset MMS counters Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.SucConn.stVal INS INT32 ST B Successful conn. MMS successful connections 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.FailConn.stVal INS INT32 ST B Failed conn. MMS failed connections 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.ConcCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Concludes MMS concludes 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.TxAbtCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Sent aborts MMS sent aborts 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.RxAbtCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Recv. aborts MMS received aborts 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.TxRejCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Sent rejects MMS sent rejects 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.RxRqCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Recv. requests MMS received requests 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.FailRqCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Failed requests MMS failed requests 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.SucReaCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Reads MMS successful reads 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.FailReaCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Failed reads MMS failed reads 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.SucWrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Writes MMS successful writes 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.FailWrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Failed writes MMS failed writes 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.InfRpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Reports MMS Information reports 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.ActConnCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Active conn. MMS active connections 0...10000000 Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS MON LD0.MMSLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset MMS counters Monitoring\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS CFG LD0.MMSLPRT1.UnitMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,C 0 Unit mode IEC 61850-8-1 unit mode 1=Primary; 0=Nominal Configuration\Communication\MMSLPRT1
61850-8-1 MMS INF LD0.MMSLPRT1.NamPlt.d LPL VisString255 (64) DC B Edition 2 IEC 61850 version IEC 61850 version selection Information\System identifiers
61850-8-1 MMS VER LD0.MMSLPRT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC E (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.TmAcc.stVal INS INT32 ST ED2,B Synch accuracy Number of significant bits in the Fraction Of Second in the time accuracy part of the time stamp. 0...128 Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.TmAcc.stVal INS INT32 ST ED1 Synch accuracy Number of significant bits in the Fraction Of Second in the time accuracy part of the time stamp. 0...128 Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.TmSyn.stVal ENS Enum ST ED2,B,# StatIed P,H SMV Synch accuracy Time synchronized according to IEC 61850-9-2 0=No sync; 1=Local clock; 2=Global clock Monitoring\IED status\SMV accuracy
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.TmSyn.stVal ENS Enum ST ED1 StatIed P,H SMV Synch accuracy Time synchronized according to IEC 61850-9-2 0=No sync; 1=Local clock; 2=Global clock Monitoring\IED status\SMV accuracy
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.TmChSt1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED2,B StatIed P,H Synch status Time channel status (up/down) 0=Down; 1=Up Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.TmChSt1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED1 StatIed P,H Synch status Time channel status (up/down) 0=Down; 1=Up Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.TmSrcSt.stVal ENS Enum ST ED2,B StatIed P,H Synch source Current time source 0=Not defined; 1=SNTP primary; 2=SNTP secondary; 3=SNTP tertiary or further; 4=IEEE 1588 master; 5=IEEE 1588 slave; 6=IEEE 1588 further; 7=IRIG-B; 8=DNP 3.0; 9=Modbus; 10=SPA; 11=LON VATS; 12=LON other; 13=PPS; 14=Minute pulse; 15=local GPS; 16=IEC60870-5-101; 17=IEC60870-5-103; 18=IEC60870-5-104; 19=EXT; 20=LHMI; 21=Line differential; 99=Free running, locally generated Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.TmSrcSt.stVal ENS Enum ST ED1 StatIed P,H Synch source Current time source 0=Not defined; 1=SNTP primary; 2=SNTP secondary; 3=SNTP tertiary or further; 4=IEEE 1588 master; 5=IEEE 1588 slave; 6=IEEE 1588 further; 7=IRIG-B; 8=DNP 3.0; 9=Modbus; 10=SPA; 11=LON VATS; 12=LON other; 13=PPS; 14=Minute pulse; 15=local GPS; 16=IEC60870-5-101; 17=IEC60870-5-103; 18=IEC60870-5-104; 19=EXT; 20=LHMI; 21=Line differential; 99=Free running, locally generated Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.PTPTmSrc.stVal ENS Enum ST ED2,B,# Grandmaster time Src GrandMaster timeSource enum according to PTPv2 1=Atomic clock; 2=GPS; 3=Terrestial radio; 4=PTP; 5=NTP; 6=Hand set; 7=Other; 8=Internal oscil. Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization\IEEE 1588
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.PTPTmSrc.stVal ENS Enum ST ED1 Grandmaster time Src GrandMaster timeSource enum according to PTPv2 1=Atomic clock; 2=GPS; 3=Terrestial radio; 4=PTP; 5=NTP; 6=Hand set; 7=Other; 8=Internal oscil. Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization\IEEE 1588
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.PTPClkAcc.stVal ENS Enum ST ED2,B,# Grandmaster accuracy Grandmaster clockAccuracy enum according to PTPv2 1=25 ns; 2=100 ns; 3=250 ns; 4=1 us; 5=2.5 us; 6=10 us; 7=25 us; 8=100 us; 9=250 us; 10=1 ms; 11=2.5 ms; 12=10 ms; 13=25 ms; 14=100 ms; 15=250 ms; 16=1 s; 17=10 s; 18=more than 10 s Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization\IEEE 1588
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.PTPClkAcc.stVal ENS Enum ST ED1 Grandmaster accuracy Grandmaster clockAccuracy enum according to PTPv2 1=25 ns; 2=100 ns; 3=250 ns; 4=1 us; 5=2.5 us; 6=10 us; 7=25 us; 8=100 us; 9=250 us; 10=1 ms; 11=2.5 ms; 12=10 ms; 13=25 ms; 14=100 ms; 15=250 ms; 16=1 s; 17=10 s; 18=more than 10 s Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization\IEEE 1588
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.LocClkAcc.stVal INS INT32 ST ED2,B,# Local synch accuracy Local clock accuracy (master + IED synch accuracy)[us] 0...1000000000 us Monitoring\IED status\SMV accuracy
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.LocClkAcc.stVal INS INT32 ST ED1 Local synch accuracy Local clock accuracy (master + IED synch accuracy)[us] 0...1000000000 us Monitoring\IED status\SMV accuracy
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.MaxDevAcc.stVal INS INT32 ST ED2,B,# Max Dev synch Acc Maximum deviation of the Local synch accuracy [us] 0...1000000000 us Monitoring\IED status\SMV accuracy
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMM1.MaxDevAcc.stVal INS INT32 ST ED1 Max Dev synch Acc Maximum deviation of the Local synch accuracy [us] 0...1000000000 us Monitoring\IED status\SMV accuracy
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.MstrId.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B,# ------------------- Grandmaster identity Grandmaster Identity octet string according to PTPv2 Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization\IEEE 1588
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) MON LD0.GNRLLTMS1.NamPlt.mstrId LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 ------------------- Grandmaster identity Grandmaster Identity octet string according to PTPv2 Monitoring\IED status\Time synchronization\IEEE 1588
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.TmSrcSel1.setVal ENG Enum SP ED2,B,I 1 Synch source Time synchronization source 0=None; 1=SNTP; 2=Modbus; 3=IEEE 1588; 5=IRIG-B; 9=DNP; 16=IEC60870-5-101; 17=IEC60870-5-103; 18=IEC60870-5-104 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMM1.TmSrcSel1.setVal ENG Enum SP ED1 1 Synch source Time synchronization source 0=None; 1=SNTP; 2=Modbus; 3=IEEE 1588; 5=IRIG-B; 9=DNP; 16=IEC60870-5-101; 17=IEC60870-5-103; 18=IEC60870-5-104 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.DomId.setVal ING INT32 SP ED2,B,# 0 PTP domain ID The domain is identified by an integer, the domainNumber, in the range of 0 to 255. 0...255 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMM1.DomId.setVal ING INT32 SP ED1 0 PTP domain ID The domain is identified by an integer, the domainNumber, in the range of 0 to 255. 0...255 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.PTPPrio1.setVal ING INT32 SP ED2,B,# 128 PTP priority 1 PTP priority 1, in the range of 0 to 255. 0...255 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMM1.PTPPrio1.setVal ING INT32 SP ED1 128 PTP priority 1 PTP priority 1, in the range of 0 to 255. 0...255 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.PTPPrio2.setVal ING INT32 SP ED2,B,# 128 PTP priority 2 PTP priority 2, in the range of 0 to 255. 0...255 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMM1.PTPPrio2.setVal ING INT32 SP ED1 128 PTP priority 2 PTP priority 2, in the range of 0 to 255. 0...255 Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.IPAddrSNTP1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B,C IP SNTP primary IP address for SNTP primary server Configuration\Time\SNTP
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.NamPlt.eIpSNTPpri LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1,C IP SNTP primary IP address for SNTP primary server Configuration\Time\SNTP
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.IPAddrSNTP2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B,C IP SNTP secondary IP address for SNTP secondary server Configuration\Time\SNTP
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.NamPlt.eIpSNTPsec LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1,C IP SNTP secondary IP address for SNTP secondary server Configuration\Time\SNTP
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMS1.PTPAnncMod.setVal ENG Enum SP ED2,B,# 1 PTP announce mode PTP announce frame mode 1=Basic IEEE1588; 2=Power Profile Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) CFG LD0.GNRLLTMM1.PTPAnncMod.setVal ENG Enum SP ED1 1 PTP announce mode PTP announce frame mode 1=Basic IEEE1588; 2=Power Profile Configuration\Time\Synchronization
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmOfsTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Local time offset Local time offset in minutes -840...840 min Configuration\Time\System time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmUseDT.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 DST in use DST in use setting Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmChgDT.setCal.weekDay TSG Enum SP ED2,B 0 DST on day (weekday) Daylight saving time on, day of week 0=reserved; 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday; 7=Sunday Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.weekDayDT LPL Enum EX ED1 0 DST on day (weekday) Daylight saving time on, day of week 0=reserved; 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday; 7=Sunday Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmChgDT.setCal.month TSG Enum SP ED2,B 5 DST on date (month) Daylight saving time on, date (dd:mm) 1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 11=November; 12=December Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.monthDT LPL Enum EX ED1 5 DST on date (month) Daylight saving time on, date (dd:mm) 1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 11=November; 12=December Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 1 DST on date (day) Daylight saving time on, date (dd:mm) 1...31 Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.dayDT LPL INT8U EX ED1 1 DST on date (day) Daylight saving time on, date (dd:mm) 1...31 Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 2 DST on time (hours) Daylight saving time on, time (hh) 0...23 h Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.hrDT LPL INT8U EX ED1 2 DST on time (hours) Daylight saving time on, time (hh) 0...23 h Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 0 DST on time (minutes) Daylight saving time on, time (mm) 0...59 min Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.mnDT LPL INT8U EX ED1 0 DST on time (minutes) Daylight saving time on, time (mm) 0...59 min Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmChgST.setCal.weekDay TSG Enum SP ED2,B 0 DST off day (weekday) Daylight saving time off, day of week 0=reserved; 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday; 7=Sunday Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.weekDayST LPL Enum EX ED1 0 DST off day (weekday) Daylight saving time off, day of week 0=reserved; 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday; 7=Sunday Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmChgST.setCal.month TSG Enum SP ED2,B 9 DST off date (month) Daylight saving time off, date (dd:mm) 1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 11=November; 12=December Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.monthST LPL Enum EX ED1 9 DST off date (month) Daylight saving time off, date (dd:mm) 1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 11=November; 12=December Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 25 DST off date (day) Daylight saving time off, date (dd:mm) 1...31 Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.dayST LPL INT8U EX ED1 25 DST off date (day) Daylight saving time off, date (dd:mm) 1...31 Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 2 DST off time (hours) Daylight saving time off, time (hh) 0...23 h Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.hrST LPL INT8U EX ED1 2 DST off time (hours) Daylight saving time off, time (hh) 0...23 h Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 0 DST off time (minutes) Daylight saving time off, time (mm) 0...59 min Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.mnST LPL INT8U EX ED1 0 DST off time (minutes) Daylight saving time off, time (mm) 0...59 min Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmSys.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B 0 Time Time Configuration\Time\System time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.tmSys LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 0 Time Time Configuration\Time\System time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.DateSys.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B 0 Date Date Configuration\Time\System time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.NamPlt.dateSys LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 0 Date Date Configuration\Time\System time
GNRLLTIM1 CFG LD0.GNRLLTIM1.TmOfsDT.setVal ING INT32 SP B 60 DST offset Daylight saving time offset -720...720 min Configuration\Time\Daylight saving time
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) VER LD0.GNRLLTMS1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED2,ED1 C (Name plate)
GNRLLTMS1 TSYNC(1) TSYNC(1) VER LD0.GNRLLTMM1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

PHLPTOC1: Three phase non-directional OC, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) INP LD0.PHLPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC1\Inputs
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) INP LD0.PHLPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC1\Inputs
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) OUT LD0.PHLPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC1\Outputs
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) OUT LD0.PHLPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC1\Outputs
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) MON LD0.PHLPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHLPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) MON LD0.PHLPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC1\Monitored data
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) SET LD0.PHLPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC1
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) TES LD0.PHLPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHLPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P-1(1) VER LD0.PHLPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PHHPTOC1: Three phase non-directional OC, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) INP LD0.PHHPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC1\Inputs
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) INP LD0.PHHPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC1\Inputs
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) OUT LD0.PHHPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC1\Outputs
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) OUT LD0.PHHPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC1\Outputs
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) MON LD0.PHHPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHHPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) MON LD0.PHHPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC1\Monitored data
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) SET LD0.PHHPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC1
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) TES LD0.PHHPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHHPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 51P-2(1) VER LD0.PHHPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

PHHPTOC2: Three phase non-directional OC, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) INP LD0.PHHPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC2\Inputs
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) INP LD0.PHHPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC2\Inputs
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) OUT LD0.PHHPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC2\Outputs
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) OUT LD0.PHHPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC2\Outputs
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) MON LD0.PHHPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHHPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) MON LD0.PHHPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHHPTOC2\Monitored data
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) SET LD0.PHHPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHHPTOC2
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) TES LD0.PHHPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHHPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHHPTOC2 3I>>(2) 51P-2(2) VER LD0.PHHPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

PHIPTOC1: Three phase non-directional OC, inst. stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) INP LD0.PHIPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC1\Inputs
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) INP LD0.PHIPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC1\Inputs
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) OUT LD0.PHIPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC1\Outputs
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) OUT LD0.PHIPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC1\Outputs
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) MON LD0.PHIPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHIPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) MON LD0.PHIPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC1\Monitored data
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) SET LD0.PHIPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC1
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) SET LD0.PHIPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Start value Start value 1.00...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) SET LD0.PHIPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC1
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) SET LD0.PHIPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC1
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) SET LD0.PHIPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC1
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) SET LD0.PHIPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC1
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) TES LD0.PHIPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHIPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P/51P(1) VER LD0.PHIPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

DPHLPDOC1: Three-phase directional overcurrent, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) INP LD0.DPHLPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Inputs
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) INP LD0.DPHLPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Inputs
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) INP LD0.DPHLPTOC1.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Inputs
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) OUT LD0.DPHLPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Outputs
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) OUT LD0.DPHLPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Outputs
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPHLPDOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLPTOC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR1.VMemUsedSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B VMEM_USED Voltage memory in use status Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC1.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1 UL1TVTR1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR1.VMemTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 40 Voltage Mem time Voltage memory time 0...3000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC1
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) TES LD0.DPHLPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPHLPDOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPHLPDOC1 3I>->(1) 67-1(1) VER LD0.DPHLPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

DPHHPDOC1: Three-phase directional overcurrent, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) INP LD0.DPHHPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Inputs
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) INP LD0.DPHHPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Inputs
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) INP LD0.DPHHPTOC1.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Inputs
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) OUT LD0.DPHHPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Outputs
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) OUT LD0.DPHHPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Outputs
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPHHPDOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHPTOC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR1.VMemUsedSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B VMEM_USED Voltage memory in use status Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC1.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1 UL1TVTR1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR1.VMemTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 40 Voltage Mem time Voltage memory time 0...3000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC1
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) TES LD0.DPHHPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPHHPDOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPHHPDOC1 3I>>->(1) 67-2(1) VER LD0.DPHHPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

EFLPTOC1: Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) INP LD0.EFLPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC1\Inputs
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) INP LD0.EFLPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC1\Inputs
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) OUT LD0.EFLPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC1\Outputs
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) OUT LD0.EFLPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC1\Outputs
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) MON LD0.EFLPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFLPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) MON LD0.EFLPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC1\Monitored data
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Start value Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1 RESTCTR1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) SET LD0.EFLPTOC1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC1
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) TES LD0.EFLPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFLPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFLPTOC1 Io>(1) 51N-1(1) VER LD0.EFLPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 G (Name plate)

EFHPTOC1: Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) INP LD0.EFHPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC1\Inputs
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) INP LD0.EFHPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC1\Inputs
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) OUT LD0.EFHPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC1\Outputs
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) OUT LD0.EFHPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC1\Outputs
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) MON LD0.EFHPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFHPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) MON LD0.EFHPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC1\Monitored data
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1 RESTCTR1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) SET LD0.EFHPTOC1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC1
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) TES LD0.EFHPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFHPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFHPTOC1 Io>>(1) 51N-2(1) VER LD0.EFHPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

DEFLPDEF1: Directional earth-fault, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) INP LD0.DEFLPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Inputs
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) INP LD0.DEFLPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Inputs
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) INP LD0.DEFLRDIR1.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Inputs
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) OUT LD0.DEFLPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Outputs
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) OUT LD0.DEFLPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Outputs
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DEFLPDEF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR1.OpAEF.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_OPER Calculated operating current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Monitored data RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR1.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR1.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Start value Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1 RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 50...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 50 Operate delay time Operate delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1 RESTVTR1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.EnaVLim.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable voltage limit Enable voltage limit Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.005 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.005...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1 RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1 RESTVTR1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 3 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 3=Zero seq. volt.; 4=Neg. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.OpModEF.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Phase angle; 2=IoSin; 3=IoCos; 4=Phase angle 80; 5=Phase angle 88 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF1
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) TES LD0.DEFLPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DEFLPDEF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67N-1(1) VER LD0.DEFLPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

DEFHPDEF1: Directional earth-fault, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) INP LD0.DEFHPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Inputs
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) INP LD0.DEFHPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Inputs
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) INP LD0.DEFHRDIR1.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Inputs
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) OUT LD0.DEFHPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Outputs
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) OUT LD0.DEFHPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Outputs
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DEFHPDEF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHPTOC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHRDIR1.OpAEF.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_OPER Calculated operating current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Monitored data RESTCTR1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHRDIR1.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) MON LD0.DEFHRDIR1.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1\Monitored data
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1 RESTCTR1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1 RESTVTR1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.EnaVLim.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable voltage limit Enable voltage limit Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHPTOC1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.005 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.005...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1 RESTCTR1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1 RESTVTR1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 3 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 3=Zero seq. volt.; 4=Neg. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.OpModEF.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Phase angle; 2=IoSin; 3=IoCos; 4=Phase angle 80; 5=Phase angle 88 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) SET LD0.DEFHRDIR1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFHPDEF1
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) TES LD0.DEFHPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DEFHPDEF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DEFHPDEF1 Io>>->(1) 67N-2(1) VER LD0.DEFHPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

ROVPTOV1: Residual overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) INP LD0.ROVPTOV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1\Inputs
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) OUT LD0.ROVPTOV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1\Outputs
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) OUT LD0.ROVPTOV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1\Outputs
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) MON LD0.ROVPTOV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ROVPTOV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) MON LD0.ROVPTOV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1\Monitored data
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) SET LD0.ROVPTOV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) SET LD0.ROVPTOV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.030 Start value Residual overvoltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1 RESTVTR1
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) SET LD0.ROVPTOV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) SET LD0.ROVPTOV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) SET LD0.ROVPTOV1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV1
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) TES LD0.ROVPTOV1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ROVPTOV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59G(1) VER LD0.ROVPTOV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

ROVPTOV2: Residual overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) INP LD0.ROVPTOV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2\Inputs
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) OUT LD0.ROVPTOV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2\Outputs
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) OUT LD0.ROVPTOV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2\Outputs
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) MON LD0.ROVPTOV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ROVPTOV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) MON LD0.ROVPTOV2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2\Monitored data
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) SET LD0.ROVPTOV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) SET LD0.ROVPTOV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.030 Start value Residual overvoltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2 RESTVTR1
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) SET LD0.ROVPTOV2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) SET LD0.ROVPTOV2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) SET LD0.ROVPTOV2.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV2
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) TES LD0.ROVPTOV2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ROVPTOV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59G(2) VER LD0.ROVPTOV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

ROVPTOV3: Residual overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) INP LD0.ROVPTOV3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3\Inputs
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) OUT LD0.ROVPTOV3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3\Outputs
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) OUT LD0.ROVPTOV3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3\Outputs
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) MON LD0.ROVPTOV3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ROVPTOV3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) MON LD0.ROVPTOV3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3\Monitored data
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) SET LD0.ROVPTOV3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) SET LD0.ROVPTOV3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.030 Start value Residual overvoltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3 RESTVTR1
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) SET LD0.ROVPTOV3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) SET LD0.ROVPTOV3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) SET LD0.ROVPTOV3.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\ROVPTOV3
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) TES LD0.ROVPTOV3.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ROVPTOV3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
ROVPTOV3 Uo>(3) 59G(3) VER LD0.ROVPTOV3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTUV1: Three phase undervoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) INP LD0.PHPTUV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1\Inputs
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1\Outputs
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1\Outputs
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) MON LD0.PHPTUV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTUV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) MON LD0.PHPTUV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1\Monitored data
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 21=Inv. Curve A; 22=Inv. Curve B; 23=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Start value Start value 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 60 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 60...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.20 Voltage block value Low level blocking for undervoltage mode 0.05...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable block value Enable internal blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) SET LD0.PHPTUV1.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV1
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) TES LD0.PHPTUV1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTUV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTUV1 3U<(1) 27(1) VER LD0.PHPTUV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTUV2: Three phase undervoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) INP LD0.PHPTUV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2\Inputs
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2\Outputs
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2\Outputs
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) MON LD0.PHPTUV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTUV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) MON LD0.PHPTUV2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2\Monitored data
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 21=Inv. Curve A; 22=Inv. Curve B; 23=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Start value Start value 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 60 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 60...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.20 Voltage block value Low level blocking for undervoltage mode 0.05...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable block value Enable internal blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) SET LD0.PHPTUV2.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV2
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) TES LD0.PHPTUV2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTUV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTUV2 3U<(2) 27(2) VER LD0.PHPTUV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTUV3: Three phase undervoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) INP LD0.PHPTUV3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3\Inputs
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) OUT LD0.PHPTUV3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3\Outputs
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) OUT LD0.PHPTUV3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3\Outputs
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) MON LD0.PHPTUV3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTUV3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) MON LD0.PHPTUV3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3\Monitored data
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 21=Inv. Curve A; 22=Inv. Curve B; 23=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Start value Start value 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 60 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 60...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.20 Voltage block value Low level blocking for undervoltage mode 0.05...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable block value Enable internal blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) SET LD0.PHPTUV3.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV3
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) TES LD0.PHPTUV3.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTUV3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTUV3 3U<(3) 27(3) VER LD0.PHPTUV3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTUV4: Three phase undervoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) INP LD0.PHPTUV4.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4\Inputs
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) OUT LD0.PHPTUV4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4\Outputs
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) OUT LD0.PHPTUV4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4\Outputs
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) MON LD0.PHPTUV4.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTUV4 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) MON LD0.PHPTUV4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4\Monitored data
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 21=Inv. Curve A; 22=Inv. Curve B; 23=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Start value Start value 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 60 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 60...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.20 Voltage block value Low level blocking for undervoltage mode 0.05...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4 UL1TVTR1
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable block value Enable internal blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) SET LD0.PHPTUV4.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTUV4
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) TES LD0.PHPTUV4.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTUV4 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTUV4 3U<(4) 27(4) VER LD0.PHPTUV4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTOV1: Three phase overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) INP LD0.PHPTOV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1\Inputs
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) OUT LD0.PHPTOV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1\Outputs
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) OUT LD0.PHPTOV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1\Outputs
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) MON LD0.PHPTOV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTOV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) MON LD0.PHPTOV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1\Monitored data
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Inv. Curve A; 18=Inv. Curve B; 19=Inv. Curve C; 20=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.10 Start value Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1 UL1TVTR1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) SET LD0.PHPTOV1.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV1
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) TES LD0.PHPTOV1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTOV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTOV1 3U>(1) 59(1) VER LD0.PHPTOV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTOV2: Three phase overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) INP LD0.PHPTOV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2\Inputs
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) OUT LD0.PHPTOV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2\Outputs
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) OUT LD0.PHPTOV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2\Outputs
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) MON LD0.PHPTOV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTOV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) MON LD0.PHPTOV2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2\Monitored data
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Inv. Curve A; 18=Inv. Curve B; 19=Inv. Curve C; 20=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.10 Start value Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2 UL1TVTR1
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) SET LD0.PHPTOV2.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV2
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) TES LD0.PHPTOV2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTOV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTOV2 3U>(2) 59(2) VER LD0.PHPTOV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTOV3: Three phase overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) INP LD0.PHPTOV3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3\Inputs
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) OUT LD0.PHPTOV3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3\Outputs
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) OUT LD0.PHPTOV3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3\Outputs
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) MON LD0.PHPTOV3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTOV3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) MON LD0.PHPTOV3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3\Monitored data
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Inv. Curve A; 18=Inv. Curve B; 19=Inv. Curve C; 20=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.10 Start value Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3 UL1TVTR1
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) SET LD0.PHPTOV3.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHPTOV3
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) TES LD0.PHPTOV3.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTOV3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHPTOV3 3U>(3) 59(3) VER LD0.PHPTOV3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PSPTUV1: Positive sequence undervoltage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) INP LD0.PSPTUV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1\Inputs
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) OUT LD0.PSPTUV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1\Outputs
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) OUT LD0.PSPTUV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1\Outputs
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) MON LD0.PSPTUV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PSPTUV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) MON LD0.PSPTUV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1\Monitored data
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.500 Start value Start value 0.010...1.200 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.20 Voltage block value Internal blocking level 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable block value Enable Internal Blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) SET LD0.PSPTUV1.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV1
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) TES LD0.PSPTUV1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PSPTUV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PSPTUV1 U1<(1) 47U+(1) VER LD0.PSPTUV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PSPTUV2: Positive sequence undervoltage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) INP LD0.PSPTUV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2\Inputs
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) OUT LD0.PSPTUV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2\Outputs IL1TCTR1
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) OUT LD0.PSPTUV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2\Outputs IL1TCTR1
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) MON LD0.PSPTUV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PSPTUV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) MON LD0.PSPTUV2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2\Monitored data
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.500 Start value Start value 0.010...1.200 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.20 Voltage block value Internal blocking level 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable block value Enable Internal Blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) SET LD0.PSPTUV2.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PSPTUV2
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) TES LD0.PSPTUV2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PSPTUV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PSPTUV2 U1<(2) 47U+(2) VER LD0.PSPTUV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

NSPTOV1: Negative sequence overvoltage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) INP LD0.NSPTOV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1\Inputs
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) OUT LD0.NSPTOV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1\Outputs
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) OUT LD0.NSPTOV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1\Outputs
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) MON LD0.NSPTOV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B NSPTOV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) MON LD0.NSPTOV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1\Monitored data
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) SET LD0.NSPTOV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) SET LD0.NSPTOV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.030 Start value Start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1 UL1TVTR1
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) SET LD0.NSPTOV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) SET LD0.NSPTOV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV1
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) TES LD0.NSPTOV1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 NSPTOV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47O-(1) VER LD0.NSPTOV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

NSPTOV2: Negative sequence overvoltage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) INP LD0.NSPTOV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2\Inputs
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) OUT LD0.NSPTOV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2\Outputs
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) OUT LD0.NSPTOV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2\Outputs
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) MON LD0.NSPTOV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B NSPTOV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) MON LD0.NSPTOV2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2\Monitored data
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) SET LD0.NSPTOV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) SET LD0.NSPTOV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.030 Start value Start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2 UL1TVTR1
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) SET LD0.NSPTOV2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) SET LD0.NSPTOV2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\NSPTOV2
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) TES LD0.NSPTOV2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 NSPTOV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47O-(2) VER LD0.NSPTOV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

FRPFRQ1: Frequency protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) INP LD0.FRPTRC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Inputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPTRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPTRC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPTOF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_OFRQ Start signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPTOF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OFRQ Operate signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPTUF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_UFRQ Start signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPTUF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UFRQ Operate signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPFRC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Start signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) OUT LD0.FRPFRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_FRG Operate signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Outputs
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) MON LD0.FRPTRC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B FRPFRQ1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) MON LD0.FRPTRC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Monitored data
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) MON LD0.FRPTOF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Monitored data
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) MON LD0.FRPTUF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Monitored data
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) MON LD0.FRPFRC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_FRG Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1\Monitored data
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPTRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPTRC1.OpModProHz.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Frequency protection operation mode selection 1=Freq<; 2=Freq>; 3=df/dt; 4=Freq< + df/dt; 5=Freq> + df/dt; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 7=Freq> OR df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPTOF1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.050 Start value Freq> Frequency start value overfrequency 0.900...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPTOF1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Operate delay time for frequency 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPTOF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm Freq Reset delay time for frequency 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPTUF1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.950 Start value Freq< Frequency start value underfrequency 0.800...1.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPFRC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0100 Start value df/dt Frequency start value rate of change -0.2000...0.2000 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPFRC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 400 Operate Tm df/dt Operate delay time for frequency rate of change 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) SET LD0.FRPFRC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm df/dt Reset delay time for rate of change 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ1
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) TES LD0.FRPTRC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 FRPFRQ1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 69=Activate OPR_UFRQ; 70=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; 71=Activate OPR_OFRQ; 72=Deactive OPR_OFRQ; 73=Activate OPR_FRG; 74=Deactive OPR_FRG; 75=Activate ST_UFRQ; 76=Deactive ST_UFRQ; 77=Activate ST_OFRQ; 78=Deactive ST_OFRQ; 79=Activate ST_FRG; 80=Deactive ST_FRG Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt(1) 81(1) VER LD0.FRPTRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

FRPFRQ2: Frequency protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) INP LD0.FRPTRC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Inputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPTRC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPTRC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPTOF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_OFRQ Start signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPTOF2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OFRQ Operate signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPTUF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_UFRQ Start signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPTUF2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UFRQ Operate signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPFRC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Start signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) OUT LD0.FRPFRC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_FRG Operate signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Outputs
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) MON LD0.FRPTRC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B FRPFRQ2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) MON LD0.FRPTRC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Monitored data
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) MON LD0.FRPTOF2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Monitored data
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) MON LD0.FRPTUF2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Monitored data
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) MON LD0.FRPFRC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_FRG Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2\Monitored data
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPTRC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPTRC2.OpModProHz.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Frequency protection operation mode selection 1=Freq<; 2=Freq>; 3=df/dt; 4=Freq< + df/dt; 5=Freq> + df/dt; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 7=Freq> OR df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPTOF2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.050 Start value Freq> Frequency start value overfrequency 0.900...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPTOF2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Operate delay time for frequency 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPTOF2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm Freq Reset delay time for frequency 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPTUF2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.950 Start value Freq< Frequency start value underfrequency 0.800...1.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPFRC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0100 Start value df/dt Frequency start value rate of change -0.2000...0.2000 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPFRC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 400 Operate Tm df/dt Operate delay time for frequency rate of change 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) SET LD0.FRPFRC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm df/dt Reset delay time for rate of change 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ2
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) TES LD0.FRPTRC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 FRPFRQ2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 69=Activate OPR_UFRQ; 70=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; 71=Activate OPR_OFRQ; 72=Deactive OPR_OFRQ; 73=Activate OPR_FRG; 74=Deactive OPR_FRG; 75=Activate ST_UFRQ; 76=Deactive ST_UFRQ; 77=Activate ST_OFRQ; 78=Deactive ST_OFRQ; 79=Activate ST_FRG; 80=Deactive ST_FRG Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt(2) 81(2) VER LD0.FRPTRC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

FRPFRQ3: Frequency protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) INP LD0.FRPTRC3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Inputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPTRC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPTRC3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPTOF3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_OFRQ Start signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPTOF3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OFRQ Operate signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPTUF3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_UFRQ Start signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPTUF3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UFRQ Operate signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPFRC3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Start signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) OUT LD0.FRPFRC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_FRG Operate signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Outputs
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) MON LD0.FRPTRC3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B FRPFRQ3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) MON LD0.FRPTRC3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Monitored data
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) MON LD0.FRPTOF3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Monitored data
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) MON LD0.FRPTUF3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Monitored data
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) MON LD0.FRPFRC3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_FRG Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3\Monitored data
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPTRC3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPTRC3.OpModProHz.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Frequency protection operation mode selection 1=Freq<; 2=Freq>; 3=df/dt; 4=Freq< + df/dt; 5=Freq> + df/dt; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 7=Freq> OR df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPTOF3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.050 Start value Freq> Frequency start value overfrequency 0.900...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPTOF3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Operate delay time for frequency 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPTOF3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm Freq Reset delay time for frequency 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPTUF3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.950 Start value Freq< Frequency start value underfrequency 0.800...1.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPFRC3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0100 Start value df/dt Frequency start value rate of change -0.2000...0.2000 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPFRC3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 400 Operate Tm df/dt Operate delay time for frequency rate of change 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) SET LD0.FRPFRC3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm df/dt Reset delay time for rate of change 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ3
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) TES LD0.FRPTRC3.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 FRPFRQ3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 69=Activate OPR_UFRQ; 70=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; 71=Activate OPR_OFRQ; 72=Deactive OPR_OFRQ; 73=Activate OPR_FRG; 74=Deactive OPR_FRG; 75=Activate ST_UFRQ; 76=Deactive ST_UFRQ; 77=Activate ST_OFRQ; 78=Deactive ST_OFRQ; 79=Activate ST_FRG; 80=Deactive ST_FRG Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt(3) 81(3) VER LD0.FRPTRC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

CCBRBRF1: Circuit breaker failure protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) INP LD0.CCBRBRF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block CBFP operation Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Inputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) INP LD0.CCBRBRF1.InStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 START CBFP start command Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Inputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) INP LD0.CCBRBRF1.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSCLOSE CB in closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Inputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) INP LD0.CCBRBRF1.InCBFlt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_FAULT CB faulty and unable to trip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Inputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CB_FAULT_AL Delayed CB failure alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Outputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF1.OpEx.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H,T TRBU Backup trip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Outputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF1.OpIn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H,T TRRET Retrip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF1\Outputs
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) MON LD0.CCBRBRF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CCBRBRF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.FailMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CB failure mode Operating mode of function 1=Current; 2=Breaker status; 3=Both Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.FailTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 240 CB failure delay Delay timer for backup trip 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.TPTrTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 120 Retrip time Delay timer for retrip 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.DetValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.30 Current value Operating phase current 0.05...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1 IL1TCTR1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.ReTrMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CB fail retrip mode Operating mode of retrip logic 1=Off; 2=Without Check; 3=Current check Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Trip pulse time Pulse length of retrip and backup trip outputs 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.DetValARes.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.30 Current value Res Operating residual current 0.05...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1 IL1TCTR1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 3 Measurement mode Phase current measurement mode of function 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.CBAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 CB fault delay Circuit breaker faulty delay 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.OpExMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 CB failure trip mode Backup trip current check mode 1=2 out of 4; 2=1 out of 3; 3=1 out of 4 Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) SET LD0.CCBRBRF1.StrLtcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Start latching mode Start reset delayed or immediately 1=Rising edge; 2=Level sensitive Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF1
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) TES LD0.CCBRBRF1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 CCBRBRF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 25=Activate CB_FAULT_AL; 26=Deactive CB_FAULT_AL; 27=Activate TRBU; 28=Deactive TRBU; 29=Activate TRRET; 30=Deactive TRRET Tests\Function tests\Other protection
CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF(1) 51BF/51NBF(1) VER LD0.CCBRBRF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

CCBRBRF2: Circuit breaker failure protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) INP LD0.CCBRBRF2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block CBFP operation Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Inputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) INP LD0.CCBRBRF2.InStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 START CBFP start command Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Inputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) INP LD0.CCBRBRF2.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSCLOSE CB in closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Inputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) INP LD0.CCBRBRF2.InCBFlt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_FAULT CB faulty and unable to trip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Inputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CB_FAULT_AL Delayed CB failure alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Outputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF2.OpEx.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H,T TRBU Backup trip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Outputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF2.OpIn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H,T TRRET Retrip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF2\Outputs
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) MON LD0.CCBRBRF2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CCBRBRF2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.FailMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CB failure mode Operating mode of function 1=Current; 2=Breaker status; 3=Both Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.FailTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 240 CB failure delay Delay timer for backup trip 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.TPTrTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 120 Retrip time Delay timer for retrip 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.DetValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.30 Current value Operating phase current 0.05...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2 IL1TCTR2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.ReTrMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CB fail retrip mode Operating mode of retrip logic 1=Off; 2=Without Check; 3=Current check Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Trip pulse time Pulse length of retrip and backup trip outputs 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.DetValARes.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.30 Current value Res Operating residual current 0.05...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2 IL1TCTR2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 3 Measurement mode Phase current measurement mode of function 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.CBAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 CB fault delay Circuit breaker faulty delay 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.OpExMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 CB failure trip mode Backup trip current check mode 1=2 out of 4; 2=1 out of 3; 3=1 out of 4 Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) SET LD0.CCBRBRF2.StrLtcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Start latching mode Start reset delayed or immediately 1=Rising edge; 2=Level sensitive Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF2
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) TES LD0.CCBRBRF2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 CCBRBRF2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 25=Activate CB_FAULT_AL; 26=Deactive CB_FAULT_AL; 27=Activate TRBU; 28=Deactive TRBU; 29=Activate TRRET; 30=Deactive TRRET Tests\Function tests\Other protection
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF(2) 51BF/51NBF(2) VER LD0.CCBRBRF2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

CCBRBRF3: Circuit breaker failure protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) INP LD0.CCBRBRF3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block CBFP operation Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Inputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) INP LD0.CCBRBRF3.InStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 START CBFP start command Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Inputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) INP LD0.CCBRBRF3.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSCLOSE CB in closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Inputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) INP LD0.CCBRBRF3.InCBFlt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_FAULT CB faulty and unable to trip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Inputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CB_FAULT_AL Delayed CB failure alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Outputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF3.OpEx.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H,T TRBU Backup trip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Outputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) OUT LD0.CCBRBRF3.OpIn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H,T TRRET Retrip Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CCBRBRF3\Outputs
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) MON LD0.CCBRBRF3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CCBRBRF3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3 IL1TCTR2
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.FailMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CB failure mode Operating mode of function 1=Current; 2=Breaker status; 3=Both Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.FailTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 240 CB failure delay Delay timer for backup trip 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.TPTrTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 120 Retrip time Delay timer for retrip 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.DetValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.30 Current value Operating phase current 0.05...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3 IL1TCTR2
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.ReTrMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CB fail retrip mode Operating mode of retrip logic 1=Off; 2=Without Check; 3=Current check Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Trip pulse time Pulse length of retrip and backup trip outputs 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.DetValARes.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.30 Current value Res Operating residual current 0.05...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3 IL1TCTR2
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 3 Measurement mode Phase current measurement mode of function 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.CBAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 CB fault delay Circuit breaker faulty delay 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.OpExMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 CB failure trip mode Backup trip current check mode 1=2 out of 4; 2=1 out of 3; 3=1 out of 4 Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) SET LD0.CCBRBRF3.StrLtcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Start latching mode Start reset delayed or immediately 1=Rising edge; 2=Level sensitive Settings\Settings\Other protection\CCBRBRF3
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) TES LD0.CCBRBRF3.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 CCBRBRF3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 25=Activate CB_FAULT_AL; 26=Deactive CB_FAULT_AL; 27=Activate TRBU; 28=Deactive TRBU; 29=Activate TRRET; 30=Deactive TRRET Tests\Function tests\Other protection
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF(3) 51BF/51NBF(3) VER LD0.CCBRBRF3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

TRPPTRC1: Trip logic

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) INP LD0.TRPPTRC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block of function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1\Inputs
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) INP LD0.TRPPTRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1\Inputs
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) INP LD0.TRPPTRC1.LORs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_LKOUT Input for resetting the circuit breaker lockout function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1\Inputs
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC1.Tr.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H TRIP General trip output signal Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1\Outputs
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC1.ClsLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CL_LKOUT Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1\Outputs
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC1.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 TRPPTRC1 Reset TRPPTRC1 lockout and latch 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC1.TrRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Reset latched trip)
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) MON LD0.TRPPTRC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TRPPTRC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC1.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 250 Trip pulse time Minimum duration of trip output signal 20...60000 ms Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC1.TrOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Trip output mode Select the operation mode for trip output 1=Non-latched; 2=Latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC1
TRPPTRC1 Master Trip(1) 94/86(1) VER LD0.TRPPTRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

TRPPTRC2: Trip logic

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) INP LD0.TRPPTRC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block of function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2\Inputs
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) INP LD0.TRPPTRC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2\Inputs
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) INP LD0.TRPPTRC2.LORs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_LKOUT Input for resetting the circuit breaker lockout function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2\Inputs
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC2.Tr.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H TRIP General trip output signal Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2\Outputs
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC2.ClsLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CL_LKOUT Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2\Outputs
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC2.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 TRPPTRC2 Reset TRPPTRC2 lockout and latch 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC2.TrRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Reset latched trip)
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) MON LD0.TRPPTRC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TRPPTRC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2 IL1TCTR1
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC2.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 250 Trip pulse time Minimum duration of trip output signal 20...60000 ms Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC2.TrOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Trip output mode Select the operation mode for trip output 1=Non-latched; 2=Latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC2
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip(2) 94/86(2) VER LD0.TRPPTRC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

TRPPTRC3: Trip logic

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) INP LD0.TRPPTRC3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block of function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3\Inputs
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) INP LD0.TRPPTRC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3\Inputs
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) INP LD0.TRPPTRC3.LORs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_LKOUT Input for resetting the circuit breaker lockout function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3\Inputs
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC3.Tr.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H TRIP General trip output signal Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3\Outputs
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC3.ClsLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CL_LKOUT Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3\Outputs
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC3.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 TRPPTRC3 Reset TRPPTRC3 lockout and latch 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC3.TrRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Reset latched trip)
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) MON LD0.TRPPTRC3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TRPPTRC3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC3.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 250 Trip pulse time Minimum duration of trip output signal 20...60000 ms Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC3.TrOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Trip output mode Select the operation mode for trip output 1=Non-latched; 2=Latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC3
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip(3) 94/86(3) VER LD0.TRPPTRC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

TRPPTRC4: Trip logic

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) INP LD0.TRPPTRC4.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block of function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4\Inputs
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) INP LD0.TRPPTRC4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4\Inputs
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) INP LD0.TRPPTRC4.LORs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_LKOUT Input for resetting the circuit breaker lockout function Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4\Inputs
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC4.Tr.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H TRIP General trip output signal Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4\Outputs
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) OUT LD0.TRPPTRC4.ClsLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CL_LKOUT Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) Monitoring\I/O status\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4\Outputs
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC4.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 TRPPTRC4 Reset TRPPTRC4 lockout and latch 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) CTR LD0.TRPPTRC4.TrRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Reset latched trip)
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) MON LD0.TRPPTRC4.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TRPPTRC4 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC4.TrPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 250 Trip pulse time Minimum duration of trip output signal 20...60000 ms Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) CFG LD0.TRPPTRC4.TrOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Trip output mode Select the operation mode for trip output 1=Non-latched; 2=Latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Trip logic\TRPPTRC4
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip(4) 94/86(4) VER LD0.TRPPTRC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

Global conditioning

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Global conditioning INP LD0.LEDPTRC1.InRs.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Reset)
Global conditioning INP LD0.LEDPTRC1.InOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Input operate)
Global conditioning INP LD0.LEDPTRC1.InStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Input start)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Operate) (A,B,C,N)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Operate)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Operate)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Operate)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Op.neut ACT BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Operate)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Start) (A,B,C,N)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Start)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Start)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Start)
Global conditioning OUT LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.neut ACD BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Start)
Global conditioning MON LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST StatIed P,H (Start) 0=unknown1=forward2=backward3=both
Global conditioning MON LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST StatIed P,H (Start) -1=both0=unknown1=forward2=backward
Global conditioning MON LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST StatIed P,H (Start) -1=both0=unknown1=forward2=backward
Global conditioning MON LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST StatIed P,H (Start) -1=both0=unknown1=forward2=backward
Global conditioning MON LD0.LEDPTRC1.Str.dirNeut ACD Enum ST StatIed P,H (Start) -1=both0=unknown1=forward2=backward
Global conditioning VER LD0.LEDPTRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 G (Name plate)

MAPGAPC1: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) INP LD0.MAPGAPC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC1\Inputs
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) INP LD0.MAPGAPC1.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC1\Inputs
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) INP LD0.MAPGAPC1.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC1\Inputs
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC1\Outputs
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC1\Outputs
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) MON LD0.MAPGAPC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) MON LD0.MAPGAPC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC1\Monitored data
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) SET LD0.MAPGAPC1.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC1
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) TES LD0.MAPGAPC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC1 MAP(1) MAP(1) VER LD0.MAPGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC2: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) INP LD0.MAPGAPC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC2\Inputs
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) INP LD0.MAPGAPC2.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC2\Inputs
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) INP LD0.MAPGAPC2.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC2\Inputs
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC2\Outputs
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC2\Outputs
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) MON LD0.MAPGAPC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) MON LD0.MAPGAPC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC2\Monitored data
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) SET LD0.MAPGAPC2.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC2
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) TES LD0.MAPGAPC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC2 MAP(2) MAP(2) VER LD0.MAPGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC3: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) INP LD0.MAPGAPC3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC3\Inputs
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) INP LD0.MAPGAPC3.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC3\Inputs
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) INP LD0.MAPGAPC3.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC3\Inputs
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC3\Outputs
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC3\Outputs
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) MON LD0.MAPGAPC3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) MON LD0.MAPGAPC3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC3\Monitored data
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) SET LD0.MAPGAPC3.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC3
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) TES LD0.MAPGAPC3.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC3 MAP(3) MAP(3) VER LD0.MAPGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC4: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) INP LD0.MAPGAPC4.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC4\Inputs
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) INP LD0.MAPGAPC4.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC4\Inputs
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) INP LD0.MAPGAPC4.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC4\Inputs
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC4\Outputs
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC4\Outputs
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) MON LD0.MAPGAPC4.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC4 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) MON LD0.MAPGAPC4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC4\Monitored data
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) SET LD0.MAPGAPC4.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC4
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) TES LD0.MAPGAPC4.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC4 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC4 MAP(4) MAP(4) VER LD0.MAPGAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC5: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) INP LD0.MAPGAPC5.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC5\Inputs
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) INP LD0.MAPGAPC5.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC5\Inputs
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) INP LD0.MAPGAPC5.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC5\Inputs
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC5\Outputs
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC5\Outputs
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) MON LD0.MAPGAPC5.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC5 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) MON LD0.MAPGAPC5.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC5\Monitored data
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) SET LD0.MAPGAPC5.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC5
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) TES LD0.MAPGAPC5.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC5 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC5 MAP(5) MAP(5) VER LD0.MAPGAPC5.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC6: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) INP LD0.MAPGAPC6.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC6\Inputs
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) INP LD0.MAPGAPC6.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC6\Inputs
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) INP LD0.MAPGAPC6.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC6\Inputs
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC6\Outputs
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC6\Outputs
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) MON LD0.MAPGAPC6.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC6 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) MON LD0.MAPGAPC6.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC6\Monitored data
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) SET LD0.MAPGAPC6.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC6
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) TES LD0.MAPGAPC6.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC6 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC6 MAP(6) MAP(6) VER LD0.MAPGAPC6.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC7: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) INP LD0.MAPGAPC7.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC7\Inputs
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) INP LD0.MAPGAPC7.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC7\Inputs
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) INP LD0.MAPGAPC7.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC7\Inputs
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC7.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC7\Outputs
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC7.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC7\Outputs
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) MON LD0.MAPGAPC7.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC7 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) MON LD0.MAPGAPC7.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC7\Monitored data
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) SET LD0.MAPGAPC7.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC7
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) TES LD0.MAPGAPC7.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC7 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC7 MAP(7) MAP(7) VER LD0.MAPGAPC7.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC8: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) INP LD0.MAPGAPC8.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC8\Inputs
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) INP LD0.MAPGAPC8.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC8\Inputs
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) INP LD0.MAPGAPC8.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC8\Inputs
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC8.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC8\Outputs
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC8.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC8\Outputs
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) MON LD0.MAPGAPC8.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC8 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) MON LD0.MAPGAPC8.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC8\Monitored data
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) SET LD0.MAPGAPC8.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC8
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) TES LD0.MAPGAPC8.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC8 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC8 MAP(8) MAP(8) VER LD0.MAPGAPC8.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC9: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) INP LD0.MAPGAPC9.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC9\Inputs
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) INP LD0.MAPGAPC9.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC9\Inputs
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) INP LD0.MAPGAPC9.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC9\Inputs
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC9.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC9\Outputs
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC9.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC9\Outputs
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) MON LD0.MAPGAPC9.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC9 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) MON LD0.MAPGAPC9.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC9\Monitored data
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) SET LD0.MAPGAPC9.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC9
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) TES LD0.MAPGAPC9.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC9 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC9 MAP(9) MAP(9) VER LD0.MAPGAPC9.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC10: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) INP LD0.MAPGAPC10.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC10\Inputs
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) INP LD0.MAPGAPC10.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC10\Inputs
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) INP LD0.MAPGAPC10.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC10\Inputs
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC10.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC10\Outputs
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC10.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC10\Outputs
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) MON LD0.MAPGAPC10.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC10 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) MON LD0.MAPGAPC10.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC10\Monitored data
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) SET LD0.MAPGAPC10.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC10
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) TES LD0.MAPGAPC10.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC10 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC10 MAP(10) MAP(10) VER LD0.MAPGAPC10.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC11: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) INP LD0.MAPGAPC11.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC11\Inputs
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) INP LD0.MAPGAPC11.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC11\Inputs
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) INP LD0.MAPGAPC11.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC11\Inputs
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC11.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC11\Outputs
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC11.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC11\Outputs
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) MON LD0.MAPGAPC11.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC11 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) MON LD0.MAPGAPC11.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC11\Monitored data
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) SET LD0.MAPGAPC11.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC11
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) TES LD0.MAPGAPC11.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC11 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC11 MAP(11) MAP(11) VER LD0.MAPGAPC11.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC12: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) INP LD0.MAPGAPC12.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC12\Inputs
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) INP LD0.MAPGAPC12.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC12\Inputs
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) INP LD0.MAPGAPC12.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC12\Inputs
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC12.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC12\Outputs
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC12.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC12\Outputs
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) MON LD0.MAPGAPC12.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC12 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) MON LD0.MAPGAPC12.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC12\Monitored data
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) SET LD0.MAPGAPC12.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC12
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) TES LD0.MAPGAPC12.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC12 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC12 MAP(12) MAP(12) VER LD0.MAPGAPC12.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC13: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) INP LD0.MAPGAPC13.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC13\Inputs
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) INP LD0.MAPGAPC13.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC13\Inputs
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) INP LD0.MAPGAPC13.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC13\Inputs
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC13.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC13\Outputs
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC13.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC13\Outputs
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) MON LD0.MAPGAPC13.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC13 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) MON LD0.MAPGAPC13.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC13\Monitored data
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) SET LD0.MAPGAPC13.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC13
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) TES LD0.MAPGAPC13.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC13 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC13 MAP(13) MAP(13) VER LD0.MAPGAPC13.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC14: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) INP LD0.MAPGAPC14.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC14\Inputs
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) INP LD0.MAPGAPC14.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC14\Inputs
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) INP LD0.MAPGAPC14.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC14\Inputs
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC14.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC14\Outputs
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC14.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC14\Outputs
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) MON LD0.MAPGAPC14.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC14 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) MON LD0.MAPGAPC14.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC14\Monitored data
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) SET LD0.MAPGAPC14.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC14
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) TES LD0.MAPGAPC14.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC14 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC14 MAP(14) MAP(14) VER LD0.MAPGAPC14.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC15: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) INP LD0.MAPGAPC15.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC15\Inputs
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) INP LD0.MAPGAPC15.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC15\Inputs
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) INP LD0.MAPGAPC15.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC15\Inputs
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC15.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC15\Outputs
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC15.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC15\Outputs
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) MON LD0.MAPGAPC15.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC15 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) MON LD0.MAPGAPC15.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC15\Monitored data
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) SET LD0.MAPGAPC15.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC15
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) TES LD0.MAPGAPC15.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC15 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC15 MAP(15) MAP(15) VER LD0.MAPGAPC15.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC16: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) INP LD0.MAPGAPC16.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC16\Inputs
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) INP LD0.MAPGAPC16.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC16\Inputs
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) INP LD0.MAPGAPC16.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC16\Inputs
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC16.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC16\Outputs
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC16.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC16\Outputs
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) MON LD0.MAPGAPC16.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC16 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) MON LD0.MAPGAPC16.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC16\Monitored data
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) SET LD0.MAPGAPC16.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC16
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) TES LD0.MAPGAPC16.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC16 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC16 MAP(16) MAP(16) VER LD0.MAPGAPC16.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC17: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) INP LD0.MAPGAPC17.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC17\Inputs
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) INP LD0.MAPGAPC17.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC17\Inputs
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) INP LD0.MAPGAPC17.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC17\Inputs
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC17.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC17\Outputs
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC17.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC17\Outputs
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) MON LD0.MAPGAPC17.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC17 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) MON LD0.MAPGAPC17.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC17\Monitored data
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) SET LD0.MAPGAPC17.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC17
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) TES LD0.MAPGAPC17.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC17 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC17 MAP(17) MAP(17) VER LD0.MAPGAPC17.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MAPGAPC18: Multipurpose analogue protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) INP LD0.MAPGAPC18.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC18\Inputs
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) INP LD0.MAPGAPC18.AnIn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI_VALUE Analogue input value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC18\Inputs
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) INP LD0.MAPGAPC18.InEnaAdd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_ADD Enable start added Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC18\Inputs
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC18.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC18\Outputs
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) OUT LD0.MAPGAPC18.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC18\Outputs
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) MON LD0.MAPGAPC18.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MAPGAPC18 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) MON LD0.MAPGAPC18.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\MAPGAPC18\Monitored data
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Start value -10000.0...10000.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 0 Operate delay time Operate delay time 0...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.OpModCom.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Over; 2=Under Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.HysAbs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 0.10 Absolute hysteresis Absolute hysteresis for operation 0.01...100.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) SET LD0.MAPGAPC18.StrValAdd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Start value Add Start value Add -100.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Other protection\MAPGAPC18
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) TES LD0.MAPGAPC18.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MAPGAPC18 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
MAPGAPC18 MAP(18) MAP(18) VER LD0.MAPGAPC18.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

CVPSOF1: Automatic switch onto fault logic

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) INP LD0.CVPSOF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CVPSOF1\Inputs
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) INP LD0.CVPSOF1.InCBClsCmd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_CL_CMD External enabling of SOTF by CB close command Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CVPSOF1\Inputs
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) INP LD0.CVPSOF1.InStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 START Start from function to be accelerated by SOTF Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CVPSOF1\Inputs
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) INP LD0.CVPSOF1.InDlStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 START_DLYD Start from function to be accelerated with delay by SOTF Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CVPSOF1\Inputs
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) OUT LD0.CVPSOF1.TrFltSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\CVPSOF1\Outputs
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) MON LD0.CVPSOF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CVPSOF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.DeaLinValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.20 Current dead Lin Val Dead line value, current. Used also in auto activation logic 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1 IL1TCTR1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.DeaLinVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.40 Voltage dead Lin Val Dead line value, voltage. Used also in auto activation logic 0.01...0.58 xUn Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1 UL1TVTR1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.OpModSOF.setVal ENG Enum SP A 3 Operation mode Mode of operation of SOTF Function 1=Start; 2=Current&voltage; 3=Both Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.AVDetTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Cur voltage Det time Time delay for voltage and current based detection 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.AutoIniMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Automatic SOTF Ini Automatic switch onto fault initialization 1=DLD disabled; 2=Voltage; 3=Current; 4=Current&voltage Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1000 SOTF reset time SOTF detection period after initialization 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.DeaLinTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Dead line time Delay time for activation of dead line detection 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) SET LD0.CVPSOF1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Operate time delay Delay for the delayed start input 0...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Other protection\CVPSOF1
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) TES LD0.CVPSOF1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 CVPSOF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate OPERATE; 2=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF(1) SOTF/21/50(1) VER LD0.CVPSOF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC A (Name plate)

SSCBR1: Circuit breaker condition monitoring

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.ColOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OPEN_CB_EXE Signal for open command to coil Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.InPosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for closeposition of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.ColCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CLOSE_CB_EXE Signal for close command to coil Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.RsAccmAPwr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_IPOW Reset accumulation energy Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.RsCBWear.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_CB_WEAR Reset input for CB remaining life and operation counter Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) INP LD0.SSCBR1.RsTrvTm.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_TRV_T Reset input for CB closing and opening travel times Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSIMG1 INP LD0.SSIMG1.PresAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 PRES_ALM_IN Binary pressure alarm input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSIMG1 INP LD0.SSIMG1.PresBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 PRES_LO_IN Binary pressure input for lockout indication Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSOPM1 INP LD0.SSOPM1.SprChaStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SPR_CHR_ST CB spring charging started input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSOPM1 INP LD0.SSOPM1.SprChaStop.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SPR_CHR CB spring charged input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSOPM1 INP LD0.SSOPM1.RsSprChaTm.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_SPR_T Reset input for the charging time of the CB spring Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Inputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.OpCntAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H OPR_ALM Number of CB operations exceeds alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS CB is in open position Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.PosIvd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B INVALIDPOS CB is in invalid position (not positively open or closed) Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS CB is in closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.OpnAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H TRV_T_OP_ALM CB open travel time exceeded set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.ClsAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H TRV_T_CL_ALM CB close travel time exceeded set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.OpCntLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H OPR_LO Number of CB operations exceeds lockout limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.LonTmAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H MON_ALM CB 'not operated for long time' alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.APwrAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H IPOW_ALM Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.APwrLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H IPOW_LO Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded lockout limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.RmnNumOpAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED2,B StatIed P,H CB_LIFE_ALM Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) OUT LD0.SSCBR1.RmnNumAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED1 StatIed P,H CB_LIFE_ALM Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSIMG1 OUT LD0.SSIMG1.InsAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H PRES_ALM Pressure below alarm level Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSIMG1 OUT LD0.SSIMG1.InsBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H PRES_LO Pressure below lockout level Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSOPM1 OUT LD0.SSOPM1.SprChaAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H SPR_CHR_ALM Spring charging time has crossed the set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Outputs
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CTR LD0.SSCBR1.RsAccmAPwr.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR1 Resets SSCBR1 accumulation energy 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CTR LD0.SSCBR1.RsCBWear.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR1 Reset SSCBR1 CB remaining life and operation counter 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CTR LD0.SSCBR1.RsTrvTm.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR1 travel times Reset CB closing and opening travel times 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSOPM1 CTR LD0.SSOPM1.RsSprChaTm.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR1 spr.charge t Reset the charging time of the CB spring 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) MON LD0.SSCBR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SSCBR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) MON LD0.SSCBR1.OpTmOpn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_TRV_OP Travel time of the CB during opening operation 0...60000 ms Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) MON LD0.SSCBR1.OpTmCls.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_TRV_CL Travel time of the CB during closing operation 0...60000 ms Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) MON LD0.SSCBR1.OpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B StatIed P,H NO_OPR Number of CB operation cycle 0...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) MON LD0.SSCBR1.InaTmdCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B INA_DAYS The number of days CB has been inactive 0...9999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SPH1SCBR1 MON LD0.SPH1SCBR1.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_A CB Remaining life phase A -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SPH1SCBR1 MON LD0.SPH1SCBR1.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_A Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase A 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SPH2SCBR1 MON LD0.SPH2SCBR1.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_B CB Remaining life phase B -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SPH2SCBR1 MON LD0.SPH2SCBR1.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_B Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase B 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SPH3SCBR1 MON LD0.SPH3SCBR1.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_C CB Remaining life phase C -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SPH3SCBR1 MON LD0.SPH3SCBR1.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_C Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase C 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SSOPM1 MON LD0.SSOPM1.TmsSprCha.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_SPR_CHR The charging time of the CB spring 0.00...99.99 s Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1\Monitored data
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.OpAlmNum.setVal ING INT32 SP B 200 Alarm Op number Alarm limit for number of operations 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.OpnAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 40 Open alarm time Alarm level setting for open travel time in ms 0...200 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.CorOpnTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Opening time Cor Correction factor for open travel time in ms -100...100 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.ClsAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 40 Close alarm time Alarm level Setting for close travel time in ms 0...200 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.CorClsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Closing time Cor Correction factor for CB close travel time in ms -100...100 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.CorDifTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5 Difference Cor time Corr. factor for time dif in aux. and main contacts open time -10...10 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.OpLONum.setVal ING INT32 SP B 300 Lockout Op number Lock out limit for number of operations 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.OpNumRtg.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Op number rated Number of operations possible at rated current 1...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.NumOpAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP ED2,A 500 Life alarm level Alarm level for CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.NumAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP ED1 500 Life alarm level Alarm level for CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.OpNumFlt.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000 Op number fault Number of operations possible at rated fault current 1...10000 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.CntIniVal.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Counter initial Val The operation numbers counter initialization value 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.InaAlmTmd.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 2000 Inactive Alm days Alarm limit value of the inactive days counter 0...9999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.IniInaTmd.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Ini inactive days Initial value of the inactive days counter 0...9999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.InaAlmTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Inactive Alm hours Alarm time of the inactive days counter in hours 0...23 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.TrvClcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Travel time Clc mode Travel time calculation mode selection 1=From Cmd to Pos; 2=From Pos to Pos Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.DirCff.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I -1.50 Directional Coef Directional coefficient for CB life calculation -3.00...-0.50 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.IniRmnNumOp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,B,I 5000 Initial CB Rmn life Initial value for the CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.IniRmnNum.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 5000 Initial CB Rmn life Initial value for the CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.AlmAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,B 2500.00 Alm Acc currents Pwr Setting of alarm level for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.AlmAccAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 2500.00 Alm Acc currents Pwr Setting of alarm level for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.AccmStopA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 10.00 Acc stop current RMS current setting below which engy acm stops 5.00...500.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.LOAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 2500.00 LO Acc currents Pwr Lockout limit setting for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.AExpn.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Current exponent Current exponent setting for energy calculation 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.AOpRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1000.00 Rated Op current Rated operating current of the breaker 100.00...5000.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.AFltRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 5000.00 Rated fault current Rated fault current of the breaker 500.00...75000.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.IniAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,A 0.00 Ini Acc currents Pwr Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt) 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) CFG LD0.SSCBR1.IniAccAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 0.00 Ini Acc currents Pwr Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt) 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSIMG1 CFG LD0.SSIMG1.InsAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Pressure alarm time Time delay for gas pressure alarm in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSIMG1 CFG LD0.SSIMG1.InsBlkTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Pres lockout time Time delay for gas pressure lockout in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSOPM1 CFG LD0.SSOPM1.SprChaTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 15000 Spring charge time Setting of alarm for spring charging time of CB in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR1
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) TES LD0.SSCBR1.TestSpvn.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 SSCBR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Act. TRV_T_OP_ALM; 10=Deact. TRV_T_OP_ALM; 11=Act. TRV_T_CL_ALM; 12=Deact. TRV_T_CL_ALM; 17=Activate SPR_CHR_ALM; 18=Deactive SPR_CHR_ALM; 19=Activate OPR_ALM; 20=Deactive OPR_ALM; 21=Activate OPR_LO; 22=Deactive OPR_LO; 23=Activate IPOW_ALM; 24=Deactive IPOW_ALM; 25=Activate IPOW_LO; 26=Deactive IPOW_LO; 27=Activate CB_LIFE_ALM; 28=Deactive CB_LIFE_ALM; 29=Activate MON_ALM; 30=Deactive MON_ALM; 31=Activate PRES_ALM; 32=Deactive PRES_ALM; 33=Activate PRES_LO; 34=Deactive PRES_LO; 35=Activate OPENPOS; 36=Deactive OPENPOS; 37=Activate INVALIDPOS; 38=Deactive INVALIDPOS; 39=Activate CLOSEPOS; 40=Deactive CLOSEPOS Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
SSCBR1 CBCM(1) CBCM(1) VER LD0.SSCBR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

SSCBR2: Circuit breaker condition monitoring

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.ColOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OPEN_CB_EXE Signal for open command to coil Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.InPosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for closeposition of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.ColCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CLOSE_CB_EXE Signal for close command to coil Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.RsAccmAPwr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_IPOW Reset accumulation energy Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.RsCBWear.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_CB_WEAR Reset input for CB remaining life and operation counter Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) INP LD0.SSCBR2.RsTrvTm.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_TRV_T Reset input for CB closing and opening travel times Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSIMG2 INP LD0.SSIMG2.PresAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 PRES_ALM_IN Binary pressure alarm input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSIMG2 INP LD0.SSIMG2.PresBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 PRES_LO_IN Binary pressure input for lockout indication Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSOPM2 INP LD0.SSOPM2.SprChaStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SPR_CHR_ST CB spring charging started input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSOPM2 INP LD0.SSOPM2.SprChaStop.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SPR_CHR CB spring charged input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSOPM2 INP LD0.SSOPM2.RsSprChaTm.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_SPR_T Reset input for the charging time of the CB spring Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Inputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.OpCntAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H OPR_ALM Number of CB operations exceeds alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS CB is in open position Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.PosIvd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B INVALIDPOS CB is in invalid position (not positively open or closed) Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS CB is in closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.OpnAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H TRV_T_OP_ALM CB open travel time exceeded set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.ClsAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H TRV_T_CL_ALM CB close travel time exceeded set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.OpCntLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H OPR_LO Number of CB operations exceeds lockout limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.LonTmAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H MON_ALM CB 'not operated for long time' alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.APwrAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H IPOW_ALM Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.APwrLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H IPOW_LO Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded lockout limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.RmnNumOpAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED2,B StatIed P,H CB_LIFE_ALM Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) OUT LD0.SSCBR2.RmnNumAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED1 StatIed P,H CB_LIFE_ALM Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSIMG2 OUT LD0.SSIMG2.InsAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H PRES_ALM Pressure below alarm level Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSIMG2 OUT LD0.SSIMG2.InsBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H PRES_LO Pressure below lockout level Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSOPM2 OUT LD0.SSOPM2.SprChaAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H SPR_CHR_ALM Spring charging time has crossed the set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Outputs
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CTR LD0.SSCBR2.RsAccmAPwr.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR2 Resets SSCBR2 accumulation energy 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CTR LD0.SSCBR2.RsCBWear.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR2 Reset SSCBR2 CB remaining life and operation counter 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CTR LD0.SSCBR2.RsTrvTm.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR2 travel times Reset CB closing and opening travel times 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSOPM2 CTR LD0.SSOPM2.RsSprChaTm.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR2 spr.charge t Reset the charging time of the CB spring 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) MON LD0.SSCBR2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SSCBR2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) MON LD0.SSCBR2.OpTmOpn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_TRV_OP Travel time of the CB during opening operation 0...60000 ms Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) MON LD0.SSCBR2.OpTmCls.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_TRV_CL Travel time of the CB during closing operation 0...60000 ms Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) MON LD0.SSCBR2.OpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B StatIed P,H NO_OPR Number of CB operation cycle 0...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) MON LD0.SSCBR2.InaTmdCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B INA_DAYS The number of days CB has been inactive 0...9999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SPH1SCBR2 MON LD0.SPH1SCBR2.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_A CB Remaining life phase A -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SPH1SCBR2 MON LD0.SPH1SCBR2.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_A Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase A 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SPH2SCBR2 MON LD0.SPH2SCBR2.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_B CB Remaining life phase B -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SPH2SCBR2 MON LD0.SPH2SCBR2.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_B Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase B 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SPH3SCBR2 MON LD0.SPH3SCBR2.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_C CB Remaining life phase C -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SPH3SCBR2 MON LD0.SPH3SCBR2.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_C Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase C 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SSOPM2 MON LD0.SSOPM2.TmsSprCha.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_SPR_CHR The charging time of the CB spring 0.00...99.99 s Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2\Monitored data
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.OpAlmNum.setVal ING INT32 SP B 200 Alarm Op number Alarm limit for number of operations 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.OpnAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 40 Open alarm time Alarm level setting for open travel time in ms 0...200 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.CorOpnTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Opening time Cor Correction factor for open travel time in ms -100...100 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.ClsAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 40 Close alarm time Alarm level Setting for close travel time in ms 0...200 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.CorClsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Closing time Cor Correction factor for CB close travel time in ms -100...100 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.CorDifTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5 Difference Cor time Corr. factor for time dif in aux. and main contacts open time -10...10 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.OpLONum.setVal ING INT32 SP B 300 Lockout Op number Lock out limit for number of operations 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.OpNumRtg.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Op number rated Number of operations possible at rated current 1...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.NumOpAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP ED2,A 500 Life alarm level Alarm level for CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.NumAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP ED1 500 Life alarm level Alarm level for CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.OpNumFlt.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000 Op number fault Number of operations possible at rated fault current 1...10000 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.CntIniVal.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Counter initial Val The operation numbers counter initialization value 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.InaAlmTmd.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 2000 Inactive Alm days Alarm limit value of the inactive days counter 0...9999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.IniInaTmd.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Ini inactive days Initial value of the inactive days counter 0...9999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.InaAlmTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Inactive Alm hours Alarm time of the inactive days counter in hours 0...23 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.TrvClcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Travel time Clc mode Travel time calculation mode selection 1=From Cmd to Pos; 2=From Pos to Pos Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.DirCff.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I -1.50 Directional Coef Directional coefficient for CB life calculation -3.00...-0.50 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.IniRmnNumOp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,B,I 5000 Initial CB Rmn life Initial value for the CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.IniRmnNum.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 5000 Initial CB Rmn life Initial value for the CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.AlmAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,B 2500.00 Alm Acc currents Pwr Setting of alarm level for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.AlmAccAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 2500.00 Alm Acc currents Pwr Setting of alarm level for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.AccmStopA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 10.00 Acc stop current RMS current setting below which engy acm stops 5.00...500.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.LOAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 2500.00 LO Acc currents Pwr Lockout limit setting for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.AExpn.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Current exponent Current exponent setting for energy calculation 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.AOpRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1000.00 Rated Op current Rated operating current of the breaker 100.00...5000.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.AFltRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 5000.00 Rated fault current Rated fault current of the breaker 500.00...75000.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.IniAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,A 0.00 Ini Acc currents Pwr Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt) 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) CFG LD0.SSCBR2.IniAccAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 0.00 Ini Acc currents Pwr Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt) 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSIMG2 CFG LD0.SSIMG2.InsAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Pressure alarm time Time delay for gas pressure alarm in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSIMG2 CFG LD0.SSIMG2.InsBlkTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Pres lockout time Time delay for gas pressure lockout in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSOPM2 CFG LD0.SSOPM2.SprChaTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 15000 Spring charge time Setting of alarm for spring charging time of CB in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR2
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) TES LD0.SSCBR2.TestSpvn.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 SSCBR2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Act. TRV_T_OP_ALM; 10=Deact. TRV_T_OP_ALM; 11=Act. TRV_T_CL_ALM; 12=Deact. TRV_T_CL_ALM; 17=Activate SPR_CHR_ALM; 18=Deactive SPR_CHR_ALM; 19=Activate OPR_ALM; 20=Deactive OPR_ALM; 21=Activate OPR_LO; 22=Deactive OPR_LO; 23=Activate IPOW_ALM; 24=Deactive IPOW_ALM; 25=Activate IPOW_LO; 26=Deactive IPOW_LO; 27=Activate CB_LIFE_ALM; 28=Deactive CB_LIFE_ALM; 29=Activate MON_ALM; 30=Deactive MON_ALM; 31=Activate PRES_ALM; 32=Deactive PRES_ALM; 33=Activate PRES_LO; 34=Deactive PRES_LO; 35=Activate OPENPOS; 36=Deactive OPENPOS; 37=Activate INVALIDPOS; 38=Deactive INVALIDPOS; 39=Activate CLOSEPOS; 40=Deactive CLOSEPOS Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
SSCBR2 CBCM(2) CBCM(2) VER LD0.SSCBR2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

SSCBR3: Circuit breaker condition monitoring

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.ColOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OPEN_CB_EXE Signal for open command to coil Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.InPosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for closeposition of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.ColCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CLOSE_CB_EXE Signal for close command to coil Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.RsAccmAPwr.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_IPOW Reset accumulation energy Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.RsCBWear.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_CB_WEAR Reset input for CB remaining life and operation counter Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) INP LD0.SSCBR3.RsTrvTm.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_TRV_T Reset input for CB closing and opening travel times Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSIMG3 INP LD0.SSIMG3.PresAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 PRES_ALM_IN Binary pressure alarm input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSIMG3 INP LD0.SSIMG3.PresBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 PRES_LO_IN Binary pressure input for lockout indication Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSOPM3 INP LD0.SSOPM3.SprChaStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SPR_CHR_ST CB spring charging started input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSOPM3 INP LD0.SSOPM3.SprChaStop.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SPR_CHR CB spring charged input Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSOPM3 INP LD0.SSOPM3.RsSprChaTm.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RST_SPR_T Reset input for the charging time of the CB spring Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Inputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.OpCntAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H OPR_ALM Number of CB operations exceeds alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS CB is in open position Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.PosIvd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B INVALIDPOS CB is in invalid position (not positively open or closed) Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS CB is in closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.OpnAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H TRV_T_OP_ALM CB open travel time exceeded set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.ClsAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H TRV_T_CL_ALM CB close travel time exceeded set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.OpCntLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H OPR_LO Number of CB operations exceeds lockout limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.LonTmAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H MON_ALM CB 'not operated for long time' alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.APwrAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H IPOW_ALM Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.APwrLO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H IPOW_LO Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded lockout limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.RmnNumOpAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED2,B StatIed P,H CB_LIFE_ALM Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) OUT LD0.SSCBR3.RmnNumAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED1 StatIed P,H CB_LIFE_ALM Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSIMG3 OUT LD0.SSIMG3.InsAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H PRES_ALM Pressure below alarm level Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSIMG3 OUT LD0.SSIMG3.InsBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H PRES_LO Pressure below lockout level Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSOPM3 OUT LD0.SSOPM3.SprChaAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H SPR_CHR_ALM Spring charging time has crossed the set value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Outputs
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CTR LD0.SSCBR3.RsAccmAPwr.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR3 Resets SSCBR3 accumulation energy 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CTR LD0.SSCBR3.RsCBWear.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR3 Reset SSCBR3 CB remaining life and operation counter 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CTR LD0.SSCBR3.RsTrvTm.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR3 travel times Reset CB closing and opening travel times 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSOPM3 CTR LD0.SSOPM3.RsSprChaTm.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SSCBR3 spr.charge t Reset the charging time of the CB spring 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) MON LD0.SSCBR3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SSCBR3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) MON LD0.SSCBR3.OpTmOpn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_TRV_OP Travel time of the CB during opening operation 0...60000 ms Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) MON LD0.SSCBR3.OpTmCls.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_TRV_CL Travel time of the CB during closing operation 0...60000 ms Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) MON LD0.SSCBR3.OpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B StatIed P,H NO_OPR Number of CB operation cycle 0...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) MON LD0.SSCBR3.InaTmdCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B INA_DAYS The number of days CB has been inactive 0...9999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SPH1SCBR3 MON LD0.SPH1SCBR3.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_A CB Remaining life phase A -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SPH1SCBR3 MON LD0.SPH1SCBR3.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_A Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase A 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SPH2SCBR3 MON LD0.SPH2SCBR3.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_B CB Remaining life phase B -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SPH2SCBR3 MON LD0.SPH2SCBR3.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_B Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase B 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SPH3SCBR3 MON LD0.SPH3SCBR3.RmnNumOp.stVal INS INT32 ST B CB_LIFE_C CB Remaining life phase C -99999...99999 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SPH3SCBR3 MON LD0.SPH3SCBR3.AccmAPwr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IPOW_C Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase C 0.000...30000.000 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SSOPM3 MON LD0.SSOPM3.TmsSprCha.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B T_SPR_CHR The charging time of the CB spring 0.00...99.99 s Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3\Monitored data
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.OpAlmNum.setVal ING INT32 SP B 200 Alarm Op number Alarm limit for number of operations 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.OpnAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 40 Open alarm time Alarm level setting for open travel time in ms 0...200 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.CorOpnTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Opening time Cor Correction factor for open travel time in ms -100...100 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.ClsAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 40 Close alarm time Alarm level Setting for close travel time in ms 0...200 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.CorClsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Closing time Cor Correction factor for CB close travel time in ms -100...100 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.CorDifTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5 Difference Cor time Corr. factor for time dif in aux. and main contacts open time -10...10 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.OpLONum.setVal ING INT32 SP B 300 Lockout Op number Lock out limit for number of operations 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.OpNumRtg.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Op number rated Number of operations possible at rated current 1...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.NumOpAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP ED2,A 500 Life alarm level Alarm level for CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.NumAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP ED1 500 Life alarm level Alarm level for CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.OpNumFlt.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000 Op number fault Number of operations possible at rated fault current 1...10000 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.CntIniVal.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Counter initial Val The operation numbers counter initialization value 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.InaAlmTmd.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 2000 Inactive Alm days Alarm limit value of the inactive days counter 0...9999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.IniInaTmd.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Ini inactive days Initial value of the inactive days counter 0...9999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.InaAlmTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 0 Inactive Alm hours Alarm time of the inactive days counter in hours 0...23 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.TrvClcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Travel time Clc mode Travel time calculation mode selection 1=From Cmd to Pos; 2=From Pos to Pos Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.DirCff.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I -1.50 Directional Coef Directional coefficient for CB life calculation -3.00...-0.50 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.IniRmnNumOp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,B,I 5000 Initial CB Rmn life Initial value for the CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.IniRmnNum.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 5000 Initial CB Rmn life Initial value for the CB remaining life 0...99999 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.AlmAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,B 2500.00 Alm Acc currents Pwr Setting of alarm level for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.AlmAccAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 2500.00 Alm Acc currents Pwr Setting of alarm level for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.AccmStopA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 10.00 Acc stop current RMS current setting below which engy acm stops 5.00...500.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.LOAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 2500.00 LO Acc currents Pwr Lockout limit setting for accumulated currents power 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.AExpn.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Current exponent Current exponent setting for energy calculation 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.AOpRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1000.00 Rated Op current Rated operating current of the breaker 100.00...5000.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.AFltRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 5000.00 Rated fault current Rated fault current of the breaker 500.00...75000.00 A Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.IniAccmAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED2,A 0.00 Ini Acc currents Pwr Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt) 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) CFG LD0.SSCBR3.IniAccAPwr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP ED1 0.00 Ini Acc currents Pwr Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt) 0.00...20000.00 Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSIMG3 CFG LD0.SSIMG3.InsAlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Pressure alarm time Time delay for gas pressure alarm in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSIMG3 CFG LD0.SSIMG3.InsBlkTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Pres lockout time Time delay for gas pressure lockout in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSOPM3 CFG LD0.SSOPM3.SprChaTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 15000 Spring charge time Setting of alarm for spring charging time of CB in ms 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\SSCBR3
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) TES LD0.SSCBR3.TestSpvn.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 SSCBR3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Act. TRV_T_OP_ALM; 10=Deact. TRV_T_OP_ALM; 11=Act. TRV_T_CL_ALM; 12=Deact. TRV_T_CL_ALM; 17=Activate SPR_CHR_ALM; 18=Deactive SPR_CHR_ALM; 19=Activate OPR_ALM; 20=Deactive OPR_ALM; 21=Activate OPR_LO; 22=Deactive OPR_LO; 23=Activate IPOW_ALM; 24=Deactive IPOW_ALM; 25=Activate IPOW_LO; 26=Deactive IPOW_LO; 27=Activate CB_LIFE_ALM; 28=Deactive CB_LIFE_ALM; 29=Activate MON_ALM; 30=Deactive MON_ALM; 31=Activate PRES_ALM; 32=Deactive PRES_ALM; 33=Activate PRES_LO; 34=Deactive PRES_LO; 35=Activate OPENPOS; 36=Deactive OPENPOS; 37=Activate INVALIDPOS; 38=Deactive INVALIDPOS; 39=Activate CLOSEPOS; 40=Deactive CLOSEPOS Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
SSCBR3 CBCM(3) CBCM(3) VER LD0.SSCBR3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

TCSSCBR1: Trip circuit supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) INP LD0.TCSSCBR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR1\Inputs
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) OUT LD0.TCSSCBR1.CircAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR1\Outputs
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) MON LD0.TCSSCBR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TCSSCBR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) CFG LD0.TCSSCBR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR1
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) CFG LD0.TCSSCBR1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 20...300000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR1
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) CFG LD0.TCSSCBR1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1000 Reset delay time Reset delay time 20...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR1
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) TES LD0.TCSSCBR1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 TCSSCBR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
TCSSCBR1 TCS(1) TCM(1) VER LD0.TCSSCBR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

TCSSCBR2: Trip circuit supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) INP LD0.TCSSCBR2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR2\Inputs
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) OUT LD0.TCSSCBR2.CircAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR2\Outputs
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) MON LD0.TCSSCBR2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TCSSCBR2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) CFG LD0.TCSSCBR2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR2
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) CFG LD0.TCSSCBR2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 20...300000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR2
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) CFG LD0.TCSSCBR2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1000 Reset delay time Reset delay time 20...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\TCSSCBR2
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) TES LD0.TCSSCBR2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 TCSSCBR2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
TCSSCBR2 TCS(2) TCM(2) VER LD0.TCSSCBR2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

CCSPVC1: Current circuit supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) INP LD0.CCSPVC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1\Inputs
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) OUT LD0.CCSPVC1.FailACirc.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FAIL Fail output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1\Outputs
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) OUT LD0.CCSPVC1.SigFailAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1\Outputs
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) MON LD0.CCSPVC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CCSPVC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) MON LD0.CCSPVC1.DifAClc.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IDIFF Differential current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) CFG LD0.CCSPVC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On / Off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) CFG LD0.CCSPVC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.05 Start value Minimum operate current differential level 0.05...0.20 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) CFG LD0.CCSPVC1.MaxOpA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.5 Max operate current Block of the function at high phase current 1.00...5.00 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) TES LD0.CCSPVC1.TestSpvn.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 CCSPVC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 5=Activate ALARM; 6=Deactive ALARM; 41=Activate FAIL; 42=Deactive FAIL Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
CCSPVC1 MCS 3I(1) MCS 3I(1) VER LD0.CCSPVC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

SEQSPVC1: Fuse failure supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) INP LD0.SEQSPVC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block of function Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1\Inputs
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) INP LD0.SEQSPVC1.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_CLOSED Active when circuit breaker is closed Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1\Inputs
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) INP LD0.SEQSPVC1.InDCPosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DISCON_OPEN Active when line disconnector is open Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1\Inputs
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) INP LD0.SEQSPVC1.InMCBPsOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 MINCB_OPEN Active when external MCB opens protected voltage circuit Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1\Inputs
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) OUT LD0.SEQSPVC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FUSEF_U General start of function Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1\Outputs
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) OUT LD0.SEQSPVC1.Str3Ph.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FUSEF_3PH Three-phase start of function Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1\Outputs
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) MON LD0.SEQSPVC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SEQSPVC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.10 Min Op current delta Minimum operate level of phase current for delta calculation 0.01...1.00 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.NgSeqLevA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.03 Neg Seq current Lev Operate level of neg seq undercurrent element 0.03...0.20 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.ChgRteA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.15 Current change rate Operate level of change in phase current 0.01...0.50 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.ChgRteEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Change rate enable Enabling operation of change based function Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.ChgRteV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.40 Voltage change rate Operate level of change in phase voltage 0.25...0.90 xUn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 UL1TVTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.EnaSealIn.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Enable seal in Enabling seal in functionality Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.50 Min Op voltage delta Minimum operate level of phase voltage for delta calculation 0.01...1.00 xUn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 UL1TVTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.SealInV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.50 Seal in voltage Operate level of seal-in phase voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 UL1TVTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.NgSeqLevV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.10 Neg Seq voltage Lev Operate level of neg seq overvoltage element 0.03...0.20 xUn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 UL1TVTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) CFG LD0.SEQSPVC1.DeaLinValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.05 Current dead Lin Val Operate level for open phase current detection 0.05...1.00 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\SEQSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) TES LD0.SEQSPVC1.TestSpvn.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 SEQSPVC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 43=Activate FUSEF_3PH; 44=Deactive FUSEF_3PH; 45=Activate FUSEF_U; 46=Deactive FUSEF_U Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
SEQSPVC1 FUSEF(1) 60(1) VER LD0.SEQSPVC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

MDSOPT1: Generic operation time supervision for machines and devices

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) INP LD0.MDSOPT1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1\Inputs
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) INP LD0.MDSOPT1.OpTmRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Resets the accumulated operation time to initial value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1\Inputs
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) INP LD0.MDSOPT1.TmOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POS_ACTIVE When active indicates the equipment is running Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1\Inputs
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) OUT LD0.MDSOPT1.OpTmWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning accumulated operation time exceeds Warning value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1\Outputs
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) OUT LD0.MDSOPT1.OpTmAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm accumulated operation time exceeds Alarm value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1\Outputs
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CTR LD0.MDSOPT1.OpTmRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 MDSOPT1 operation t Resets the accumulated operation time to initial value 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) MON LD0.MDSOPT1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MDSOPT1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) MON LD0.MDSOPT1.OpTmh.stVal INS INT32 ST B OPR_TIME Total operation time in hours 0...299999 h Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1\Monitored data
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CFG LD0.MDSOPT1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CFG LD0.MDSOPT1.OpWrnTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP B 8000 Warning value Warning value for operation time supervision 0...299999 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CFG LD0.MDSOPT1.OpAlmTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Alarm value Alarm value for operation time supervision 0...299999 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CFG LD0.MDSOPT1.IniOpTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Initial value Initial value for operation time supervision 0...299999 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CFG LD0.MDSOPT1.OpActTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Operating time hour Time of day when alarm and warning will occur 0...23 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) CFG LD0.MDSOPT1.OpActMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Operating time mode Operating time mode for warning and alarm 1=Immediate; 2=Timed Warn; 3=Timed Warn Alm Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT1
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) TES LD0.MDSOPT1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 MDSOPT1 Operation Off / On 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; 19=Activate WARNING; 20=Deactive WARNING Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
MDSOPT1 OPTS(1) OPTM(1) VER LD0.MDSOPT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

MDSOPT2: Generic operation time supervision for machines and devices

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) INP LD0.MDSOPT2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2\Inputs
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) INP LD0.MDSOPT2.OpTmRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Resets the accumulated operation time to initial value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2\Inputs
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) INP LD0.MDSOPT2.TmOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 POS_ACTIVE When active indicates the equipment is running Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2\Inputs
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) OUT LD0.MDSOPT2.OpTmWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning accumulated operation time exceeds Warning value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2\Outputs
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) OUT LD0.MDSOPT2.OpTmAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm accumulated operation time exceeds Alarm value Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2\Outputs
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CTR LD0.MDSOPT2.OpTmRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 MDSOPT2 operation t Resets the accumulated operation time to initial value 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) MON LD0.MDSOPT2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MDSOPT2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) MON LD0.MDSOPT2.OpTmh.stVal INS INT32 ST B OPR_TIME Total operation time in hours 0...299999 h Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2\Monitored data
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CFG LD0.MDSOPT2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CFG LD0.MDSOPT2.OpWrnTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP B 8000 Warning value Warning value for operation time supervision 0...299999 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CFG LD0.MDSOPT2.OpAlmTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Alarm value Alarm value for operation time supervision 0...299999 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CFG LD0.MDSOPT2.IniOpTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Initial value Initial value for operation time supervision 0...299999 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CFG LD0.MDSOPT2.OpActTmh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Operating time hour Time of day when alarm and warning will occur 0...23 h Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) CFG LD0.MDSOPT2.OpActMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Operating time mode Operating time mode for warning and alarm 1=Immediate; 2=Timed Warn; 3=Timed Warn Alm Configuration\Condition monitoring\MDSOPT2
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) TES LD0.MDSOPT2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 MDSOPT2 Operation Off / On 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; 19=Activate WARNING; 20=Deactive WARNING Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
MDSOPT2 OPTS(2) OPTM(2) VER LD0.MDSOPT2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

CMMXU1: Three-phase current measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) INP LD0.CMMXU1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Inputs
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) OUT LD0.CMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Outputs
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) OUT LD0.CMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Outputs
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) OUT LD0.CMMXU1.LoWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_WARN Low warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Outputs
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) OUT LD0.CMMXU1.LoAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_ALARM Low alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Outputs
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CTR LD0.CMMXU1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (CMMXU1 demands)
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IL1-A Measured current amplitude phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_A IL1 current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_A IL1 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_A IL1 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsB.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IL2-A Measured current amplitude phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsB.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_B IL2 current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_B IL2 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsB.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_B IL2 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsC.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IL3-A Measured current amplitude phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsC.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_C IL3 current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_C IL3 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsC.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_C IL3 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CAVMMXU1.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_A Demand value of IL1 current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CAVMMXU1.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_B Demand value of IL2 current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CAVMMXU1.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_C Demand value of IL3 current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMAMMXU1.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand IL1 Maximum demand for Phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMAMMXU1.A.phsA.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand IL1 Time of maximum demand phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMAMMXU1.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand IL2 Maximum demand for Phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMAMMXU1.A.phsB.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand IL2 Time of maximum demand phase B Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMAMMXU1.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand IL3 Maximum demand for Phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMAMMXU1.A.phsC.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand IL3 Time of maximum demand phase C Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMIMMXU1.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand IL1 Minimum demand for Phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMIMMXU1.A.phsA.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand IL1 Time of minimum demand phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMIMMXU1.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand IL2 Minimum demand for Phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMIMMXU1.A.phsB.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand IL2 Time of minimum demand phase B Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMIMMXU1.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand IL3 Minimum demand for Phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) MON LD0.CMIMMXU1.A.phsC.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand IL3 Time of minimum demand phase C Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.db WYE INT32U CF B,I 2500 A deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.rangeC.hhLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 A high high limit High alarm current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.rangeC.hLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 A high limit High warning current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.rangeC.lLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 A low limit Low warning current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.A.phsA.rangeC.llLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 A low low limit Low alarm current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1 IL1TCTR1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) CFG LD0.CMMXU1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of phases Number of phases required by limit supervision 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU1
CMMXU1 3I(1) 3I(1) VER LD0.CMMXU1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

CSMSQI1: Sequence current measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P PsSeq-A Measured positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I1_ANGL Positive sequence current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I1_DB Positive sequence current amplitude, reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P I1_RANGE Positive sequence current amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P NgSeq-A Measured negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I2_ANGL Negative sequence current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I2_DB Negative sequence current amplitude, reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P I2_RANGE Negative sequence current amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P ZroSeq-A Measured zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I0_ANGL Zero sequence current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I0_DB Zero sequence current amplitude, reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P I0_RANGE Zero sequence current amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 2500 Ps Seq A deadband Deadband configuration value for positive sequence current for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 Ps Seq A Hi high Lim High alarm current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 Ps Seq A high limit High warning current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ps Seq A low limit Low warning current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ps Seq A low low Lim Low alarm current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 2500 Ng Seq A deadband Deadband configuration value for negative sequence current for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 Ng Seq A Hi high Lim High alarm current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 Ng Seq A High limit High warning current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ng Seq A low limit Low warning current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ng Seq A low low Lim Low alarm current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 2500 Zro A deadband Deadband configuration value for zero sequence current for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 Zro A Hi high Lim High alarm current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 Zro A High limit High warning current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Zro A low limit Low warning current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Zro A low low Lim Low alarm current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI1 IL1TCTR1
CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0(1) I1,I2,I0(1) VER LD0.CSMSQI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

PEMMXU1: Three-phase power and energy measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) INP LD0.PEMMTR1.SupDmdRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RSTACM Reset of accumulated energy reading Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Inputs
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CTR LD0.PEMMXU1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (PEMMXU1 demands)
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CTR LD0.PEMMTR1.SupDmdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 PEMMXU1 Reset of accumulated energy reading 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotW.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P P-kW Total Active Power -999999.9...999999.9 kW Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P P_DB Active power, magnitude of reported value -999999.9...999999.9 kW Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotVAr.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P Q-kVAr Total Reactive Power -999999.9...999999.9 kVAr Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P Q_DB Reactive power, magnitude of reported value -999999.9...999999.9 kVAr Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotVA.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P S-kVA Total Apparent Power -999999.9...999999.9 kVA Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P S_DB Apparent power, magnitude of reported value -999999.9...999999.9 kVA Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotPF.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P PF Average Power factor -1.00...1.00 Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMXU1.TotPF.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P PF_DB Power factor, magnitude of reported value -1.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMTR1.SupWh.actVal BCR INT64 ST B EA_RV_ACM Accumulated reverse active energy value 0...999999999 kWh Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMTR1.SupVArh.actVal BCR INT64 ST B ER_RV_ACM Accumulated reverse reactive energy value 0...999999999 kVArh Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMTR1.DmdWh.actVal BCR INT64 ST B EA_FWD_ACM Accumulated forward active energy value 0...999999999 kWh Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMMTR1.DmdVArh.actVal BCR INT64 ST B ER_FWD_ACM Accumulated forward reactive energy value 0...999999999 kVArh Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEAVMMXU1.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B P_DMD Demand value of active power -999999.9...999999.9 kW Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEAVMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q_DMD Demand value of reactive power -999999.9...999999.9 kVAr Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEAVMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S_DMD Demand value of apparent power -999999.9...999999.9 kVA Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEAVMMXU1.TotPF.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PF_DMD Demand value of power factor -1.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\PEMMXU1\Monitored data
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMAMMXU1.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Max demand P Maximum demand value of active power -999999.9...999999.9 kW Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMAMMXU1.TotW.t MV Timestamp MX B Time max dmd P Time of maximum demand Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMAMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Max demand Q Maximum demand value of reactive power -999999.9...999999.9 kVAr Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMAMMXU1.TotVAr.t MV Timestamp MX B Time max dmd Q Time of maximum demand Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMAMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Max demand S Maximum demand value of apparent power -999999.9...999999.9 kVA Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMAMMXU1.TotVA.t MV Timestamp MX B Time max dmd S Time of maximum demand Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMIMMXU1.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Min demand P Minimum demand value of active power -999999.9...999999.9 kW Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMIMMXU1.TotW.t MV Timestamp MX B Time min dmd P Time of minimum demand Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMIMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Min demand Q Minimum demand value of reactive power -999999.9...999999.9 kVAr Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMIMMXU1.TotVAr.t MV Timestamp MX B Time min dmd Q Time of minimum demand Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMIMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Min demand S Minimum demand value of apparent power -999999.9...999999.9 kVA Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) MON LD0.PEMIMMXU1.TotVA.t MV Timestamp MX B Time min dmd S Time of minimum demand Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMXU1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMXU1.TotW.units.multiplier MV Enum CF B,I 3 Power unit Mult Unit multiplier for presentation of the power related values 3=Kilo; 6=Mega Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMXU1.WhDir.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Active power Dir Direction of active power flow: Forward, Reverse 1=Forward; 2=Reverse Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMXU1.VArhDir.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Reactive power Dir Direction of reactive power flow: Forward, Reverse 1=Forward; 2=Reverse Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMTR1.SupWh.units.multiplier BCR Enum CF B,I 3 Energy unit Mult Unit multiplier for presentation of the energy related values 3=Kilo; 6=Mega Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMTR1.IniDmdWh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Forward Wh Initial Preset Initial value for forward active energy 0...999999999 Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMTR1.IniSupWh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reverse Wh Initial Preset Initial value for reverse active energy 0...999999999 Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMTR1.IniDmdVArh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Forward VArh Initial Preset Initial value for forward reactive energy 0...999999999 Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) CFG LD0.PEMMTR1.IniSupVArh.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reverse VArh Initial Preset Initial value for reverse reactive energy 0...999999999 Configuration\Measurements\PEMMXU1
PEMMXU1 P,E(1) P,E(1) VER LD0.PEMMXU1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

LDPRLRC1: Load profile record

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LDPRLRC1 INP LD0.LDPRLRC1.RcdRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST 0 (Reset load profile rec.)
LDPRLRC1 OUT LD0.LDPRLRC1.MemWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H MEM_WARN Recording memory warning status Monitoring\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 OUT LD0.LDPRLRC1.MemAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H MEM_ALARM Recording memory alarm status Monitoring\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CTR LD0.LDPRLRC1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load Profile record Reset load profile record 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
LDPRLRC1 MON LD0.LDPRLRC1.MemUsed.stVal INS INT32 ST B Rec. memory used How much recording memory is currently used 0...100 % Monitoring\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel1.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 1 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel2.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 2 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel3.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 3 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel4.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 4 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel5.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 5 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel6.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 6 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel7.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 7 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel8.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 8 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel9.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 9 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel10.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 10 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel11.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 11 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.QtySel12.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Quantity Sel 12 Select quantity to be recorded 0=Disabled; 1=IL1; 2=IL2; 3=IL3; 4=Io; 5=IL1B; 6=IL2B; 7=IL3B; 8=IoB; 9=U12; 10=U23; 11=U31; 12=UL1; 13=UL2; 14=UL3; 21=S; 22=P; 23=Q; 24=PF Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.MemWrnLev.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Mem. warning level Set memory warning level 0...100 % Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 CFG LD0.LDPRLRC1.MemAlmLev.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Mem. alarm level Set memory alarm level 0...100 % Configuration\Load profile record
LDPRLRC1 VER LD0.LDPRLRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

FMMXU1: Frequency measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) MON LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P f-Hz Measured frequency 35.00...75.00 Hz Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) MON LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P F_DB Frequency, reported value 35.00...75.00 Hz Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\FMMXU1\Monitored data
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) MON LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P F_RANGE Measured frequency range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\FMMXU1\Monitored data
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 F deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 60.00 F high high limit High alarm frequency limit 35.00...75.00 Hz Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 55.00 F high limit High warning frequency limit 35.00...75.00 Hz Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 45.00 F low limit Low warning frequency limit 35.00...75.00 Hz Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.Hz.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 40.00 F low low limit Low alarm frequency limit 35.00...75.00 Hz Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) CFG LD0.FMMXU1.DefHzSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Def frequency Sel Default frequency selection 1=Nominal; 2=Zero Configuration\Measurements\FMMXU1
FMMXU1 f(1) f(1) VER LD0.FMMXU1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

CMHAI1: Current total demand distortion

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) INP LD0.CMHAI1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Inputs
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) OUT LD0.CMHAI1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Alarm signal for TDD Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Outputs
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) CTR LD0.CMHAI1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (CMHAI1 max.demands)
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.TddA.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 3SMHTDD_A 3 second mean value of TDD for phase A 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Monitored data
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.TddA.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 3SMHTDD_B 3 second mean value of TDD for phase B 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Monitored data
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.TddA.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 3SMHTDD_C 3 second mean value of TDD for phase C 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Monitored data
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.DmdTddA.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B DMD_TDD_A Demand value for TDD for phase A 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Monitored data
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.DmdTddA.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B DMD_TDD_B Demand value for TDD for phase B 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Monitored data
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.DmdTddA.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B DMD_TDD_C Demand value for TDD for phase C 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\CMHAI1\Monitored data
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.MaxDmdTddA.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand TDD IL1 Maximum demand TDD for phase A 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.MaxDmdTddA.phsA.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max dmd TDD IL1 Time of maximum demand TDD phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.MaxDmdTddA.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand TDD IL2 Maximum demand TDD for phase B 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.MaxDmdTddA.phsB.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max dmd TDD IL2 Time of maximum demand TDD phase B Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.MaxDmdTddA.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand TDD IL3 Maximum demand TDD for phase C 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) MON LD0.CMHAI1.MaxDmdTddA.phsC.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max dmd TDD IL3 Time of maximum demand TDD phase C Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) SET LD0.CMHAI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) SET LD0.CMHAI1.NomA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.0 Initial Dmd current Initial demand current 0.10...1.0 xIn Settings\Settings\Power quality\CMHAI1 IL1TCTR1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) SET LD0.CMHAI1.TddAVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 50.0 TDD alarm limit TDD alarm limit 1.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) SET LD0.CMHAI1.DmdItrv.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Demand interval Time interval for demand calculation 0=1 minute; 1=5 minutes; 2=10 minutes; 3=15 minutes; 4=30 minutes; 5=60 minutes; 6=180 minutes Settings\Settings\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) SET LD0.CMHAI1.DmdWinMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Demand window Demand calculation window type 1=Sliding; 2=Non-sliding Settings\Settings\Power quality\CMHAI1
CMHAI1 PQM3I(1) PQM3I(1) VER LD0.CMHAI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

VMHAI1: Voltage total harmonic distortion

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) INP LD0.VMHAI1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Inputs
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) OUT LD0.VMHAI1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Alarm signal for THD Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Outputs
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) CTR LD0.VMHAI1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (VMHAI1 max.demands)
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.ThdPhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 3SMHTHD_A 3 second mean value of THD for phase A 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Monitored data
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.ThdPhV.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 3SMHTHD_B 3 second mean value of THD for phase B 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Monitored data
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.ThdPhV.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 3SMHTHD_C 3 second mean value of THD for phase C 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Monitored data
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.DmdThdPhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B DMD_THD_A Demand value for THD for phase A 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Monitored data
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.DmdThdPhV.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B DMD_THD_B Demand value for THD for phase B 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Monitored data
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.DmdThdPhV.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B DMD_THD_C Demand value for THD for phase C 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VMHAI1\Monitored data
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.MaxDmdThdV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand THD UL1 Maximum demand THD for phase A 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.MaxDmdThdV.phsA.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max dmd THD UL1 Time of maximum demand THD phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.MaxDmdThdV.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand THD UL2 Maximum demand THD for phase B 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.MaxDmdThdV.phsB.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max dmd THD UL2 Time of maximum demand THD phase B Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.MaxDmdThdV.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand THD UL3 Maximum demand THD for phase C 0.00...500.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) MON LD0.VMHAI1.MaxDmdThdV.phsC.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max dmd THD UL3 Time of maximum demand THD phase C Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) SET LD0.VMHAI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power quality\VMHAI1 IL1TCTR1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) SET LD0.VMHAI1.ThdVVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 50.0 THD alarm limit THD alarm limit 1.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) SET LD0.VMHAI1.DmdItrv.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Demand interval Time interval for demand calculation 0=1 minute; 1=5 minutes; 2=10 minutes; 3=15 minutes; 4=30 minutes; 5=60 minutes; 6=180 minutes Settings\Settings\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) SET LD0.VMHAI1.DmdWinMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Demand window Demand calculation window type 1=Sliding; 2=Non-sliding Settings\Settings\Power quality\VMHAI1
VMHAI1 PQM3U(1) PQM3V(1) VER LD0.VMHAI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

PHQVVR1: Short duration voltage variations

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) INP LD0.PH1QVVR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Inputs
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) OUT LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DIPST Voltage dip active Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Outputs
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) OUT LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B SWELLST Voltage swell active Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Outputs
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) OUT LD0.PH1QVVR1.IntrStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B INTST Voltage interruption active Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Outputs
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) OUT LD0.PH1QVVR1.VaOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Voltage variation detected Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Outputs
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) OUT LD0.PH1QVVR1.VaStrGen.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H START Voltage variation present Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Outputs
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) CTR LD0.PH1QVVR1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Resettable operation counter)
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) CTR LD0.PH1QVVR1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Counters reset)
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) CTR LD0.PH1QVVR1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Recorded data reset)
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHQVVR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.VarStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B ST_A Start Phase A (Voltage Variation Event in progress) Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlInstCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B INSTSWELLCNT Instantaneous swell operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlMomCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MOMSWELLCNT Momentary swell operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlTmpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B TEMPSWELLCNT Temporary swell operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlMaxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MAXDURSWELLCNT Maximum duration swell operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipInstCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B INSTDIPCNT Instantaneous dip operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipTmpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B TEMPDIPCNT Temporary dip operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipMomCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MOMDIPCNT Momentary dip operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipMaxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MAXDURDIPCNT Maximum duration dip operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.IntrMomCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MOMINTCNT Momentary interruption operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.IntrTmpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B TEMPINTCNT Temporary interruption operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.IntrSstCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B SUSTINTCNT Sustained interruption operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH1QVVR1.IntrMaxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MAXDURINTCNT Maximum duration interruption operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH2QVVR1.VarStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B ST_B Start Phase B (Voltage Variation Event in progress) Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.PH3QVVR1.VarStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B ST_C Start Phase C (Voltage Variation Event in progress) Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Monitored data
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTyp.stVal ENS Enum ST B Variation type Variation type 0=No variation; 1=Swell; 2=Dip; 3=Swell + dip; 4=Interruption; 5=Swell + Int; 6=Dip + Int; 7=Swell+dip+Int Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTyp.t ENS Timestamp ST B Time Time Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph A Variation magnitude Phase A 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaPhsA.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph A rec time Variation magnitude Phase A time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph B Variation magnitude Phase B 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaPhsB.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph B rec time Variation magnitude Phase B time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph C Variation magnitude Phase C 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaPhsC.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph C rec time Variation magnitude Phase C time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTmPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph A Variation duration Phase A 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTmPhsA.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph A time Variation Ph A start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTmPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph B Variation duration Phase B 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTmPhsB.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph B time Variation Ph B start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTmPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph C Variation duration Phase C 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.VVaTmPhsC.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph C time Variation Ph C start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.APreVaPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph A Current magnitude Phase A preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.APreVaPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph B Current magnitude Phase B preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV1RQRC1.APreVaPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph C Current magnitude Phase C preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTyp.stVal ENS Enum ST B Variation type Variation type 0=No variation; 1=Swell; 2=Dip; 3=Swell + dip; 4=Interruption; 5=Swell + Int; 6=Dip + Int; 7=Swell+dip+Int Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTyp.t ENS Timestamp ST B Time Time Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph A Variation magnitude Phase A 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaPhsA.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph A rec time Variation magnitude Phase A time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph B Variation magnitude Phase B 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaPhsB.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph B rec time Variation magnitude Phase B time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph C Variation magnitude Phase C 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaPhsC.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph C rec time Variation magnitude Phase C time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTmPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph A Variation duration Phase A 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTmPhsA.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph A time Variation Ph A start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTmPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph B Variation duration Phase B 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTmPhsB.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph B time Variation Ph B start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTmPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph C Variation duration Phase C 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.VVaTmPhsC.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph C time Variation Ph C start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.APreVaPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph A Current magnitude Phase A preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.APreVaPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph B Current magnitude Phase B preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV2RQRC1.APreVaPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph C Current magnitude Phase C preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 2
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTyp.stVal ENS Enum ST B Variation type Variation type 0=No variation; 1=Swell; 2=Dip; 3=Swell + dip; 4=Interruption; 5=Swell + Int; 6=Dip + Int; 7=Swell+dip+Int Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTyp.t ENS Timestamp ST B Time Time Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph A Variation magnitude Phase A 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaPhsA.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph A rec time Variation magnitude Phase A time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph B Variation magnitude Phase B 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaPhsB.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph B rec time Variation magnitude Phase B time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Ph C Variation magnitude Phase C 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaPhsC.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Ph C rec time Variation magnitude Phase C time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTmPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph A Variation duration Phase A 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTmPhsA.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph A time Variation Ph A start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTmPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph B Variation duration Phase B 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTmPhsB.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph B time Variation Ph B start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTmPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Variation Dur Ph C Variation duration Phase C 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.VVaTmPhsC.t MV Timestamp MX B Var Dur Ph C time Variation Ph C start time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.APreVaPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph A Current magnitude Phase A preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.APreVaPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph B Current magnitude Phase B preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) MON LD0.QVV3RQRC1.APreVaPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Var current Ph C Current magnitude Phase C preceding variation 0.00...60.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\PHQVVR1\Variation 3
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipStrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80.0 Voltage dip set 1 Dip limit 1 in % of reference voltage 10.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipStr2Val.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80.0 Voltage dip set 2 Dip limit 2 in % of reference voltage 10.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.DipStr3Val.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80.0 Voltage dip set 3 Dip limit 3 in % of reference voltage 10.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlStrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 120.0 Voltage swell set 1 Swell limit 1 in % of reference voltage 100.0...140.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlStr2Val.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 120.0 Voltage swell set 2 Swell limit 2 in % of reference voltage 100.0...140.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.SwlStr3Val.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 120.0 Voltage swell set 3 Swell limit 3 in % of reference voltage 100.0...140.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.IntrStrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 10.0 Voltage Int set Interruption limit in % of reference voltage 0.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.RefV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 57.7 Reference voltage Reference supply voltage in % 10.0...200.0 %Un Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1 UL1TVTR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Dip1Cyc.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 3.0 VVa dip time 1 Voltage variation dip duration 1 0.5...54.0 cycles Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Dip2Cyc.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 30.0 VVa dip time 2 Voltage variation dip duration 2 10.0...180.0 cycles Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Dip3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 3000 VVa dip time 3 Voltage variation dip duration 3 2000...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Swl1Cyc.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.5 VVa swell time 1 Voltage variation swell duration 1 0.5...54.0 cycles Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Swl2Cyc.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 10.0 VVa swell time 2 Voltage variation swell duration 2 10.0...80.0 cycles Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Swl3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 2000 VVa swell time 3 Voltage variation swell duration 3 2000...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Intr1Cyc.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 3.0 VVa Int time 1 Voltage variation Int duration 1 0.5...30.0 cycles Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Intr2Cyc.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 30.0 VVa Int time 2 Voltage variation Int duration 2 10.0...180.0 cycles Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.Intr3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 3000 VVa Int time 3 Voltage variation interruption duration 3 2000...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.MaxDurTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60000 VVa Dur Max Maximum voltage variation duration 100...3600000 ms Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.PhSpvn.setVal ENG Enum SP A 7 Phase supervision Monitored voltage phase 1=Ph A; 2=Ph B; 3=Ph A + B; 4=Ph C; 5=Ph A + C; 6=Ph B + C; 7=Ph A + B + C Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.OpModPh.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Phase mode Three/Single phase mode 1=Three Phase; 2=Single Phase Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) SET LD0.PH1QVVR1.VVaEna.setVal ENG Enum SP B 7 Variation enable Enable variation type 1=Swell; 2=Dip; 3=Swell + dip; 4=Interruption; 5=Swell + Int; 6=Dip + Int; 7=Swell+dip+Int Settings\Settings\Power quality\PHQVVR1
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) TES LD0.PH1QVVR1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHQVVR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -59=Activate SWELLST; -60=Deactive SWELLST; -61=Activate DIPST; -62=Deactive DIPST; -63=Activate INTST; -64=Deactive INTST Tests\Function tests\Power quality
PHQVVR1 PQMU(1) PQMV(1) VER LD0.PH1QVVR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

VSQVUB1: Voltage unbalance measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) INP LD0.VSQVUB1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block all outputs except measured values Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Inputs
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) OUT LD0.VSQVUB1.VarStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H MN_UNB_AL Alarm active when 3 sec voltage unbalance exceeds the limit Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Outputs
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) OUT LD0.VSQVUB1.HiPctVUnb.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H PCT_UNB_AL Alarm active when percentile unbalance exceeds the limit Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Outputs
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) OUT LD0.VSQVUB1.ObsPerAct.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OBS_PR_ACT Observation period is active Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Outputs
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) CTR LD0.VSQVUB1.TrgObsPer.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Trigger for observation period)
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) CTR LD0.VSQVUB1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Recorded data reset)
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B VSQVUB1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.MaxVVa.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MAX_UNB_VAL Maximum voltage unbalance measured in the observation period 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.MaxVVa.t MV Timestamp MX B MAX_UNB_TIME Time stamp at which maximum voltage unbalance measured in the observation period Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.PctUnbVal.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PCT_UNB_VAL Limit below which percentile unbalance of the values lie 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.VUnb3sMn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 3S_MN_UNB Non sliding 3 second mean value of voltage unbalance 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.VUnb10mMn.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 10MIN_MN_UNB Sliding 10 minutes mean value of voltage unbalance 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.ObsPerStr.t SPS Timestamp ST B PR_STR_TIME Time stamp of starting of the previous observation period Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.VSQVUB1.ObsPerEnd.t SPS Timestamp ST B PR_END_TIME Time stamp of end of previous observation period Monitoring\I/O status\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Monitored data
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU1RQRC1.MaxVVa.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Max unbalance Volt Maximum 3 seconds unbalance voltage 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU1RQRC1.MaxVVa.t MV Timestamp MX B Time Max Unb Volt Time stamp of maximum voltage unbalance Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU1RQRC1.VVaTm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Alarm high mean Dur Time duration for alarm high mean unbalance 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU2RQRC1.MaxVVa.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Max unbalance Volt Maximum 3 seconds unbalance voltage 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 2
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU2RQRC1.MaxVVa.t MV Timestamp MX B Time Max Unb Volt Time stamp of maximum voltage unbalance Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 2
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU2RQRC1.VVaTm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Alarm high mean Dur Time duration for alarm high mean unbalance 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 2
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU3RQRC1.MaxVVa.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Max unbalance Volt Maximum 3 seconds unbalance voltage 0.00...150.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 3
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU3RQRC1.MaxVVa.t MV Timestamp MX B Time Max Unb Volt Time stamp of maximum voltage unbalance Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 3
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) MON LD0.QVU3RQRC1.VVaTm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Alarm high mean Dur Time duration for alarm high mean unbalance 0.000...3600.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Power quality\VSQVUB1\Unbalance 3
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.UnbDetMth.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Unb detection method Set the operation mode for voltage unbalance calculation 1=Neg Seq; 2=Zero Seq; 3=Neg to Pos Seq; 4=Zero to Pos Seq; 5=Ph vectors Comp Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1 Unbalance start Val Voltage unbalance start value 1...100 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.TrgModPQ.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Trigger mode Specifies the observation period triggering mode 1=Single; 2=Periodic; 3=Continuous Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.ObsPerSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Obs period selection Observation period for unbalance calculation 1=1 Hour; 2=12 Hours; 3=1 Day; 4=7 Days; 5=User defined Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.ObsPerUsr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 168 User Def Obs period User define observation period for statistic calculation 1...168 h Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.PctUnb.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 95 Percentile unbalance The percent to which percentile value PCT_UNB_VAL is calculated 1...100 % Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.PerStrDate.setCal.occ TSG INT16U SP ED2,B 2011 Obs period Str year Calendar time for observation period start year in YYYY 2008...2076 Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET LD0.VSQVUB1.PerStrDate.setCal.month TSG Enum SP ED2,B 1 Obs period Str month Calendar time for observation period start month 0=reserved; 1=January; 2=February; 3=March; 4=April; 5=May; 6=June; 7=July; 8=August; 9=September; 10=October; 11=November; 12=December Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 1 Obs period Str day Calendar time for observation period start day 1...31 Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) SET TSG INT8U SP ED2,B 0 Obs period Str hour Calendar time for observation period start hour 0...23 h Settings\Settings\Power quality\VSQVUB1
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) TES LD0.VSQVUB1.TestOth.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 VSQVUB1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 11=Activate MN_UNB_AL; 12=Deactive MN_UNB_AL; 13=Activate PCT_UNB_AL; 14=Deactive PCT_UNB_AL; 15=Activate OBS_PR_ACT; 16=Deactive OBS_PR_ACT Tests\Function tests\Power quality
VSQVUB1 PQUUB(1) PQVUB(1) VER LD0.VSQVUB1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPGAPC1 TP(1) TP(1) INP LD0.TPGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC1\Inputs
TPGAPC1 TP(1) TP(1) INP LD0.TPGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC1\Inputs
TPGAPC1 TP(1) TP(1) OUT LD0.TPGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC1\Outputs
TPGAPC1 TP(1) TP(1) OUT LD0.TPGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC1\Outputs
TPGAPC1 TP(1) TP(1) CFG LD0.TPGAPC1.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 150 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TPGAPC1
TPGAPC1 TP(1) TP(1) VER LD0.TPGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPGAPC2 TP(2) TP(2) INP LD0.TPGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC2\Inputs
TPGAPC2 TP(2) TP(2) INP LD0.TPGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC2\Inputs
TPGAPC2 TP(2) TP(2) OUT LD0.TPGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC2\Outputs
TPGAPC2 TP(2) TP(2) OUT LD0.TPGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC2\Outputs
TPGAPC2 TP(2) TP(2) CFG LD0.TPGAPC2.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 150 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TPGAPC2
TPGAPC2 TP(2) TP(2) VER LD0.TPGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPGAPC3 TP(3) TP(3) INP LD0.TPGAPC3.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC3\Inputs
TPGAPC3 TP(3) TP(3) INP LD0.TPGAPC3.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC3\Inputs
TPGAPC3 TP(3) TP(3) OUT LD0.TPGAPC3.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC3\Outputs
TPGAPC3 TP(3) TP(3) OUT LD0.TPGAPC3.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC3\Outputs
TPGAPC3 TP(3) TP(3) CFG LD0.TPGAPC3.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 150 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TPGAPC3
TPGAPC3 TP(3) TP(3) VER LD0.TPGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPGAPC4 TP(4) TP(4) INP LD0.TPGAPC4.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC4\Inputs
TPGAPC4 TP(4) TP(4) INP LD0.TPGAPC4.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC4\Inputs
TPGAPC4 TP(4) TP(4) OUT LD0.TPGAPC4.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC4\Outputs
TPGAPC4 TP(4) TP(4) OUT LD0.TPGAPC4.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPGAPC4\Outputs
TPGAPC4 TP(4) TP(4) CFG LD0.TPGAPC4.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 150 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TPGAPC4
TPGAPC4 TP(4) TP(4) VER LD0.TPGAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) TPS(1) INP LD0.TPSGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC1\Inputs
TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) TPS(1) INP LD0.TPSGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC1\Inputs
TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) TPS(1) OUT LD0.TPSGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC1\Outputs
TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) TPS(1) OUT LD0.TPSGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC1\Outputs
TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) TPS(1) CFG LD0.TPSGAPC1.PlsTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...300 s Configuration\Generic timers\TPSGAPC1
TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) TPS(1) VER LD0.TPSGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) TPS(2) MON LD0.TPSGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC2\Inputs
TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) TPS(2) MON LD0.TPSGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC2\Inputs
TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) TPS(2) MON LD0.TPSGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC2\Outputs
TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) TPS(2) MON LD0.TPSGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPSGAPC2\Outputs
TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) TPS(2) CFG LD0.TPSGAPC2.PlsTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...300 s Configuration\Generic timers\TPSGAPC2
TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) TPS(2) VER LD0.TPSGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) TPM(1) INP LD0.TPMGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC1\Inputs
TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) TPM(1) INP LD0.TPMGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC1\Inputs
TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) TPM(1) OUT LD0.TPMGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC1\Outputs
TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) TPM(1) OUT LD0.TPMGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC1\Outputs
TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) TPM(1) CFG LD0.TPMGAPC1.PlsTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...300 min Configuration\Generic timers\TPMGAPC1
TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) TPM(1) VER LD0.TPMGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) TPM(2) MON LD0.TPMGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC2\Inputs
TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) TPM(2) MON LD0.TPMGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC2\Inputs
TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) TPM(2) MON LD0.TPMGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC2\Outputs
TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) TPM(2) MON LD0.TPMGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B OUT2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TPMGAPC2\Outputs
TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) TPM(2) CFG LD0.TPMGAPC2.PlsTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time Minimum pulse time 0...300 min Configuration\Generic timers\TPMGAPC2
TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) TPM(2) VER LD0.TPMGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) INP LD0.PTGAPC1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Inputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) OUT LD0.PTGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC1\Outputs
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 1 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 2 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 3 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 4 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 5 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 6 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 7 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) CFG LD0.PTGAPC1.PlsTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 8 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC1
PTGAPC1 PT(1) PT(1) VER LD0.PTGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) INP LD0.PTGAPC2.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Inputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) OUT LD0.PTGAPC2.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\PTGAPC2\Outputs
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 1 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 2 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 3 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 4 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 5 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 6 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 7 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) CFG LD0.PTGAPC2.PlsTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Pulse time 8 Pulse time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\PTGAPC2
PTGAPC2 PT(2) PT(2) VER LD0.PTGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) INP LD0.TOFGAPC1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Inputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1\Outputs
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 1 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 2 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 3 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 4 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 5 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 6 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 7 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC1.OffDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 8 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC1
TOFGAPC1 TOF(1) TOF(1) VER LD0.TOFGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) INP LD0.TOFGAPC2.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Inputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC2.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2\Outputs
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 1 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 2 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 3 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 4 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 5 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 6 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 7 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC2.OffDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 8 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC2
TOFGAPC2 TOF(2) TOF(2) VER LD0.TOFGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) INP LD0.TOFGAPC3.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Inputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC3.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3\Outputs
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 1 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 2 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 3 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 4 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 5 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 6 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 7 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC3.OffDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 8 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC3
TOFGAPC3 TOF(3) TOF(3) VER LD0.TOFGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) INP LD0.TOFGAPC4.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Inputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) OUT LD0.TOFGAPC4.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4\Outputs
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 1 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 2 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 3 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 4 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 5 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 6 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 7 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) CFG LD0.TOFGAPC4.OffDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Off delay time 8 Off delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TOFGAPC4
TOFGAPC4 TOF(4) TOF(4) VER LD0.TOFGAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) INP LD0.TONGAPC1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Inputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) OUT LD0.TONGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC1\Outputs
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 1 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 2 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 3 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 4 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 5 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 6 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 7 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) CFG LD0.TONGAPC1.OnDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 8 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC1
TONGAPC1 TON(1) TON(1) VER LD0.TONGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) INP LD0.TONGAPC2.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Inputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) OUT LD0.TONGAPC2.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC2\Outputs
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 1 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 2 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 3 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 4 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 5 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 6 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 7 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) CFG LD0.TONGAPC2.OnDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 8 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC2
TONGAPC2 TON(2) TON(2) VER LD0.TONGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) INP LD0.TONGAPC3.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Inputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) OUT LD0.TONGAPC3.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC3\Outputs
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 1 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 2 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 3 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 4 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 5 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 6 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 7 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) CFG LD0.TONGAPC3.OnDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 8 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC3
TONGAPC3 TON(3) TON(3) VER LD0.TONGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) INP LD0.TONGAPC4.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Inputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Output 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Output 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Output 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Output 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Output 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Output 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Output 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) OUT LD0.TONGAPC4.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Output 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic timers\TONGAPC4\Outputs
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 1 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 2 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 3 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 4 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 5 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 6 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 7 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) CFG LD0.TONGAPC4.OnDlTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 On delay time 8 On delay time 0...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic timers\TONGAPC4
TONGAPC4 TON(4) TON(4) VER LD0.TONGAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S1 Set Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S2 Set Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S3 Set Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S4 Set Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S5 Set Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S6 Set Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S7 Set Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S8 Set Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R1 Resets Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R2 Resets Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R3 Resets Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R4 Resets Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R5 Resets Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R6 Resets Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R7 Resets Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) INP LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R8 Resets Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Inputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) OUT LD0.SRGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC1\Outputs
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CTR LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) CFG LD0.SRGAPC1.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC1
SRGAPC1 SR(1) SR(1) VER LD0.SRGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S1 Set Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S2 Set Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S3 Set Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S4 Set Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S5 Set Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S6 Set Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S7 Set Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S8 Set Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R1 Resets Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R2 Resets Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R3 Resets Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R4 Resets Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R5 Resets Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R6 Resets Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R7 Resets Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) INP LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R8 Resets Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Inputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) OUT LD0.SRGAPC2.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC2\Outputs
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CTR LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) CFG LD0.SRGAPC2.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC2
SRGAPC2 SR(2) SR(2) VER LD0.SRGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S1 Set Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S2 Set Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S3 Set Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S4 Set Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S5 Set Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S6 Set Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S7 Set Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S8 Set Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R1 Resets Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R2 Resets Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R3 Resets Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R4 Resets Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R5 Resets Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R6 Resets Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R7 Resets Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) INP LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R8 Resets Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Inputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) OUT LD0.SRGAPC3.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC3\Outputs
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CTR LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) CFG LD0.SRGAPC3.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC3
SRGAPC3 SR(3) SR(3) VER LD0.SRGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S1 Set Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S2 Set Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S3 Set Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S4 Set Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S5 Set Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S6 Set Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S7 Set Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 S8 Set Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R1 Resets Q1 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R2 Resets Q2 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R3 Resets Q3 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R4 Resets Q4 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R5 Resets Q5 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R6 Resets Q6 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R7 Resets Q7 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) INP LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 R8 Resets Q8 output when set Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Inputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) OUT LD0.SRGAPC4.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SRGAPC4\Outputs
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CTR LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q1 Resets Q1 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q2 Resets Q2 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q3 Resets Q3 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q4 Resets Q4 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q5 Resets Q5 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q6 Resets Q6 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q7 Resets Q7 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) CFG LD0.SRGAPC4.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset Q8 Resets Q8 output when set 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\SRGAPC4
SRGAPC4 SR(4) SR(4) VER LD0.SRGAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 IN1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 IN2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 IN3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 IN4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 IN5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 IN6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 IN7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) INP LD0.MVGAPC1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 IN8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Inputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) OUT LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Outputs
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q1 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 1
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q2 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 2
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q3 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 3
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q4 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 4
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q5 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 5
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q6 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 6
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q7 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 7
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) CFG LD0.MVGAPC1.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC1 Q8 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC1\Output 8
MVGAPC1 MV(1) MV(1) VER LD0.MVGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 IN1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 IN2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 IN3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 IN4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 IN5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 IN6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 IN7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) INP LD0.MVGAPC2.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 IN8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Inputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) OUT LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Outputs
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q1 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 1
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q2 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 2
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q3 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 3
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q4 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 4
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q5 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 5
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q6 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 6
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q7 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 7
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) CFG LD0.MVGAPC2.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC2 Q8 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC2\Output 8
MVGAPC2 MV(2) MV(2) VER LD0.MVGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 IN1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 IN2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 IN3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 IN4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 IN5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 IN6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 IN7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) INP LD0.MVGAPC3.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 IN8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Inputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) OUT LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Outputs
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q1 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 1
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q2 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 2
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q3 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 3
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q4 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 4
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q5 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 5
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q6 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 6
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q7 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 7
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) CFG LD0.MVGAPC3.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC3 Q8 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC3\Output 8
MVGAPC3 MV(3) MV(3) VER LD0.MVGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 IN1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 IN2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 IN3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 IN4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 IN5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 IN6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 IN7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) INP LD0.MVGAPC4.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 IN8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Inputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q1 Q1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q2 Q2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q3 Q3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q4 Q4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q5 Q5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q6 Q6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q7 Q7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) OUT LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H Q8 Q8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Outputs
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q1 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 1
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q2 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 2
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q3 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 3
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q4 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 4
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q5 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 5
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q6 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 6
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q7 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 7
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) CFG LD0.MVGAPC4.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC B MVGAPC4 Q8 Description Output description Configuration\Generic logic\MVGAPC4\Output 8
MVGAPC4 MV(4) MV(4) VER LD0.MVGAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC1.IntIn1.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN1 Integer input value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Inputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC1.IntIn2.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN2 Integer input value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Inputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC1.IntIn3.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN3 Integer input value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Inputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC1.IntIn4.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN4 Integer input value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Inputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC1.ISCSO1.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT1 Integer output value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Outputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC1.ISCSO2.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT2 Integer output value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Outputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC1.ISCSO3.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT3 Integer output value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Outputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC1.ISCSO4.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT4 Integer output value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC1\Outputs
MVI4GAPC1 MVI4(1) MVI4(1) VER LD0.MVI4GAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC2.IntIn1.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN1 Integer input value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Inputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC2.IntIn2.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN2 Integer input value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Inputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC2.IntIn3.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN3 Integer input value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Inputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC2.IntIn4.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN4 Integer input value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Inputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC2.ISCSO1.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT1 Integer output value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Outputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC2.ISCSO2.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT2 Integer output value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Outputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC2.ISCSO3.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT3 Integer output value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Outputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC2.ISCSO4.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT4 Integer output value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC2\Outputs
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4(2) MVI4(2) VER LD0.MVI4GAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC3.IntIn1.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN1 Integer input value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Inputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC3.IntIn2.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN2 Integer input value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Inputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC3.IntIn3.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN3 Integer input value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Inputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC3.IntIn4.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN4 Integer input value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Inputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC3.ISCSO1.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT1 Integer output value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Outputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC3.ISCSO2.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT2 Integer output value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Outputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC3.ISCSO3.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT3 Integer output value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Outputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC3.ISCSO4.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT4 Integer output value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC3\Outputs
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4(3) MVI4(3) VER LD0.MVI4GAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC4.IntIn1.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN1 Integer input value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Inputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC4.IntIn2.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN2 Integer input value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Inputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC4.IntIn3.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN3 Integer input value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Inputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) INP LD0.MVI4GAPC4.IntIn4.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 IN4 Integer input value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Inputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC4.ISCSO1.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT1 Integer output value 1 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Outputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC4.ISCSO2.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT2 Integer output value 2 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Outputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC4.ISCSO3.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT3 Integer output value 3 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Outputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) OUT LD0.MVI4GAPC4.ISCSO4.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasFlt P OUT4 Integer output value 4 -2147483648...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\MVI4GAPC4\Outputs
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4(4) MVI4(4) VER LD0.MVI4GAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI1_VALUE Analog input value of channel 1 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Inputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI2_VALUE Analog input value of channel 2 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Inputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI3_VALUE Analog input value of channel 3 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Inputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnIn4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI4_VALUE Analog input value of channel 4 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Inputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnValOut1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Outputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnValOut2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Outputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnValOut3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Outputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC1.AnValOut4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1\Outputs
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC1.ScaleAnIn1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 1 Scale ratio for analog value 1 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC1.ScaleAnIn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 2 Scale ratio for analog value 2 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC1.ScaleAnIn3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 3 Scale ratio for analog value 3 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC1.ScaleAnIn4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 4 Scale ratio for analog value 4 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC1
SCA4GAPC1 SCA4(1) SCA4(1) VER LD0.SCA4GAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI1_VALUE Analog input value of channel 1 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Inputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI2_VALUE Analog input value of channel 2 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Inputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI3_VALUE Analog input value of channel 3 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Inputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnIn4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI4_VALUE Analog input value of channel 4 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Inputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnValOut1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Outputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnValOut2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Outputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnValOut3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Outputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC2.AnValOut4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2\Outputs
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC2.ScaleAnIn1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 1 Scale ratio for analog value 1 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC2.ScaleAnIn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 2 Scale ratio for analog value 2 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC2.ScaleAnIn3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 3 Scale ratio for analog value 3 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC2.ScaleAnIn4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 4 Scale ratio for analog value 4 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC2
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4(2) SCA4(2) VER LD0.SCA4GAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI1_VALUE Analog input value of channel 1 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Inputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI2_VALUE Analog input value of channel 2 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Inputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI3_VALUE Analog input value of channel 3 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Inputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnIn4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI4_VALUE Analog input value of channel 4 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Inputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnValOut1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Outputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnValOut2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Outputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnValOut3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Outputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC3.AnValOut4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3\Outputs
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC3.ScaleAnIn1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 1 Scale ratio for analog value 1 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC3.ScaleAnIn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 2 Scale ratio for analog value 2 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC3.ScaleAnIn3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 3 Scale ratio for analog value 3 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC3.ScaleAnIn4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 4 Scale ratio for analog value 4 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC3
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4(3) SCA4(3) VER LD0.SCA4GAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI1_VALUE Analog input value of channel 1 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Inputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI2_VALUE Analog input value of channel 2 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Inputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI3_VALUE Analog input value of channel 3 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Inputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) INP LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnIn4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 AI4_VALUE Analog input value of channel 4 -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Inputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnValOut1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Outputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnValOut2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Outputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnValOut3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Outputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) OUT LD0.SCA4GAPC4.AnValOut4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling -2000000.0...2000000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4\Outputs
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC4.ScaleAnIn1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 1 Scale ratio for analog value 1 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC4.ScaleAnIn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 2 Scale ratio for analog value 2 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC4.ScaleAnIn3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 3 Scale ratio for analog value 3 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) CFG LD0.SCA4GAPC4.ScaleAnIn4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.000 Scale ratio 4 Scale ratio for analog value 4 0.001...1000.000 Configuration\Generic logic\SCA4GAPC4
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4(4) SCA4(4) VER LD0.SCA4GAPC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input of control point 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input of control point 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input of control point 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input of control point 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input of control point 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input of control point 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input of control point 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input of control point 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN9 Input of control point 9 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN10 Input of control point 10 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN11 Input of control point 11 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind12.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN12 Input of control point 12 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind13.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN13 Input of control point 13 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind14.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN14 Input of control point 14 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind15.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN15 Input of control point 15 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) INP LD0.SPCGAPC1.Ind16.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN16 Input of control point 16 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Inputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO9.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O9 Output 9 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO10.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O10 Output 10 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO11.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O11 Output 11 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO12.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O12 Output 12 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO13.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O13 Output 13 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO14.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O14 Output 14 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO15.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O15 Output 15 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO16.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O16 Output 16 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Outputs
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO10.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 10 Trig output 10 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO11.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 11 Trig output 11 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO12.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 12 Trig output 12 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO13.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 13 Trig output 13 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO14.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 14 Trig output 14 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO15.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 15 Trig output 15 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO16.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 16 Trig output 16 Control\SPCGAPC1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO1.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 1
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 2
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 2
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO2.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 2
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 2
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 3
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 3
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO3.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 3
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 3
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 4
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 4
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO4.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 4
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 4
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 5
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 5
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO5.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 5
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 5
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 6
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 6
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO6.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 6
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 6
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 7
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 7
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO7.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 7
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 7
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 8
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 8
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO8.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 8
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 8
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 9
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 9
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO9.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 9
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO9.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 9
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 10
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 10
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO10.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 10
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO10.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 10
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 11
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 11
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO11.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 11
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO11.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 11
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 12
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 12
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO12.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 12
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO12.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 12
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 13
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 13
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO13.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 13
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO13.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 13
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 14
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 14
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO14.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 14
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO14.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 14
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 15
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 15
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO15.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 15
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO15.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 15
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 16
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 16
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO16.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC1 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 16
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.SPCSO16.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC1 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\Output 16
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC1.LocRemRst.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 Loc Rem restriction Local remote switch restriction Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC1\General
SPCGAPC1 SPC(1) SPC(1) VER LD0.SPCGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input of control point 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input of control point 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input of control point 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input of control point 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input of control point 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input of control point 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input of control point 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input of control point 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN9 Input of control point 9 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN10 Input of control point 10 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN11 Input of control point 11 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind12.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN12 Input of control point 12 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind13.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN13 Input of control point 13 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind14.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN14 Input of control point 14 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind15.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN15 Input of control point 15 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) INP LD0.SPCGAPC2.Ind16.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN16 Input of control point 16 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Inputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO9.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O9 Output 9 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO10.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O10 Output 10 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO11.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O11 Output 11 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO12.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O12 Output 12 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO13.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O13 Output 13 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO14.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O14 Output 14 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO15.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O15 Output 15 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO16.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O16 Output 16 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Outputs
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO10.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 10 Trig output 10 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO11.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 11 Trig output 11 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO12.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 12 Trig output 12 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO13.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 13 Trig output 13 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO14.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 14 Trig output 14 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO15.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 15 Trig output 15 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO16.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 16 Trig output 16 Control\SPCGAPC2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 1
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 1
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO1.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 1
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 1
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO2.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 2
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 3
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 3
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO3.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 3
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 3
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 4
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 4
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO4.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 4
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 4
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 5
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 5
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO5.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 5
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 5
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 6
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 6
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO6.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 6
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 6
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 7
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 7
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO7.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 7
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 7
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 8
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 8
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO8.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 8
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 8
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 9
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 9
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO9.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 9
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO9.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 9
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 10
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 10
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO10.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 10
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO10.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 10
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 11
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 11
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO11.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 11
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO11.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 11
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 12
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 12
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO12.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 12
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO12.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 12
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 13
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 13
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO13.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 13
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO13.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 13
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 14
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 14
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO14.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 14
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO14.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 14
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 15
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 15
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO15.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 15
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO15.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 15
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 16
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 16
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO16.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC2 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 16
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.SPCSO16.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC2 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\Output 16
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC2.LocRemRst.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 Loc Rem restriction Local remote switch restriction Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC2\General
SPCGAPC2 SPC(2) SPC(2) VER LD0.SPCGAPC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN1 Input of control point 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN2 Input of control point 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN3 Input of control point 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN4 Input of control point 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN5 Input of control point 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN6 Input of control point 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN7 Input of control point 7 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN8 Input of control point 8 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN9 Input of control point 9 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN10 Input of control point 10 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN11 Input of control point 11 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind12.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN12 Input of control point 12 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind13.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN13 Input of control point 13 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind14.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN14 Input of control point 14 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind15.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN15 Input of control point 15 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) INP LD0.SPCGAPC3.Ind16.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 IN16 Input of control point 16 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Inputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO9.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O9 Output 9 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO10.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O10 Output 10 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO11.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O11 Output 11 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO12.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O12 Output 12 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO13.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O13 Output 13 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO14.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O14 Output 14 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO15.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O15 Output 15 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) OUT LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO16.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O16 Output 16 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Outputs
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO10.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 10 Trig output 10 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO11.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 11 Trig output 11 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO12.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 12 Trig output 12 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO13.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 13 Trig output 13 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO14.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 14 Trig output 14 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO15.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 15 Trig output 15 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CTR LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO16.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 TRIG 16 Trig output 16 Control\SPCGAPC3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 1
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 1
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO1.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 1
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 1
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 2
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 2
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO2.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 2
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 2
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO3.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 3
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 4
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 4
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO4.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 4
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 4
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 5
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 5
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO5.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 5
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 5
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 6
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 6
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO6.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 6
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 6
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 7
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 7
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO7.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 7
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 7
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 8
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 8
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO8.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 8
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 8
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 9
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 9
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO9.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 9
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO9.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 9
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 10
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 10
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO10.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 10
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO10.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 10
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 11
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 11
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO11.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 11
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO11.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 11
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 12
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 12
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO12.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 12
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO12.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 12
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 13
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 13
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO13.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 13
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO13.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 13
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 14
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 14
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO14.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 14
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO14.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 14
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 15
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 15
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO15.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 15
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO15.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 15
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Toggle/Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 16
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 16
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO16.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCGAPC3 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 16
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.SPCSO16.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCGAPC3 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\Output 16
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) CFG LD0.SPCGAPC3.LocRemRst.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 Loc Rem restriction Local remote switch restriction Configuration\Generic logic\SPCGAPC3\General
SPCGAPC3 SPC(3) SPC(3) VER LD0.SPCGAPC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) INP LD0.SPCRGAPC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Inputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO9.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O9 Output 9 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO10.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O10 Output 10 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO11.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O11 Output 11 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO12.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O12 Output 12 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO13.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O13 Output 13 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO14.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O14 Output 14 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO15.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O15 Output 15 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) OUT LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO16.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O16 Output 16 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Outputs
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 1
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 1
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO1.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 1
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 1
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 2
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 2
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO2.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 2
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 2
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 3
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 3
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO3.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 3
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 3
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 4
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 4
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO4.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 4
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 4
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 5
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 5
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO5.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 5
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 5
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 6
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 6
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO6.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 6
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 6
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 7
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 7
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO7.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 7
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 7
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 8
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 8
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO8.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 8
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 8
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 9
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 9
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO9.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 9
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO9.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 9
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 10
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 10
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO10.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 10
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO10.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 10
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 11
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 11
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO11.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 11
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO11.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 11
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 12
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 12
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO12.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 12
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO12.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 12
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 13
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 13
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO13.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 13
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO13.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 13
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 14
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 14
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO14.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 14
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO14.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 14
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 15
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 15
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO15.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 15
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO15.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 15
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 16
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 16
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO16.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCRGAPC1 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 16
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.SPCSO16.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCRGAPC1 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\Output 16
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) CFG LD0.SPCRGAPC1.LocRemRst.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 Loc Rem restriction Local remote switch restriction Configuration\Generic logic\SPCRGAPC1\General
SPCRGAPC1 SPCR(1) SPCR(1) VER LD0.SPCRGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) INP LD0.SPCLGAPC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Inputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O1 Output 1 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O2 Output 2 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O3 Output 3 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O4 Output 4 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O5 Output 5 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O6 Output 6 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O7 Output 7 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O8 Output 8 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO9.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O9 Output 9 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO10.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O10 Output 10 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO11.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O11 Output 11 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO12.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O12 Output 12 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO13.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O13 Output 13 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO14.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O14 Output 14 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO15.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O15 Output 15 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) OUT LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO16.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H O16 Output 16 status Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Outputs
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 1
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO1.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 1
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO1.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 1
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO1.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 1 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 1
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 2
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO2.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 2
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO2.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 2
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO2.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 2 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 2
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 3
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO3.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 3
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO3.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 3
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO3.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 3 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 3
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 4
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO4.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 4
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO4.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 4
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO4.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 4 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 4
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 5
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO5.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 5
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO5.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 5
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO5.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 5 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 5
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 6
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO6.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 6
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO6.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 6
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO6.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 6 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 6
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 7
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO7.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 7
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO7.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 7
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO7.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 7 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 7
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 8
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO8.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 8
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO8.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 8
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO8.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 8 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 8
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 9
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO9.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 9
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO9.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 9
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO9.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 9 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 9
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 10
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO10.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 10
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO10.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 10
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO10.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 10 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 10
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 11
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO11.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 11
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO11.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 11
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO11.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 11 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 11
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 12
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO12.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 12
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO12.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 12
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO12.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 12 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 12
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 13
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO13.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 13
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO13.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 13
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO13.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 13 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 13
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 14
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO14.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 14
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO14.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 14
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO14.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 14 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 14
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 15
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO15.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 15
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO15.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 15
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO15.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 15 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 15
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.cmdQual SPC Enum CF B,I -1 Operation mode Operation mode for generic control point 0=Pulsed; 1=Persistent; -1=Off Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 16
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO16.pulseConfig.onDur SPC INT32U CF B,I 1000 Pulse length Pulse length for pulsed operation mode 10...3600000 ms Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 16
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO16.dU SPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B SPCLGAPC1 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 16
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.SPCSO16.d SPC VisString255 (64) DC SPCLGAPC1 Output 16 Description Generic control point description Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\Output 16
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) CFG LD0.SPCLGAPC1.LocRemRst.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 Loc Rem restriction Local remote switch restriction Configuration\Generic logic\SPCLGAPC1\General
SPCLGAPC1 SPCL(1) SPCL(1) VER LD0.SPCLGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT1: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Inputs
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Inputs
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) INP LD0.UDFCNT1.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Inputs
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) INP LD0.UDFCNT1.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Inputs
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) OUT LD0.UDFCNT1.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Outputs
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) OUT LD0.UDFCNT1.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Outputs
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) CTR LD0.UDFCNT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT1
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) CTR LD0.UDFCNT1.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT1
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) MON LD0.UDFCNT1.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT1\Monitored data
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) CFG LD0.UDFCNT1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT1
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) CFG LD0.UDFCNT1.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT1
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) CFG LD0.UDFCNT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT1
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) CFG LD0.UDFCNT1.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT1
UDFCNT1 UDCNT(1) UDCNT(1) VER LD0.UDFCNT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT2: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Inputs
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Inputs
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) INP LD0.UDFCNT2.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Inputs
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) INP LD0.UDFCNT2.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Inputs
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) OUT LD0.UDFCNT2.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Outputs
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) OUT LD0.UDFCNT2.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Outputs
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) CTR LD0.UDFCNT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT2
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) CTR LD0.UDFCNT2.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT2
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) MON LD0.UDFCNT2.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT2\Monitored data
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) CFG LD0.UDFCNT2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT2
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) CFG LD0.UDFCNT2.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT2
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) CFG LD0.UDFCNT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT2
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) CFG LD0.UDFCNT2.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT2
UDFCNT2 UDCNT(2) UDCNT(2) VER LD0.UDFCNT2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT3: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Inputs
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Inputs
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) INP LD0.UDFCNT3.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Inputs
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) INP LD0.UDFCNT3.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Inputs
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) OUT LD0.UDFCNT3.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Outputs
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) OUT LD0.UDFCNT3.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Outputs
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) CTR LD0.UDFCNT3.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT3
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) CTR LD0.UDFCNT3.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT3
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) MON LD0.UDFCNT3.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT3\Monitored data
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) CFG LD0.UDFCNT3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT3
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) CFG LD0.UDFCNT3.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT3
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) CFG LD0.UDFCNT3.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT3
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) CFG LD0.UDFCNT3.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT3
UDFCNT3 UDCNT(3) UDCNT(3) VER LD0.UDFCNT3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT4: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Inputs
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Inputs
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) INP LD0.UDFCNT4.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Inputs
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) INP LD0.UDFCNT4.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Inputs
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) OUT LD0.UDFCNT4.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Outputs
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) OUT LD0.UDFCNT4.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Outputs
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) CTR LD0.UDFCNT4.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT4
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) CTR LD0.UDFCNT4.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT4
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) MON LD0.UDFCNT4.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT4\Monitored data
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) CFG LD0.UDFCNT4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT4
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) CFG LD0.UDFCNT4.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT4
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) CFG LD0.UDFCNT4.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT4
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) CFG LD0.UDFCNT4.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT4
UDFCNT4 UDCNT(4) UDCNT(4) VER LD0.UDFCNT4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT5: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Inputs
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Inputs
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) INP LD0.UDFCNT5.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Inputs
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) INP LD0.UDFCNT5.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Inputs
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) OUT LD0.UDFCNT5.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Outputs
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) OUT LD0.UDFCNT5.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Outputs
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) CTR LD0.UDFCNT5.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT5
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) CTR LD0.UDFCNT5.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT5
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) MON LD0.UDFCNT5.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT5\Monitored data
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) CFG LD0.UDFCNT5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT5
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) CFG LD0.UDFCNT5.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT5
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) CFG LD0.UDFCNT5.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT5
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) CFG LD0.UDFCNT5.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT5
UDFCNT5 UDCNT(5) UDCNT(5) VER LD0.UDFCNT5.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT6: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Inputs
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Inputs
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) INP LD0.UDFCNT6.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Inputs
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) INP LD0.UDFCNT6.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Inputs
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) OUT LD0.UDFCNT6.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Outputs
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) OUT LD0.UDFCNT6.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Outputs
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) CTR LD0.UDFCNT6.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT6
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) CTR LD0.UDFCNT6.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT6
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) MON LD0.UDFCNT6.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT6\Monitored data
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) CFG LD0.UDFCNT6.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT6
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) CFG LD0.UDFCNT6.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT6
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) CFG LD0.UDFCNT6.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT6
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) CFG LD0.UDFCNT6.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT6
UDFCNT6 UDCNT(6) UDCNT(6) VER LD0.UDFCNT6.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT7: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Inputs
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Inputs
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) INP LD0.UDFCNT7.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Inputs
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) INP LD0.UDFCNT7.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Inputs
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) OUT LD0.UDFCNT7.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Outputs
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) OUT LD0.UDFCNT7.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Outputs
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) CTR LD0.UDFCNT7.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT7
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) CTR LD0.UDFCNT7.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT7
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) MON LD0.UDFCNT7.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT7\Monitored data
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) CFG LD0.UDFCNT7.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT7
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) CFG LD0.UDFCNT7.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT7
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) CFG LD0.UDFCNT7.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT7
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) CFG LD0.UDFCNT7.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT7
UDFCNT7 UDCNT(7) UDCNT(7) VER LD0.UDFCNT7.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT8: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Inputs
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Inputs
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) INP LD0.UDFCNT8.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Inputs
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) INP LD0.UDFCNT8.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Inputs
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) OUT LD0.UDFCNT8.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Outputs
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) OUT LD0.UDFCNT8.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Outputs
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) CTR LD0.UDFCNT8.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT8
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) CTR LD0.UDFCNT8.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT8
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) MON LD0.UDFCNT8.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT8\Monitored data
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) CFG LD0.UDFCNT8.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT8
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) CFG LD0.UDFCNT8.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT8
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) CFG LD0.UDFCNT8.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT8
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) CFG LD0.UDFCNT8.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT8
UDFCNT8 UDCNT(8) UDCNT(8) VER LD0.UDFCNT8.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT9: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Inputs
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Inputs
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) INP LD0.UDFCNT9.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Inputs
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) INP LD0.UDFCNT9.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Inputs
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) OUT LD0.UDFCNT9.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Outputs
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) OUT LD0.UDFCNT9.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Outputs
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) CTR LD0.UDFCNT9.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT9
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) CTR LD0.UDFCNT9.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT9
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) MON LD0.UDFCNT9.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT9\Monitored data
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) CFG LD0.UDFCNT9.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT9
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) CFG LD0.UDFCNT9.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT9
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) CFG LD0.UDFCNT9.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT9
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) CFG LD0.UDFCNT9.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT9
UDFCNT9 UDCNT(9) UDCNT(9) VER LD0.UDFCNT9.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT10: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Inputs
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Inputs
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) INP LD0.UDFCNT10.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Inputs
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) INP LD0.UDFCNT10.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Inputs
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) OUT LD0.UDFCNT10.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Outputs
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) OUT LD0.UDFCNT10.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Outputs
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) CTR LD0.UDFCNT10.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT10
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) CTR LD0.UDFCNT10.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT10
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) MON LD0.UDFCNT10.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT10\Monitored data
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) CFG LD0.UDFCNT10.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT10
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) CFG LD0.UDFCNT10.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT10
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) CFG LD0.UDFCNT10.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT10
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) CFG LD0.UDFCNT10.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT10
UDFCNT10 UDCNT(10) UDCNT(10) VER LD0.UDFCNT10.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT11: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Inputs
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Inputs
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) INP LD0.UDFCNT11.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Inputs
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) INP LD0.UDFCNT11.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Inputs
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) OUT LD0.UDFCNT11.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Outputs
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) OUT LD0.UDFCNT11.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Outputs
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) CTR LD0.UDFCNT11.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT11
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) CTR LD0.UDFCNT11.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT11
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) MON LD0.UDFCNT11.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT11\Monitored data
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) CFG LD0.UDFCNT11.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT11
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) CFG LD0.UDFCNT11.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT11
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) CFG LD0.UDFCNT11.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT11
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) CFG LD0.UDFCNT11.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT11
UDFCNT11 UDCNT(11) UDCNT(11) VER LD0.UDFCNT11.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UDFCNT12: Multipurpose generic up-down counter

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) INP BOOLEAN B 0 UP_CNT Input for up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Inputs
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) INP BOOLEAN B 0 DOWN_CNT Input for down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Inputs
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) INP LD0.UDFCNT12.CntRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET Reset input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Inputs
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) INP LD0.UDFCNT12.LodCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOAD Load input for counter Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Inputs
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) OUT LD0.UDFCNT12.UpCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B UPCNT_STS Status of the up counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Outputs
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) OUT LD0.UDFCNT12.DnCntSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DNCNT_STS Status of the down counting Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Outputs
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) CTR LD0.UDFCNT12.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT12
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) CTR LD0.UDFCNT12.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT12
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) MON LD0.UDFCNT12.CntVal.actVal BCR INT64 ST B CNT_VAL Output counter value 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Generic logic\UDFCNT12\Monitored data
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) CFG LD0.UDFCNT12.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT12
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) CFG LD0.UDFCNT12.CntLodVal.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Counter load value Preset counter value 0...2147483647 Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT12
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) CFG LD0.UDFCNT12.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counter Resets counter value 0=Cancel; 1=Reset Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT12
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) CFG LD0.UDFCNT12.LodCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Load counter Loads the counter to preset value 0=Cancel; 1=Load Configuration\Generic logic\UDFCNT12
UDFCNT12 UDCNT(12) UDCNT(12) VER LD0.UDFCNT12.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L1 LED 1 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L2 LED 2 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L3 LED 3 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L4 LED 4 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO5.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L5 LED 5 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO6.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L6 LED 6 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO7.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L7 LED 7 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO8.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L8 LED 8 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO9.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L9 LED 9 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO10.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L10 LED 10 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO11.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L11 LED 11 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO12.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L12 LED 12 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO13.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L13 LED 13 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO14.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L14 LED 14 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO15.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L15 LED 15 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) INP LD0.FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO16.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P L16 LED 16 Monitoring\Function keys\LED status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K1 KEY 1 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K2 KEY 2 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K3 KEY 3 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K4 KEY 4 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K5 KEY 5 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K6 KEY 6 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K7 KEY 7 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K8 KEY 8 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind9.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K9 KEY 9 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind10.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K10 KEY 10 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind11.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K11 KEY 11 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind12.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K12 KEY 12 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind13.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K13 KEY 13 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind14.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K14 KEY 14 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind15.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K15 KEY 15 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) OUT LD0.FKEYGGIO1.Ind16.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P K16 KEY 16 Monitoring\Function keys\KEY status
FKEYGGIO1 FKEY(1) FKEY(1) VER LD0.FKEYGGIO1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

FLTRFRC1: Fault record

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 INP LD0.FLTRFRC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Block signal for all binary outputs)
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 INP LD0.FLTRFRC1.InOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Operate input for triggering)
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 INP LD0.FLTRFRC1.InStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Start input for triggering)
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 INP LD0.FLTRFRC1.InCBClr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Breaker open status)
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 CTR LD0.FLTRFRC1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Fault records Reset fault records 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 CTR LD0.FLTRFRC1.SelRow.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Select recording)
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Hz.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Frequency Frequency 30.00...80.00 Hz Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.FltPtR.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Fault resistance Fault resistance 0.00...1000000.00 ohm Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.FltDiskm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Fault distance Distance to fault measured in pu 0.00...3000.00 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.OpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B MeasReg P Fault number Fault record number 0...999999 Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.OpCnt.t INS Timestamp ST B MeasReg P Time and date Fault record time stamp Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ProFcn.stVal ENS Enum ST B MeasReg P Protection Protection function 0=Unknown; 1=PHLPTOC1; 2=PHLPTOC2; 6=PHHPTOC1; 7=PHHPTOC2; 8=PHHPTOC3; 9=PHHPTOC4; 12=PHIPTOC1; 13=PHIPTOC2; 17=EFLPTOC1; 18=EFLPTOC2; 19=EFLPTOC3; 22=EFHPTOC1; 23=EFHPTOC2; 24=EFHPTOC3; 25=EFHPTOC4; 30=EFIPTOC1; 31=EFIPTOC2; 32=EFIPTOC3; 35=NSPTOC1; 36=NSPTOC2; -7=INTRPTEF1; -5=STTPMSU1; -3=JAMPTOC1; 41=PDNSPTOC1; 44=T1PTTR1; 46=T2PTTR1; 48=MPTTR1; 50=DEFLPDEF1; 51=DEFLPDEF2; 53=DEFHPDEF1; 56=EFPADM1; 57=EFPADM2; 58=EFPADM3; 59=FRPFRQ1; 60=FRPFRQ2; 61=FRPFRQ3; 62=FRPFRQ4; 63=FRPFRQ5; 64=FRPFRQ6; 65=LSHDPFRQ1; 66=LSHDPFRQ2; 67=LSHDPFRQ3; 68=LSHDPFRQ4; 69=LSHDPFRQ5; 71=DPHLPDOC1; 72=DPHLPDOC2; 74=DPHHPDOC1; 77=MAPGAPC1; 78=MAPGAPC2; 79=MAPGAPC3; 85=MNSPTOC1; 86=MNSPTOC2; 88=LOFLPTUC1; 90=TR2PTDF1; 91=LNPLDF1; 92=LREFPNDF1; 94=MPDIF1; 96=HREFPDIF1; 100=ROVPTOV1; 101=ROVPTOV2; 102=ROVPTOV3; 104=PHPTOV1; 105=PHPTOV2; 106=PHPTOV3; 108=PHPTUV1; 109=PHPTUV2; 110=PHPTUV3; 112=NSPTOV1; 113=NSPTOV2; 116=PSPTUV1; 118=ARCSARC1; 119=ARCSARC2; 120=ARCSARC3; -96=SPHIPTOC1; -93=SPHLPTOC2; -92=SPHLPTOC1; -89=SPHHPTOC2; -88=SPHHPTOC1; -87=SPHPTUV4; -86=SPHPTUV3; -85=SPHPTUV2; -84=SPHPTUV1; -83=SPHPTOV4; -82=SPHPTOV3; -81=SPHPTOV2; -80=SPHPTOV1; -25=OEPVPH4; -24=OEPVPH3; -23=OEPVPH2; -22=OEPVPH1; -19=PSPTOV2; -18=PSPTOV1; -15=PREVPTOC1; -12=PHPTUC2; -11=PHPTUC1; -9=PHIZ1; 5=PHLTPTOC1; 20=EFLPTOC4; 26=EFHPTOC5; 27=EFHPTOC6; 37=NSPTOC3; 38=NSPTOC4; 45=T1PTTR2; 54=DEFHPDEF2; 75=DPHHPDOC2; 89=LOFLPTUC2; 103=ROVPTOV4; 117=PSPTUV2; -13=PHPTUC3; 3=PHLPTOC3; 10=PHHPTOC5; 11=PHHPTOC6; 28=EFHPTOC7; 29=EFHPTOC8; 107=PHPTOV4; 111=PHPTUV4; 114=NSPTOV3; 115=NSPTOV4; -30=PHDSTPDIS1; -29=TR3PTDF1; -28=HICPDIF1; -27=HIBPDIF1; -26=HIAPDIF1; -32=LSHDPFRQ8; -31=LSHDPFRQ7; 70=LSHDPFRQ6; 80=MAPGAPC4; 81=MAPGAPC5; 82=MAPGAPC6; 83=MAPGAPC7; -102=MAPGAPC12; -101=MAPGAPC11; -100=MAPGAPC10; -99=MAPGAPC9; -98=RESCPSCH1; -57=FDEFLPDEF2; -56=FDEFLPDEF1; -54=FEFLPTOC1; -53=FDPHLPDOC2; -52=FDPHLPDOC1; -50=FPHLPTOC1; -47=MAP12GAPC8; -46=MAP12GAPC7; -45=MAP12GAPC6; -44=MAP12GAPC5; -43=MAP12GAPC4; -42=MAP12GAPC3; -41=MAP12GAPC2; -40=MAP12GAPC1; -37=HAEFPTOC1; -35=WPWDE3; -34=WPWDE2; -33=WPWDE1; 52=DEFLPDEF3; 84=MAPGAPC8; 93=LREFPNDF2; 97=HREFPDIF2; -117=XDEFLPDEF2; -116=XDEFLPDEF1; -115=SDPHLPDOC2; -114=SDPHLPDOC1; -113=XNSPTOC2; -112=XNSPTOC1; -111=XEFIPTOC2; -110=XEFHPTOC4; -109=XEFHPTOC3; -108=XEFLPTOC3; -107=XEFLPTOC2; -66=DQPTUV1; -65=VVSPPAM1; -64=PHPVOC1; -63=H3EFPSEF1; -60=HCUBPTOC1; -59=CUBPTOC1; -72=DOPPDPR1; -69=DUPPDPR1; -61=COLPTOC1; -106=MAPGAPC16; -105=MAPGAPC15; -104=MAPGAPC14; -103=MAPGAPC13; -76=MAPGAPC18; -75=MAPGAPC17; -62=SRCPTOC1; -74=DOPPDPR3; -73=DOPPDPR2; -70=DUPPDPR2; -58=UZPDIS1; -36=UEXPDIS1; 14=MFADPSDE1; -10=LVRTPTUV1; -8=LVRTPTUV2; -6=LVRTPTUV3; -122=DPH3LPDOC1; -121=DPH3HPDOC2; -120=DPH3HPDOC1; -119=PH3LPTOC2; -118=PH3LPTOC1; -79=PH3HPTOC2; -78=PH3HPTOC1; -77=PH3IPTOC1; -127=PHAPTUV1; -124=PHAPTOV1; -123=DPH3LPDOC2; -68=PHPVOC2; -67=DQPTUV2; -39=UEXPDIS2; 98=MHZPDIF1; -4=MREFPTOC1 Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Start duration Maximum start duration of all stages during the fault 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.StrOpTm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Operate time Operate time 0.000...999999.999 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ActSetGr.stVal INC INT32 ST B MeasReg P Active group Active setting group 1...6 Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ShotPntr.stVal INS INT32 ST B MeasReg P Shot pointer Autoreclosing shot pointer value 1...7 Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50DifAA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max diff current IL1 Maximum phase A differential current 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50DifAB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max diff current IL2 Maximum phase B differential current 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50DifAC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max diff current IL3 Maximum phase C differential current 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50RstAA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max bias current IL1 Maximum phase A bias current 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50RstAB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max bias current IL2 Maximum phase B bias current 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50RstAC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max bias current IL3 Maximum phase C bias current 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifAPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Diff current IL1 Differential current phase A 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifAPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Diff current IL2 Differential current phase B 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifAPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Diff current IL3 Differential current phase C 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.RstAPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Bias current IL1 Bias current phase A 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.RstAPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Bias current IL2 Bias current phase B 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.RstAPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Bias current IL3 Bias current phase C 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifARes.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Diff current Io Differential current residual 0.000...80.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.RstARes.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Bias current Io Bias current residual 0.000...50.000 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhsA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Max current IL1 Maximum phase A current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Max current IL1 Maximum phase A current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhsB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Max current IL2 Maximum phase B current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Max current IL2 Maximum phase B current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhsC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Max current IL3 Maximum phase C current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Max current IL3 Maximum phase C current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50ARes1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max current Io Maximum residual current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record RESTCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APhsA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IL1 Phase A current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APhsB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IL2 Phase B current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APhsC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IL3 Phase C current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ARes1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Io Residual current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record RESTCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.AResClc1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Io-Calc Calculated residual current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APsSeq1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Ps-Seq Positive sequence current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ANgSeq1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Ng-Seq Negative sequence current 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhsA2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Max current IL1B Maximum phase A current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhA2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Max current IL1B Maximum phase A current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhsB2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Max current IL2B Maximum phase B current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhB2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Max current IL2B Maximum phase B current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhsC2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Max current IL3B Maximum phase C current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50APhC2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Max current IL3B Maximum phase C current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.Max50ARes2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Max current IoB Maximum residual current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record RESTCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APhsA2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IL1B Phase A current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APhsB2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IL2B Phase B current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APhsC2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IL3B Phase C current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ARes2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current IoB Residual current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record RESTCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.AResClc2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Io-CalcB Calculated residual current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.APsSeq2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Ps-SeqB Positive sequence current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.ANgSeq2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Current Ng-SeqB Negative sequence current (b) 0.000...50.000 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record IL1TCTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PhVPhsA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage UL1 Phase A voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PhVPhsB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage UL2 Phase B voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PhVPhsC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage UL3 Phase C voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PPVPhsAB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage U12 Phase A to phase B voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PPVPhsBC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage U23 Phase B to phase C voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PPVPhsCA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage U31 Phase C to phase A voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.VRes1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage Uo Residual voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record RESTVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.VZro1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage Zro-Seq Zero sequence voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.VPsSeq1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage Ps-Seq Positive sequence voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.VNgSeq1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage Ng-Seq Negative sequence voltage 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR1
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PhVPhsA2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage UL1B Phase A voltage (b) 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.PPVPhsAB2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Voltage U12B Phase A to phase B voltage (b) 0.000...4.000 xUn Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record UL1TVTR2
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.MaxTmpRl.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P PTTR thermal level PTTR calculated temperature of the protected object relative to the operate level 0.00...99.99 Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.AMaxNgPs.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P PDNSPTOC1 rat. I2/I1 PDNSPTOC1 ratio I2/I1 0.00...999.99 % Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifANAngVN1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Angle Uo - Io Angle residual voltage - residual current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifNAngVN1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Angle Uo - Io Angle residual voltage - residual current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifAAAngVBC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Angle U23 - IL1 Angle phase B to phase C voltage - phase A current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifAAngBC1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Angle U23 - IL1 Angle phase B to phase C voltage - phase A current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifABAngVCA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Angle U31 - IL2 Angle phase C to phase A voltage - phase B current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifBAngCA1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Angle U31 - IL2 Angle phase C to phase A voltage - phase B current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifACAngVAB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Angle U12 - IL3 Angle phase A to phase B voltage - phase C current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifCAngAB1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Angle U12 - IL3 Angle phase A to phase B voltage - phase C current -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifACAngVAB2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B MeasReg P Angle U12B - IL3B Angle phase A to phase B voltage - phase C current (b) -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.DifCAngAB2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 MeasReg P Angle U12B - IL3B Angle phase A to phase B voltage - phase C current (b) -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.HzRteChg.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Frequency gradient Frequency gradient -10.00...10.00 Hz/s Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.CondNeut.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Conductance Yo Conductance Yo -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.SusNeut.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Susceptance Yo Susceptance Yo -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 MON LD0.FLTRFRC1.CBClrTm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasReg P Breaker clear time Breaker clear time 0.000...3.000 s Monitoring\Recorded data\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 CFG LD0.FLTRFRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 CFG LD0.FLTRFRC1.TrgSet.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Trig mode Triggering mode 0=From all faults; 1=From operate; 2=From only start Configuration\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 CFG LD0.FLTRFRC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 A measurement mode Selects used measurement mode phase currents and residual current 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Configuration\Fault record
FLTRFRC1 FaultRec1 FaultRec1 VER LD0.FLTRFRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC H (Name plate)

DPHLPDOC2: Three-phase directional overcurrent, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) INP LD0.DPHLPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Inputs
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) INP LD0.DPHLPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Inputs
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) INP LD0.DPHLPTOC2.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Inputs
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) OUT LD0.DPHLPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Outputs
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) OUT LD0.DPHLPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Outputs
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPHLPDOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLPTOC2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) MON LD0.DPHLRDIR2.VMemUsedSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B VMEM_USED Voltage memory in use status Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLPTOC2.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2 UL1TVTR1
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) SET LD0.DPHLRDIR2.VMemTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 40 Voltage Mem time Voltage memory time 0...3000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHLPDOC2
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) TES LD0.DPHLPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPHLPDOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPHLPDOC2 3I>->(2) 67-1(2) VER LD0.DPHLPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

DPHHPDOC2: Three-phase directional overcurrent, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) INP LD0.DPHHPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Inputs
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) INP LD0.DPHHPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Inputs
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) INP LD0.DPHHPTOC2.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Inputs
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) OUT LD0.DPHHPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Outputs
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) OUT LD0.DPHHPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Outputs
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPHHPDOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHPTOC2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) MON LD0.DPHHRDIR2.VMemUsedSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B VMEM_USED Voltage memory in use status Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2\Monitored data
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHPTOC2.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2 UL1TVTR1
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) SET LD0.DPHHRDIR2.VMemTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 40 Voltage Mem time Voltage memory time 0...3000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPHHPDOC2
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) TES LD0.DPHHPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPHHPDOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPHHPDOC2 3I>>->(2) 67-2(2) VER LD0.DPHHPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PHPVOC1: Three phase voltage dependent overcurrent protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) INP LD0.PHPVOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Inputs
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) INP LD0.PHPVOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Inputs
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) INP LD0.PHPVOC1.InEnaLoLim.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_LOW_LIM Enable signal for voltage dependent lower start value Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Inputs
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) OUT LD0.PHPVOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Outputs
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) OUT LD0.PHPVOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Outputs
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) MON LD0.PHPVOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPVOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) MON LD0.PHPVOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Monitored data
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) MON LD0.PHPVOC1.EffStrVal.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B EFF_ST_VAL_A Effective start value for phase A 0.00...50.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) MON LD0.PHPVOC1.EffStrVal.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B EFF_ST_VAL_B Effective start value for phase B 0.00...50.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) MON LD0.PHPVOC1.EffStrVal.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B EFF_ST_VAL_C Effective start value for phase C 0.00...50.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1 IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.CtlMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Control mode Type of control 1=Voltage control; 2=Input control; 3=Voltage and input Ctl; 4=No Volt dependency Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.LoStrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value low Lower start value based on voltage control 0.05...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1 IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.VHiLim.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Voltage high limit Voltage high limit for voltage control 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1 UL1TVTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.VLoLim.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Voltage low limit Voltage low limit for voltage control 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1 UL1TVTR1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) SET LD0.PHPVOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC1
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) TES LD0.PHPVOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPVOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHPVOC1 3I(U)>(1) 51V(1) VER LD0.PHPVOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

PHPVOC2: Three phase voltage dependent overcurrent protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) INP LD0.PHPVOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Inputs
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) INP LD0.PHPVOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Inputs
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) INP LD0.PHPVOC2.InEnaLoLim.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_LOW_LIM Enable signal for voltage dependent lower start value Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Inputs
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) OUT LD0.PHPVOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Outputs
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) OUT LD0.PHPVOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Outputs
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) MON LD0.PHPVOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPVOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) MON LD0.PHPVOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Monitored data
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) MON LD0.PHPVOC2.EffStrVal.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B EFF_ST_VAL_A Effective start value for phase A 0.00...50.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) MON LD0.PHPVOC2.EffStrVal.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B EFF_ST_VAL_B Effective start value for phase B 0.00...50.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) MON LD0.PHPVOC2.EffStrVal.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B EFF_ST_VAL_C Effective start value for phase C 0.00...50.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPVOC2\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2 IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.CtlMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Control mode Type of control 1=Voltage control; 2=Input control; 3=Voltage and input Ctl; 4=No Volt dependency Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.LoStrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value low Lower start value based on voltage control 0.05...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2 IL1TCTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.VHiLim.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Voltage high limit Voltage high limit for voltage control 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2 UL1TVTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.VLoLim.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Voltage low limit Voltage low limit for voltage control 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2 UL1TVTR1
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) SET LD0.PHPVOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPVOC2
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) TES LD0.PHPVOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPVOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHPVOC2 3I(U)>(2) 51V(2) VER LD0.PHPVOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

EFLPTOC2: Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) INP LD0.EFLPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC2\Inputs
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) INP LD0.EFLPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC2\Inputs
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) OUT LD0.EFLPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC2\Outputs
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) OUT LD0.EFLPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC2\Outputs
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) MON LD0.EFLPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFLPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) MON LD0.EFLPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFLPTOC2\Monitored data
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Start value Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2 RESTCTR1
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) SET LD0.EFLPTOC2.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFLPTOC2
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) TES LD0.EFLPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFLPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N-1(2) VER LD0.EFLPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 G (Name plate)

EFIPTOC1: Non-directional earth-fault protection, inst. stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) INP LD0.EFIPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFIPTOC1\Inputs
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) INP LD0.EFIPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFIPTOC1\Inputs
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) OUT LD0.EFIPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFIPTOC1\Outputs
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) OUT LD0.EFIPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFIPTOC1\Outputs
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) MON LD0.EFIPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFIPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) MON LD0.EFIPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFIPTOC1\Monitored data
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) SET LD0.EFIPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFIPTOC1
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) SET LD0.EFIPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Start value Start value 1.00...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFIPTOC1 RESTCTR1
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) SET LD0.EFIPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Operate delay time Operate delay time 20...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFIPTOC1
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) SET LD0.EFIPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFIPTOC1
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) SET LD0.EFIPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFIPTOC1
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) SET LD0.EFIPTOC1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFIPTOC1
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) TES LD0.EFIPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFIPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFIPTOC1 Io>>>(1) 50N/51N(1) VER LD0.EFIPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

DEFLPDEF2: Directional earth-fault, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) INP LD0.DEFLPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Inputs
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) INP LD0.DEFLPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Inputs
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) INP LD0.DEFLRDIR2.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Inputs
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) OUT LD0.DEFLPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Outputs
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) OUT LD0.DEFLPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Outputs
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DEFLPDEF2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR2.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR2.OpAEF.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_OPER Calculated operating current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Monitored data RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR2.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR2.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Start value Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2 RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 50...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 50 Operate delay time Operate delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2 RESTVTR1
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.EnaVLim.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable voltage limit Enable voltage limit Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC2.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.005 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.005...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2 RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2 RESTVTR1
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 3 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 3=Zero seq. volt.; 4=Neg. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.OpModEF.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Phase angle; 2=IoSin; 3=IoCos; 4=Phase angle 80; 5=Phase angle 88 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR2.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF2
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) TES LD0.DEFLPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DEFLPDEF2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67N-1(2) VER LD0.DEFLPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

DEFLPDEF3: Directional earth-fault, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) INP LD0.DEFLPTOC3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Inputs
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) INP LD0.DEFLPTOC3.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Inputs
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) INP LD0.DEFLRDIR3.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Inputs
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) OUT LD0.DEFLPTOC3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Outputs
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) OUT LD0.DEFLPTOC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Outputs
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DEFLPDEF3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC3.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLPTOC3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR3.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR3.OpAEF.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_OPER Calculated operating current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Monitored data RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR3.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) MON LD0.DEFLRDIR3.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3\Monitored data
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Start value Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3 RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 50...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 50 Operate delay time Operate delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3 RESTVTR1
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.EnaVLim.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable voltage limit Enable voltage limit Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLPTOC3.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.005 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.005...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3 RESTCTR1
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3 RESTVTR1
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 3 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 3=Zero seq. volt.; 4=Neg. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.OpModEF.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Phase angle; 2=IoSin; 3=IoCos; 4=Phase angle 80; 5=Phase angle 88 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) SET LD0.DEFLRDIR3.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\DEFLPDEF3
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) TES LD0.DEFLPTOC3.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DEFLPDEF3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DEFLPDEF3 Io>->(3) 67N-1(3) VER LD0.DEFLPTOC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

EFPADM1: Neutral admittance protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) INP LD0.EFPADM1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Inputs
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) INP LD0.EFPADM1.TrgSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RELEASE External trigger to release neutral admittance protection Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Inputs
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) OUT LD0.EFPADM1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Outputs
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) OUT LD0.EFPADM1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Outputs
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) MON LD0.EFPADM1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFPADM1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) MON LD0.EFPADM1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Monitored data
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) MON LD0.EFPADM1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Monitored data
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) MON LD0.EFPADM1.Cond.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B COND_RES Real part of calculated neutral admittance -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Monitored data
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) MON LD0.EFPADM1.Sus.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B SUS_RES Imaginary part of calculated neutral admittance -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM1\Monitored data
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.15 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.01...2.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1 RESTVTR1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.OpModAdm.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Yo; 2=Go; 3=Bo; 4=Yo, Go; 5=Yo, Bo; 6=Go, Bo; 7=Yo, Go, Bo Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1 RESTCTR1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1 RESTVTR1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CondTiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG ED2,A 0 Conductance tilt Ang Tilt angle of conductance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CondTltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG ED1 0 Conductance tilt Ang Tilt angle of conductance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CondFwd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Conductance forward Conductance threshold in forward direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CondRv.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -1.0 Conductance reverse Conductance threshold in reverse direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.SusTiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0 Susceptance tilt Ang Tilt angle of susceptance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.SusFwd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Susceptance forward Susceptance threshold in forward direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.SusRv.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -1.00 Susceptance reverse Susceptance threshold in reverse direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CirclRd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Circle radius Admittance circle radius 0.05...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CirclCond.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Circle conductance Admittance circle midpoint, conductance -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.CirclSus.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Circle susceptance Admittance circle midpoint, susceptance -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) SET LD0.EFPADM1.AdmClcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Admittance Clc mode Admittance calculation mode 1=Normal; 2=Delta Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM1
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) TES LD0.EFPADM1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFPADM1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFPADM1 Yo>->(1) 21YN(1) VER LD0.EFPADM1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC E (Name plate)

EFPADM2: Neutral admittance protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) INP LD0.EFPADM2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Inputs
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) INP LD0.EFPADM2.TrgSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RELEASE External trigger to release neutral admittance protection Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Inputs
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) OUT LD0.EFPADM2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Outputs
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) OUT LD0.EFPADM2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Outputs
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) MON LD0.EFPADM2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFPADM2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) MON LD0.EFPADM2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Monitored data
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) MON LD0.EFPADM2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Monitored data
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) MON LD0.EFPADM2.Cond.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B COND_RES Real part of calculated neutral admittance -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Monitored data
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) MON LD0.EFPADM2.Sus.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B SUS_RES Imaginary part of calculated neutral admittance -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM2\Monitored data
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.15 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.01...2.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2 RESTVTR1
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.OpModAdm.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Yo; 2=Go; 3=Bo; 4=Yo, Go; 5=Yo, Bo; 6=Go, Bo; 7=Yo, Go, Bo Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2 RESTCTR1
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2 RESTVTR1
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CondTiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG ED2,A 0 Conductance tilt Ang Tilt angle of conductance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CondTltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG ED1 0 Conductance tilt Ang Tilt angle of conductance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CondFwd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Conductance forward Conductance threshold in forward direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CondRv.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -1.0 Conductance reverse Conductance threshold in reverse direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.SusTiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0 Susceptance tilt Ang Tilt angle of susceptance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.SusFwd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Susceptance forward Susceptance threshold in forward direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.SusRv.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -1.00 Susceptance reverse Susceptance threshold in reverse direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CirclRd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Circle radius Admittance circle radius 0.05...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CirclCond.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Circle conductance Admittance circle midpoint, conductance -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.CirclSus.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Circle susceptance Admittance circle midpoint, susceptance -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) SET LD0.EFPADM2.AdmClcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Admittance Clc mode Admittance calculation mode 1=Normal; 2=Delta Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM2
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) TES LD0.EFPADM2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFPADM2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFPADM2 Yo>->(2) 21YN(2) VER LD0.EFPADM2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC E (Name plate)

EFPADM3: Neutral admittance protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) INP LD0.EFPADM3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Inputs
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) INP LD0.EFPADM3.TrgSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RELEASE External trigger to release neutral admittance protection Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Inputs
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) OUT LD0.EFPADM3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Outputs
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) OUT LD0.EFPADM3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Outputs
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) MON LD0.EFPADM3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFPADM3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) MON LD0.EFPADM3.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Monitored data
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) MON LD0.EFPADM3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Monitored data
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) MON LD0.EFPADM3.Cond.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B COND_RES Real part of calculated neutral admittance -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Monitored data
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) MON LD0.EFPADM3.Sus.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B SUS_RES Imaginary part of calculated neutral admittance -1000.00...1000.00 mS Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFPADM3\Monitored data
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.VStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.15 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.01...2.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3 RESTVTR1
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.OpModAdm.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Yo; 2=Go; 3=Bo; 4=Yo, Go; 5=Yo, Bo; 6=Go, Bo; 7=Yo, Go, Bo Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3 RESTCTR1
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3 RESTVTR1
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CondTiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG ED2,A 0 Conductance tilt Ang Tilt angle of conductance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CondTltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG ED1 0 Conductance tilt Ang Tilt angle of conductance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CondFwd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Conductance forward Conductance threshold in forward direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CondRv.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -1.0 Conductance reverse Conductance threshold in reverse direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.SusTiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.0 Susceptance tilt Ang Tilt angle of susceptance boundary line -30...30 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.SusFwd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Susceptance forward Susceptance threshold in forward direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.SusRv.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -1.00 Susceptance reverse Susceptance threshold in reverse direction -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CirclRd.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Circle radius Admittance circle radius 0.05...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CirclCond.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Circle conductance Admittance circle midpoint, conductance -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.CirclSus.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Circle susceptance Admittance circle midpoint, susceptance -500.00...500.00 mS Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) SET LD0.EFPADM3.AdmClcMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Admittance Clc mode Admittance calculation mode 1=Normal; 2=Delta Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFPADM3
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) TES LD0.EFPADM3.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFPADM3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFPADM3 Yo>->(3) 21YN(3) VER LD0.EFPADM3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC E (Name plate)

WPWDE1: Wattmetric directional earth-fault

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) INP LD0.WPSDE1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Inputs
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) INP LD0.WRDIR1.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Inputs
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) OUT LD0.WPSDE1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Outputs
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) OUT LD0.WPSDE1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Outputs
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WPSDE1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B WPWDE1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WPSDE1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Monitored data
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WPSDE1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Monitored data
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Monitored data
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WRDIR1.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Monitored data
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WRDIR1.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Monitored data
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) MON LD0.WMMXU1.W.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B RES_POWER Calculated residual active power -160.000...160.000 xPn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE1\Monitored data
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.GndStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Start value for residual voltage 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1 RESTCTR1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.GndOp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Current start value Minimum operate residual current for deciding fault direction 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1 RESTCTR1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time for definite time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.003 Power start value Start value for residual active power 0.003...1.000 xPn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 20=Wattmetric IDMT Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1 Time multiplier Time multiplier for Wattmetric IDMT curves 0.05...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.RefW.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.150 Reference power Reference value of residual power for Wattmetric IDMT curves 0.050...1.000 xPn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used current measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WPSDE1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.010 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.010...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1 RESTCTR1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1 RESTCTR1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WRDIR1.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 2.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WRDIR1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) SET LD0.WRDIR1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used polarization signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE1
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) TES LD0.WPSDE1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 WPWDE1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
WPWDE1 Po>->(1) 32N(1) VER LD0.WPSDE1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

WPWDE2: Wattmetric directional earth-fault

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) INP LD0.WPSDE2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Inputs
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) INP LD0.WRDIR2.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Inputs
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) OUT LD0.WPSDE2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Outputs
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) OUT LD0.WPSDE2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Outputs
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WPSDE2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B WPWDE2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WPSDE2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Monitored data
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WPSDE2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Monitored data
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WRDIR2.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Monitored data
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WRDIR2.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Monitored data
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WRDIR2.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Monitored data
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) MON LD0.WMMXU2.W.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B RES_POWER Calculated residual active power -160.000...160.000 xPn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE2\Monitored data
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.GndStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Start value for residual voltage 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2 RESTCTR1
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.GndOp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Current start value Minimum operate residual current for deciding fault direction 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2 RESTCTR1
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time for definite time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.003 Power start value Start value for residual active power 0.003...1.000 xPn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 20=Wattmetric IDMT Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1 Time multiplier Time multiplier for Wattmetric IDMT curves 0.05...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.RefW.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.150 Reference power Reference value of residual power for Wattmetric IDMT curves 0.050...1.000 xPn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used current measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WPSDE2.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WRDIR2.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WRDIR2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.010 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.010...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2 RESTCTR1
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WRDIR2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2 RESTCTR1
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WRDIR2.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 2.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WRDIR2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) SET LD0.WRDIR2.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used polarization signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE2
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) TES LD0.WPSDE2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 WPWDE2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
WPWDE2 Po>->(2) 32N(2) VER LD0.WPSDE2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

WPWDE3: Wattmetric directional earth-fault

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) INP LD0.WPSDE3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Inputs
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) INP LD0.WRDIR3.InRcaCtl.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RCA_CTL Relay characteristic angle control Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Inputs
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) OUT LD0.WPSDE3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Outputs
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) OUT LD0.WPSDE3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Outputs
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WPSDE3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B WPWDE3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WPSDE3.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Monitored data
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WPSDE3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Monitored data
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WRDIR3.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Monitored data
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WRDIR3.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Monitored data
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WRDIR3.OpChrAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE_RCA Angle between operating angle and characteristic angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Monitored data
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) MON LD0.WMMXU3.W.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B RES_POWER Calculated residual active power -160.000...160.000 xPn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\WPWDE3\Monitored data
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.GndStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Voltage start value Start value for residual voltage 0.010...1.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3 RESTCTR1
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.GndOp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Current start value Minimum operate residual current for deciding fault direction 0.010...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3 RESTCTR1
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time for definite time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.003 Power start value Start value for residual active power 0.003...1.000 xPn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 20=Wattmetric IDMT Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1 Time multiplier Time multiplier for Wattmetric IDMT curves 0.05...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.RefW.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.150 Reference power Reference value of residual power for Wattmetric IDMT curves 0.050...1.000 xPn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used current measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WPSDE3.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WRDIR3.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -90 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WRDIR3.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.010 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.010...1.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3 RESTCTR1
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WRDIR3.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3 RESTCTR1
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WRDIR3.CorAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 2.0 Correction angle Angle correction 0.0...10.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WRDIR3.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) SET LD0.WRDIR3.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used polarization signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\WPWDE3
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) TES LD0.WPSDE3.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 WPWDE3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
WPWDE3 Po>->(3) 32N(3) VER LD0.WPSDE3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MFADPSDE1: Multi-frequency neutral admittance earth-fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) INP LD0.MFADPSDE1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Inputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) INP LD0.MFADPSDE1.TrgSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RELEASE External trigger to release neutral admittance protection Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Inputs
MFADRDIR1 INP LD0.MFADRDIR1.DirRs.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESET External trigger to reset direction calculatio Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Inputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) OUT LD0.MFADPSDE1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Outputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) OUT LD0.MFADPSDE1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Outputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) OUT LD0.MFADPSDE1.ItmEFInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B INTR_EF Intermittent earth-fault indication Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Outputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) OUT LD0.MFADPSDE1.InhEF.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_EF Block signal for EF to indicate opposite direction peaks Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Outputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) OUT LD0.MFADPSDE1.PkInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B PEAK_IND Current transient detection indication Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Outputs
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) MON LD0.MFADPSDE1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MFADPSDE1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) MON LD0.MFADPSDE1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Monitored data
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) MON LD0.MFADPSDE1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Monitored data
MFADRDIR1 MON LD0.MFADRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Monitored data
MFADRDIR1 MON LD0.MFADRDIR1.OpPolAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGLE Angle between polarizing and operating quantity -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MFADPSDE1\Monitored data
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.GndStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1 RESTVTR1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.StrDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 30 Start delay time Start delay time 30...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...1200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 500 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.PkCntLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 Peak counter limit Peak counter limit for restriking EF 2...20 Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.OpModTEF.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 3 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Intermittent EF; 3=General EF; 4=Alarming EF Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) SET LD0.MFADPSDE1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADRDIR1 SET LD0.MFADRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operate current 0.005...5.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1 RESTCTR1
MFADRDIR1 SET LD0.MFADRDIR1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Rotate polarizing quantity Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADRDIR1 SET LD0.MFADRDIR1.TiltAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 5 Tilt angle Characteristic tilt angle 2.0...20.0 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADRDIR1 SET LD0.MFADRDIR1.OpQtySel.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Operating quantity Operating quantity selection 1=Adaptive; 2=Amplitude Settings\Settings\Current protection\MFADPSDE1
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) TES LD0.MFADPSDE1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MFADPSDE1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 121=Activate INTR_EF; 122=Deactive INTR_EF; 123=Activate PEAK_IND; 124=Deactive PEAK_IND; 23=Activate BLK_EF; 24=Deactive BLK_EF Tests\Function tests\Current protection
MFADPSDE1 Io>->Y(1) 67YN(1) VER LD0.MFADPSDE1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

INTRPTEF1: Intermittent earth fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) INP LD0.INTRPTEF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INTRPTEF1\Inputs
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) OUT LD0.INTRPTEF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INTRPTEF1\Outputs
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) OUT LD0.INTRPTEF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INTRPTEF1\Outputs
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) OUT LD0.INTRPTEF1.InhEF.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_EF Block signal for EF to indicate opposite direction peaks Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INTRPTEF1\Outputs
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) MON LD0.INTRPTEF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B INTRPTEF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) MON LD0.INTRPTEF1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INTRPTEF1\Monitored data
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) MON LD0.INTRPTEF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INTRPTEF1\Monitored data
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.GndStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.20 Voltage start value Voltage start value 0.05...0.50 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1 RESTVTR1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...1200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 500 Reset delay time Reset delay time 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current for transient detector 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1 RESTCTR1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.PkCntLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 Peak counter limit Min requirement for peak counter before start in IEF mode 2...20 Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.OpModTEF.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Operation mode Operation criteria 1=Intermittent EF; 2=Transient EF Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) SET LD0.INTRPTEF1.VResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Uo signal Sel Selection for used Uo signal 1=Measured Uo; 2=Calculated Uo Settings\Settings\Current protection\INTRPTEF1
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) TES LD0.INTRPTEF1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 INTRPTEF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 31=Activate BLK_EF; 32=Deactive BLK_EF Tests\Function tests\Current protection
INTRPTEF1 Io>->IEF(1) 67NIEF(1) VER LD0.INTRPTEF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

HAEFPTOC1: Harmonics earth-fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) INP LD0.HAEFPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Inputs
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) INP LD0.HAEFPTOC1.HRmsARef.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 I_REF_RES Reference current 0.0...30000.0 A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Inputs
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) OUT LD0.HAEFPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Outputs
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) OUT LD0.HAEFPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Outputs
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) MON LD0.HAEFPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HAEFPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) MON LD0.HAEFPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Monitored data
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) MON LD0.HAEFPTOC1.BlkARef.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLKD_I_REF Current comparison status indicator Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Monitored data
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) MON LD0.HAEFMHAI1.HRmsA.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_HARM_RES Calculated harmonics current 0.0...30000.0 A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1\Monitored data
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1 RESTCTR1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 500 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 100...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 600 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) SET LD0.HAEFPTOC1.EnaRef.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A,I 0 Enable reference use Enable using current reference from other IEDs instead of stand-alone Settings\Settings\Current protection\HAEFPTOC1
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) TES LD0.HAEFPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HAEFPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
HAEFPTOC1 Io>HA(1) 51NHA(1) VER LD0.HAEFPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

NSPTOC1: Negative Phase sequence current protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) INP LD0.NSPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC1\Inputs
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) INP LD0.NSPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC1\Inputs
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) OUT LD0.NSPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC1\Outputs
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) OUT LD0.NSPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC1\Outputs
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) MON LD0.NSPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B NSPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) MON LD0.NSPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC1\Monitored data
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.30 Start value Start value 0.01...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) SET LD0.NSPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC1
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) TES LD0.NSPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 NSPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
NSPTOC1 I2>(1) 46(1) VER LD0.NSPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

NSPTOC2: Negative Phase sequence current protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) INP LD0.NSPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC2\Inputs
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) INP LD0.NSPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC2\Inputs
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) OUT LD0.NSPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC2\Outputs
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) OUT LD0.NSPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC2\Outputs
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) MON LD0.NSPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B NSPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) MON LD0.NSPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\NSPTOC2\Monitored data
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.30 Start value Start value 0.01...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) SET LD0.NSPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\NSPTOC2
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) TES LD0.NSPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 NSPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
NSPTOC2 I2>(2) 46(2) VER LD0.NSPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PDNSPTOC1: Phase discontinuity protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) INP LD0.PDNSPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1\Inputs
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) OUT LD0.PDNSPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1\Outputs
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) OUT LD0.PDNSPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1\Outputs
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) MON LD0.PDNSPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PDNSPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) MON LD0.PDNSPTOC1.ImbNgA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B RATIO_I2_I1 Measured current ratio I2 / I1 0.00...999.99 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1\Monitored data
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) MON LD0.PDNSPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1\Monitored data
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) SET LD0.PDNSPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) SET LD0.PDNSPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 10 Start value Start value 10...100 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) SET LD0.PDNSPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 100 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...30000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) SET LD0.PDNSPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) SET LD0.PDNSPTOC1.MinPhA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.10 Min phase current Minimum phase current 0.05...0.30 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PDNSPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) TES LD0.PDNSPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PDNSPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1>(1) 46PD(1) VER LD0.PDNSPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

FRPFRQ4: Frequency protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) INP LD0.FRPTRC4.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Inputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPTRC4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPTRC4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPTOF4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_OFRQ Start signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPTOF4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OFRQ Operate signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPTUF4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_UFRQ Start signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPTUF4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UFRQ Operate signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPFRC4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Start signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) OUT LD0.FRPFRC4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_FRG Operate signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Outputs
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) MON LD0.FRPTRC4.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B FRPFRQ4 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) MON LD0.FRPTRC4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Monitored data
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) MON LD0.FRPTOF4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Monitored data
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) MON LD0.FRPTUF4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Monitored data
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) MON LD0.FRPFRC4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_FRG Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4\Monitored data
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPTRC4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPTRC4.OpModProHz.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Frequency protection operation mode selection 1=Freq<; 2=Freq>; 3=df/dt; 4=Freq< + df/dt; 5=Freq> + df/dt; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 7=Freq> OR df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPTOF4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.050 Start value Freq> Frequency start value overfrequency 0.900...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPTOF4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Operate delay time for frequency 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPTOF4.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm Freq Reset delay time for frequency 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPTUF4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.950 Start value Freq< Frequency start value underfrequency 0.800...1.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPFRC4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0100 Start value df/dt Frequency start value rate of change -0.2000...0.2000 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPFRC4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 400 Operate Tm df/dt Operate delay time for frequency rate of change 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) SET LD0.FRPFRC4.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm df/dt Reset delay time for rate of change 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ4
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) TES LD0.FRPTRC4.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 FRPFRQ4 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 69=Activate OPR_UFRQ; 70=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; 71=Activate OPR_OFRQ; 72=Deactive OPR_OFRQ; 73=Activate OPR_FRG; 74=Deactive OPR_FRG; 75=Activate ST_UFRQ; 76=Deactive ST_UFRQ; 77=Activate ST_OFRQ; 78=Deactive ST_OFRQ; 79=Activate ST_FRG; 80=Deactive ST_FRG Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
FRPFRQ4 f>/f<,df/dt(4) 81(4) VER LD0.FRPTRC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

FRPFRQ5: Frequency protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) INP LD0.FRPTRC5.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Inputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPTRC5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPTRC5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPTOF5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_OFRQ Start signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPTOF5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OFRQ Operate signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPTUF5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_UFRQ Start signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPTUF5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UFRQ Operate signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPFRC5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Start signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) OUT LD0.FRPFRC5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_FRG Operate signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Outputs
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) MON LD0.FRPTRC5.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B FRPFRQ5 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) MON LD0.FRPTRC5.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Monitored data
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) MON LD0.FRPTOF5.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Monitored data
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) MON LD0.FRPTUF5.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Monitored data
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) MON LD0.FRPFRC5.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_FRG Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5\Monitored data
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPTRC5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPTRC5.OpModProHz.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Frequency protection operation mode selection 1=Freq<; 2=Freq>; 3=df/dt; 4=Freq< + df/dt; 5=Freq> + df/dt; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 7=Freq> OR df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPTOF5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.050 Start value Freq> Frequency start value overfrequency 0.900...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPTOF5.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Operate delay time for frequency 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPTOF5.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm Freq Reset delay time for frequency 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPTUF5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.950 Start value Freq< Frequency start value underfrequency 0.800...1.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPFRC5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0100 Start value df/dt Frequency start value rate of change -0.2000...0.2000 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPFRC5.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 400 Operate Tm df/dt Operate delay time for frequency rate of change 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) SET LD0.FRPFRC5.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm df/dt Reset delay time for rate of change 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ5
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) TES LD0.FRPTRC5.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 FRPFRQ5 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 69=Activate OPR_UFRQ; 70=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; 71=Activate OPR_OFRQ; 72=Deactive OPR_OFRQ; 73=Activate OPR_FRG; 74=Deactive OPR_FRG; 75=Activate ST_UFRQ; 76=Deactive ST_UFRQ; 77=Activate ST_OFRQ; 78=Deactive ST_OFRQ; 79=Activate ST_FRG; 80=Deactive ST_FRG Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
FRPFRQ5 f>/f<,df/dt(5) 81(5) VER LD0.FRPTRC5.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

FRPFRQ6: Frequency protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) INP LD0.FRPTRC6.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Inputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPTRC6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPTRC6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPTOF6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_OFRQ Start signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPTOF6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OFRQ Operate signal for overfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPTUF6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_UFRQ Start signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPTUF6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UFRQ Operate signal for underfrequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPFRC6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Start signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) OUT LD0.FRPFRC6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_FRG Operate signal for frequency gradient Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Outputs
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) MON LD0.FRPTRC6.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B FRPFRQ6 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) MON LD0.FRPTRC6.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Monitored data
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) MON LD0.FRPTOF6.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Monitored data
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) MON LD0.FRPTUF6.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UFRQ Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Monitored data
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) MON LD0.FRPFRC6.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_FRG Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6\Monitored data
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPTRC6.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPTRC6.OpModProHz.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Frequency protection operation mode selection 1=Freq<; 2=Freq>; 3=df/dt; 4=Freq< + df/dt; 5=Freq> + df/dt; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 7=Freq> OR df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPTOF6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.050 Start value Freq> Frequency start value overfrequency 0.900...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPTOF6.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Operate delay time for frequency 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPTOF6.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm Freq Reset delay time for frequency 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPTUF6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.950 Start value Freq< Frequency start value underfrequency 0.800...1.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPFRC6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0100 Start value df/dt Frequency start value rate of change -0.2000...0.2000 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPFRC6.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 400 Operate Tm df/dt Operate delay time for frequency rate of change 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) SET LD0.FRPFRC6.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay Tm df/dt Reset delay time for rate of change 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\FRPFRQ6
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) TES LD0.FRPTRC6.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 FRPFRQ6 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 69=Activate OPR_UFRQ; 70=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; 71=Activate OPR_OFRQ; 72=Deactive OPR_OFRQ; 73=Activate OPR_FRG; 74=Deactive OPR_FRG; 75=Activate ST_UFRQ; 76=Deactive ST_UFRQ; 77=Activate ST_OFRQ; 78=Deactive ST_OFRQ; 79=Activate ST_FRG; 80=Deactive ST_FRG Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
FRPFRQ6 f>/f<,df/dt(6) 81(6) VER LD0.FRPTRC6.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

T1PTTR1: Thermal overload protection, one time constant

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) INP LD0.T1PTTR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_OPR Block signal for operate outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Inputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) INP LD0.T1PTTR1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable Current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Inputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) INP LD0.T1PTTR1.TmpAmb.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0 AMB_TEMP The ambient temperature used in the calculation -99...999 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Inputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) OUT LD0.T1PTTR1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Outputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) OUT LD0.T1PTTR1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Outputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) OUT LD0.T1PTTR1.AlmThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Thermal Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Outputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) OUT LD0.T1PTTR1.BlkThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_CLOSE Thermal overload indicator. To inhibite reclose. Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Outputs
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) CTR LD0.T1PTTR1.RsTmp.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 T1PTTR1 temperature Reset T1PTTR1 tempetature 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) MON LD0.T1PTTR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B T1PTTR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) MON LD0.T1PTTR1.Tmp.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P TEMP The calculated temperature of the protected object -100.0...9999.9 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Monitored data
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) MON LD0.T1PTTR1.TmpRl.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P TEMP_RL The calculated temperature of the protected object relative to the operate level 0.00...99.99 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Monitored data
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) MON LD0.T1PTTR1.TmpUsed.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B TEMP_AMB The ambient temperature used in the calculation -99...999 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Monitored data
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) MON LD0.T1PTTR1.OpTm.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_OPERATE Estimated time to operate 0...60000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Monitored data
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) MON LD0.T1PTTR1.BlkThmRsTm.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENA_CLOSE Estimated time to deactivate BLK_CLOSE 0...60000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T1PTTR1\Monitored data
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.TmpMax.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 90.0 Maximum temperature Temperature level for operate 20.0...200.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.ConsTms1.setVal ING INT32 SG B 2700 Time constant Time constant of the line in seconds. 60...60000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.AlmVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80.0 Alarm value Temperature level for start (alarm) 20.0...150.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.AMult.setVal ING INT32 SG A 1 Current multiplier Current multiplier when function is used for parallel lines 1...5 Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.ARef.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Current reference The load current leading to Temperature raise temperature 0.05...4.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1 IL1TCTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.EnvTmpSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 40 Env temperature Set Ambient temperature used when no external temperature measurement available -50...100 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.IniTmp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.0 Initial temperature Temperature raise above ambient temperature at startup -50.0...100.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.RecTmpSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 70.0 Reclose temperature Temperature for reset of block reclose after operate 20.0...150.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) SET LD0.T1PTTR1.TmpR.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 75.0 Temperature rise End temperature rise above ambient 0.0...200.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T1PTTR1
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) TES LD0.T1PTTR1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 T1PTTR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; 21=Activate BLK_CLOSE; 22=Deactive BLK_CLOSE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
T1PTTR1 3Ith>F(1) 49F(1) VER LD0.T1PTTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

PHPTUC1: Phase undercurrent protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) INP LD0.PHPTUC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block all binary outputs by resetting timers Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Inputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.PHPTUC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Outputs
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) MON LD0.PHPTUC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTUC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) MON LD0.PHPTUC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC1\Monitored data
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.PHPTUC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC1
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.PHPTUC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.50 Start value Current setting to start 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC1 IL1TCTR1
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.PHPTUC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 2000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC1
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.PHPTUC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC1
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.PHPTUC1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Current block value Low current setting to block internally 0.00...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC1 IL1TCTR1
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.PHPTUC1.OpModPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Operation mode Number of phases needed to start 1=Three Phase; 2=Single Phase Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC1
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) TES LD0.PHPTUC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTUC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) VER LD0.PHPTUC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

INRPHAR1: Three-phase inrush detector

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) INP LD0.INRPHAR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block input status Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INRPHAR1\Inputs
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) OUT LD0.INRPHAR1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P BLK2H Second harmonic based block (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\INRPHAR1\Outputs
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) MON LD0.INRPHAR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B INRPHAR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) SET LD0.INRPHAR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\INRPHAR1
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) SET LD0.INRPHAR1.PhStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 20 Start value Ratio of the 2. to the 1. harmonic leading to restraint 5...100 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\INRPHAR1
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) SET LD0.INRPHAR1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Operate delay time Operate delay time 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\INRPHAR1
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) SET LD0.INRPHAR1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\INRPHAR1
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) TES LD0.INRPHAR1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 INRPHAR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 35=Activate BLK2H; 36=Deactive BLK2H Tests\Function tests\Current protection
INRPHAR1 3I2f>(1) 68(1) VER LD0.INRPHAR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LSHDPFRQ1: Load shedding

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) INP LD0.LSHDPTRC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF1.ManRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 MAN_RESTORE Manual restore signal Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF1.BlkRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_REST Block restore Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operation of load shedding Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRQ Pick-Up signal for under frequency detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRQ Operate signal for under frequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Pick-Up signal for high df/dt detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRG Operate signal for high df/dt Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_REST Restore frequency attained and restore timer started Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T RESTORE Restore signal for load restoring purposes Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF1.ManRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Manual restore command)
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF1.BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Cancel restore)
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LSHDPFRQ1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1\Monitored data
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300 Restore delay time Time delay to restore 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Reset delay time Time delay after which the definite timers will reset 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC1.LodShdMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Load shed mode Set the operation mode for load shedding function 1=Freq<; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 8=Freq< AND df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.975 Start value Freq Frequency setting/start value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Time delay to operate for under frequency stage 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -0.010 Start value df/dt Setting of frequency gradient for df/dt detection -0.200...-0.005 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm df/dt Time delay to operate for df/dt stage 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.998 Restore start Val Restore frequency setting value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF1.RestMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Restore mode Mode of operation of restore functionality 1=Disabled; 2=Auto; 3=Manual Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ1
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) TES LD0.LSHDPTRC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LSHDPFRQ1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -21=Activate OPR_UFRQ; -22=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; -25=Activate OPR_FRG; -26=Deactive OPR_FRG; -27=Activate ST_UFRQ; -28=Deactive ST_UFRQ; -31=Activate ST_FRG; -32=Deactive ST_FRG; 115=Activate RESTORE; 116=Deactive RESTORE; -55=Activate ST_REST; -56=Deactive ST_REST Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81LSH(1) VER LD0.LSHDPTRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LSHDPFRQ2: Load shedding

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) INP LD0.LSHDPTRC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF2.ManRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 MAN_RESTORE Manual restore signal Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF2.BlkRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_REST Block restore Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operation of load shedding Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRQ Pick-Up signal for under frequency detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRQ Operate signal for under frequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Pick-Up signal for high df/dt detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRG Operate signal for high df/dt Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_REST Restore frequency attained and restore timer started Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T RESTORE Restore signal for load restoring purposes Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF2.ManRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Manual restore command)
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF2.BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Cancel restore)
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LSHDPFRQ2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2\Monitored data
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300 Restore delay time Time delay to restore 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Reset delay time Time delay after which the definite timers will reset 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC2.LodShdMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Load shed mode Set the operation mode for load shedding function 1=Freq<; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 8=Freq< AND df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.975 Start value Freq Frequency setting/start value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Time delay to operate for under frequency stage 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -0.010 Start value df/dt Setting of frequency gradient for df/dt detection -0.200...-0.005 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm df/dt Time delay to operate for df/dt stage 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.998 Restore start Val Restore frequency setting value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF2.RestMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Restore mode Mode of operation of restore functionality 1=Disabled; 2=Auto; 3=Manual Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ2
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) TES LD0.LSHDPTRC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LSHDPFRQ2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -21=Activate OPR_UFRQ; -22=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; -25=Activate OPR_FRG; -26=Deactive OPR_FRG; -27=Activate ST_UFRQ; -28=Deactive ST_UFRQ; -31=Activate ST_FRG; -32=Deactive ST_FRG; 115=Activate RESTORE; 116=Deactive RESTORE; -55=Activate ST_REST; -56=Deactive ST_REST Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81LSH(2) VER LD0.LSHDPTRC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LSHDPFRQ3: Load shedding

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) INP LD0.LSHDPTRC3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF3.ManRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 MAN_RESTORE Manual restore signal Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF3.BlkRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_REST Block restore Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operation of load shedding Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRQ Pick-Up signal for under frequency detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRQ Operate signal for under frequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Pick-Up signal for high df/dt detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRG Operate signal for high df/dt Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_REST Restore frequency attained and restore timer started Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T RESTORE Restore signal for load restoring purposes Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF3.ManRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Manual restore command)
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF3.BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Cancel restore)
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LSHDPFRQ3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3\Monitored data
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300 Restore delay time Time delay to restore 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Reset delay time Time delay after which the definite timers will reset 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC3.LodShdMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Load shed mode Set the operation mode for load shedding function 1=Freq<; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 8=Freq< AND df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.975 Start value Freq Frequency setting/start value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Time delay to operate for under frequency stage 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -0.010 Start value df/dt Setting of frequency gradient for df/dt detection -0.200...-0.005 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm df/dt Time delay to operate for df/dt stage 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.998 Restore start Val Restore frequency setting value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF3.RestMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Restore mode Mode of operation of restore functionality 1=Disabled; 2=Auto; 3=Manual Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ3
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) TES LD0.LSHDPTRC3.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LSHDPFRQ3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -21=Activate OPR_UFRQ; -22=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; -25=Activate OPR_FRG; -26=Deactive OPR_FRG; -27=Activate ST_UFRQ; -28=Deactive ST_UFRQ; -31=Activate ST_FRG; -32=Deactive ST_FRG; 115=Activate RESTORE; 116=Deactive RESTORE; -55=Activate ST_REST; -56=Deactive ST_REST Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
LSHDPFRQ3 UFLS/R(3) 81LSH(3) VER LD0.LSHDPTRC3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LSHDPFRQ4: Load shedding

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) INP LD0.LSHDPTRC4.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF4.ManRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 MAN_RESTORE Manual restore signal Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF4.BlkRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_REST Block restore Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operation of load shedding Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRQ Pick-Up signal for under frequency detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRQ Operate signal for under frequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Pick-Up signal for high df/dt detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRG Operate signal for high df/dt Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF4.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_REST Restore frequency attained and restore timer started Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF4.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T RESTORE Restore signal for load restoring purposes Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF4.ManRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Manual restore command)
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF4.BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Cancel restore)
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC4.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LSHDPFRQ4 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC4.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4\Monitored data
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300 Restore delay time Time delay to restore 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC4.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Reset delay time Time delay after which the definite timers will reset 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC4.LodShdMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Load shed mode Set the operation mode for load shedding function 1=Freq<; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 8=Freq< AND df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.975 Start value Freq Frequency setting/start value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Time delay to operate for under frequency stage 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -0.010 Start value df/dt Setting of frequency gradient for df/dt detection -0.200...-0.005 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC4.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm df/dt Time delay to operate for df/dt stage 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF4.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.998 Restore start Val Restore frequency setting value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF4.RestMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Restore mode Mode of operation of restore functionality 1=Disabled; 2=Auto; 3=Manual Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ4
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) TES LD0.LSHDPTRC4.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LSHDPFRQ4 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -21=Activate OPR_UFRQ; -22=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; -25=Activate OPR_FRG; -26=Deactive OPR_FRG; -27=Activate ST_UFRQ; -28=Deactive ST_UFRQ; -31=Activate ST_FRG; -32=Deactive ST_FRG; 115=Activate RESTORE; 116=Deactive RESTORE; -55=Activate ST_REST; -56=Deactive ST_REST Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
LSHDPFRQ4 UFLS/R(4) 81LSH(4) VER LD0.LSHDPTRC4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LSHDPFRQ5: Load shedding

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) INP LD0.LSHDPTRC5.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF5.ManRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 MAN_RESTORE Manual restore signal Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF5.BlkRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_REST Block restore Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operation of load shedding Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRQ Pick-Up signal for under frequency detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRQ Operate signal for under frequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Pick-Up signal for high df/dt detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRG Operate signal for high df/dt Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF5.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_REST Restore frequency attained and restore timer started Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF5.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T RESTORE Restore signal for load restoring purposes Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF5.ManRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Manual restore command)
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF5.BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Cancel restore)
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC5.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LSHDPFRQ5 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC5.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5\Monitored data
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC5.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300 Restore delay time Time delay to restore 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC5.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Reset delay time Time delay after which the definite timers will reset 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC5.LodShdMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Load shed mode Set the operation mode for load shedding function 1=Freq<; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 8=Freq< AND df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.975 Start value Freq Frequency setting/start value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF5.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Time delay to operate for under frequency stage 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -0.010 Start value df/dt Setting of frequency gradient for df/dt detection -0.200...-0.005 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC5.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm df/dt Time delay to operate for df/dt stage 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF5.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.998 Restore start Val Restore frequency setting value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF5.RestMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Restore mode Mode of operation of restore functionality 1=Disabled; 2=Auto; 3=Manual Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ5
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) TES LD0.LSHDPTRC5.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LSHDPFRQ5 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -21=Activate OPR_UFRQ; -22=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; -25=Activate OPR_FRG; -26=Deactive OPR_FRG; -27=Activate ST_UFRQ; -28=Deactive ST_UFRQ; -31=Activate ST_FRG; -32=Deactive ST_FRG; 115=Activate RESTORE; 116=Deactive RESTORE; -55=Activate ST_REST; -56=Deactive ST_REST Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
LSHDPFRQ5 UFLS/R(5) 81LSH(5) VER LD0.LSHDPTRC5.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LSHDPFRQ6: Load shedding

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) INP LD0.LSHDPTRC6.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF6.ManRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 MAN_RESTORE Manual restore signal Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) INP LD0.LSHDPTOF6.BlkRest.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_REST Block restore Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Inputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operation of load shedding Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPTRC6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRQ Pick-Up signal for under frequency detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPTUF6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRQ Operate signal for under frequency Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B ST_FRG Pick-Up signal for high df/dt detection Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPFRC6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_FRG Operate signal for high df/dt Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF6.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_REST Restore frequency attained and restore timer started Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) OUT LD0.LSHDPTOF6.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T RESTORE Restore signal for load restoring purposes Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Outputs
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) CTR LD0.LSHDPTOF6.ManRest.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Manual restore command)
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC6.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LSHDPFRQ6 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) MON LD0.LSHDPTRC6.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Start duration 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6\Monitored data
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC6.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC6.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300 Restore delay time Time delay to restore 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC6.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 Reset delay time Time delay after which the definite timers will reset 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTRC6.LodShdMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Load shed mode Set the operation mode for load shedding function 1=Freq<; 6=Freq< OR df/dt; 8=Freq< AND df/dt Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.975 Start value Freq Frequency setting/start value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTUF6.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm Freq Time delay to operate for under frequency stage 80...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -0.010 Start value df/dt Setting of frequency gradient for df/dt detection -0.200...-0.005 xFn /s Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPFRC6.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate Tm df/dt Time delay to operate for df/dt stage 120...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF6.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.998 Restore start Val Restore frequency setting value 0.800...1.200 xFn Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) SET LD0.LSHDPTOF6.RestMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Restore mode Mode of operation of restore functionality 1=Disabled; 2=Auto; 3=Manual Settings\Settings\Frequency protection\LSHDPFRQ6
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) TES LD0.LSHDPTRC6.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LSHDPFRQ6 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -21=Activate OPR_UFRQ; -22=Deactive OPR_UFRQ; -25=Activate OPR_FRG; -26=Deactive OPR_FRG; -27=Activate ST_UFRQ; -28=Deactive ST_UFRQ; -31=Activate ST_FRG; -32=Deactive ST_FRG; 115=Activate RESTORE; 116=Deactive RESTORE; -55=Activate ST_REST; -56=Deactive ST_REST Tests\Function tests\Frequency protection
LSHDPFRQ6 UFLS/R(6) (LSHDPFRQ6) VER LD0.LSHDPTRC6.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

UPCALH1: Uncorresponding position startup

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) INP LD0.UPCALH1.ColOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_OPEN_CMD CB open command Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1\Inputs
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 CB_POSCLOSE CB position closed Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1\Inputs
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 CB_POSOPEN CB position open Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1\Inputs
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 SI_PWR_ON Signal power on Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1\Inputs
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) OUT LD0.UPCALH1.GrAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1\Outputs
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) CFG LD0.UPCALH1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) CFG LD0.UPCALH1.AlmInhTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 300 CB open hold delay CB open hold delay time 300...500 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) CFG LD0.UPCALH1.AlmPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 100 Operate pulse time Operate pulse time 100...20000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) CFG LD0.UPCALH1.CBOnDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 300 Signal pwr on delay Signal power on delay time 300...500 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH1
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) TES LD0.UPCALH1.TestOth.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 UPCALH1 Test control for outputs 3=Activate OPERATE; 4=Deactive OPERATE; 0=Reset Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
UPCALH1 CBUPS(1) CBUPS(1) VER LD0.UPCALH1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UPCALH2: Uncorresponding position startup

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) INP LD0.UPCALH2.ColOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_OPEN_CMD CB open command Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2\Inputs
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 CB_POSCLOSE CB position closed Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2\Inputs
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 CB_POSOPEN CB position open Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2\Inputs
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 SI_PWR_ON Signal power on Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2\Inputs
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) OUT LD0.UPCALH2.GrAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2\Outputs
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) CFG LD0.UPCALH2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) CFG LD0.UPCALH2.AlmInhTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 300 CB open hold delay CB open hold delay time 300...500 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) CFG LD0.UPCALH2.AlmPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 100 Operate pulse time Operate pulse time 100...20000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) CFG LD0.UPCALH2.CBOnDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 300 Signal pwr on delay Signal power on delay time 300...500 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH2
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) TES LD0.UPCALH2.TestOth.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 UPCALH2 Test control for outputs 3=Activate OPERATE; 4=Deactive OPERATE; 0=Reset Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
UPCALH2 CBUPS(2) CBUPS(2) VER LD0.UPCALH2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

UPCALH3: Uncorresponding position startup

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) INP LD0.UPCALH3.ColOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_OPEN_CMD CB open command Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3\Inputs
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 CB_POSCLOSE CB position closed Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3\Inputs
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 CB_POSOPEN CB position open Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3\Inputs
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 SI_PWR_ON Signal power on Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3\Inputs
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) OUT LD0.UPCALH3.GrAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3\Outputs
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) CFG LD0.UPCALH3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) CFG LD0.UPCALH3.AlmInhTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 300 CB open hold delay CB open hold delay time 300...500 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) CFG LD0.UPCALH3.AlmPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 100 Operate pulse time Operate pulse time 100...20000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) CFG LD0.UPCALH3.CBOnDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 300 Signal pwr on delay Signal power on delay time 300...500 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\UPCALH3
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) TES LD0.UPCALH3.TestOth.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 UPCALH3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 3=Activate OPERATE; 4=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
UPCALH3 CBUPS(3) CBUPS(3) VER LD0.UPCALH3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

PH3HPTOC1: Three phase non-directional OC, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) INP LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Inputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) INP LD0.PH3HPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Inputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Outputs
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) MON LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PH3HPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status\Current protection
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) MON LD0.PH3HPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1\Monitored data
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC1
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) TES LD0.PH3HPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PH3HPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PH3HPTOC1 3I_3>>(1) 51P-2_3(1) VER LD0.PH3HPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PH3HPTOC2: Three phase non-directional OC, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) INP LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Inputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) INP LD0.PH3HPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Inputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Outputs
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) MON LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PH3HPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status\Current protection
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) MON LD0.PH3HPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2\Monitored data
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) SET LD0.PH3HPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3HPTOC2
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) TES LD0.PH3HPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PH3HPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PH3HPTOC2 3I_3>>(2) 51P-2_3(2) VER LD0.PH3HPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PH3LPTOC1: Three phase non-directional OC, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) INP LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Inputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) INP LD0.PH3LPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Inputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Outputs
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) MON LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PH3LPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status\Current protection
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) MON LD0.PH3LPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1\Monitored data
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC1
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) TES LD0.PH3LPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PH3LPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PH3LPTOC1 3I_3>(1) 51P-1_3(1) VER LD0.PH3LPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PH3LPTOC2: Three phase non-directional OC, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) INP LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Inputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) INP LD0.PH3LPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Inputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) OUT LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Outputs
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) MON LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PH3LPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status\Current protection
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) MON LD0.PH3LPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2\Monitored data
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) SET LD0.PH3LPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3LPTOC2
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) TES LD0.PH3LPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PH3LPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PH3LPTOC2 3I_3>(2) 51P-1_3(2) VER LD0.PH3LPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PH3IPTOC1: Three phase non-directional OC, inst. stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) INP LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Inputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) INP LD0.PH3IPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Inputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) OUT LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Outputs
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) MON LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PH3IPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status\Current protection
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) MON LD0.PH3IPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1\Monitored data
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) SET LD0.PH3IPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) SET LD0.PH3IPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Start value Start value 1.00...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) SET LD0.PH3IPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Operate delay time Operate delay time 20...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) SET LD0.PH3IPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) SET LD0.PH3IPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) SET LD0.PH3IPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PH3IPTOC1
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) TES LD0.PH3IPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PH3IPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PH3IPTOC1 3I_3>>>(1) 50P/51P_3(1) VER LD0.PH3IPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

DPH3HPDOC1: Three-phase directional overcurrent, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) INP LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Inputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) INP LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Inputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) INP LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Inputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPH3HPDOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1 UL1TVTR1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR1.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC1
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) TES LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPH3HPDOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPH3HPDOC1 3I_3>>->(1) 67-2_3(1) VER LD0.DPH3HPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

DPH3HPDOC2: Three-phase directional overcurrent, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) INP LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Inputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) INP LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Inputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) INP LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Inputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPH3HPDOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2 UL1TVTR1
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3HRDIR2.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3HPDOC2
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) TES LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPH3HPDOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPH3HPDOC2 3I_3>>->(2) 67-2_3(2) VER LD0.DPH3HPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

DPH3LPDOC1: Three-phase directional overcurrent, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) INP LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Inputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) INP LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Inputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) INP LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Inputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPH3LPDOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1 IL1TCTR1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1 UL1TVTR1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR1.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC1
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) TES LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPH3LPDOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPH3LPDOC1 3I_3>->(1) 67-1_3(1) VER LD0.DPH3LPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

DPH3LPDOC2: Three-phase directional overcurrent, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) INP LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Inputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) INP LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Inputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) INP LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.NonDir.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 NON_DIR Forces protection to non-directional Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Inputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) OUT LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Outputs
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DPH3LPDOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B StatNrml P,H FAULT_DIR Detected fault direction 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.Dir.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST B DIRECTION Direction information 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; 3=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsA ACD Enum ST B DIR_A Direction phase A 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsB ACD Enum ST B DIR_B Direction phase B 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.Dir.dirPhsC ACD Enum ST B DIR_C Direction phase C 0=unknown; 1=forward; 2=backward; -1=both Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.OpChrAngA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_A Calculated angle difference, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.OpChrAngB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_B Calculated angle difference, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.OpChrAngPhsC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) MON LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.OpChrAngC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 ANGLE_C Calculated angle difference, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2\Monitored data
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 1=Non-directional; 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.AllwNonDir.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Allow Non Dir Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir info is invalid Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.ChrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B +60 Characteristic angle Characteristic angle -179...180 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.MinFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min forward angle Minimum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.MinRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Min reverse angle Minimum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.MaxFwdAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max forward angle Maximum phase angle in forward direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.MaxRvAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80 Max reverse angle Maximum phase angle in reverse direction 0...90 deg Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate current Minimum operating current 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2 IL1TCTR1
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.01 Min operate voltage Minimum operating voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2 UL1TVTR1
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) SET LD0.DPH3LRDIR2.PolQty.setVal ENG Enum SG A 5 Pol quantity Reference quantity used to determine fault direction 1=Self pol; 4=Neg. seq. volt.; 5=Cross pol; 7=Pos. seq. volt. Settings\Settings\Current protection\DPH3LPDOC2
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) TES LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DPH3LPDOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
DPH3LPDOC2 3I_3>->(2) 67-1_3(2) VER LD0.DPH3LPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

DARREC1: Autorecloser

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InInhRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INHIBIT_RECL Interrupts and inhibits reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InBlkThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_THERM Blocks and holds the reclose shot from the thermal overload Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InRecOn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RECL_ON Level sensitive signal for allowing (high) / not allowing (low) reclosing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InBlkRclTm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_RCLM_T Blocks and resets reclaim time Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InCBPos.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_POS Circuit breaker position input Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InCBRdy.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 CB_READY Circuit breaker status signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InSynChk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SYNC Synchronizing check fulfilled Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIncrPntr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INC_SHOTP A zone sequence coordination signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIni1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_1 AR initialization / blocking signal 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIni2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_2 AR initialization / blocking signal 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIni3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_3 AR initialization / blocking signal 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIni4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_4 AR initialization / blocking signal 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIni5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_5 AR initialization / blocking signal 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InIni6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_6 AR initialization / blocking signal 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InDlIni2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DEL_INIT_2 Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InDlIni3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DEL_INIT_3 Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InDlIni4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DEL_INIT_4 Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) INP LD0.DARREC1.InBlkRecTm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_RECL_T Blocks and resets reclose time Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Inputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T CLOSE_CB Close (reclose) command for circuit breaker (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPEN_CB Open command for circuit breaker (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.LO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H LOCKED Signal indicating that AR is locked out Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.RdyRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H READY Indicates that the AR is ready for a new sequence, i.e. the CB_READY input equals TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.ActRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ACTIVE Reclosing sequence is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.UnsRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H UNSUC_RECL Indicates an unsuccessful reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.PrgRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H INPRO Reclosing shot in progress, activated during dead time Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.WtMstr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CMD_WAIT Wait for master command Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.ProCrd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B PROT_CRD A signal for coordination between the AR and the protection Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) OUT LD0.DARREC1.AutoRecOn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H AR_ON Autoreclosing allowed Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Outputs
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) CTR LD0.DARREC1.BlkRec.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Block reclose)
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) CTR LD0.DARREC1.RecRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 DARREC1 reset DARREC1 reset to initial condition 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) CTR LD0.DARREC1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 DARREC1 counters DARREC1 all counters reset 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) CTR LD0.DARREC1.DsaCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Signal for counter disabling)
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DARREC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.OpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNTER Resetable operation counter, all shots 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.AutoRecSt.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatIed P,H STATUS AR status signal for IEC61850 -1=Not defined; 1=Ready; 2=InProgress; 3=Successful; 4=WaitingForTrip; 5=TripFromProtection; 6=FaultDisappeared; 7=WaitToComplete; 8=CBclosed; 9=CycleUnsuccessful; 10=Unsuccessful; 11=Aborted Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.RecCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT1 Resetable operation counter, shot 1 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.RecCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT2 Resetable operation counter, shot 2 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.RecCnt3.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT3 Resetable operation counter, shot 3 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.RecCnt4.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT4 Resetable operation counter, shot 4 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.RecCnt5.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT5 Resetable operation counter, shot 5 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.SucRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H SUC_RECL Indicates a successful reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.UnsCBCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H UNSUC_CB Indicates an unsuccessful CB closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgRec1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_1 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgRec2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_2 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgRec3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_3 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgRec4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_4 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgRec5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_5 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgDsr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H DISCR_INPRO Signal indicating that discrimination time is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.PrgCutOut.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CUTOUT_INPRO Signal indicating that cut-out time is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.FrqOpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B FRQ_OPR_CNT Frequent operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.FrqOpAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FRQ_OPR_AL Frequent operation counter alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.DsaCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B DISA_COUNT Signal for counter disabling Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.RclTmStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Reclaim time started)
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.CBManCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H MAN_CB_CL Indicates CB manual closing during reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.ShotPntr.stVal INS INT32 ST B StatIed P,H SHOT_PTR Shot pointer value 1...7 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) MON LD0.DARREC1.SOF.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B SOTF Switch-onto-fault Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC1\Monitored data
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off/On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 First reclose time Dead time for CBB1 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Second reclose time Dead time for CBB2 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Third reclose time Dead time for CBB3 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Fourth reclose time Dead time for CBB4 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Fifth reclose time Dead time for CBB5 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Sixth reclose time Dead time for CBB6 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Rec1Tmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Seventh reclose time Dead time for CBB7 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.RclTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Reclaim time Reclaim time 100...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.AutoIni.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 0 Auto init Defines INIT lines that are activated at auto initiation 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.RecOp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Reclosing operation Reclosing operation (Off, External Ctl / On) 1=Off; 2=External Ctl; 3=On Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ManClsMod.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Manual close mode Manual close mode Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.WtClsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 250 Wait close time Allowed CB closing time after reclose command 50...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.MaxWtTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Max wait time Maximum wait time for BLK_RECL_T release 100...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.MaxBlkTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Max Thm block time Maximum wait time for thermal blocking signal deactivation 100...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.CutOutTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Cut-out time Cutout time for protection coordination 0...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.DsrTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 1 Discrimination time for first reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.DsrTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 2 Discrimination time for second reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.DsrTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 3 Discrimination time for third reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.DsrTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 4 Discrimination time for fourth reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.TermPrio.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Terminal priority Terminal priority 1=None; 2=Low (follower); 3=High (master) Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.SynSet.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Synchronisation set Selection for synchronizing requirement for reclosing 0...127 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.AutoWtTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2000 Auto wait time Wait time for reclosing condition fullfilling 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.AutoLORs.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Auto lockout reset Automatic lockout reset Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ProCrdLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Protection crd limit Protection coordination shot limit 1...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ProCrdMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 4 Protection crd mode Protection coordination mode 1=No condition; 2=AR inoperative; 3=CB close manual; 4=AR inop, CB man; 5=Always Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.AutoIniCnd.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Auto initiation cnd Auto initiation condition 1=Not allowed; 2=When sync fails; 3=CB doesn't close; 4=Both Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.TrLin.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Tripping line Tripping line, defines INIT inputs which cause OPEN_CB activation 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.CtlLin.setVal ING INT32 SP A 63 Control line Control line, defines INIT inputs which are protection signals 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.EnaShotJmp.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable shot jump Enable shot jumping Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.CBClsPosSt.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 CB closed Pos status Circuit breaker closed position status Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Ena4DlSOF.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B,I 0 Fourth delay in SOTF Sets 4th delay into use for all DEL_INIT signals during SOTF Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB1 Initiation lines for CBB1 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB2 Initiation lines for CBB2 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB3 Initiation lines for CBB3 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB4 Initiation lines for CBB4 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB5 Initiation lines for CBB5 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB6 Initiation lines for CBB6 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.IniSigCBB7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB7 Initiation lines for CBB7 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB1 Blocking lines for CBB1 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB2 Blocking lines for CBB2 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB3 Blocking lines for CBB3 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB4 Blocking lines for CBB4 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB5.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB5 Blocking lines for CBB5 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB6.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB6 Blocking lines for CBB6 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.BlkSigCBB7.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB7 Blocking lines for CBB7 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB1 Shot number for CBB1 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB2 Shot number for CBB2 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB3 Shot number for CBB3 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB4 Shot number for CBB4 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB5 Shot number for CBB5 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB6 Shot number for CBB6 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.ShotNum7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB7 Shot number for CBB7 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str2Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 1 Delay time for start2, 1st reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str2Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 2 Delay time for start2 2nd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str2Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 3 Delay time for start2 3rd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str2Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 4 Delay time for start2, 4th reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str3Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 1 Delay time for start3, 1st reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str3Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 2 Delay time for start3 2nd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str3Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 3 Delay time for start3 3rd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str3Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 4 Delay time for start3, 4th reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str4Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 1 Delay time for start4, 1st reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str4Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 2 Delay time for start4 2nd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str4Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 3 Delay time for start4 3rd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.Str4Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 4 Delay time for start4, 4th reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.FrqCntLim.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Frq Op counter limit Frequent operation counter lockout limit 0...250 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.FrqCntTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Frq Op counter time Frequent operation counter time 1...250 min Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.FrqRcvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Frq Op recovery time Frequent operation counter recovery time 1...250 min Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 200 Close pulse time CB close pulse time 10...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) SET LD0.DARREC1.MaxTrTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Max trip time Maximum wait time for deactivation of protection signals 100...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC1
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) TES LD0.DARREC1.TestCtl.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DARREC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 5=Activate OPEN_CB; 6=Deactive OPEN_CB; 7=Activate CLOSE_CB; 8=Deactive CLOSE_CB; 9=Activate CMD_WAIT; 10=Deactive CMD_WAIT; 11=Activate PROT_CRD; 12=Deactive PROT_CRD; 13=Activate INPRO; 14=Deactive INPRO; 15=Activate LOCKED; 16=Deactive LOCKED; 17=Activate UNSUC_RECL; 18=Deactive UNSUC_RECL; 19=Activate AR_ON; 20=Deactive AR_ON; 21=Activate READY; 22=Deactive READY; 45=Activate ACTIVE; 46=Deactive ACTIVE Tests\Function tests\Control
DARREC1 O->I(1) 79(1) VER LD0.DARREC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

DARREC2: Autorecloser

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InInhRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INHIBIT_RECL Interrupts and inhibits reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InBlkThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_THERM Blocks and holds the reclose shot from the thermal overload Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InRecOn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RECL_ON Level sensitive signal for allowing (high) / not allowing (low) reclosing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InBlkRclTm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_RCLM_T Blocks and resets reclaim time Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InCBPos.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_POS Circuit breaker position input Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InCBRdy.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 CB_READY Circuit breaker status signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InSynChk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SYNC Synchronizing check fulfilled Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIncrPntr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INC_SHOTP A zone sequence coordination signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIni1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_1 AR initialization / blocking signal 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIni2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_2 AR initialization / blocking signal 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIni3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_3 AR initialization / blocking signal 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIni4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_4 AR initialization / blocking signal 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIni5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_5 AR initialization / blocking signal 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InIni6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 INIT_6 AR initialization / blocking signal 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InDlIni2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DEL_INIT_2 Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InDlIni3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DEL_INIT_3 Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InDlIni4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DEL_INIT_4 Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) INP LD0.DARREC2.InBlkRecTm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_RECL_T Blocks and resets reclose time Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Inputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T CLOSE_CB Close (reclose) command for circuit breaker (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPEN_CB Open command for circuit breaker (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.LO.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H LOCKED Signal indicating that AR is locked out Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.RdyRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H READY Indicates that the AR is ready for a new sequence, i.e. the CB_READY input equals TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.ActRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ACTIVE Reclosing sequence is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.UnsRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H UNSUC_RECL Indicates an unsuccessful reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.PrgRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H INPRO Reclosing shot in progress, activated during dead time Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.WtMstr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CMD_WAIT Wait for master command Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.ProCrd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B PROT_CRD A signal for coordination between the AR and the protection Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) OUT LD0.DARREC2.AutoRecOn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H AR_ON Autoreclosing allowed Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Outputs
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) CTR LD0.DARREC2.BlkRec.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Block reclose)
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) CTR LD0.DARREC2.RecRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 DARREC2 reset DARREC2 reset to initial condition 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) CTR LD0.DARREC2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 DARREC2 counters DARREC2 all counters reset 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) CTR LD0.DARREC2.DsaCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Signal for counter disabling)
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DARREC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.OpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNTER Resetable operation counter, all shots 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.AutoRecSt.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatIed P,H STATUS AR status signal for IEC61850 -1=Not defined; 1=Ready; 2=InProgress; 3=Successful; 4=WaitingForTrip; 5=TripFromProtection; 6=FaultDisappeared; 7=WaitToComplete; 8=CBclosed; 9=CycleUnsuccessful; 10=Unsuccessful; 11=Aborted Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.RecCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT1 Resetable operation counter, shot 1 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.RecCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT2 Resetable operation counter, shot 2 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.RecCnt3.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT3 Resetable operation counter, shot 3 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.RecCnt4.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT4 Resetable operation counter, shot 4 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.RecCnt5.stVal INS INT32 ST B CNT_SHOT5 Resetable operation counter, shot 5 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.SucRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H SUC_RECL Indicates a successful reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.UnsCBCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H UNSUC_CB Indicates an unsuccessful CB closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgRec1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_1 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgRec2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_2 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgRec3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_3 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgRec4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_4 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgRec5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H INPRO_5 Reclosing shot in progress, shot 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgDsr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H DISCR_INPRO Signal indicating that discrimination time is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.PrgCutOut.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H CUTOUT_INPRO Signal indicating that cut-out time is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.FrqOpCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B FRQ_OPR_CNT Frequent operation counter 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.FrqOpAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FRQ_OPR_AL Frequent operation counter alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.DsaCnt.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B DISA_COUNT Signal for counter disabling Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.RclTmStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatIed P,H (Reclaim time started)
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.CBManCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H MAN_CB_CL Indicates CB manual closing during reclosing sequence Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.ShotPntr.stVal INS INT32 ST B StatIed P,H SHOT_PTR Shot pointer value 1...7 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) MON LD0.DARREC2.SOF.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B SOTF Switch-onto-fault Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DARREC2\Monitored data
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off/On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 First reclose time Dead time for CBB1 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Second reclose time Dead time for CBB2 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Third reclose time Dead time for CBB3 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Fourth reclose time Dead time for CBB4 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Fifth reclose time Dead time for CBB5 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Sixth reclose time Dead time for CBB6 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Rec1Tmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 5000 Seventh reclose time Dead time for CBB7 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.RclTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Reclaim time Reclaim time 100...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.AutoIni.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 0 Auto init Defines INIT lines that are activated at auto initiation 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.RecOp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Reclosing operation Reclosing operation (Off, External Ctl / On) 1=Off; 2=External Ctl; 3=On Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ManClsMod.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Manual close mode Manual close mode Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.WtClsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 250 Wait close time Allowed CB closing time after reclose command 50...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.MaxWtTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Max wait time Maximum wait time for BLK_RECL_T release 100...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.MaxBlkTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Max Thm block time Maximum wait time for thermal blocking signal deactivation 100...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.CutOutTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Cut-out time Cutout time for protection coordination 0...1800000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.DsrTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 1 Discrimination time for first reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.DsrTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 2 Discrimination time for second reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.DsrTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 3 Discrimination time for third reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.DsrTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Dsr time shot 4 Discrimination time for fourth reclosing 0...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.TermPrio.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Terminal priority Terminal priority 1=None; 2=Low (follower); 3=High (master) Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.SynSet.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Synchronisation set Selection for synchronizing requirement for reclosing 0...127 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.AutoWtTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2000 Auto wait time Wait time for reclosing condition fullfilling 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.AutoLORs.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Auto lockout reset Automatic lockout reset Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ProCrdLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Protection crd limit Protection coordination shot limit 1...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ProCrdMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 4 Protection crd mode Protection coordination mode 1=No condition; 2=AR inoperative; 3=CB close manual; 4=AR inop, CB man; 5=Always Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.AutoIniCnd.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Auto initiation cnd Auto initiation condition 1=Not allowed; 2=When sync fails; 3=CB doesn't close; 4=Both Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.TrLin.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Tripping line Tripping line, defines INIT inputs which cause OPEN_CB activation 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.CtlLin.setVal ING INT32 SP A 63 Control line Control line, defines INIT inputs which are protection signals 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.EnaShotJmp.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable shot jump Enable shot jumping Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.CBClsPosSt.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 CB closed Pos status Circuit breaker closed position status Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Ena4DlSOF.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B,I 0 Fourth delay in SOTF Sets 4th delay into use for all DEL_INIT signals during SOTF Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB1 Initiation lines for CBB1 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB2 Initiation lines for CBB2 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB3 Initiation lines for CBB3 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB4 Initiation lines for CBB4 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB5 Initiation lines for CBB5 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB6 Initiation lines for CBB6 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.IniSigCBB7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Init signals CBB7 Initiation lines for CBB7 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB1 Blocking lines for CBB1 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB2 Blocking lines for CBB2 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB3 Blocking lines for CBB3 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB4 Blocking lines for CBB4 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB5.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB5 Blocking lines for CBB5 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB6.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB6 Blocking lines for CBB6 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.BlkSigCBB7.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Blk signals CBB7 Blocking lines for CBB7 0...63 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum1.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB1 Shot number for CBB1 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum2.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB2 Shot number for CBB2 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum3.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB3 Shot number for CBB3 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum4.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB4 Shot number for CBB4 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum5.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB5 Shot number for CBB5 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum6.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB6 Shot number for CBB6 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.ShotNum7.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Shot number CBB7 Shot number for CBB7 0...5 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str2Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 1 Delay time for start2, 1st reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str2Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 2 Delay time for start2 2nd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str2Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 3 Delay time for start2 3rd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str2Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 2 delay shot 4 Delay time for start2, 4th reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str3Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 1 Delay time for start3, 1st reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str3Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 2 Delay time for start3 2nd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str3Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 3 Delay time for start3 3rd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str3Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 3 delay shot 4 Delay time for start3, 4th reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str4Tmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 1 Delay time for start4, 1st reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str4Tmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 2 Delay time for start4 2nd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str4Tmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 3 Delay time for start4 3rd reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.Str4Tmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Str 4 delay shot 4 Delay time for start4, 4th reclose 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.FrqCntLim.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Frq Op counter limit Frequent operation counter lockout limit 0...250 Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.FrqCntTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Frq Op counter time Frequent operation counter time 1...250 min Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.FrqRcvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Frq Op recovery time Frequent operation counter recovery time 1...250 min Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 200 Close pulse time CB close pulse time 10...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) SET LD0.DARREC2.MaxTrTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Max trip time Maximum wait time for deactivation of protection signals 100...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\DARREC2
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) TES LD0.DARREC2.TestCtl.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DARREC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 5=Activate OPEN_CB; 6=Deactive OPEN_CB; 7=Activate CLOSE_CB; 8=Deactive CLOSE_CB; 9=Activate CMD_WAIT; 10=Deactive CMD_WAIT; 11=Activate PROT_CRD; 12=Deactive PROT_CRD; 13=Activate INPRO; 14=Deactive INPRO; 15=Activate LOCKED; 16=Deactive LOCKED; 17=Activate UNSUC_RECL; 18=Deactive UNSUC_RECL; 19=Activate AR_ON; 20=Deactive AR_ON; 21=Activate READY; 22=Deactive READY; 45=Activate ACTIVE; 46=Deactive ACTIVE Tests\Function tests\Control
DARREC2 O->I(2) 79(2) VER LD0.DARREC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

RESCMMXU1: Residual current measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) INP LD0.RESCMMXU1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Inputs
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) OUT LD0.RESCMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Outputs
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) OUT LD0.RESCMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Outputs
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P Io-A Measured residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_RES Residual current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Monitored data RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_RES Residual current Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Monitored data RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_RES Residual current Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Monitored data RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RCAVMMXU1.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_RES Demand value of residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU1\Monitored data RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RCMAMMXU1.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand Io Maximum demand for residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RCMAMMXU1.A.res.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand Io Time of maximum demand residual current Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RCMIMMXU1.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand Io Minimum demand for residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) MON LD0.RCMIMMXU1.A.res.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand Io Time of minimum demand residual current Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.db WYE INT32U CF B,I 2500 A deadband res Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.rangeC.hhLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 A Hi high limit res High alarm current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU1.A.res.rangeC.hLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 A high limit res High warning current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU1 RESTCTR1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU1
RESCMMXU1 Io(1) In(1) VER LD0.RESCMMXU1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PHAPTUV1: Single phase A undervoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) INP LD0.PHAPTUV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1\Inputs
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) OUT LD0.PHAPTUV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1\Outputs
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) OUT LD0.PHAPTUV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1\Outputs
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) MON LD0.PHAPTUV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHAPTUV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) MON LD0.PHAPTUV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1\Monitored data
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 21=Inv. Curve A; 22=Inv. Curve B; 23=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Start value Start value 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 60 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 60...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.BlkVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.20 Voltage block value Low level blocking for undervoltage mode 0.05...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 2.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...3.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.EnaBlkVal.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable block value Enable internal blocking Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTUV1.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTUV1
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) TES LD0.PHAPTUV1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHAPTUV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHAPTUV1 U_A<(1) 27_A(1) VER LD0.PHAPTUV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

PHAPTOV1: Single phase A overvoltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) INP LD0.PHAPTOV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1\Inputs
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) OUT LD0.PHAPTOV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1\Outputs
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) OUT LD0.PHAPTOV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1\Outputs
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) MON LD0.PHAPTOV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHAPTOV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) MON LD0.PHAPTOV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1\Monitored data
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmVCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Inv. Curve A; 18=Inv. Curve B; 19=Inv. Curve C; 20=Programmable Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.005...200.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.00 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.50...100.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.000 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.000...60.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmVCrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.000 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.000...3.000 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.10 Start value Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1 UL1TVTR1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 40...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.CrvSatRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 2.0 Curve Sat Relative Tuning parameter to avoid curve discontinuities 0.0...3.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Voltage selection Parameter to select phase or phase-to-phase voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.HysRl.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A,I 4.0 Relative hysteresis Relative hysteresis for operation 1.0...5.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) SET LD0.PHAPTOV1.TypTmRs.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of time reset Selection of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer; 2=Decrease Op timer Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\PHAPTOV1
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) TES LD0.PHAPTOV1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHAPTOV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
PHAPTOV1 U_A>(1) 59_A(1) VER LD0.PHAPTOV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

HIAPDIF1: High impedance differential protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) INP LD0.HIAPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1\Inputs
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) OUT LD0.HIAPDIF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1\Outputs
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) OUT LD0.HIAPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1\Outputs
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) MON LD0.HIAPDIF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HIAPDIF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) MON LD0.HIAPDIF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1\Monitored data
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) SET LD0.HIAPDIF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) SET LD0.HIAPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Operate value Operate value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...200.0 %In Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) SET LD0.HIAPDIF1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 20...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) SET LD0.HIAPDIF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIAPDIF1
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) TES LD0.HIAPDIF1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HIAPDIF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
HIAPDIF1 dHi_A>(1) 87A(1) VER LD0.HIAPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

HIBPDIF1: High impedance differential protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) INP LD0.HIBPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1\Inputs
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) OUT LD0.HIBPDIF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1\Outputs
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) OUT LD0.HIBPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1\Outputs
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) MON LD0.HIBPDIF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HIBPDIF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) MON LD0.HIBPDIF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1\Monitored data
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) SET LD0.HIBPDIF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) SET LD0.HIBPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Operate value Operate value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...200.0 %In Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) SET LD0.HIBPDIF1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 20...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) SET LD0.HIBPDIF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HIBPDIF1
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) TES LD0.HIBPDIF1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HIBPDIF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
HIBPDIF1 dHi_B>(1) 87B(1) VER LD0.HIBPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

HICPDIF1: High impedance differential protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) INP LD0.HICPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HICPDIF1\Inputs
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) OUT LD0.HICPDIF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HICPDIF1\Outputs
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) OUT LD0.HICPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HICPDIF1\Outputs
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) MON LD0.HICPDIF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HICPDIF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) MON LD0.HICPDIF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HICPDIF1\Monitored data
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) SET LD0.HICPDIF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HICPDIF1
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) SET LD0.HICPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Operate value Operate value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...200.0 %In Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HICPDIF1
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) SET LD0.HICPDIF1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 20...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HICPDIF1
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) SET LD0.HICPDIF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HICPDIF1
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) TES LD0.HICPDIF1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HICPDIF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
HICPDIF1 dHi_C>(1) 87C(1) VER LD0.HICPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

SECRSYN1: Synchrocheck

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) INP LD0.SECRSYN1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Blocking signal of the synchro check and voltage check function Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Inputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) INP LD0.SECRSYN1.ClsRq.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CL_COMMAND External closing request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Inputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) INP LD0.SECRSYN1.Byps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BYPASS Request to bypass synchronism check and voltage check Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Inputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.Rel.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B SYNC_OK Systems in synchronism Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.SynPrg.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H SYNC_INPRO Synchronizing in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.FailCmd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H CMD_FAIL_AL CB closing request failed Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.FailSyn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H CL_FAIL_AL CB closing failed Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.LLDBInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B LLDB Live Line, Dead Bus Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.LLLBInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B LLLB Live Line, Live Bus Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.DLLBInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DLLB Dead Line, Live Bus Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) OUT LD0.SECRSYN1.DLDBInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B DLDB Dead Line, Dead Bus Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Outputs
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SECRSYN1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.VInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B U_DIFF_SYNC Voltage difference out of limit for synchronizing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.AngInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B PH_DIF_SYNC Phase angle difference out of limit for synchronizing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.HzInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B FR_DIFF_SYNC Frequency difference out of limit for synchronizing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.DifVClc.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B U_DIFF_MEAS Calculated voltage amplitude difference 0.00...1.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.DifHzClc.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B FR_DIFF_MEAS Calculated voltage frequency difference 0.000...0.100 xFn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.DifAngClc.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PH_DIFF_MEAS Calculated voltage phase angle difference 0.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) MON LD0.SECRSYN1.EnSt.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatUrg P,H ENERG_STATE Energization state of Line and Bus 0=Unknown; 1=Both Live; 2=Live L, Dead B; 3=Dead L, Live B; 4=Both Dead Monitoring\I/O status\Control\SECRSYN1\Monitored data
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.DifV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Difference voltage Maximum voltage difference limit 0.01...0.50 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.DifHz.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.001 Difference frequency Maximum frequency difference limit 0.001...0.100 xFn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.DifAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5 Difference angle Maximum angle difference limit 5...90 deg Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.LivDeaMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Live dead mode Energizing check mode -1=Off; 1=Both Dead; 2=Live L, Dead B; 3=Dead L, Live B; 4=Dead Bus, L Any; 5=Dead L, Bus Any; 6=One Live, Dead; 7=Not Both Live Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.DeaLinVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.2 Dead line value Voltage low limit line for energizing check 0.1...0.8 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1 UL1TVTR2
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.LivLinVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.8 Live line value Voltage high limit line for energizing check 0.2...1.0 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1 UL1TVTR2
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.DeaBusVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.2 Dead bus value Voltage low limit bus for energizing check 0.1...0.8 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1 UL1TVTR1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.LivBusVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.5 Live bus value Voltage high limit bus for energizing check 0.2...1.0 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1 UL1TVTR1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.PlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Close pulse Breaker closing pulse duration 200...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.CBTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 60 Closing time of CB Closing time of the breaker 40...250 ms Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.OpModSC.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Synchro check mode Synchro check operation mode 1=Off; 2=Synchronous; 3=Asynchronous Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.OpModCtl.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Control mode Selection of synchro check command or Continuous control mode 1=Continuous; 2=Command Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.MaxVEn.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.05 Max energizing V Maximum voltage for energizing 0.50...1.15 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.PhSht.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0 Phase shift Correction of phase difference between measured U_BUS and U_LINE -180...180 deg Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.EnTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 100 Energizing time Time delay for energizing check 100...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.MaxSynTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2000 Maximum Syn time Maximum time to accept synchronizing 100...6000000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.MinSynTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Minimum Syn time Minimum time to accept synchronizing 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) SET LD0.SECRSYN1.VSrcSw.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Voltage source switch Voltage source switch Settings\Settings\Control\SECRSYN1
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) TES LD0.SECRSYN1.TestCtl.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 SECRSYN1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 29=Activate SYNC_INPRO; 30=Deactive SYNC_INPRO; 31=Activate SYNC_OK; 32=Deactive SYNC_OK; 33=Activate CL_FAIL_AL; 34=Deactive CL_FAIL_AL; 35=Activate CMD_FAIL_AL; 36=Deactive CMD_FAIL_AL; 37=Activate LLDB; 38=Deactive LLDB; 39=Activate LLLB; 40=Deactive LLLB; 41=Activate DLLB; 42=Deactive DLLB; 43=Activate DLDB; 44=Deactive DLDB Tests\Function tests\Control
SECRSYN1 SYNC(1) 25(1) VER LD0.SECRSYN1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

HZCCASPVC1: Phase segregated CT supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) INP LD0.HZCCASPVC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1\Inputs
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) OUT LD0.HZCCASPVC1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1\Outputs
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CTR LD0.HZCCASPVC1.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 HZCCASPVC1 alarm Reset HZCCASPVC1 lockout alarm 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) MON LD0.HZCCASPVC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HZCCASPVC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CFG LD0.HZCCASPVC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CFG LD0.HZCCASPVC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 10.0 Start value Start value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...100.0 %In Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1 IL1TCTR1
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CFG LD0.HZCCASPVC1.AlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 3000 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time 100...300000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CFG LD0.HZCCASPVC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CFG LD0.HZCCASPVC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) CFG LD0.HZCCASPVC1.AlmOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Alarm output mode Select the operation mode for alarm output 1=Non-latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCASPVC1
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) TES LD0.HZCCASPVC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HZCCASPVC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
HZCCASPVC1 MCS I_A(1) MCS I_A(1) VER LD0.HZCCASPVC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC B (Name plate)

HZCCBSPVC1: Phase segregated CT supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) INP LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1\Inputs
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) OUT LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1\Outputs
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CTR LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 HZCCBSPVC1 alarm Reset HZCCBSPVC1 lockout alarm 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) MON LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HZCCBSPVC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CFG LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CFG LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 10.0 Start value Start value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...100.0 %In Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CFG LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.AlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 3000 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time 100...300000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CFG LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CFG LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) CFG LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.AlmOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Alarm output mode Select the operation mode for alarm output 1=Non-latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCBSPVC1
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) TES LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HZCCBSPVC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
HZCCBSPVC1 MCS I_B(1) MCS I_B(1) VER LD0.HZCCBSPVC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC B (Name plate)

HZCCCSPVC1: Phase segregated CT supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) INP LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1\Inputs
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) OUT LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1\Outputs
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CTR LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B,H 0 HZCCCSPVC1 alarm Reset HZCCCSPVC1 lockout alarm 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) MON LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HZCCCSPVC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CFG LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CFG LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 10.0 Start value Start value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...100.0 %In Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1 IL1TCTR1
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CFG LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.AlmTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 3000 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time 100...300000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CFG LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CFG LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) CFG LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.AlmOutMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Alarm output mode Select the operation mode for alarm output 1=Non-latched; 3=Lockout Configuration\Condition monitoring\HZCCCSPVC1
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) TES LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HZCCCSPVC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
HZCCCSPVC1 MCS I_C(1) MCS I_C(1) VER LD0.HZCCCSPVC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC B (Name plate)

VAMMXU2: Single-phase voltage measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) INP LD0.VAMMXU2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Inputs
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) OUT LD0.VAMMXU2.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Outputs
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) OUT LD0.VAMMXU2.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Outputs
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) OUT LD0.VAMMXU2.LoWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_WARN Low warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Outputs
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) OUT LD0.VAMMXU2.LoAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_ALARM Low alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Outputs
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.instCVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U12B-kV Measured phase to phase voltage amplitude phase AB 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.instCVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_AB U12 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_AB U12 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.range DEL Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_AB U12 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PhV.phsA.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P UL1B-kV Measured phase to ground voltage amplitude phase A 0.00...5.00 xUn Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PhV.phsA.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_A UL1 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_A UL1 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) MON LD0.VAMMXU2.PhV.phsA.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_A UL1 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAAVMMXU2 MON LD0.VAAVMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_AB Demand value of U12 voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAAVMMXU2 MON LD0.VAAVMMXU2.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_A Demand value of UL1 voltage 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU2\Monitored data UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.db DEL INT32U CF B,I 10000 V deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.hhLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 V high high limit High alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.hLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 V high limit High warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.lLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 V low limit Low warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.llLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 V low low limit Low alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2 UL1TVTR2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) CFG LD0.VAMMXU2.VMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU2
VAMMXU2 U_A(2) V_A(2) VER LD0.VAMMXU2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

RESVMMXU1: Residual voltage measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) INP LD0.RESVMMXU1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Inputs
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) OUT LD0.RESVMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Outputs
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) OUT LD0.RESVMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Outputs
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) MON LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P Uo-kV Measured residual voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\RESVMMXU1 RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) MON LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_RES Residual voltage angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Monitored data RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) MON LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_RES Residual voltage Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Monitored data RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) MON LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_RES Residual voltage Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Monitored data RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) MON LD0.RVAVMMXU1.PhV.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_RES Demand value of residual voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESVMMXU1\Monitored data RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) CFG LD0.RESVMMXU1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\RESVMMXU1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) CFG LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.db WYE INT32U CF B,I 10000 V deadband res Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\RESVMMXU1 RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) CFG LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.rangeC.hhLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 V Hi high limit res High alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\RESVMMXU1 RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) CFG LD0.RESVMMXU1.PhV.res.rangeC.hLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 V high limit res High warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\RESVMMXU1 RESTVTR1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) CFG LD0.RESVMMXU1.VMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\RESVMMXU1
RESVMMXU1 Uo(1) Vn(1) VER LD0.RESVMMXU1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

MNSPTOC1: Negative-phase-sequence time overcurrent protection for machines

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) INP LD0.MNSPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC1\Inputs
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) OUT LD0.MNSPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC1\Outputs
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) OUT LD0.MNSPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC1\Outputs
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) OUT LD0.MNSPTOC1.StrInh.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_RESTART Overheated machine reconnection blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC1\Outputs
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) MON LD0.MNSPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MNSPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) MON LD0.MNSPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC1\Monitored data
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) MON LD0.MNSPTOC1.TmsRecEna.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENARESTART Estimated time to reset of block restart 0...10000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC1\Monitored data
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Inv. Curve A; 18=Inv. Curve B Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.20 Start value Start value 0.01...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Machine time Mult Machine related time constant 5.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 100 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.MaxOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000000 Maximum operate time Max operate time regardless of the inverse characteristic 500000...7200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 1000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.ARef.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.00 Current reference Rated current (Ir) of the machine (used only in the IDMT) 0.30...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) SET LD0.MNSPTOC1.ClTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 50 Cooling time Time required to cool the machine 5...7200 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC1
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) TES LD0.MNSPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MNSPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -9=Activate BLK_RESTART; -10=Deactive BLK_RESTART Tests\Function tests\Current protection
MNSPTOC1 I2>M(1) 46M(1) VER LD0.MNSPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MNSPTOC2: Negative-phase-sequence time overcurrent protection for machines

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) INP LD0.MNSPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC2\Inputs
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) OUT LD0.MNSPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC2\Outputs
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) OUT LD0.MNSPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC2\Outputs
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) OUT LD0.MNSPTOC2.StrInh.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_RESTART Overheated machine reconnection blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC2\Outputs
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) MON LD0.MNSPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MNSPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) MON LD0.MNSPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC2\Monitored data
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) MON LD0.MNSPTOC2.TmsRecEna.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENARESTART Estimated time to reset of block restart 0...10000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MNSPTOC2\Monitored data
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Inv. Curve A; 18=Inv. Curve B Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.20 Start value Start value 0.01...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Machine time Mult Machine related time constant 5.0...100.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 100 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.MaxOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000000 Maximum operate time Max operate time regardless of the inverse characteristic 500000...7200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 1000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.ARef.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.00 Current reference Rated current (Ir) of the machine (used only in the IDMT) 0.30...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) SET LD0.MNSPTOC2.ClTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 50 Cooling time Time required to cool the machine 5...7200 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\MNSPTOC2
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) TES LD0.MNSPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MNSPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -9=Activate BLK_RESTART; -10=Deactive BLK_RESTART Tests\Function tests\Current protection
MNSPTOC2 I2>M(2) 46M(2) VER LD0.MNSPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LOFLPTUC1: Loss of load protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) INP LD0.LOFLPTUC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block all binary outputs by resetting timers Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1\Inputs
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.LOFLPTUC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1\Outputs
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) OUT LD0.LOFLPTUC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1\Outputs
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) MON LD0.LOFLPTUC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LOFLPTUC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) MON LD0.LOFLPTUC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1\Monitored data
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.50 Start value high Current setting/Start value high 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1 IL1TCTR1
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 2000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 400...600000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value low Current setting/Start value low 0.01...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC1 IL1TCTR1
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) TES LD0.LOFLPTUC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LOFLPTUC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
LOFLPTUC1 3I<(1) 37(1) VER LD0.LOFLPTUC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LOFLPTUC2: Loss of load protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) INP LD0.LOFLPTUC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block all binary outputs by resetting timers Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2\Inputs
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.LOFLPTUC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2\Outputs
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.LOFLPTUC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2\Outputs
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) MON LD0.LOFLPTUC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LOFLPTUC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) MON LD0.LOFLPTUC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2\Monitored data
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.50 Start value high Current setting/Start value high 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2 IL1TCTR1
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 2000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 400...600000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.LOFLPTUC2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value low Current setting/Start value low 0.01...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\LOFLPTUC2 IL1TCTR1
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) TES LD0.LOFLPTUC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LOFLPTUC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
LOFLPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) VER LD0.LOFLPTUC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

JAMPTOC1: Stalled motor

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) INP LD0.JAMPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\JAMPTOC1\Inputs
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) OUT LD0.JAMPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\JAMPTOC1\Outputs
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) MON LD0.JAMPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B JAMPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) MON LD0.JAMPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\JAMPTOC1\Monitored data
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) MON LD0.JAMPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\JAMPTOC1\Monitored data
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) SET LD0.JAMPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\JAMPTOC1
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) SET LD0.JAMPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 2.50 Start value Start value 0.10...10.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\JAMPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) SET LD0.JAMPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 2000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\JAMPTOC1
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) SET LD0.JAMPTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 100 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\JAMPTOC1
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) TES LD0.JAMPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 JAMPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
JAMPTOC1 Ist>(1) 51LR(1) VER LD0.JAMPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

STTPMSU1: Motor startup supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) INP LD0.STTPMSS1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block of function Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Inputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) INP LD0.STTPMSS1.EnaEmgStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ST_EMERG_ENA Enable emergency start to disable lock of start of motor Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Inputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) INP LD0.STTPMSS1.StlInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 STALL_IND Input signal for showing the motor is not stalling Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Inputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) INP LD0.STTPMSS1.BlkLOStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_LK_ST Blocks lock out condition for restart of motor Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Inputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) INP LD0.STTPMSS1.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_CLOSED Input showing the status of motor circuit breaker Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Inputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) OUT LD0.STTPMSS1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H MOT_START Signal to show that motor startup is in progress Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Outputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) OUT LD0.STTPMSS1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_STALL Operate/trip signal for stalling protection. Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Outputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) OUT LD0.STTPMRI1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_IIT Operate/trip signal for thermal stress. Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Outputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) OUT LD0.STTPMRI1.StrInh.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H LOCK_START Lock out condition for restart of motor. Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Outputs
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) CTR LD0.STTPMRI1.RsStrUpCnt.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 STTPMSU1 counter Reset number of motor start-ups counter 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMSS1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B STTPMSU1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMSS1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B STALL_RL Start time relative to the operate time for stall condition 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMRI1.StrInhTmm.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_RST_ENA Time left for restart when lockstart is enabled in minutes 0...999 min Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMRI1.StrUpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B START_CNT Number of motor start-ups occurred 0...999999 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMRI1.ThmStsPct.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IIT_RL Thermal stress relative to set maximum thermal stress 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMRI1.TmsCumStrUp.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B T_ST_CNT Cumulated start-up time in sec 0.0...99999.9 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMRI1.TmCumStrUp.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 T_ST_CNT Cumulated start-up time in sec 0.0...99999.9 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) MON LD0.STTPMRI1.TmsStrUp.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_TIME Measured motor latest startup time in sec 0.0...999.9 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\STTPMSU1\Monitored data
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.MotStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.5 Start detection A Current value for detecting starting of motor. 0.1...10.0 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1 IL1TCTR1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.LokRotTms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 10 Lock rotor time Permitted stalling time 2...120 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.OpModStUp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Operation mode Motor start-up operation mode 1=IIt; 2=IIt, CB; 3=IIt + stall; 4=IIt + stall, CB Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.StrOvDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG ED2,B 100 Str over delay time Time delay to check for completion of motor startup period 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.OvDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG ED1 100 Str over delay time Time delay to check for completion of motor startup period 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMSS1.MotStop.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.12 Motor standstill A Current limit to check for motor standstill condition 0.05...0.20 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1 IL1TCTR1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.SetA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 2.0 Motor start-up A Motor starting current 1.0...10.0 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1 IL1TCTR1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.SetTms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 5 Motor start-up time Motor starting time 1...80 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.InhTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP B 30 Restart inhibit time Time delay between consecutive startups 0...250 min Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.StrUpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO B 0 Ini start up counter Initial value for the START_CNT 0...999999 Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.CntRedRte.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 60.0 Counter Red rate Start time counter reduction rate 2.0...250.0 s/h Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.EmgRedRte.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 20.00 Emg start Red rate Start time reduction factor when emergency start is On 0.00...100.00 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) SET LD0.STTPMRI1.CumLimTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10 Cumulative time Lim Cumulative time based restart inhibit limit 1...500 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\STTPMSU1
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) TES LD0.STTPMSS1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 STTPMSU1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 49=Activate OPR_IIT; 50=Deactive OPR_IIT; 51=Activate OPR_STALL; 52=Deactive OPR_STALL; 53=Activate MOT_START; 54=Deactive MOT_START; 55=Activate LOCK_START; 56=Deactive LOCK_START Tests\Function tests\Current protection
STTPMSU1 Is2t n<(1) 49,66,48,51LR(1) VER LD0.STTPMSS1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

PREVPTOC1: Phase reversal protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) INP LD0.PREVPTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PREVPTOC1\Inputs
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) OUT LD0.PREVPTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PREVPTOC1\Outputs
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) OUT LD0.PREVPTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PREVPTOC1\Outputs
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) MON LD0.PREVPTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PREVPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) MON LD0.PREVPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PREVPTOC1\Monitored data
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) SET LD0.PREVPTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PREVPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) SET LD0.PREVPTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.75 Start value Start value 0.05...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PREVPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) SET LD0.PREVPTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 100 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PREVPTOC1
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) TES LD0.PREVPTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PREVPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PREVPTOC1 I2>>(1) 46R(1) VER LD0.PREVPTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

MPTTR1: Motor thermal overload protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) INP LD0.MPTTR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Inputs
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) INP LD0.MPTTR1.EnaEmgStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 START_EMERG Signal for indicating the need for emergency start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Inputs
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) INP LD0.MPTTR1.TmpAmb.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0 AMB_TEMP The ambient temperature used in the calculation -99...999 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Inputs
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) OUT LD0.MPTTR1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Outputs
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) OUT LD0.MPTTR1.AlmThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Thermal Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Outputs
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) OUT LD0.MPTTR1.BlkThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLK_RESTART Thermal overload indicator, to inhibit restart Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Outputs
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) CTR LD0.MPTTR1.RsTmp.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 MPTTR1 temperature Reset MPTTR1 tempetature 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) MON LD0.MPTTR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MPTTR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) MON LD0.MPTTR1.TmpRl.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P TEMP_RL The calculated temperature of the protected object relative to the operate level 0.00...9.99 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Monitored data
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) MON LD0.MPTTR1.TmpUsed.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B TEMP_AMB The ambient temperature used in the calculation -99...999 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Monitored data
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) MON LD0.MPTTR1.ThmLevStr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B THERMLEV_ST Thermal level at beginning of motor startup 0.00...9.99 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Monitored data
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) MON LD0.MPTTR1.ThmLevEnd.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B THERMLEV_END Thermal level at the end of motor startup situation 0.00...9.99 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Monitored data
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) MON LD0.MPTTR1.BlkThmRsTm.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENARESTART Estimated time to reset of block restart 0...99999 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MPTTR1\Monitored data
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.ConsTms1.setVal ING INT32 SG B 320 Time constant normal Motor time constant during the normal operation of motor 80...4000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.ConsTms2.setVal ING INT32 SG B 320 Time constant start Motor time constant during the start of motor 80...4000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.ConsTms3.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Time constant stop Motor time constant during the standstill condition of motor 80...60000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.AlmVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 95.0 Alarm thermal value Thermal level above which function gives an alarm 50.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.ARef.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.00 Current reference The load current leading to Temperature raise temperature 0.30...2.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1 IL1TCTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.DropoutVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 40.0 Restart thermal Val Thermal level above which function inhibits motor restarting 20.0...80.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.WghFact.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 50.0 Weighting factor p Weighting factor (p) 20.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.OvlFact.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.05 Overload factor Overload factor (k) 1.00...1.20 Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.NgSeqFact.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Negative Seq factor Heating effect factor for negative sequence current 0.0...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.EnvTmpSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 40.0 Env temperature Set Ambient temperature used when no external temperature measurement available -20.0...70.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.IniTmp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 74.0 Initial thermal Val Initial thermal level of the motor 0.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) SET LD0.MPTTR1.EnvTmpMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Env temperature mode Mode of measuring ambient temperature 1=FLC Only; 2=Use input; 3=Set Amb Temp Settings\Settings\Current protection\MPTTR1
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) TES LD0.MPTTR1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MPTTR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; -9=Activate BLK_RESTART; -10=Deactive BLK_RESTART Tests\Function tests\Current protection
MPTTR1 3Ith>M(1) 49M(1) VER LD0.MPTTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

MREFPTOC1: Rotor earth fault

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) INP LD0.MRE1PTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MREFPTOC1\Inputs
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) OUT LD0.MRE1PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MREFPTOC1\Outputs
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) OUT LD0.MRE2PTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MREFPTOC1\Outputs
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) OUT LD0.MRE2PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MREFPTOC1\Outputs
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) MON LD0.MRE1PTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MREFPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) MON LD0.MRE2PTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\MREFPTOC1\Monitored data
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE1PTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE1PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Alarm start value Alarm start value 0.010...2.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1 RESTCTR1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE1PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 10000 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE1PTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Alm reset delay time Alarm reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE2PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.010 Operate start value Operate start value 0.010...2.000 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1 RESTCTR1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE2PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...20000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) SET LD0.MRE2PTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\MREFPTOC1
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) TES LD0.MRE1PTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 MREFPTOC1 Test control for outputs 1=Activate START; 0=Reset; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Current protection
MREFPTOC1 Io>R(1) 64R(1) VER LD0.MRE1PTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

ESMGAPC1: Allow emergency start

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) INP LD0.ESMGAPC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESMGAPC1\Inputs
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) INP LD0.ESMGAPC1.RqEmgStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ST_EMERG_RQ Emergency start input Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESMGAPC1\Inputs
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) OUT LD0.ESMGAPC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_EMERG_ENA Emergency start Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESMGAPC1\Outputs
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) MON LD0.ESMGAPC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ESMGAPC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) MON LD0.ESMGAPC1.Op.t ACT Timestamp ST B T_ST_EMERG Emergency start activation timestamp Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESMGAPC1\Monitored data
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) SET LD0.ESMGAPC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Control\ESMGAPC1
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) SET LD0.ESMGAPC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.12 Motor standstill A Current limit to check for motor standstill condition 0.05...0.20 xIn Settings\Settings\Control\ESMGAPC1 IL1TCTR1
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) TES LD0.ESMGAPC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ESMGAPC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START Tests\Function tests\Control
ESMGAPC1 ESTART(1) ESTART(1) VER LD0.ESMGAPC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MPDIF1: Stabilized three-phase diff. protection for motors

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) INP LD0.MPTRC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Inputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) INP LD0.MHPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_OPR_HS Blocks operate outputs from instantaneous stage Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Inputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) INP LD0.MLPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_OPR_LS Blocks operate outputs from biased stage Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Inputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) OUT LD0.MPTRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Outputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) OUT LD0.MHPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_HS Operate from high set Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Outputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) OUT LD0.MLPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_LS Operate from low set Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Outputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) OUT LD0.MLPDIF1.BlkIntnSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H INT_BLKD Internal block status (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Outputs
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MPTRC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MPDIF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MPTRC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MPTRC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MPTRC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.DifAClc.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_A Differential current phase A 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.DifAClc.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_B Differential current phase B 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.DifAClc.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_C Differential current phase C 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.RstA.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB_A Biasing current phase A 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.RstA.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB_B Biasing current phase B 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.RstA.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB_C Biasing current phase C 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.BlkIntnSt.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H INT_BLKD_A Internal block status phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.BlkIntnSt.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H INT_BLKD_B Internal block status phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.BlkIntnSt.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H INT_BLKD_C Internal block status phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinAB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_A1_B1 Current phase angle phase A to B, line side -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinBC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_B1_C1 Current phase angle phase B to C, line side -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinCA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_C1_A1 Current phase angle phase C to A, line side -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngNeutAB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_A2_B2 Current phase angle phase A to B, neutral side -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngNeutBC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_B2_C2 Current phase angle phase B to C, neutral side -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngNeutCA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_C2_A2 Current phase angle phase C to A, neutral side -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinNeutA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B I_ANGL_A1_A2 Current phase angle diff between line and neutral side, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinNeuA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 I_ANGL_A1_A2 Current phase angle diff between line and neutral side, Phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinNeutB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B I_ANGL_B1_B2 Current phase angle diff between line and neutral side, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinNeuB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 I_ANGL_B1_B2 Current phase angle diff between line and neutral side, Phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinNeutC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED2,B I_ANGL_C1_C2 Current phase angle diff between line and neutral side, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) MON LD0.MLPDIF1.AngLinNeuC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX ED1 I_ANGL_C1_C2 Current phase angle diff between line and neutral side, Phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MPDIF1\Monitored data
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MPTRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MHPDIF1.HiSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 500 High operate value Instantaneous stage operate value 100...1000 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5 Low operate value Basic setting for the stabilized stage start 5...30 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.SpeScn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 30 Slope section 2 Slope of the second line of the operating characteristics 10...50 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.SpeScn3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 100 Slope section 3 Slope of the third line of the operating characteristics 10...100 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.EndScn1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 50 End section 1 Turn-point between the first and the second line of the operating characteristics 0...100 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.EndScn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 150 End section 2 Turn-point between the second and the third line of the operating characteristics 100...300 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.CTConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CT connection type CT connection type. Determined by the directions of the connected current transformers 1=Type 1; 2=Type 2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.EnaDCBias.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 0 DC restrain enable Setting for enabling DC restrain feature Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.CTRatCor1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.00 CT ratio Cor Line CT ratio correction, line side 0.40...4.00 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) SET LD0.MLPDIF1.CTRatCor2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.00 CT ratio Cor Neut CT ratio correction, neutral side 0.40...4.00 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MPDIF1
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) TES LD0.MLPDIF1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 MPDIF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 59=Activate OPR_LS; 60=Deactive OPR_LS; 61=Activate OPR_HS; 62=Deactive OPR_HS; 83=Activate INT_BLKD; 84=Deactive INT_BLKD Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
MPDIF1 3dI>M/G(1) 87M/G(1) VER LD0.MPTRC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

MHZPDIF1: High impedance/flux balanced differential protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) INP LD0.MHZPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Inputs
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) OUT LD0.MHZPDIF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Outputs
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) OUT LD0.MHZPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Outputs
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) MON LD0.MHZPDIF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B MHZPDIF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) MON LD0.MHZPDIF1.DifAClc.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_A Differential current phase A 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) MON LD0.MHZPDIF1.DifAClc.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_B Differential current phase B 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) MON LD0.MHZPDIF1.DifAClc.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_C Differential current phase C 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) MON LD0.MHZPDIF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1\Monitored data
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) SET LD0.MHZPDIF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) SET LD0.MHZPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.5 Operate value Operate value, percentage of the nominal current 0.5...50.0 %In Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1 IL1TCTR1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) SET LD0.MHZPDIF1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 20...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) SET LD0.MHZPDIF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\MHZPDIF1
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) TES LD0.MHZPDIF1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 MHZPDIF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
MHZPDIF1 3dIHi>M(1) 87MH(1) VER LD0.MHZPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

HREFPDIF1: High impedance restricted earth fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) INP LD0.HREFPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1\Inputs
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) OUT LD0.HREFPDIF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1\Outputs
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) OUT LD0.HREFPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1\Outputs
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) MON LD0.HREFPDIF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HREFPDIF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) MON LD0.HREFPDIF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1\Monitored data
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) SET LD0.HREFPDIF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) SET LD0.HREFPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Operate value Low operate value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...50.0 %In Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1 RESTCTR1
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) SET LD0.HREFPDIF1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) SET LD0.HREFPDIF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF1
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) TES LD0.HREFPDIF1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HREFPDIF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
HREFPDIF1 dIoHi>(1) 87NH(1) VER LD0.HREFPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

CMMXU2: Three-phase current measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) INP LD0.CMMXU2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Inputs
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) OUT LD0.CMMXU2.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Outputs
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) OUT LD0.CMMXU2.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Outputs
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) OUT LD0.CMMXU2.LoWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_WARN Low warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Outputs
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) OUT LD0.CMMXU2.LoAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_ALARM Low alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Outputs
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CTR LD0.CMMXU2.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (CMMXU2 demands)
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IL1B-A Measured current amplitude phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_A IL1 current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_A IL1 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_A IL1 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsB.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IL2B-A Measured current amplitude phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsB.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_B IL2 current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_B IL2 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsB.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_B IL2 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsC.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IL3B-A Measured current amplitude phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsC.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_C IL3 current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_C IL3 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsC.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_C IL3 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CAVMMXU2.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_A Demand value of IL1 current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CAVMMXU2.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_B Demand value of IL2 current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CAVMMXU2.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_C Demand value of IL3 current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CMMXU2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMAMMXU2.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand IL1B Maximum demand for Phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMAMMXU2.A.phsA.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand IL1B Time of maximum demand phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMAMMXU2.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand IL2B Maximum demand for Phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMAMMXU2.A.phsB.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand IL2B Time of maximum demand phase B Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMAMMXU2.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand IL3B Maximum demand for Phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMAMMXU2.A.phsC.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand IL3B Time of maximum demand phase C Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMIMMXU2.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand IL1B Minimum demand for Phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMIMMXU2.A.phsA.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand IL1B Time of minimum demand phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMIMMXU2.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand IL2B Minimum demand for Phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMIMMXU2.A.phsB.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand IL2B Time of minimum demand phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMIMMXU2.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand IL3B Minimum demand for Phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) MON LD0.CMIMMXU2.A.phsC.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand IL3B Time of minimum demand phase A Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.db WYE INT32U CF B,I 2500 A deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.rangeC.hhLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 A high high limit High alarm current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.rangeC.hLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 A high limit High warning current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.rangeC.lLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 A low limit Low warning current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.A.phsA.rangeC.llLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 A low low limit Low alarm current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2 IL1TCTR2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) CFG LD0.CMMXU2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of phases Number of phases required by limit supervision 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Configuration\Measurements\CMMXU2
CMMXU2 3I(2) 3I(2) VER LD0.CMMXU2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

CSMSQI2: Sequence current measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P PsSeqB-A Measured positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I1_ANGL Positive sequence current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I1_DB Positive sequence current amplitude, reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P I1_RANGE Positive sequence current amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P NgSeqB-A Measured negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I2_ANGL Negative sequence current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I2_DB Negative sequence current amplitude, reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P I2_RANGE Negative sequence current amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P ZroSeqB-A Measured zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I0_ANGL Zero sequence current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I0_DB Zero sequence current amplitude, reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) MON LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P I0_RANGE Zero sequence current amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\CSMSQI2\Monitored data IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 2500 Ps Seq A deadband Deadband configuration value for positive sequence current for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 Ps Seq A Hi high Lim High alarm current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 Ps Seq A high limit High warning current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ps Seq A low limit Low warning current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c1.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ps Seq A low low Lim Low alarm current limit for positive sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 2500 Ng Seq A deadband Deadband configuration value for negative sequence current for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 Ng Seq A Hi high Lim High alarm current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 Ng Seq A High limit High warning current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ng Seq A low limit Low warning current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c2.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ng Seq A low low Lim Low alarm current limit for negative sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 2500 Zro A deadband Deadband configuration value for zero sequence current for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 Zro A Hi high Lim High alarm current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 Zro A High limit High warning current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Zro A low limit Low warning current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) CFG LD0.CSMSQI2.SeqA.c3.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Zro A low low Lim Low alarm current limit for zero sequence current 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\CSMSQI2 IL1TCTR2
CSMSQI2 I1,I2,I0(B)(1) I1,I2,I0(B)(1) VER LD0.CSMSQI2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

PHLPTOC2: Three phase non-directional OC, low stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) INP LD0.PHLPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC2\Inputs
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) INP LD0.PHLPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC2\Inputs
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) OUT LD0.PHLPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC2\Outputs
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) OUT LD0.PHLPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC2\Outputs
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) MON LD0.PHLPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHLPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) MON LD0.PHLPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHLPTOC2\Monitored data
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Start value Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) SET LD0.PHLPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHLPTOC2
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) TES LD0.PHLPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHLPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 51P-1(2) VER LD0.PHLPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

PHIPTOC2: Three phase non-directional OC, inst. stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) INP LD0.PHIPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC2\Inputs
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) INP LD0.PHIPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC2\Inputs
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) OUT LD0.PHIPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC2\Outputs
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) OUT LD0.PHIPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC2\Outputs
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) MON LD0.PHIPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHIPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) MON LD0.PHIPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHIPTOC2\Monitored data
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) SET LD0.PHIPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC2
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) SET LD0.PHIPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Start value Start value 1.00...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC2 IL1TCTR1
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) SET LD0.PHIPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC2
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) SET LD0.PHIPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC2
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) SET LD0.PHIPTOC2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC2
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) SET LD0.PHIPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHIPTOC2
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) TES LD0.PHIPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHIPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHIPTOC2 3I>>>(2) 50P/51P(2) VER LD0.PHIPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

EFHPTOC2: Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) INP LD0.EFHPTOC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC2\Inputs
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) INP LD0.EFHPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 ENA_MULT Enable signal for current multiplier Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC2\Inputs
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) OUT LD0.EFHPTOC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC2\Outputs
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) OUT LD0.EFHPTOC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC2\Outputs
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) MON LD0.EFHPTOC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B EFHPTOC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) MON LD0.EFHPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\EFHPTOC2\Monitored data
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParD CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 29.10 Curve parameter D Parameter D for customer programmable curve 0.46...30.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2 RESTCTR1
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.TypRsCrv.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Type of reset curve Selection of reset curve type 1=Immediate; 2=Def time reset; 3=Inverse reset Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT; 3=Peak-to-Peak Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.StrValMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Mult Multiplier for scaling the start value 0.8...10.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) SET LD0.EFHPTOC2.AResSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 1 Io signal Sel Selection for used Io signal 1=Measured Io; 2=Calculated Io Settings\Settings\Current protection\EFHPTOC2
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) TES LD0.EFHPTOC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 EFHPTOC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
EFHPTOC2 Io>>(2) 51N-2(2) VER LD0.EFHPTOC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

OEPVPH1: Overexcitation protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) INP LD0.OEPVPH1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Inputs
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) OUT LD0.OEPVPH1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Started Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Outputs
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) OUT LD0.OEPVPH1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operated Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Outputs
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) OUT LD0.OEPVPH1.StrInh.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_RESTART Signal for blocking reconnection of an overheated machine Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Outputs
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) OUT LD0.OEPVPH1.ClAct.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B COOL_ACTIVE Signal to indicate machine is in cooling process Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Outputs
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) MON LD0.OEPVPH1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B OEPVPH1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) MON LD0.OEPVPH1.VHzRat.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B VOLTPERHZ Excitation level, i.e U/f ratio or Volts/Hertz 0.00...10.00 pu Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Monitored data
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) MON LD0.OEPVPH1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time (in %) 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Monitored data
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) MON LD0.OEPVPH1.TmsRecEna.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENARESTART Estimated time to reset of block restart 0...10000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1\Monitored data
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Mode Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.VHzCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=OvExt IDMT Crv1; 18=OvExt IDMT Crv2; 19=OvExt IDMT Crv3; 20=OvExt IDMT Crv4 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 100 Start value Over excitation start value 100...200 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time in definite- time mode 200...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 100 Reset delay time Resetting time of the operate time counter in DT mode 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 3.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier for Overexcitation IDMT curves 0.1...100.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 200...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.MaxOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000000 Maximum operate time Maximum operate time for IDMT curves 500000...10000000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.MaxVCont.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 110 Voltage Max Cont Maximum allowed continuous operating voltage ratio 80...160 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.ClTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 600 Cooling time Time required to cool the machine 5...10000 s Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.ConsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 800 Constant delay Parameter constant delay 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.XLeak.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.0 Leakage React Leakage reactance of the machine 0.0...50.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Voltage selection Selection of phase / phase-to-phase / pos sequence voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase; 3=pos sequence Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) SET LD0.OEPVPH1.VPhSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Phase selection Parameter for phase selection 1=A or AB; 2=B or BC; 3=C or CA Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH1
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) TES LD0.OEPVPH1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 OEPVPH1 Test 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -9=Activate BLK_RESTART; -10=Deactive BLK_RESTART; -65=Activate COOL_ACTIVE; -66=Deactive COOL_ACTIVE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
OEPVPH1 U/f>(1) 24(1) VER LD0.OEPVPH1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

OEPVPH2: Overexcitation protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) INP LD0.OEPVPH2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Inputs
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) OUT LD0.OEPVPH2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Started Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Outputs
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) OUT LD0.OEPVPH2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operated Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Outputs
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) OUT LD0.OEPVPH2.StrInh.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_RESTART Signal for blocking reconnection of an overheated machine Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Outputs
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) OUT LD0.OEPVPH2.ClAct.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B COOL_ACTIVE Signal to indicate machine is in cooling process Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Outputs
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) MON LD0.OEPVPH2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B OEPVPH2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) MON LD0.OEPVPH2.VHzRat.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B VOLTPERHZ Excitation level, i.e U/f ratio or Volts/Hertz 0.00...10.00 pu Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Monitored data
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) MON LD0.OEPVPH2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time (in %) 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Monitored data
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) MON LD0.OEPVPH2.TmsRecEna.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENARESTART Estimated time to reset of block restart 0...10000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2\Monitored data
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Mode Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.VHzCrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=OvExt IDMT Crv1; 18=OvExt IDMT Crv2; 19=OvExt IDMT Crv3; 20=OvExt IDMT Crv4 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 100 Start value Over excitation start value 100...200 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time in definite- time mode 200...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 100 Reset delay time Resetting time of the operate time counter in DT mode 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 3.0 Time multiplier Time multiplier for Overexcitation IDMT curves 0.1...100.0 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 200...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.MaxOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000000 Maximum operate time Maximum operate time for IDMT curves 500000...10000000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.MaxVCont.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 110 Voltage Max Cont Maximum allowed continuous operating voltage ratio 80...160 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.ClTms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 600 Cooling time Time required to cool the machine 5...10000 s Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.ConsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 800 Constant delay Parameter constant delay 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.XLeak.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.0 Leakage React Leakage reactance of the machine 0.0...50.0 % Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.VSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Voltage selection Selection of phase / phase-to-phase / pos sequence voltages 1=phase-to-earth; 2=phase-to-phase; 3=pos sequence Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) SET LD0.OEPVPH2.VPhSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Phase selection Parameter for phase selection 1=A or AB; 2=B or BC; 3=C or CA Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\OEPVPH2
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) TES LD0.OEPVPH2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 OEPVPH2 Test 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; -9=Activate BLK_RESTART; -10=Deactive BLK_RESTART; -65=Activate COOL_ACTIVE; -66=Deactive COOL_ACTIVE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
OEPVPH2 U/f>(2) 24(2) VER LD0.OEPVPH2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

T2PTTR1: Thermal overload protection, two time constants

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) INP LD0.T2PTTR1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Inputs
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) INP LD0.T2PTTR1.TmpAmb.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B 0 AMB_TEMP The ambient temperature used in the calculation -99...999 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Inputs
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) OUT LD0.T2PTTR1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Outputs
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) OUT LD0.T2PTTR1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Outputs
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) OUT LD0.T2PTTR1.AlmThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Thermal Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Outputs
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) OUT LD0.T2PTTR1.BlkThm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_CLOSE Thermal overload indicator. To inhibite reclose. Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Outputs
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) CTR LD0.T2PTTR1.RsTmp.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 T2PTTR1 Reset T2PTTR1 temperature 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) MON LD0.T2PTTR1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B T2PTTR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) MON LD0.T2PTTR1.Tmp.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P TEMP The calculated temperature of the protected object -100.0...9999.9 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Monitored data
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) MON LD0.T2PTTR1.TmpRl.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P TEMP_RL The calculated temperature of the protected object relative to the operate level 0.00...99.99 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Monitored data
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) MON LD0.T2PTTR1.TmpUsed.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B TEMP_AMB The ambient temperature used in the calculation -99...999 °C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Monitored data
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) MON LD0.T2PTTR1.OpTm.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_OPERATE Estimated time to operate 0...60000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Monitored data
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) MON LD0.T2PTTR1.BlkThmRsTm.stVal INS INT32 ST B T_ENA_CLOSE Estimated time to deactivate BLK_CLOSE in seconds 0...60000 s Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\T2PTTR1\Monitored data
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.TmpMax.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 105.0 Max temperature Maximum temperature allowed for the transformer 0.0...200.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.ConsTms1.setVal ING INT32 SG B 450 Short time constant Short time constant in seconds 6...60000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.ConsTms2.setVal ING INT32 SG B 7200 Long time constant Long time constant in seconds 60...60000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.AlmVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 90.0 Alarm temperature Alarm temperature, percent value 40.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.ARef.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.00 Current reference The load current leading to Temperature raise temperature 0.05...4.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1 IL1TCTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.EnvTmpSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 40 Env temperature Set Ambient temperature used when no external temperature measurement available -50...100 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.IniTmp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 80.0 Initial temperature Initial temperature, percent value 0.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.RecTmpSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 60.0 Reclose temperature Temperature for reset of block reclose after operate 40.0...100.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.TmpR.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 78.0 Temperature rise End temperature rise above ambient 0.0...200.0 °C Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.WghFact.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.40 Weighting factor p Weighting factor of the short time constant 0.00...1.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) SET LD0.T2PTTR1.OpTmp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 100.0 Operate temperature Operate temperature, percent value 80.0...120.0 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\T2PTTR1
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) TES LD0.T2PTTR1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 T2PTTR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; 21=Activate BLK_CLOSE; 22=Deactive BLK_CLOSE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C(1) 49T/G/C(1) VER LD0.T2PTTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

PHPTUC2: Phase undercurrent protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) INP LD0.PHPTUC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block all binary outputs by resetting timers Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Inputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_A Start phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_B Start phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_C Start phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) OUT LD0.PHPTUC2.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Outputs
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) MON LD0.PHPTUC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHPTUC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) MON LD0.PHPTUC2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\PHPTUC2\Monitored data
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.PHPTUC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC2
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.PHPTUC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.50 Start value Current setting to start 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC2 IL1TCTR1
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.PHPTUC2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 2000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC2
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.PHPTUC2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC2
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.PHPTUC2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Current block value Low current setting to block internally 0.00...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC2 IL1TCTR1
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) SET LD0.PHPTUC2.OpModPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Operation mode Number of phases needed to start 1=Three Phase; 2=Single Phase Settings\Settings\Current protection\PHPTUC2
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) TES LD0.PHPTUC2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHPTUC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Current protection
PHPTUC2 3I<(2) 37(2) VER LD0.PHPTUC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

TR2PTDF1: Transformer differential protection of two winding transformers

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) INP Channel TAP_POS (ACT input channel)
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) INP LD0.TR2PTRC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Inputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) INP LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_OPR_LS Blocks operate outputs from biased stage Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Inputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) INP LD0.TR2HPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLK_OPR_HS Blocks operate outputs from instantaneous stage Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Inputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) OUT LD0.TR2PTRC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate combined (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Outputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) OUT LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_LS Operate from low set Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Outputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) OUT LD0.TR2LPDIF1.BlkWavSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKDWAV Waveform blocking status (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Outputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) OUT LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk2HSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD2H 2nd harmonic restraint block status (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Outputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) OUT LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk5HSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD5H 5th harmonic restraint block status (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Outputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) OUT LD0.TR2HPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B OPR_HS Operate from high set Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Outputs
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2PTRC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B TR2PTDF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2PTRC1.Op.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_A Operate phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2PTRC1.Op.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_B Operate phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2PTRC1.Op.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_C Operate phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.DifAClc.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_A Differential Current phase A 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.DifAClc.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_B Differential Current phase B 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.DifAClc.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_C Differential Current phase C 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.RstA.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB_A Biasing current phase A 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.RstA.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB_B Biasing current phase B 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.RstA.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB_C Biasing current phase C 0.00...80.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.BlkWavSt.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKDWAV_A Waveform blocking phase A status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.BlkWavSt.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKDWAV_B Waveform blocking phase B status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.BlkWavSt.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKDWAV_C Waveform blocking phase C status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk2HSt.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD2H_A 2nd harmonic restraint block phase A status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk2HSt.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD2H_B 2nd harmonic restraint block phase B status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk2HSt.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD2H_C 2nd harmonic restraint block phase C status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk5HSt.phsA ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD5H_A 5th harmonic restraint block phase A status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk5HSt.phsB ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD5H_B 5th harmonic restraint block phase B status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Blk5HSt.phsC ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H BLKD5H_C 5th harmonic restraint block phase C status Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.ScyAComp.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_AMPL_A2 Connection group compensated secondary current phase A 0.00...40.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.ScyAComp.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_AMPL_B2 Connection group compensated secondary current phase B 0.00...40.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.ScyAComp.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_AMPL_C2 Connection group compensated secondary current phase C 0.00...40.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.PriAComp.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_AMPL_A1 Connection group compensated primary current phase A 0.00...40.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.PriAComp.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_AMPL_B1 Connection group compensated primary current phase B 0.00...40.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.PriAComp.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_AMPL_C1 Connection group compensated primary current phase C 0.00...40.00 xIr Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngPriAB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_A1_B1 Current phase angle phase A to B, winding 1 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngPriBC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_B1_C1 Current phase angle phase B to C, winding 1 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngPriCA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_C1_A1 Current phase angle phase C to A, winding 1 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngScyAB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_A2_B2 Current phase angle phase A to B, winding 2 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngScyBC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_B2_C2 Current phase angle phase B to C, winding 2 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngScyCA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_C2_A2 Current phase angle phase C to A, winding 2 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngPriScyA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_A1_A2 Current phase angle diff between winding 1 and 2, phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngPriScyB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_B1_B2 Current phase angle diff between winding 1 and 2, phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2LPDIF1.AngPriScyC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_ANGL_C1_C2 Current phase angle diff between winding 1 and 2, phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD2HPHAR 2nd harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, combined (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD2HPHAR_A 2nd harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD2HPHAR_B 2nd harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD2HPHAR_C 2nd harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.AHRat.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_2H_RAT_A Differential current second harmonic ratio, phase A 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.AHRat.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_2H_RAT_B Differential current second harmonic ratio, phase B 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.AHRat.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_2H_RAT_C Differential current second harmonic ratio, phase C 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD5HPHAR 5th harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, combined (A,B,C) Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.Str.phsA ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD5HPHAR_A 5th harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, phase A Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.Str.phsB ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD5HPHAR_B 5th harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, phase B Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.Str.phsC ACD BOOLEAN ST B BLKD5HPHAR_C 5th harmonic restraint blocking for PHAR LN, phase C Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.AHRat.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_5H_RAT_A Differential current fifth harmonic ratio, phase A 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.AHRat.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_5H_RAT_B Differential current fifth harmonic ratio, phase B 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) MON LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.AHRat.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_5H_RAT_C Differential current fifth harmonic ratio, phase C 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1\Monitored data
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2PTRC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off/On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 20 Low operate value Basic setting for biased operation 5...50 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.RstMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 9 Restraint mode Restraint mode 5=Waveform; 6=2.h + waveform; 8=5.h + waveform; 9=2.h + 5.h + wav Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.SpeScn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 30 Slope section 2 Slope of the second line of the operating characteristics 10...50 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.EndScn2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 150 End section 2 Turn-point between the second and the third line of the operating characteristics 100...500 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.SpeScn3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 100 Slope section 3 Slope of the third line of the operating characteristics 10...100 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.CTConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 CT connection type CT connection type. Determined by the directions of the connected current transformers 1=Type 1; 2=Type 2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Wnd1Typ.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Winding 1 type Connection of the HV side windings 1=Y; 2=YN; 3=D; 4=Z; 5=ZN Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.Wnd2Typ.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Winding 2 type Connection of the LV side windings 1=y; 2=yn; 3=d; 4=z; 5=zn Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.ClkNum.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Clock number Setting the phase shift between HV and LV with clock number for connection group compensation (e.g. Dyn11 -> 11) 0=Clk Num 0; 1=Clk Num 1; 2=Clk Num 2; 4=Clk Num 4; 5=Clk Num 5; 6=Clk Num 6; 7=Clk Num 7; 8=Clk Num 8; 10=Clk Num 10; 11=Clk Num 11 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.ZroAElm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Zro A elimination Elimination of the zero-sequence current 1=Not eliminated; 2=Winding 1; 3=Winding 2; 4=Winding 1 and 2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.MinWndTap.setVal ING INT32 SP A 36 Min winding tap The tap position number resulting the minimum number of effective winding turns on the side of the transformer where the tap changer is. -36...36 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.MaxWndTap.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Max winding tap The tap position number resulting the maximum number of effective winding turns on the side of the transformer where the tap changer is. -36...36 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.TapNomLTC1.setVal ING INT32 SP A,I 18 Tap nominal The nominal position of the tap changer resulting the default transformation ratio of the transformer (as if there was no tap changer) -36...36 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.TapWnd.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Tapped winding The winding where the tap changer is connected to 1=Not in use; 2=Winding 1; 3=Winding 2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.StepTap1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.50 Step of tap The percentage change in voltage corresponding one step of the tap changer 0.60...9.00 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.HDBlk.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Harmonic deblock 2. 2. harmonic deblocking in case of switch on to fault Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.CTRatCor1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.00 CT ratio Cor Wnd 1 CT ratio correction, winding 1 0.40...4.00 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2LPDIF1.CTRatCor2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.00 CT ratio Cor Wnd 2 CT ratio correction, winding 2 0.40...4.00 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2H2PHAR1.PhStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 15 Start value 2.H 2. harmonic blocking ratio 7...20 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.PhStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 35 Start value 5.H 5. harmonic blocking ratio 10...50 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.PhStop.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 35 Stop value 5.H 5. harmonic deblocking ratio 10...50 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2H5PHAR1.HDBlk.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 0 Harmonic deblock 5. 5. harmonic deblocking in case of severe overvoltage Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2HPDIF1.HiSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1000 High operate value Instantaneous stage setting 500...3000 %Ir Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) SET LD0.TR2HPDIF1.EnaHiSet.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 1 Enable high set Enable high set stage Settings\Settings\Differential prot\TR2PTDF1
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) TES LD0.TR2LPDIF1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 TR2PTDF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 59=Activate OPR_LS; 60=Deactive OPR_LS; 61=Activate OPR_HS; 62=Deactive OPR_HS; 63=Activate BLKD2H; 64=Deactive BLKD2H; 65=Activate BLKD5H; 66=Deactive BLKD5H; 67=Activate BLKDWAV; 68=Deactive BLKDWAV Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
TR2PTDF1 3dI>T(1) 87T(1) VER LD0.TR2LPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LREFPNDF1: Low impedance restricted earth fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) INP LD0.LREFPDIF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Inputs
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) OUT LD0.LREFPDIF1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Outputs
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) OUT LD0.LREFPDIF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Outputs
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) OUT LD0.LREFPDIF1.Blk2HSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B BLK2H 2nd harmonic block Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Outputs
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) MON LD0.LREFPDIF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LREFPNDF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) MON LD0.LREFPDIF1.DifAClc.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_COSPHI Directional differential current Id cosphi 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) MON LD0.LREFPDIF1.RstA.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB Bias current 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) MON LD0.LREFPDIF1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Monitored data
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) MON LD0.LREFPHAR1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B RES2H 2nd harmonic restraint Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1\Monitored data
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPDIF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPDIF1.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Operate value Operate value 5.0...50.0 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPDIF1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPDIF1.RstMod.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Restraint mode Restraint mode 1=None; 2=Harmonic2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPDIF1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPDIF1.CTConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 CT connection type CT connection type 1=Type 1; 2=Type 2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) SET LD0.LREFPHAR1.PhStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 50 Start value 2.H The ratio of the 2. harmonic to fundamental component required for blocking 10...50 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF1
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) TES LD0.LREFPDIF1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LREFPNDF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 35=Activate BLK2H; 36=Deactive BLK2H Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
LREFPNDF1 dIoLo>(1) 87NL(1) VER LD0.LREFPDIF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

LREFPNDF2: Low impedance restricted earth fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) INP LD0.LREFPDIF2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Inputs
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) OUT LD0.LREFPDIF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Outputs
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) OUT LD0.LREFPDIF2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Outputs
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) OUT LD0.LREFPDIF2.Blk2HSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B BLK2H 2nd harmonic block Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Outputs
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) MON LD0.LREFPDIF2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LREFPNDF2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) MON LD0.LREFPDIF2.DifAClc.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B ID_COSPHI Directional differential current Id cosphi 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) MON LD0.LREFPDIF2.RstA.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IB Bias current 0.00...80.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) MON LD0.LREFPDIF2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Monitored data
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) MON LD0.LREFPHAR2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B RES2H 2nd harmonic restraint Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2\Monitored data
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPDIF2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPDIF2.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 5.0 Operate value Operate value 5.0...50.0 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPDIF2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPDIF2.RstMod.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Restraint mode Restraint mode 1=None; 2=Harmonic2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPDIF2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPDIF2.CTConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 CT connection type CT connection type 1=Type 1; 2=Type 2 Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) SET LD0.LREFPHAR2.PhStr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 50 Start value 2.H The ratio of the 2. harmonic to fundamental component required for blocking 10...50 % Settings\Settings\Differential prot\LREFPNDF2
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) TES LD0.LREFPDIF2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 LREFPNDF2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 35=Activate BLK2H; 36=Deactive BLK2H Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo>(2) 87NL(2) VER LD0.LREFPDIF2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

HREFPDIF2: High impedance restricted earth fault protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) INP LD0.HREFPDIF2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2\Inputs
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) OUT LD0.HREFPDIF2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2\Outputs
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) OUT LD0.HREFPDIF2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2\Outputs
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) MON LD0.HREFPDIF2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B HREFPDIF2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) MON LD0.HREFPDIF2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2\Monitored data
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) SET LD0.HREFPDIF2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) SET LD0.HREFPDIF2.LoSet.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Operate value Low operate value, percentage of the nominal current 1.0...50.0 %In Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2 RESTCTR1
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) SET LD0.HREFPDIF2.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) SET LD0.HREFPDIF2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Differential prot\HREFPDIF2
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) TES LD0.HREFPDIF2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 HREFPDIF2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Differential prot
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi>(2) 87NH(2) VER LD0.HREFPDIF2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

DUPPDPR1: Under power protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) INP LD0.DPPDUP1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Inputs
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) INP LD0.DPPDUP1.InDsaSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DISABLE Signal to block the function during generator startup Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Inputs
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) OUT LD0.DPPDUP1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Outputs
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) OUT LD0.DPPDUP1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Outputs
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) MON LD0.DPPDUP1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DUPPDPR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) MON LD0.DPPDUP1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Monitored data
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) MON LD0.DPMMXU1.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B P Active power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Monitored data
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) MON LD0.DPMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Monitored data
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) MON LD0.DPMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S Apparent power 0.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Monitored data
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) MON LD0.DPMMXU1.TotPFAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PF_ANGLE Power factor angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR1\Monitored data
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.1 Start value Start value 0.01...2.00 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.PwrMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 3 Measurement mode Selection of power calculation method 1=PhsA, PhsB, PhsC; 2=Arone; 3=Pos Seq; 4=PhsAB; 5=PhsBC; 6=PhsCA; 7=PhsA; 8=PhsB; 9=PhsC Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) SET LD0.DPPDUP1.DsaTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Disable time Additional wait time after CB closing 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR1
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) TES LD0.DPPDUP1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DUPPDPR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DUPPDPR1 P<(1) 32U(1) VER LD0.DPPDUP1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

DUPPDPR2: Under power protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) INP LD0.DPPDUP2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Inputs
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) INP LD0.DPPDUP2.InDsaSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 DISABLE Signal to block the function during generator startup Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Inputs
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) OUT LD0.DPPDUP2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Outputs
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) OUT LD0.DPPDUP2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Outputs
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) MON LD0.DPPDUP2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DUPPDPR2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) MON LD0.DPPDUP2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Monitored data
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) MON LD0.DPMMXU2.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B P Active power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Monitored data
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) MON LD0.DPMMXU2.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Monitored data
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) MON LD0.DPMMXU2.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S Apparent power 0.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Monitored data
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) MON LD0.DPMMXU2.TotPFAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PF_ANGLE Power factor angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DUPPDPR2\Monitored data
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.1 Start value Start value 0.01...2.00 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.PwrMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 3 Measurement mode Selection of power calculation method 1=PhsA, PhsB, PhsC; 2=Arone; 3=Pos Seq; 4=PhsAB; 5=PhsBC; 6=PhsCA; 7=PhsA; 8=PhsB; 9=PhsC Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) SET LD0.DPPDUP2.DsaTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Disable time Additional wait time after CB closing 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DUPPDPR2
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) TES LD0.DPPDUP2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DUPPDPR2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DUPPDPR2 P<(2) 32U(2) VER LD0.DPPDUP2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

DOPPDPR1: Reverse power / Directional over power protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) INP LD0.DPPDOP1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Inputs
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) OUT LD0.DPPDOP1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Outputs
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) OUT LD0.DPPDOP1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Outputs
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) MON LD0.DPPDOP1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DOPPDPR1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) MON LD0.DPPDOP1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Monitored data
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) MON LD0.DOPMMXU1.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B P Active power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Monitored data
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) MON LD0.DOPMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Monitored data
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) MON LD0.DOPMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S Apparent power 0.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Monitored data
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) MON LD0.DOPMMXU1.TotPFAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PF_ANGLE Power factor angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR1\Monitored data
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Start value 0.01...2.00 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.PwrMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Measurement mode Selection of power calculation method 1=PhsA, PhsB, PhsC; 2=Arone; 3=Pos Seq; 4=PhsAB; 5=PhsBC; 6=PhsCA; 7=PhsA; 8=PhsB; 9=PhsC Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) SET LD0.DPPDOP1.PwrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0 Power angle Adjustable angle for power -90...90 deg Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR1
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) TES LD0.DPPDOP1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DOPPDPR1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DOPPDPR1 P>/Q>(1) 32R/32O(1) VER LD0.DPPDOP1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

DOPPDPR2: Reverse power / Directional over power protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) INP LD0.DPPDOP2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Inputs
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) OUT LD0.DPPDOP2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Outputs
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) OUT LD0.DPPDOP2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Outputs
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) MON LD0.DPPDOP2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DOPPDPR2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) MON LD0.DPPDOP2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Monitored data
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) MON LD0.DOPMMXU2.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B P Active power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Monitored data
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) MON LD0.DOPMMXU2.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Monitored data
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) MON LD0.DOPMMXU2.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S Apparent power 0.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Monitored data
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) MON LD0.DOPMMXU2.TotPFAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PF_ANGLE Power factor angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR2\Monitored data
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Start value 0.01...2.00 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.PwrMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Measurement mode Selection of power calculation method 1=PhsA, PhsB, PhsC; 2=Arone; 3=Pos Seq; 4=PhsAB; 5=PhsBC; 6=PhsCA; 7=PhsA; 8=PhsB; 9=PhsC Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) SET LD0.DPPDOP2.PwrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0 Power angle Adjustable angle for power -90...90 deg Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR2
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) TES LD0.DPPDOP2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DOPPDPR2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q>(2) 32R/32O(2) VER LD0.DPPDOP2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

DOPPDPR3: Reverse power / Directional over power protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) INP LD0.DPPDOP3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Inputs
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) OUT LD0.DPPDOP3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Outputs
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) OUT LD0.DPPDOP3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Outputs
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) MON LD0.DPPDOP3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DOPPDPR3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) MON LD0.DPPDOP3.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Monitored data
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) MON LD0.DOPMMXU3.TotW.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B P Active power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Monitored data
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) MON LD0.DOPMMXU3.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Monitored data
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) MON LD0.DOPMMXU3.TotVA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S Apparent power 0.000...160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Monitored data
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) MON LD0.DOPMMXU3.TotPFAng.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B PF_ANGLE Power factor angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DOPPDPR3\Monitored data
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.DirMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Directional mode Directional mode 2=Forward; 3=Reverse Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.0 Start value Start value 0.01...2.00 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 40 Operate delay time Operate delay time 40...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.PwrMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Measurement mode Selection of power calculation method 1=PhsA, PhsB, PhsC; 2=Arone; 3=Pos Seq; 4=PhsAB; 5=PhsBC; 6=PhsCA; 7=PhsA; 8=PhsB; 9=PhsC Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) SET LD0.DPPDOP3.PwrAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0 Power angle Adjustable angle for power -90...90 deg Settings\Settings\Power protection\DOPPDPR3
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) TES LD0.DPPDOP3.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DOPPDPR3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q>(3) 32R/32O(3) VER LD0.DPPDOP3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

TPOSYLTC1: Tap changer position indication

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.TapPos.valWTr.posVal ISC INT8 ST B 0 StatUrg P,H TAP_POS Tap position indication -63...63 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Monitored data
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.EndPosR.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 END_POS_R End position raise or highest allowed tap position reached Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.EndPosL.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 END_POS_L End position lower or lowest allowed tap position reached Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BI0 Binary input 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BI1 Binary input 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BI2 Binary input 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BI3 Binary input 4 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BI4 Binary input 5 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BI5 Binary input 6 Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) INP LD0.TPOSYLTC1.InBit7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 SIGN_BIT Binary input sign bit Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1\Inputs
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) OUT Channel TAP_POS (ACT output channel)
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) CFG LD0.TPOSYLTC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) CFG LD0.TPOSYLTC1.BinCdMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Operation mode Operation mode selection 1=NAT2INT; 2=BCD2INT; 3=GRAY2INT Configuration\Measurements\TPOSYLTC1
TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM(1) 84M(1) VER LD0.TPOSYLTC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

CCSPVC2: Current circuit supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) INP LD0.CCSPVC2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2\Inputs
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) OUT LD0.CCSPVC2.FailACirc.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FAIL Fail output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2\Outputs
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) OUT LD0.CCSPVC2.SigFailAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm output Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2\Outputs
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) MON LD0.CCSPVC2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CCSPVC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) MON LD0.CCSPVC2.DifAClc.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B IDIFF Differential current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2\Monitored data IL1TCTR1
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) CFG LD0.CCSPVC2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On / Off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) CFG LD0.CCSPVC2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.05 Start value Minimum operate current differential level 0.05...0.20 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2 IL1TCTR1
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) CFG LD0.CCSPVC2.MaxOpA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 1.5 Max operate current Block of the function at high phase current 1.00...5.00 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CCSPVC2 IL1TCTR1
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) TES LD0.CCSPVC2.TestSpvn.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 CCSPVC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 5=Activate ALARM; 6=Deactive ALARM; 41=Activate FAIL; 42=Deactive FAIL Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I(2) MCS 3I(2) VER LD0.CCSPVC2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

CTSRCTF1: CT secondary circuit supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) INP LD0.CTSRCTF1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Inputs
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) OUT LD0.CTSRCTF1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Outputs
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) OUT LD0.CTSRCTF1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H FAIL CT secondary failure Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Outputs
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) OUT LD0.CTSRCTF1.OpGrp1.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B FAIL_CTGRP1 CT secondary failure group 1 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Outputs
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) OUT LD0.CTSRCTF1.OpGrp2.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B FAIL_CTGRP2 CT secondary failure group 2 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Outputs
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) OUT LD0.CTSRCTF1.OpGrp3.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B FAIL_CTGRP3 CT secondary failure group 3 Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Outputs
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) MON LD0.CTSRCTF1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CTSRCTF1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) MON LD0.CTSRCTF1.BlkInSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B INT_BLKD Function blocked internally Monitoring\I/O status\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1\Monitored data
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) CFG LD0.CTSRCTF1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) CFG LD0.CTSRCTF1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.02 Min operate current Minimum operate current 0.01...0.50 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1 IL1TCTR1
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) CFG LD0.CTSRCTF1.MaxOpA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.30 Max operate current Maximum operate current 1.00...5.00 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1 IL1TCTR1
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) CFG LD0.CTSRCTF1.MaxNgSeqA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.10 Max Ng Seq current Maximum I2 current in healthy set 0.01...1.00 xIn Configuration\Condition monitoring\CTSRCTF1 IL1TCTR1
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) TES LD0.CTSRCTF1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 CTSRCTF1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; 113=Activate FAIL; 114=Deactive FAIL; -71=Activate FAIL_CTGRP1; -72=Deactive FAIL_CTGRP1; -73=Activate FAIL_CTGRP2; -74=Deactive FAIL_CTGRP2; -75=Activate FAIL_CTGRP3; -76=Deactive FAIL_CTGRP3 Tests\Function tests\Condition monitoring
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2(1) MCS 3I,I2(1) VER LD0.CTSRCTF1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC B (Name plate)

RESCMMXU2: Residual current measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) INP LD0.RESCMMXU2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Inputs
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) OUT LD0.RESCMMXU2.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Outputs
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) OUT LD0.RESCMMXU2.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Outputs
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P IoB-A Measured residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_ANGL_RES Residual current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Monitored data RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P I_DB_RES Residual current Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Monitored data RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P I_RANGE_RES Residual current Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Monitored data RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RCAVMMXU2.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_DMD_RES Demand value of residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\RESCMMXU2\Monitored data RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RCMAMMXU2.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Max demand Io Maximum demand for residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RCMAMMXU2.A.res.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time max demand Io Time of maximum demand residual current Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RCMIMMXU2.A.res.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Min demand Io Minimum demand for residual current 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) MON LD0.RCMIMMXU2.A.res.t WYE Timestamp MX B Time min demand Io Time of minimum demand residual current Monitoring\Recorded data\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.db WYE INT32U CF B,I 2500 A deadband res Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.rangeC.hhLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 A Hi high limit res High alarm current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU2.A.res.rangeC.hLim.f WYE FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 A high limit res High warning current limit 0.00...40.00 xIn Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU2 RESTCTR2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) CFG LD0.RESCMMXU2.AMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\RESCMMXU2
RESCMMXU2 Io(2) In(2) VER LD0.RESCMMXU2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

VAMMXU3: Single-phase voltage measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) INP LD0.VAMMXU3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Inputs
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) OUT LD0.VAMMXU3.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Outputs
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) OUT LD0.VAMMXU3.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Outputs
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) OUT LD0.VAMMXU3.LoWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_WARN Low warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Outputs
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) OUT LD0.VAMMXU3.LoAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_ALARM Low alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Outputs
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.instCVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U12C-kV Measured phase to phase voltage amplitude phase AB 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.instCVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_AB U12 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_AB U12 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.range DEL Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_AB U12 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PhV.phsA.instCVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P UL1C-kV Measured phase to ground voltage amplitude phase A 0.00...5.00 xUn Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PhV.phsA.instCVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_A UL1 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_A UL1 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) MON LD0.VAMMXU3.PhV.phsA.range WYE Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_A UL1 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAAVMMXU3 MON LD0.VAAVMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_AB Demand value of U12 voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAAVMMXU3 MON LD0.VAAVMMXU3.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_A Demand value of UL1 voltage 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VAMMXU3\Monitored data UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.db DEL INT32U CF B,I 10000 V deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.hhLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 V high high limit High alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.hLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 V high limit High warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.lLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 V low limit Low warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.llLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 V low low limit Low alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3 UL1TVTR3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) CFG LD0.VAMMXU3.VMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\VAMMXU3
VAMMXU3 U_A(3) V_A(3) VER LD0.VAMMXU3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

Current (3I,CT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Current (3I,CT) INP Channel IL1 (ACT input channel)
Current (3I,CT) INP Channel IL2 (ACT input channel)
Current (3I,CT) INP Channel IL3 (ACT input channel)
Current (3I,CT) OUT LD0.IL1TCTR1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) OUT LD0.IL1TCTR1.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR1.ARtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 80.0 Primary current Rated primary current 1.0...6000.0 A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr A Phase A amplitude correction factor 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr A Phase A angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR1.ARtgNom.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 80 Nominal current Network Nominal Current (In) 39...4000 A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR1.VRtgScyRat.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 3.000 Rated secondary Val Rated Secondary Value (RSV) ratio 1.000...150.000 mV/Hz Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Reverse polarity Reverse the polarity of the phase CTs Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL2TCTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr B Phase B amplitude correction factor 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL2TCTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr B Phase B angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL3TCTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr C Phase C amplitude correction factor 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) CFG LD0.IL3TCTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr C Phase C angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3I,CT)
Current (3I,CT) VER LD0.IL1TCTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

Current (Io,CT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Current (Io,CT) INP Channel Io (ACT input channel)
Current (Io,CT) OUT LD0.RESTCTR1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) OUT LD0.RESTCTR1.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR1.ARtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100.0 Primary current Primary current 1.0...6000.0 A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr Amplitude correction 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle correction Angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR1.ARtgScy.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 2 Secondary current Secondary current 1=0.2A; 2=1A; 3=5A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Reverse polarity Reverse the polarity of the residual CT Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (Io,CT)
Current (Io,CT) VER LD0.RESTCTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

X120 (AIM)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) OUT LD0.XGGIO120.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X120-Input 1 Connectors 1-2c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) OUT LD0.XGGIO120.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X120-Input 2 Connectors 3-2c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) OUT LD0.XGGIO120.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X120-Input 3 Connectors 4-2c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) OUT LD0.XGGIO120.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X120-Input 4 Connectors 5-6 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.FilTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 1 filter time Connectors 1-2c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input filtering
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.FilTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 2 filter time Connectors 3-2c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input filtering
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.FilTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 3 filter time Connectors 4-2c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input filtering
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.FilTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 4 filter time Connectors 5-6 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input filtering
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.DigInInv1.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 1 inversion Connectors 1-2c Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input inversion
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.DigInInv2.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 2 inversion Connectors 3-2c Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input inversion
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.DigInInv3.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 3 inversion Connectors 4-2c Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input inversion
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) CFG LD0.XGGIO120.DigInInv4.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 4 inversion Connectors 5-6 Configuration\I/O modules\X120 (AIM)\Input inversion
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) INF LD0.XGGIO120.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) VER LD0.XGGIO120.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)
X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) X120 (AIM) VER LD0.XGGIO120.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

Voltage (3U,VT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Voltage (3U,VT) INP Channel UL1 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3U,VT) INP Channel UL2 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3U,VT) INP Channel UL3 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3U,VT) INP LD0.UL1TVTR1.FuFail.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 MINCB_OPEN Active when external MCB opens protected voltage circuit Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)\Inputs
Voltage (3U,VT) OUT LD0.UL1TVTR1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)\Outputs
Voltage (3U,VT) OUT LD0.UL1TVTR1.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)\Outputs
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR1.VRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20.000 Primary voltage Primary rated voltage 0.100...440.000 kV Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr A Phase A Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr A Phase A Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR1.VRtgScy.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100 Secondary voltage Secondary rated voltage 60...210 V Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR1.VConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 VT connection Voltage transducer measurement connection 1=Wye; 2=Delta Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR1.VInTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 3 Voltage input type Type of the voltage input 1=Voltage trafo; 3=CVD sensor Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL2TVTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr B Phase B Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL2TVTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr B Phase B Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL3TVTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr C Phase C Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) CFG LD0.UL3TVTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr C Phase C Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3U,VT)
Voltage (3U,VT) VER LD0.UL1TVTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

Voltage (Uo,VT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Voltage (Uo,VT) INP Channel Uo (ACT input channel)
Voltage (Uo,VT) OUT LD0.RESTVTR1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (Uo,VT)
Voltage (Uo,VT) OUT LD0.RESTVTR1.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (Uo,VT)
Voltage (Uo,VT) CFG LD0.RESTVTR1.VRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 11.547 Primary voltage Primary voltage 0.1...440.000 kV Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (Uo,VT)
Voltage (Uo,VT) CFG LD0.RESTVTR1.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr Amplitude correction 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (Uo,VT)
Voltage (Uo,VT) CFG LD0.RESTVTR1.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle correction Angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (Uo,VT)
Voltage (Uo,VT) CFG LD0.RESTVTR1.VRtgScy.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100 Secondary voltage Secondary voltage 60...210 V Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (Uo,VT)
Voltage (Uo,VT) VER LD0.RESTVTR1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)

VMMXU1: Three-phase voltage measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) INP LD0.VMMXU1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Inputs
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) OUT LD0.VMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_ALARM High alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Outputs
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) OUT LD0.VMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H HIGH_WARN High warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Outputs
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) OUT LD0.VMMXU1.LoWrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_WARN Low warning Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Outputs
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) OUT LD0.VMMXU1.LoAlm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H LOW_ALARM Low alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Outputs
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.instCVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U12-kV Measured phase to phase voltage amplitude phase AB 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.instCVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_AB U12 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_AB U12 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.range DEL Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_AB U12 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsBC.instCVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U23-kV Measured phase to phase voltage amplitude phase BC 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsBC.instCVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_BC U23 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsBC.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_BC U23 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsBC.range DEL Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_BC U23 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsCA.instCVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U31-kV Measured phase to phase voltage amplitude phase CA 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsCA.instCVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_CA U31 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsCA.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_DB_CA U31 Amplitude, magnitude of reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsCA.range DEL Enum MX B MeasFlt P U_RANGE_CA U31 Amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_INST_A UL1 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PhV.phsA.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_A UL1 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PhV.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_INST_B UL2 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PhV.phsB.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_B UL2 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PhV.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_INST_C UL3 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VMMXU1.PhV.phsC.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U_ANGL_C UL3 angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VAVMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_AB Demand value of U12 voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VAVMMXU1.PPV.phsBC.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_BC Demand value of U23 voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VAVMMXU1.PPV.phsCA.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_CA Demand value of U31 voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VAVMMXU1.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_A Demand value of UL1 voltage 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VAVMMXU1.PhV.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_B Demand value of UL2 voltage 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) MON LD0.VAVMMXU1.PhV.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B U_DMD_C Demand value of UL3 voltage 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VMMXU1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.db DEL INT32U CF B,I 10000 V deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.hhLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 V high high limit High alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.hLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 V high limit High warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.lLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 V low limit Low warning voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.rangeC.llLim.f DEL FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 V low low limit Low alarm voltage limit 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1 UL1TVTR1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.VMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Measurement mode Selects used measurement mode 1=RMS; 2=DFT Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) CFG LD0.VMMXU1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of phases Number of phases required by limit supervision 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Configuration\Measurements\VMMXU1
VMMXU1 3U(1) 3V(1) VER LD0.VMMXU1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

VSMSQI1: Sequence voltage measurement

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P PsSeq-kV Measured positive sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U1_ANGL Positive sequence voltage angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U1_DB Positive sequence voltage amplitude, reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P U1_RANGE Positive sequence voltage amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P NgSeq-kV Measured negative sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U2_ANGL Negative sequence voltage angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U2_DB Negative sequence voltage amplitude, reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P U2_RANGE Negative sequence voltage amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.instCVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P ZroSeq-kV Measured zero sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.instCVal.ang.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U0_ANGL Zero sequence voltage angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.cVal.mag.f SEQ FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P U0_DB Zero sequence voltage amplitude, reported value 0.00...4.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) MON LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.range SEQ Enum MX B MeasFlt P U0_RANGE Zero sequence voltage amplitude range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Measurements\VSMSQI1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 10000 Ps Seq V deadband Deadband configuration value for positive sequence voltage for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.40 Ps Seq V Hi high Lim High alarm voltage limit for positive sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 1.20 Ps Seq V high limit High warning voltage limit for positive sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ps Seq V low limit Low warning voltage limit for positive sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ps Seq V low low Lim Low alarm voltage limit for positive sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 10000 Ng Seq V deadband Deadband configuration value for negative sequence voltage for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 Ng Seq V Hi high Lim High alarm voltage limit for negative sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 Ng Seq V High limit High warning voltage limit for negative sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ng Seq V low limit Low warning voltage limit for negative sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Ng Seq V low low Lim Low alarm voltage limit for negative sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.db SEQ INT32U CF B,I 10000 Zro V deadband Deadband configuration value for zero sequence voltage for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.rangeC.hhLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.20 Zro V Hi high Lim High alarm voltage limit for zero sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.rangeC.hLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.05 Zro V High limit High warning voltage limit for zero sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.rangeC.lLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Zro V low limit Low warning voltage limit for zero sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) CFG LD0.VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.rangeC.llLim.f SEQ FLOAT32 CF B,I 0.00 Zro V low low Lim Low alarm voltage limit for zero sequence voltage 0.00...4.00 xUn Configuration\Measurements\VSMSQI1 UL1TVTR1
VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0(1) V1,V2,V0(1) VER LD0.VSMSQI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

Voltage (3UB,VT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Voltage (3UB,VT) INP Channel UL1 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3UB,VT) INP Channel UL2 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3UB,VT) INP Channel UL3 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3UB,VT) INP LD0.UL1TVTR2.FuFail.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 MINCB_OPEN Active when external MCB opens protected voltage circuit Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)\Inputs
Voltage (3UB,VT) OUT LD0.UL1TVTR2.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)\Outputs
Voltage (3UB,VT) OUT LD0.UL1TVTR2.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)\Outputs
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.VRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20.000 Primary voltage Primary rated voltage 0.100...440.000 kV Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.Rat.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 10000 Division ratio Voltage sensor division ratio 1000...20000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr A Phase A Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr A Phase A Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.VRtgScy.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100 Secondary voltage Secondary rated voltage 60...210 V Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.VConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 3 VT connection Voltage transducer measurement connection 3=U12; 4=UL1 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR2.VInTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Voltage input type Type of the voltage input 1=Voltage trafo Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL2TVTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 1.0000 Amplitude Corr B Phase B Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL2TVTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 0.0000 Angle Corr B Phase B Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL3TVTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 1.0000 Amplitude Corr C Phase C Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) CFG LD0.UL3TVTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 0.0000 Angle Corr C Phase C Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UB,VT)
Voltage (3UB,VT) VER LD0.UL1TVTR2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

X130 (AIM)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) OUT LD0.XAGGIO130.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X130-Input 1 Connectors 1-2 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) OUT LD0.XAGGIO130.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X130-Input 2 Connectors 3-4 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) OUT LD0.XAGGIO130.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X130-Input 3 Connectors 5-6 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) OUT LD0.XAGGIO130.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X130-Input 4 Connectors 7-8 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.FilTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 1 filter time Connectors 1-2 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input filtering
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.FilTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 2 filter time Connectors 3-4 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input filtering
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.FilTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 3 filter time Connectors 5-6 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input filtering
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.FilTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 4 filter time Connectors 7-8 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input filtering
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.DigInInv1.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 1 inversion Connectors 1-2 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input inversion
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.DigInInv2.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 2 inversion Connectors 3-4 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input inversion
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.DigInInv3.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 3 inversion Connectors 5-6 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input inversion
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) CFG LD0.XAGGIO130.DigInInv4.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 4 inversion Connectors 7-8 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (AIM)\Input inversion
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) INF LD0.XAGGIO130.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X130 (AIM)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) VER LD0.XAGGIO130.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)
X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) X130 (AIM) VER LD0.XAGGIO130.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X130 (SIM)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) INF LD0.XSGGIO130.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X130 (SIM)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) VER LD0.XSGGIO130.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)
X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) X130 (SIM) VER LD0.XSGGIO130.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

Current (3IB,CT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Current (3IB,CT) INP Channel IL1 (ACT input channel)
Current (3IB,CT) INP Channel IL2 (ACT input channel)
Current (3IB,CT) INP Channel IL3 (ACT input channel)
Current (3IB,CT) OUT LD0.IL1TCTR2.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) OUT LD0.IL1TCTR2.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.ARtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100.0 Primary current Rated primary current 1.0...6000.0 A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr A Phase A amplitude correction factor 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr A Phase A angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.ARtgScy.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 2 Secondary current Rated secondary current 2=1A; 3=5A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.ARtgNom.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 1300 Nominal current Network Nominal Current (In) 39...4000 A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.VRtgScyRat.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 3.000 Rated secondary Val Rated Secondary Value (RSV) ratio 1.000...150.000 mV/Hz Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL1TCTR2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Reverse polarity Reverse the polarity of the phase CTs Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL2TCTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr B Phase B amplitude correction factor 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL2TCTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr B Phase B angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL3TCTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr C Phase C amplitude correction factor 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) CFG LD0.IL3TCTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr C Phase C angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (3IB,CT)
Current (3IB,CT) VER LD0.IL1TCTR2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

X120 (AIM2)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) INF LD0.XAGGIO120.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X120 (AIM2)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) VER LD0.XAGGIO120.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC B (Name plate)
X120 (AIM2) X120 (AIM2) (X120 (AIM2)) VER LD0.XAGGIO120.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X115 (AIM3)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) INF LD0.XAGGIO115.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X115 (AIM3)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) VER LD0.XAGGIO115.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)
X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) X115 (AIM3) VER LD0.XAGGIO115.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

Current (IoB,CT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Current (IoB,CT) INP Channel Io (ACT input channel)
Current (IoB,CT) OUT LD0.RESTCTR2.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) OUT LD0.RESTCTR2.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR2.ARtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100.0 Primary current Primary current 1.0...6000.0 A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR2.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr Amplitude correction 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR2.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle correction Angle correction factor -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR2.ARtgScy.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 2 Secondary current Secondary current 2=1A; 3=5A Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) CFG LD0.RESTCTR2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Reverse polarity Reverse the polarity of the residual CT Configuration\Analog inputs\Current (IoB,CT)
Current (IoB,CT) VER LD0.RESTCTR2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)

Voltage (3UC,VT)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Voltage (3UC,VT) INP Channel UL1 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3UC,VT) INP Channel UL2 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3UC,VT) INP Channel UL3 (ACT input channel)
Voltage (3UC,VT) INP LD0.UL1TVTR3.FuFail.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 MINCB_OPEN Active when external MCB opens protected voltage circuit Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)\Inputs
Voltage (3UC,VT) OUT LD0.UL1TVTR3.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)\Outputs
Voltage (3UC,VT) OUT LD0.UL1TVTR3.Wrn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H WARNING Warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)\Outputs
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.VRtg.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20.000 Primary voltage Primary rated voltage 0.100...440.000 kV Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.Rat.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 10000 Division ratio Voltage sensor division ratio 1000...20000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0000 Amplitude Corr A Phase A Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.AngCor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.0000 Angle Corr A Phase A Voltage phasor angle correction of an external voltage transformer -20.0000...20.0000 deg Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.VRtgScy.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 100 Secondary voltage Secondary rated voltage 60...210 V Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.VConnTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 3 VT connection Voltage transducer measurement connection 3=U12; 4=UL1 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL1TVTR3.VInTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Voltage input type Type of the voltage input 1=Voltage trafo Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL2TVTR3.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 1.0000 Amplitude Corr B Phase B Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) CFG LD0.UL3TVTR3.Cor.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I,# 1.0000 Amplitude Corr C Phase C Voltage phasor magnitude correction of an external voltage transformer 0.9000...1.1000 Configuration\Analog inputs\Voltage (3UC,VT)
Voltage (3UC,VT) VER LD0.UL1TVTR3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (Name plate)

X110 (BIO)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X110-SO1 Connectors 14c-15no-16nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X110-SO2 Connectors 17c-18no-19nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X110-SO3 Connectors 20c-21no-22nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X110-SO4 Connectors 23-24 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 1 Connectors 1-2 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 2 Connectors 3-4 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 3 Connectors 5-6c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 4 Connectors 7-6c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 5 Connectors 8-9c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 6 Connectors 10-9c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 7 Connectors 11-12c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO110.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X110-Input 8 Connectors 13-12c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 1 filter time Connectors 1-2 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 2 filter time Connectors 3-4 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 3 filter time Connectors 5-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 4 filter time Connectors 7-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 5 filter time Connectors 8-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 6 filter time Connectors 10-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 7 filter time Connectors 11-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.FilTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 8 filter time Connectors 13-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input filtering
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv1.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 1 inversion Connectors 1-2 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv2.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 2 inversion Connectors 3-4 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv3.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 3 inversion Connectors 5-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv4.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 4 inversion Connectors 7-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv5.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 5 inversion Connectors 8-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv6.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 6 inversion Connectors 10-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv7.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 7 inversion Connectors 11-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO110.DigInInv8.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 8 inversion Connectors 13-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (BIO)\Input inversion
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X110-SO1 Connectors 14c-15no-16nc Tests\Binary outputs\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X110-SO2 Connectors 17c-18no-19nc Tests\Binary outputs\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X110-SO3 Connectors 20c-21no-22nc Tests\Binary outputs\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO110.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X110-SO4 Connectors 23-24 Tests\Binary outputs\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO110.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X110 (BIO)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) VER LD0.XGGIO110.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 E (Name plate)
X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) X110 (BIO) VER LD0.XGGIO110.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X115 (BIO)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INP LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X115-SO1 Connectors 14c-15no-16nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INP LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X115-SO2 Connectors 17c-18no-19nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INP LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X115-SO3 Connectors 20c-21no-22nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INP LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X115-SO4 Connectors 23-24 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P MB X115-Input 1 Connectors 1-2 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P MB X115-Input 2 Connectors 3-4 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X115-Input 3 Connectors 5-6c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X115-Input 4 Connectors 7-6c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X115-Input 5 Connectors 8-9c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X115-Input 6 Connectors 10-9c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X115-Input 7 Connectors 11-12c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) OUT LD0.XBGGIO115.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X115-Input 8 Connectors 13-12c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 1 filter time Connectors 1-2 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 2 filter time Connectors 3-4 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 3 filter time Connectors 5-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 4 filter time Connectors 7-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 5 filter time Connectors 8-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 6 filter time Connectors 10-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 7 filter time Connectors 11-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.FilTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 8 filter time Connectors 13-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input filtering
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv1.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 1 inversion Connectors 1-2 Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv2.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 2 inversion Connectors 3-4 Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv3.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 3 inversion Connectors 5-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv4.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 4 inversion Connectors 7-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv5.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 5 inversion Connectors 8-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv6.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 6 inversion Connectors 10-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv7.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 7 inversion Connectors 11-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) CFG LD0.XBGGIO115.DigInInv8.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 8 inversion Connectors 13-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X115 (BIO)\Input inversion
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) TES LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X115-SO1 Connectors 14c-15no-16nc Tests\Binary outputs\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) TES LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X115-SO2 Connectors 17c-18no-19nc Tests\Binary outputs\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) TES LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X115-SO3 Connectors 20c-21no-22nc Tests\Binary outputs\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) TES LD0.XBGGIO115.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X115-SO4 Connectors 23-24 Tests\Binary outputs\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) INF LD0.XBGGIO115.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X115 (BIO)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) VER LD0.XBGGIO115.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)
X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) X115 (BIO) VER LD0.XBGGIO115.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X105 (BIO)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-SO1 Connectors 14c-15no-16nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-SO2 Connectors 17c-18no-19nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-SO3 Connectors 20c-21no-22nc Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INP LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO4.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-SO4 Connectors 23-24 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 1 Connectors 1-2 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 2 Connectors 3-4 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 3 Connectors 5-6c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 4 Connectors 7-6c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 5 Connectors 8-9c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 6 Connectors 10-9c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 7 Connectors 11-12c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) OUT LD0.XGGIO105.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 8 Connectors 13-12c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 1 filter time Connectors 1-2 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 2 filter time Connectors 3-4 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 3 filter time Connectors 5-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 4 filter time Connectors 7-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 5 filter time Connectors 8-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 6 filter time Connectors 10-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 7 filter time Connectors 11-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.FilTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 8 filter time Connectors 13-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv1.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 1 inversion Connectors 1-2 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv2.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 2 inversion Connectors 3-4 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv3.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 3 inversion Connectors 5-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv4.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 4 inversion Connectors 7-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv5.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 5 inversion Connectors 8-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv6.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 6 inversion Connectors 10-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv7.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 7 inversion Connectors 11-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) CFG LD0.XGGIO105.DigInInv8.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 8 inversion Connectors 13-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-SO1 Connectors 14c-15no-16nc Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-SO2 Connectors 17c-18no-19nc Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-SO3 Connectors 20c-21no-22nc Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) TES LD0.XGGIO105.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-SO4 Connectors 23-24 Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) INF LD0.XGGIO105.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) VER LD0.XGGIO105.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)
X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) X105 (BIO) VER LD0.XGGIO105.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X105 (BIO-H)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INP LD0.XHBGGIO105.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-HSO1 Connectors 15no-16no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INP LD0.XHBGGIO105.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-HSO2 Connectors 19no-20no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INP LD0.XHBGGIO105.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X105-HSO3 Connectors 23no-24no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 1 Connectors 1-5c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind2.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 2 Connectors 2-5c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind3.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 3 Connectors 3-5c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind4.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 4 Connectors 4-5c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind5.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 5 Connectors 6-10c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind6.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 6 Connectors 7-10c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind7.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 7 Connectors 8-10c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) OUT LD0.XHBGGIO105.Ind8.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P X105-Input 8 Connectors 9-10c Monitoring\I/O status\Binary input values\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms1.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 1 filter time Connectors 1-2 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms2.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 2 filter time Connectors 3-4 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms3.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 3 filter time Connectors 5-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms4.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 4 filter time Connectors 7-6c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms5.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 5 filter time Connectors 8-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms6.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 6 filter time Connectors 10-9c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms7.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 7 filter time Connectors 11-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.FilTmms8.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 5 Input 8 filter time Connectors 13-12c 5...1000 ms Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input filtering
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv1.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 1 inversion Connectors 1-2 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv2.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 2 inversion Connectors 3-4 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv3.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 3 inversion Connectors 5-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv4.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 4 inversion Connectors 7-6c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv5.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 5 inversion Connectors 8-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv6.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 6 inversion Connectors 10-9c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv7.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 7 inversion Connectors 11-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) CFG LD0.XHBGGIO105.DigInInv8.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A,I 0 Input 8 inversion Connectors 13-12c Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (BIO-H)\Input inversion
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) TES LD0.XHBGGIO105.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-HSO1 Connectors 15no-16no Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) TES LD0.XHBGGIO105.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-HSO2 Connectors 19no-20no Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) TES LD0.XHBGGIO105.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X105-HSO3 Connectors 23no-24no Tests\Binary outputs\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) INF LD0.XHBGGIO105.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X105 (BIO-H)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) VER LD0.XHBGGIO105.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)
X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) X105 (BIO-H) VER LD0.XHBGGIO105.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X110 (RTD)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL2 mA input, Connectors 3-4, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL3 RTD input, Connectors 5-6-11c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL4 RTD input, Connectors 7-8-11c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL5 RTD input, Connectors 9-10-11c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL6 RTD input, Connectors 13-14-12c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL7 RTD input, Connectors 15-16-12c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL8 RTD input, Connectors 17-18-12c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.Alm1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM General alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO110.Wrn1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H WARNING General warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Outputs
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB2 mA input, Connectors 3-4, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE2 mA input, Connectors 3-4, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB3 RTD input, Connectors 5-6-11c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE3 RTD input, Connectors 5-6-11c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB4 RTD input, Connectors 7-8-11c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE4 RTD input, Connectors 7-8-11c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB5 RTD input, Connectors 9-10-11c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE5 RTD input, Connectors 9-10-11c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB6 RTD input, Connectors 13-14-12c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE6 RTD input, Connectors 13-14-12c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB7 RTD input, Connectors 15-16-12c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE7 RTD input, Connectors 15-16-12c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB8 RTD input, Connectors 17-18-12c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE8 RTD input, Connectors 17-18-12c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X110 (RTD)\Monitored data
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn1.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn2.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn3.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn4.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn5.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn6.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn7.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.AnIn8.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal5.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal6.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal7.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMinVal8.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal5.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal6.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal7.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMaxVal8.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod1.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 5=0..20mA Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 1
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod2.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 5=0..20mA Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 2
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod3.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 3
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod4.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 4
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod5.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 5
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod6.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 6
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod7.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 7
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO110.InMod8.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X110 (RTD)\Input 8
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO110.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X110 (RTD)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) VER LD0.XRGGIO110.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)
X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) X110 (RTD) VER LD0.XRGGIO110.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X105 (RTD)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL2 mA input, Connectors 3-4, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL3 RTD input, Connectors 5-6-11c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL4 RTD input, Connectors 7-8-11c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL5 RTD input, Connectors 9-10-11c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL6 RTD input, Connectors 13-14-12c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL7 RTD input, Connectors 15-16-12c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL8 RTD input, Connectors 17-18-12c, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.Alm1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM General alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) OUT LD0.XRGGIO105.Wrn1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H WARNING General warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Outputs
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB2 mA input, Connectors 3-4, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE2 mA input, Connectors 3-4, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB3 RTD input, Connectors 5-6-11c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE3 RTD input, Connectors 5-6-11c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB4 RTD input, Connectors 7-8-11c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE4 RTD input, Connectors 7-8-11c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB5 RTD input, Connectors 9-10-11c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE5 RTD input, Connectors 9-10-11c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB6 RTD input, Connectors 13-14-12c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE6 RTD input, Connectors 13-14-12c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB7 RTD input, Connectors 15-16-12c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE7 RTD input, Connectors 15-16-12c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB8 RTD input, Connectors 17-18-12c, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) MON LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE8 RTD input, Connectors 17-18-12c, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X105 (RTD)\Monitored data
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn1.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn2.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn3.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn4.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn5.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn6.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn7.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.AnIn8.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal5.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal6.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal7.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMinVal8.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal4.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal5.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal6.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal7.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMaxVal8.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod1.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 5=0..20mA Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 1
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod2.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 5=0..20mA Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 2
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod3.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 3
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod4.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 4
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod5.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 5
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod6.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 6
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod7.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 7
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) CFG LD0.XRGGIO105.InMod8.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X105 (RTD)\Input 8
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) INF LD0.XRGGIO105.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X105 (RTD)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) VER LD0.XRGGIO105.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)
X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) X105 (RTD) VER LD0.XRGGIO105.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X130 (BIO+RTD)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INP LD0.XBRGGIO130.SPCSO1.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X130-SO1 Connectors 9c-10nc-11no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INP LD0.XBRGGIO130.SPCSO2.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X130-SO2 Connectors 12c-13nc-14no Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INP LD0.XBRGGIO130.SPCSO3.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatIO P X130-SO3 Connectors 16-17 Monitoring\I/O status\Binary output values\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) OUT LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Outputs
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) OUT LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL2 RTD input, Connectors 3-5, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Outputs
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) OUT LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.instMag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_VAL3 RTD input, Connectors 6-8, instantaneous value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Outputs
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) OUT LD0.XBRGGIO130.Alm1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM General alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Outputs
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) OUT LD0.XBRGGIO130.Wrn1.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H WARNING General warning Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Outputs
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) MON LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Monitored data
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) MON LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE1 mA input, Connectors 1-2, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Monitored data
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) MON LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB2 RTD input, Connectors 3-5, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Monitored data
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) MON LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE2 RTD input, Connectors 3-5, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Monitored data
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) MON LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B MeasFlt P AI_DB3 RTD input, Connectors 6-8, reported value -10000.0...10000.0 Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Monitored data
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) MON LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.range MV Enum MX B MeasFlt P AI_RANGE3 RTD input, Connectors 6-8, range 0=normal; 1=high; 2=low; 3=high-high; 4=low-low Monitoring\I/O status\Analog input values\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Monitored data
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn1.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn2.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.units.SIUnit MV Enum CF B,I 1 Value unit Selected unit for output value format 1=Dimensionless; 5=Ampere; 23=Degrees celsius; 30=Ohm Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.db MV INT32U CF B,I 1000 Value deadband Deadband configuration value for integral calculation. (percentage of difference between min and max as 0,001 % s) 100...100000 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.rangeC.hhLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Val high high limit Output value high alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.rangeC.hLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value high limit Output value high warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.rangeC.lLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low limit Output value low warning limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.rangeC.llLim.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value low low limit Output value low alarm limit for supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.rangeC.min.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I -10000.0 Value minimum Minimum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.AnIn3.rangeC.max.f MV FLOAT32 CF B,I 10000.0 Value maximum Maximum output value for scaling and supervision -10000.0...10000.0 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMinVal1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMinVal2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMinVal3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0 Input minimum Minimum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMaxVal1.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 20 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...20 mA Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMaxVal2.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMaxVal3.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 2000 Input maximum Maximum analogue input value for mA or resistance scaling 0...2000 Ω Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMod1.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 5=0..20mA Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 1
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMod2.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 2
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) CFG LD0.XBRGGIO130.InMod3.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Input mode Analogue input mode 1=Not in use; 2=Resistance; 10=Pt100; 11=Pt250; 20=Ni100; 21=Ni120; 22=Ni250; 30=Cu10 Configuration\I/O modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)\Input 3
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) TES LD0.XBRGGIO130.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X130-SO1 Connectors 9c-10nc-11no Tests\Binary outputs\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) TES LD0.XBRGGIO130.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X130-SO2 Connectors 12c-13nc-14no Tests\Binary outputs\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) TES LD0.XBRGGIO130.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 X130-SO3 Connectors 16-17 Tests\Binary outputs\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) INF LD0.XBRGGIO130.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X130 (BIO+RTD)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) VER LD0.XBRGGIO130.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)
X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) X130 (BIO+RTD) VER LD0.XBRGGIO130.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC (Card information)

X000 (COM)

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.hwRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 HW revision Card HW revision Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B - SW version Card SW version Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Serial number Card serial number Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC B 0 Article number Card article number Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.HwId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.eManDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Manufacturing date Card manufacturing date Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.TestStaId.t VSS Timestamp ST ED2,B Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) INF LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.eTestDate DPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 Test date Card test date Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) VER LD0.XGGIO90.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 F (X90)
X000 (COM) X000 (COM) X000 (COM) VER LD0.XGGIO90.CardNam.swRev DPL VisString255 (20) DC B - SW version Card SW version Information\HW modules\X000 (COM)

Serial Port 1 Supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Serial Port 1 Supervision OUT LD0.SERLCCH1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CH1LIV Communication channel live Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision OUT LD0.SERLCCH1.LnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B LNK1LIV Link status 0=Down; 1=Up Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision CTR LD0.SERLCCH1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Resets counters Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.CharRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Characters received Characters received -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Frames received Number of successfully received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.RxErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Frames discarded Number of discarded frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Frames transmitted Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.CDLosCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B CD lost CD lost -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.CollCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Collision Collision -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.CTSTmOut.stVal INS INT32 ST B CTS Timeout CTS Timeout -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.TxTmOutCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmission timeout Transmission timeout -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.PtyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Parity errors Number of parity errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.OvRunErr.stVal INS INT32 ST B Overrun errors Number of overrun errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.FrErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Framing errors Number of framing errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Resets counters Monitoring\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH1.FibMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Fiber mode Fiber mode 0=No fiber; 2=Fiber optic Configuration\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH1.SerMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Serial mode Serial mode 1=RS485 2Wire; 2=RS485 4Wire; 3=RS232 no handshake; 4=RS232 with handshake Configuration\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH1.CTSDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 CTS delay CTS delay 0...60000 ms Configuration\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH1.RTSDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 RTS delay RTS delay 0...60000 ms Configuration\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH1.SerBaudRte.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Baudrate Baudrate 1=300; 2=600; 3=1200; 4=2400; 5=4800; 6=9600; 7=19200; 8=38400; 9=57600; 10=115200 Configuration\Communication\COM1
Serial Port 1 Supervision VER LD0.SERLCCH1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (SERLCCH1)

Serial Port 2 Supervision

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Serial Port 2 Supervision OUT LD0.SERLCCH2.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CH2LIV Communication channel live Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision OUT LD0.SERLCCH2.LnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B LNK2LIV Link status 0=Down; 1=Up Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision CTR LD0.SERLCCH2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Resets counters Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.CharRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Characters received Characters received -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Frames received Number of successfully received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.RxErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Frames discarded Number of discarded frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Frames transmitted Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.CDLosCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B CD lost CD lost -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.CollCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Collision Collision -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.CTSTmOut.stVal INS INT32 ST B CTS Timeout CTS Timeout -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.TxTmOutCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmission timeout Transmission timeout -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.PtyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Parity errors Number of parity errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.OvRunErr.stVal INS INT32 ST B Overrun errors Number of overrun errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.FrErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Framing errors Number of framing errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision MON LD0.SERLCCH2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Resets counters Monitoring\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH2.FibMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Fiber mode Fiber mode 0=No fiber; 2=Fiber optic Configuration\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH2.SerMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Serial mode Serial mode 1=RS485 2Wire; 2=RS485 4Wire; 3=RS232 no handshake; 4=RS232 with handshake Configuration\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH2.CTSDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 CTS delay CTS delay 0...60000 ms Configuration\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH2.RTSDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 RTS delay RTS delay 0...60000 ms Configuration\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision CFG LD0.SERLCCH2.SerBaudRte.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Baudrate Baudrate 1=300; 2=600; 3=1200; 4=2400; 5=4800; 6=9600; 7=19200; 8=38400; 9=57600; 10=115200 Configuration\Communication\COM2
Serial Port 2 Supervision VER LD0.SERLCCH2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (SERLCCH2)

Redundant Ethernet

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Redundant Ethernet OUT LD0.RCHLCCH1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A StatIed P,H CHLIV_A Ethernet channel A live Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Activity
Redundant Ethernet OUT LD0.RCHLCCH1.RedChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A StatIed P,H REDCHLIV_B Ethernet redundant channel B live Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Activity
Redundant Ethernet OUT LD0.RCHLCCH1.LnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A LNKLIV_A Port A link status Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Link statuses
Redundant Ethernet OUT LD0.RCHLCCH1.RedLnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A REDLNKLIV_B Port B link status Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Link statuses
Redundant Ethernet CFG LD0.RCHLCCH1.RedCfg.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Redundant mode Ethernet redundant mode 1=None; 2=PRP; 3=HSR Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Redundancy
Redundant Ethernet VER LD0.RCHLCCH1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (RCHLCCH1)

X1/X16 port Ethernet channel

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X1/X16 port Ethernet channel OUT LD0.SCHLCCH1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A StatIed P,H CH1LIV Ethernet channel live Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Activity
X1/X16 port Ethernet channel OUT LD0.SCHLCCH1.LnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A LNK1LIV Ethernet port 1 link status Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Link statuses
X1/X16 port Ethernet channel CFG LD0.SCHLCCH1.PortMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Port 1 mode Ethernet port mode 0=Off; 1=On Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
X1/X16 port Ethernet channel VER LD0.SCHLCCH1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (SCHLCCH1)

X2 port Ethernet channel

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X2 port Ethernet channel OUT LD0.SCHLCCH2.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A StatIed P,H CH2LIV Ethernet channel live Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Activity
X2 port Ethernet channel OUT LD0.SCHLCCH2.LnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A LNK2LIV Ethernet port 2 link status Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Link statuses
X2 port Ethernet channel CFG LD0.SCHLCCH2.PortMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Port 2 mode Ethernet port mode 0=Off; 1=On Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
X2 port Ethernet channel VER LD0.SCHLCCH2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (SCHLCCH2)

X3 port Ethernet channel

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
X3 port Ethernet channel OUT LD0.SCHLCCH3.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A StatIed P,H CH3LIV Ethernet channel live Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Activity
X3 port Ethernet channel OUT LD0.SCHLCCH3.LnkLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A LNK3LIV Ethernet port 3 link status Monitoring\Communication\Ethernet\Link statuses
X3 port Ethernet channel CFG LD0.SCHLCCH3.PortMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Port 3 mode Ethernet port mode 0=Off; 1=On Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\Rear port(s)
X3 port Ethernet channel VER LD0.SCHLCCH3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (SCHLCCH3)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SMVRCV1 OUT Channel ED2 UL1 (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT LD0.SMVLSVM1.Beh.ch1 Channel ED1 UL1 (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT Channel ED2 UL2 (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT LD0.SMVLSVM1.Beh.ch2 Channel ED1 UL2 (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT Channel ED2 UL3 (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT LD0.SMVLSVM1.Beh.ch3 Channel ED1 UL3 (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT Channel ED2 Uo (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 OUT LD0.SMVLSVM1.Beh.chU0 Channel ED1 Uo (ACT output channel)
SMVRCV1 MON LD0.SMVLSVS1.St.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED2 (Status of the subscription)
SMVRCV1 MON LD0.SMVLSVM1.St.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST ED1 (Status of the subscription)
SMVRCV1 VER LD0.SMVLSVS1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED2,ED1 A (Name plate)
SMVRCV1 VER LD0.SMVLSVM1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

Modbus: Modbus protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Modbus OUT LD0.MBSLPRT1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Communication status (True = OK, False = has been disconnected for more than 30sec) Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CTR LD0.MBSLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Number of received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Number of checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.TxExcpCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc A Number of transmitted exception responses 01 and 02 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.TxExcpCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc B Number of transmitted exception responses 03 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.ConnRejSck.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject no sockets Number of rejected connections due to no sockets available -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.ConnRejRg.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject unregistered Connection rejected due to unregistered client -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Enable or disable this protocol instance 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.BufBkOff.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event backoff Defines how many events have to be read after event buffer overflow to allow new events to be buffered. Applicable in "Keep oldest" mode only. 1...500 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A 502 TCP port Defines the listening port for the Modbus TCP server. Default = 502. 1...65535 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Mapping selection Chooses which mapping scheme will be used for this protocol instance. 1...2 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...254 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start delay in character times for serial connection 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End delay in character times for serial connections 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd1 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd2 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd3.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd3 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd4.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd4 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd5.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd5 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd6.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd6 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd7.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd7 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CtlPwd8.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd8 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Port Port selection for this protocol instance. Select between serial and Ethernet based communication. 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.LnkMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Link mode Selects between ASCII and RTU mode. For TCP, this should always be RTU. 1=RTU; 2=ASCII Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.MBWrAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Write authority Selects the control authority scheme 0=Read only; 1=Disable 0x write; 2=Full access Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.EvtIdSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event ID selection Selects whether the events are reported using the MB address or the UID number. 0=Address; 1=UID Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.EvtBufMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event buffering Selects whether the oldest or newest events are kept in the case of event buffer overflow. 0=Keep oldest; 1=Keep newest Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CRCOrdr.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 CRC order Selects between normal or swapped byte order for checksum for serial connection. Default: Hi-Lo. 0=Hi-Lo; 1=Lo-Hi Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Time format Selects between UTC and local time for events and timestamps. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.clientIP LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT1.SerPty.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Parity Parity for the serial connection. 0=none; 1=odd; 2=even Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS01
Modbus VER LD0.MBSLPRT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC F (Name plate)

Modbus: Modbus protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Modbus OUT LD0.MBSLPRT2.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Communication status (True = OK, False = has been disconnected for more than 30sec) Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CTR LD0.MBSLPRT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Number of received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Number of checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.TxExcpCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc A Number of transmitted exception responses 01 and 02 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.TxExcpCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc B Number of transmitted exception responses 03 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.ConnRejSck.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject no sockets Number of rejected connections due to no sockets available -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.ConnRejRg.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject unregistered Connection rejected due to unregistered client -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Enable or disable this protocol instance 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.BufBkOff.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event backoff Defines how many events have to be read after event buffer overflow to allow new events to be buffered. Applicable in "Keep oldest" mode only. 1...500 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A 502 TCP port Defines the listening port for the Modbus TCP server. Default = 502. 1...65535 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Mapping selection Chooses which mapping scheme will be used for this protocol instance. 1...2 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...254 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start delay in character times for serial connection 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End delay in character times for serial connections 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd1 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd2 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd3.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd3 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd4.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd4 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd5.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd5 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd6.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd6 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd7.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd7 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CtlPwd8.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd8 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Port Port selection for this protocol instance. Select between serial and Ethernet based communication. 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.LnkMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Link mode Selects between ASCII and RTU mode. For TCP, this should always be RTU. 1=RTU; 2=ASCII Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.MBWrAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Write authority Selects the control authority scheme 0=Read only; 1=Disable 0x write; 2=Full access Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.EvtIdSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event ID selection Selects whether the events are reported using the MB address or the UID number. 0=Address; 1=UID Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.EvtBufMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event buffering Selects whether the oldest or newest events are kept in the case of event buffer overflow. 0=Keep oldest; 1=Keep newest Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CRCOrdr.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 CRC order Selects between normal or swapped byte order for checksum for serial connection. Default: Hi-Lo. 0=Hi-Lo; 1=Lo-Hi Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Time format Selects between UTC and local time for events and timestamps. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.clientIP LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT2.SerPty.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Parity Parity for the serial connection. 0=none; 1=odd; 2=even Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS02
Modbus VER LD0.MBSLPRT2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC F (Name plate)

Modbus: Modbus protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Modbus OUT LD0.MBSLPRT3.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Communication status (True = OK, False = has been disconnected for more than 30sec) Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CTR LD0.MBSLPRT3.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Number of received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Number of checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.TxExcpCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc A Number of transmitted exception responses 01 and 02 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.TxExcpCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc B Number of transmitted exception responses 03 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.ConnRejSck.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject no sockets Number of rejected connections due to no sockets available -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.ConnRejRg.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject unregistered Connection rejected due to unregistered client -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT3.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Enable or disable this protocol instance 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.BufBkOff.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event backoff Defines how many events have to be read after event buffer overflow to allow new events to be buffered. Applicable in "Keep oldest" mode only. 1...500 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A 502 TCP port Defines the listening port for the Modbus TCP server. Default = 502. 1...65535 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Mapping selection Chooses which mapping scheme will be used for this protocol instance. 1...2 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...254 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start delay in character times for serial connection 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End delay in character times for serial connections 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd1 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd2 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd3.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd3 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd4.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd4 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd5.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd5 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd6.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd6 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd7.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd7 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CtlPwd8.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd8 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Port Port selection for this protocol instance. Select between serial and Ethernet based communication. 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.LnkMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Link mode Selects between ASCII and RTU mode. For TCP, this should always be RTU. 1=RTU; 2=ASCII Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.MBWrAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Write authority Selects the control authority scheme 0=Read only; 1=Disable 0x write; 2=Full access Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.EvtIdSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event ID selection Selects whether the events are reported using the MB address or the UID number. 0=Address; 1=UID Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.EvtBufMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event buffering Selects whether the oldest or newest events are kept in the case of event buffer overflow. 0=Keep oldest; 1=Keep newest Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CRCOrdr.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 CRC order Selects between normal or swapped byte order for checksum for serial connection. Default: Hi-Lo. 0=Hi-Lo; 1=Lo-Hi Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Time format Selects between UTC and local time for events and timestamps. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.clientIP LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT3.SerPty.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Parity Parity for the serial connection. 0=none; 1=odd; 2=even Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS03
Modbus VER LD0.MBSLPRT3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC F (Name plate)

Modbus: Modbus protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Modbus OUT LD0.MBSLPRT4.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Communication status (True = OK, False = has been disconnected for more than 30sec) Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CTR LD0.MBSLPRT4.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Number of received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Number of checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.TxExcpCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc A Number of transmitted exception responses 01 and 02 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.TxExcpCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc B Number of transmitted exception responses 03 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.ConnRejSck.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject no sockets Number of rejected connections due to no sockets available -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.ConnRejRg.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject unregistered Connection rejected due to unregistered client -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT4.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Enable or disable this protocol instance 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.BufBkOff.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event backoff Defines how many events have to be read after event buffer overflow to allow new events to be buffered. Applicable in "Keep oldest" mode only. 1...500 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A 502 TCP port Defines the listening port for the Modbus TCP server. Default = 502. 1...65535 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Mapping selection Chooses which mapping scheme will be used for this protocol instance. 1...2 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...254 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start delay in character times for serial connection 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End delay in character times for serial connections 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd1 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd2 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd3.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd3 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd4.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd4 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd5.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd5 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd6.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd6 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd7.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd7 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CtlPwd8.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd8 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Port Port selection for this protocol instance. Select between serial and Ethernet based communication. 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.LnkMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Link mode Selects between ASCII and RTU mode. For TCP, this should always be RTU. 1=RTU; 2=ASCII Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.MBWrAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Write authority Selects the control authority scheme 0=Read only; 1=Disable 0x write; 2=Full access Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.EvtIdSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event ID selection Selects whether the events are reported using the MB address or the UID number. 0=Address; 1=UID Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.EvtBufMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event buffering Selects whether the oldest or newest events are kept in the case of event buffer overflow. 0=Keep oldest; 1=Keep newest Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CRCOrdr.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 CRC order Selects between normal or swapped byte order for checksum for serial connection. Default: Hi-Lo. 0=Hi-Lo; 1=Lo-Hi Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Time format Selects between UTC and local time for events and timestamps. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.clientIP LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT4.SerPty.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Parity Parity for the serial connection. 0=none; 1=odd; 2=even Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS04
Modbus VER LD0.MBSLPRT4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC F (Name plate)

Modbus: Modbus protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Modbus OUT LD0.MBSLPRT5.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Communication status (True = OK, False = has been disconnected for more than 30sec) Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CTR LD0.MBSLPRT5.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Number of received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Number of checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Number of transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.TxExcpCnt1.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc A Number of transmitted exception responses 01 and 02 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.TxExcpCnt2.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted exc B Number of transmitted exception responses 03 -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.ConnRejSck.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject no sockets Number of rejected connections due to no sockets available -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.ConnRejRg.stVal INS INT32 ST B CnReject unregistered Connection rejected due to unregistered client -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus MON LD0.MBSLPRT5.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Enable or disable this protocol instance 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.BufBkOff.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event backoff Defines how many events have to be read after event buffer overflow to allow new events to be buffered. Applicable in "Keep oldest" mode only. 1...500 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A 502 TCP port Defines the listening port for the Modbus TCP server. Default = 502. 1...65535 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A 1 Mapping selection Chooses which mapping scheme will be used for this protocol instance. 1...2 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...254 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start delay in character times for serial connection 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End delay in character times for serial connections 0...20 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd1.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd1 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 1 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd2.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd2 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 2 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd3.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd3 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 3 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd4.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd4 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 4 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd5.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd5 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 5 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd6.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd6 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 6 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd7.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd7 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 7 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CtlPwd8.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.ctrlStructPassWd8 LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 **** MB ControlStructPWd 8 Password for control operations using Control Struct mechanism, which is available on 4x memory area. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 3 Port Port selection for this protocol instance. Select between serial and Ethernet based communication. 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1 Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.LnkMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Link mode Selects between ASCII and RTU mode. For TCP, this should always be RTU. 1=RTU; 2=ASCII Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.MBWrAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Write authority Selects the control authority scheme 0=Read only; 1=Disable 0x write; 2=Full access Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.EvtIdSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event ID selection Selects whether the events are reported using the MB address or the UID number. 0=Address; 1=UID Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.EvtBufMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 Event buffering Selects whether the oldest or newest events are kept in the case of event buffer overflow. 0=Keep oldest; 1=Keep newest Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CRCOrdr.setVal ENG Enum SP B 0 CRC order Selects between normal or swapped byte order for checksum for serial connection. Default: Hi-Lo. 0=Hi-Lo; 1=Lo-Hi Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Time format Selects between UTC and local time for events and timestamps. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.clientIP LPL VisString255 (20) EX ED1 MB Client IP Sets the IP address of the client. If set to zero, connection from any client is accepted. Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus CFG LD0.MBSLPRT5.SerPty.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Parity Parity for the serial connection. 0=none; 1=odd; 2=even Configuration\Communication\Modbus\MBS05
Modbus VER LD0.MBSLPRT5.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC F (Name plate)

IEC60870-5-103: IEC6870-5-103 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
IEC60870-5-103 INP LD0.I3CLPRT1.EnCntFrz.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO A 0 EC_FRZ Control point for freezing energy counters Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 OUT LD0.I3CLPRT1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CTR LD0.I3CLPRT1.EnCntFrz.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO A 0 EC_FRZ Control point for freezing energy counters Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CTR LD0.I3CLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT1.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT1.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT1.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Selects if this protocol instance is enabled or disabled 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.CommIntnOv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A Internal Overflow Internal Overflow: TRUE-System level overflow occured (indication only) Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Serial port COM port 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,# 1 Mapping select Mapping selection 1...2 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start frame delay in chars 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End frame delay in chars 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla2Tms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Class2Interval Interval in seconds to send class 2 response 0...86400 s Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla2Fr1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Frame1InUse Active Class2 Frame 1 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla2Fr2.setVal ENG Enum SP B -1 Frame2InUse Active Class2 Frame 2 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla2Fr3.setVal ENG Enum SP B -1 Frame3InUse Active Class2 Frame 3 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla2Fr4.setVal ENG Enum SP B -1 Frame4InUse Active Class2 Frame 4 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.UsrFcnTyp.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 UsrFunType Function type for User Class 2 Frame 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.UsrInfNum.setVal ING INT32 SP A 230 UsrInfNo Information Number for User Class2 Frame 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla1OvInd.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Class1OvInd Overflow Indication 0=No indication; 1=Both edges; 2=Rising edge Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla1FcnTyp.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Class1OvFType Function Type for Class 1 overflow indication 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla1InfNum.setVal ING INT32 SP A 255 Class1OvInfNo Information Number for Class 1 overflow indication 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla1OvBkOf.setVal ING INT32 SP A 500 Class1OvBackOff Backoff Range for Class1 buffer 0...500 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.GIOpt.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 GI Optimize Optimize GI traffic 0=Standard behaviour; 1=Skip spontaneous; 2=Only overflown; 3=Combined Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.DevFcnTyp.setVal ING INT32 SP A 9 DevFunType Device Function Type 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.Cla1Prio.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Class1Priority Class 1 data sending priority relationship between Events and Disturbance Recorder data. 0=Ev High; 1=Ev/DR Equal; 2=DR High Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.RcdEnaMod.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 0 DR Notification Disturbance Recorder spontaneous indications enabled/disabled Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.BlkMon.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Block Monitoring Blocking of Monitoring Direction 0=Not in use; 1=Discard events; 2=Keep events Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT1.EnCntFrz.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO A 0 EC_FRZ Control point for freezing energy counters Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C01
IEC60870-5-103 VER LD0.I3CLPRT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC C (Name plate)

IEC60870-5-103: IEC6870-5-103 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
IEC60870-5-103 INP LD0.I3CLPRT2.EnCntFrz.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO A 0 EC_FRZ Control point for freezing energy counters Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 OUT LD0.I3CLPRT2.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CTR LD0.I3CLPRT2.EnCntFrz.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO A 0 EC_FRZ Control point for freezing energy counters Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CTR LD0.I3CLPRT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT2.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT2.ChkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Checksum errors Checksum errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT2.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 MON LD0.I3CLPRT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Selects if this protocol instance is enabled or disabled 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.CommIntnOv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST A Internal Overflow Internal Overflow: TRUE-System level overflow occured (indication only) Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Serial port COM port 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Address Unit address 1...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,# 1 Mapping select Mapping selection 1...2 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.StrFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Start delay Start frame delay in chars 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.EndFrDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 End delay End frame delay in chars 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla2Tms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Class2Interval Interval in seconds to send class 2 response 0...86400 s Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla2Fr1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Frame1InUse Active Class2 Frame 1 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla2Fr2.setVal ENG Enum SP B -1 Frame2InUse Active Class2 Frame 2 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla2Fr3.setVal ENG Enum SP B -1 Frame3InUse Active Class2 Frame 3 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla2Fr4.setVal ENG Enum SP B -1 Frame4InUse Active Class2 Frame 4 -1=Not in use; 0=User frame; 1=Standard frame 1; 2=Standard frame 2; 3=Standard frame 3; 4=Standard frame 4; 5=Standard frame 5; 6=Private frame 6; 7=Private frame 7 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.UsrFcnTyp.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 UsrFType Function type for User Class 2 Frame 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.UsrInfNum.setVal ING INT32 SP A 230 UsrInfNo Information Number for User Class2 Frame 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla1OvInd.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Class1OvInd Overflow Indication 0=No indication; 1=Both edges; 2=Rising edge Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla1FcnTyp.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 Class1OvFType Function Type for Class 1 overflow indication 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla1InfNum.setVal ING INT32 SP A 255 Class1OvInfNo Information Number for Class 1 overflow indication 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla1OvBkOf.setVal ING INT32 SP A 500 Class1OvBackOff Backoff Range for Class1 buffer 0...500 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.GIOpt.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 GI Optimize Optimize GI traffic 0=Standard behaviour; 1=Skip spontaneous; 2=Only overflown; 3=Combined Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.DevFcnTyp.setVal ING INT32 SP A 9 DevFunType Device Function Type 0...255 Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.Cla1Prio.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Class1Priority Class 1 data sending priority relationship between Events and Disturbance Recorder data. 0=Ev High; 1=Ev/DR Equal; 2=DR High Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.RcdEnaMod.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 0 DR Notification Disturbance Recorder spontaneous indications enabled/disabled Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.BlkMon.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Block Monitoring Blocking of Monitoring Direction 0=Not in use; 1=Discard events; 2=Keep events Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 CFG LD0.I3CLPRT2.EnCntFrz.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO A 0 EC_FRZ Control point for freezing energy counters Configuration\Communication\IEC60870-5-103\I3C02
IEC60870-5-103 VER LD0.I3CLPRT2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC C (Name plate)

DNP 3.0: DNP3.0 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DNP 3.0 OUT LD0.DNPLPRT1.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CTR LD0.DNPLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.LnkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Link errors Link layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.PhyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Physical errors Physical layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.TranErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transport errors Transport layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.MapErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Mapping errors Mapping errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B,C 3 Port Communication interface selection 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1; 4=Ethernet TCP+UDP 1 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Unit address DNP unit address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.MstrAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Master address DNP master and UR address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 1 Mapping select Mapping select 1...2 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.SynIntvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30 Need time interval Period to set IIN need time bit 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Time format UTC or local. Coordinate with master. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.CROBSelTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 CROB select timeout Control Relay Output Block select timeout 1...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.LnkCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Data link confirm Data link confirm mode 0=Never; 1=Only Multiframe; 2=Always Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.LnkCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Data link confirm TO Data link confirm timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.LnkReLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 Data link retries Data link retries count 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.RxTxDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Data link Rx to Tx delay Turnaround transmission delay 0...255 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.CharDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Data link inter char delay Inter character delay for incoming messages 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.AplLayCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 App layer confirm Application layer confirm mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.AplCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 App confirm TO Application layer confirm and UR timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.AplLayFrg.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2048 App layer fragment Application layer fragment size 256...2048 bytes Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 UR mode Unsolicited responses mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URRe.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 UR retries Unsolicited retries before switching to UR offline mode 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URReTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 UR TO Unsolicited response timeout 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.UROfTm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 15 UR offline interval Unsolicited offline interval 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URCla1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 1 Min events Min number of class 1 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URCla1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 1 TO Max holding time for class 1 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URCla2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 2 Min events Min number of class 2 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URCla2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 2 TO Max holding time for class 2 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URCla3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 3 Min events Min number of class 3 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URCla3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 3 TO Max holding time for class 3 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.URLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master UR Legacy DNP master unsolicited mode support. When enabled relay does not send initial unsolicited message. 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.SBOLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master SBO Legacy DNP Master SBO sequence number relax enable 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 01 1=BI; 2=BI with status. 1=1:BI; 2=2:BI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa2.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 02 1=BI event; 2=BI event with time. 1=1:BI event; 2=2:BI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa3.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 03 1=DBI; 2=DBI with status. 1=1:DBI; 2=2:DBI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa4.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 04 1=DBI event; 2=DBI event with time. 1=1:DBI event; 2=2:DBI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa20.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 20 1=32 bit counter; 2=16 bit counter; 5=32 bit counter without flag; 6=16 bit counter without flag. 1=1:32bit Cnt; 2=2:16bit Cnt; 5=5:32bit Cnt noflag; 6=6:16bit Cnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa21.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 21 1=32 bit frz counter; 2=16 bit frz counter; 5=32 bit frz counter with time; 6=16 bit frz counter with time; 9=32 bit frz counter without flag;10=16 bit frz counter without flag. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt&time; 9=9:32bit FrzCnt noflag; 10=10:16bit FrzCnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa22.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 22 1=32 bit counter event; 2=16 bit counter event; 5=32 bit counter event with time; 6=16 bit counter event with time. 1=1:32bit Cnt evt; 2=2:16bit Cnt evt; 5=5:32bit Cnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit Cnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa23.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 23 1=32 bit frz counter event; 2=16 bit frz counter event; 5=32 bit frz counter event with time; 6=16 bit frz counter event with time. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt evt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt evt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa30.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Default Var Obj 30 1=32 bit AI; 2=16 bit AI; 3=32 bit AI without flag; 4=16 bit AI without flag; 5=AI float; 6=AI double. 1=1:32bit AI; 2=2:16bit AI; 3=3:32bit AI noflag; 4=4:16bit AI noflag; 5=5:AI float; 6=6:AI double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa32.setVal ENG Enum SP B 7 Default Var Obj 32 1=32 bit AI event; 2=16 bit AI event; 3=32 bit AI event with time; 4=16 bit AI event with time; 5=float AI event; 6=double AI event; 7=float AI event with time; 8=double AI event with time. 1=1:32bit AI evt; 2=2:16bit AI evt; 3=3:32bit AI evt&time; 4=4:16bit AI evt&time; 5=5: float AI evt; 6=6:double AI evt; 7=7:float AI evt&time; 8=8:double AI evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa40.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 40 1=32 bit AO; 2=16 bit AO; 3=AO float; 4=AO double. 1=1:32bit AO; 2=2:16bit AO; 3=3:AO float; 4=4:AO double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.DftVa42.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Default Var Obj 42 1=32 bit AO event; 2=16 bit AO event; 3=32 bit AO event with time; 4=16 bit AO event with time; 5=float AO event; 6=double AO event; 7=float AO event with time; 8=double AO event with time. 1=1:32bit AO evt; 2=2:16bit AO evt; 3=3:32bit AO evt&time; 4=4:16bit AO evt&time; 5=5:float AO evt; 6=6:double AO evt; 7=7:float AO evt&time; 8=8:double AO evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.VldAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Validate master addr Validate master address on receive 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.SelfAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Self address Support self address query function 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.ChLivTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Link keep-alive Link keep-alive interval for DNP 0...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.TCPAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 TCP write authority 0=no client controls allowed; 1=Controls allowed by registered clients; 2=Controls allowed by all clients 0=No clients; 1=Reg. clients; 2=All clients Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 20000 TCP port TCP Port used on ethernet communication 20000...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT1.CommPort.eIp ENG VisString255 (20) EX ED1 DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 1
DNP 3.0 VER LD0.DNPLPRT1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

DNP 3.0: DNP3.0 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DNP 3.0 OUT LD0.DNPLPRT2.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CTR LD0.DNPLPRT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.LnkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Link errors Link layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.PhyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Physical errors Physical layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.TranErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transport errors Transport layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.MapErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Mapping errors Mapping errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT2.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B,C 3 Port Communication interface selection 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1; 4=Ethernet TCP+UDP 1 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Unit address DNP unit address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.MstrAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Master address DNP master and UR address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 1 Mapping select Mapping select 1...2 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.SynIntvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30 Need time interval Period to set IIN need time bit 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Time format UTC or local. Coordinate with master. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.CROBSelTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 CROB select timeout Control Relay Output Block select timeout 1...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.LnkCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Data link confirm Data link confirm mode 0=Never; 1=Only Multiframe; 2=Always Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.LnkCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Data link confirm TO Data link confirm timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.LnkReLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 Data link retries Data link retries count 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.RxTxDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Data link Rx to Tx delay Turnaround transmission delay 0...255 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.CharDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Data link inter char delay Inter character delay for incoming messages 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.AplLayCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 App layer confirm Application layer confirm mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.AplCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 App confirm TO Application layer confirm and UR timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.AplLayFrg.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2048 App layer fragment Application layer fragment size 256...2048 bytes Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 UR mode Unsolicited responses mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URRe.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 UR retries Unsolicited retries before switching to UR offline mode 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URReTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 UR TO Unsolicited response timeout 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.UROfTm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 15 UR offline interval Unsolicited offline interval 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URCla1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 1 Min events Min number of class 1 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URCla1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 1 TO Max holding time for class 1 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URCla2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 2 Min events Min number of class 2 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URCla2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 2 TO Max holding time for class 2 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URCla3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 3 Min events Min number of class 3 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URCla3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 3 TO Max holding time for class 3 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.URLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master UR Legacy DNP master unsolicited mode support. When enabled relay does not send initial unsolicited message. 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.SBOLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master SBO Legacy DNP Master SBO sequence number relax enable 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 01 1=BI; 2=BI with status. 1=1:BI; 2=2:BI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa2.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 02 1=BI event; 2=BI event with time. 1=1:BI event; 2=2:BI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa3.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 03 1=DBI; 2=DBI with status. 1=1:DBI; 2=2:DBI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa4.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 04 1=DBI event; 2=DBI event with time. 1=1:DBI event; 2=2:DBI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa20.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 20 1=32 bit counter; 2=16 bit counter; 5=32 bit counter without flag; 6=16 bit counter without flag. 1=1:32bit Cnt; 2=2:16bit Cnt; 5=5:32bit Cnt noflag; 6=6:16bit Cnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa21.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 21 1=32 bit frz counter; 2=16 bit frz counter; 5=32 bit frz counter with time; 6=16 bit frz counter with time; 9=32 bit frz counter without flag;10=16 bit frz counter without flag. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt&time; 9=9:32bit FrzCnt noflag; 10=10:16bit FrzCnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa22.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 22 1=32 bit counter event; 2=16 bit counter event; 5=32 bit counter event with time; 6=16 bit counter event with time. 1=1:32bit Cnt evt; 2=2:16bit Cnt evt; 5=5:32bit Cnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit Cnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa23.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 23 1=32 bit frz counter event; 2=16 bit frz counter event; 5=32 bit frz counter event with time; 6=16 bit frz counter event with time. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt evt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt evt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa30.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Default Var Obj 30 1=32 bit AI; 2=16 bit AI; 3=32 bit AI without flag; 4=16 bit AI without flag; 5=AI float; 6=AI double. 1=1:32bit AI; 2=2:16bit AI; 3=3:32bit AI noflag; 4=4:16bit AI noflag; 5=5:AI float; 6=6:AI double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa32.setVal ENG Enum SP B 7 Default Var Obj 32 1=32 bit AI event; 2=16 bit AI event; 3=32 bit AI event with time; 4=16 bit AI event with time; 5=float AI event; 6=double AI event; 7=float AI event with time; 8=double AI event with time. 1=1:32bit AI evt; 2=2:16bit AI evt; 3=3:32bit AI evt&time; 4=4:16bit AI evt&time; 5=5: float AI evt; 6=6:double AI evt; 7=7:float AI evt&time; 8=8:double AI evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa40.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 40 1=32 bit AO; 2=16 bit AO; 3=AO float; 4=AO double. 1=1:32bit AO; 2=2:16bit AO; 3=3:AO float; 4=4:AO double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.DftVa42.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Default Var Obj 42 1=32 bit AO event; 2=16 bit AO event; 3=32 bit AO event with time; 4=16 bit AO event with time; 5=float AO event; 6=double AO event; 7=float AO event with time; 8=double AO event with time. 1=1:32bit AO evt; 2=2:16bit AO evt; 3=3:32bit AO evt&time; 4=4:16bit AO evt&time; 5=5:float AO evt; 6=6:double AO evt; 7=7:float AO evt&time; 8=8:double AO evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.VldAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Validate master addr Validate master address on receive 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.SelfAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Self address Support self address query function 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.ChLivTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Link keep-alive Link keep-alive interval for DNP 0...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.TCPAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 TCP write authority 0=no client controls allowed; 1=Controls allowed by registered clients; 2=Controls allowed by all clients 0=No clients; 1=Reg. clients; 2=All clients Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 20001 TCP port TCP Port used on ethernet communication 20000...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT2.CommPort.eIp ENG VisString255 (20) EX ED1 DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 2
DNP 3.0 VER LD0.DNPLPRT2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

DNP 3.0: DNP3.0 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DNP 3.0 OUT LD0.DNPLPRT3.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CTR LD0.DNPLPRT3.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.LnkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Link errors Link layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.PhyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Physical errors Physical layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.TranErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transport errors Transport layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.MapErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Mapping errors Mapping errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT3.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B,C 3 Port Communication interface selection 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1; 4=Ethernet TCP+UDP 1 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Unit address DNP unit address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.MstrAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Master address DNP master and UR address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 1 Mapping select Mapping select 1...2 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.SynIntvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30 Need time interval Period to set IIN need time bit 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Time format UTC or local. Coordinate with master. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.CROBSelTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 CROB select timeout Control Relay Output Block select timeout 1...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.LnkCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Data link confirm Data link confirm mode 0=Never; 1=Only Multiframe; 2=Always Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.LnkCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Data link confirm TO Data link confirm timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.LnkReLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 Data link retries Data link retries count 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.RxTxDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Data link Rx to Tx delay Turnaround transmission delay 0...255 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.CharDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Data link inter char delay Inter character delay for incoming messages 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.AplLayCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 App layer confirm Application layer confirm mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.AplCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 App confirm TO Application layer confirm and UR timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.AplLayFrg.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2048 App layer fragment Application layer fragment size 256...2048 bytes Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 UR mode Unsolicited responses mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URRe.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 UR retries Unsolicited retries before switching to UR offline mode 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URReTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 UR TO Unsolicited response timeout 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.UROfTm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 15 UR offline interval Unsolicited offline interval 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URCla1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 1 Min events Min number of class 1 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URCla1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 1 TO Max holding time for class 1 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URCla2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 2 Min events Min number of class 2 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URCla2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 2 TO Max holding time for class 2 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URCla3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 3 Min events Min number of class 3 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URCla3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 3 TO Max holding time for class 3 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.URLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master UR Legacy DNP master unsolicited mode support. When enabled relay does not send initial unsolicited message. 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.SBOLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master SBO Legacy DNP Master SBO sequence number relax enable 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 01 1=BI; 2=BI with status. 1=1:BI; 2=2:BI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa2.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 02 1=BI event; 2=BI event with time. 1=1:BI event; 2=2:BI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa3.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 03 1=DBI; 2=DBI with status. 1=1:DBI; 2=2:DBI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa4.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 04 1=DBI event; 2=DBI event with time. 1=1:DBI event; 2=2:DBI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa20.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 20 1=32 bit counter; 2=16 bit counter; 5=32 bit counter without flag; 6=16 bit counter without flag. 1=1:32bit Cnt; 2=2:16bit Cnt; 5=5:32bit Cnt noflag; 6=6:16bit Cnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa21.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 21 1=32 bit frz counter; 2=16 bit frz counter; 5=32 bit frz counter with time; 6=16 bit frz counter with time; 9=32 bit frz counter without flag;10=16 bit frz counter without flag. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt&time; 9=9:32bit FrzCnt noflag; 10=10:16bit FrzCnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa22.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 22 1=32 bit counter event; 2=16 bit counter event; 5=32 bit counter event with time; 6=16 bit counter event with time. 1=1:32bit Cnt evt; 2=2:16bit Cnt evt; 5=5:32bit Cnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit Cnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa23.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 23 1=32 bit frz counter event; 2=16 bit frz counter event; 5=32 bit frz counter event with time; 6=16 bit frz counter event with time. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt evt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt evt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa30.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Default Var Obj 30 1=32 bit AI; 2=16 bit AI; 3=32 bit AI without flag; 4=16 bit AI without flag; 5=AI float; 6=AI double. 1=1:32bit AI; 2=2:16bit AI; 3=3:32bit AI noflag; 4=4:16bit AI noflag; 5=5:AI float; 6=6:AI double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa32.setVal ENG Enum SP B 7 Default Var Obj 32 1=32 bit AI event; 2=16 bit AI event; 3=32 bit AI event with time; 4=16 bit AI event with time; 5=float AI event; 6=double AI event; 7=float AI event with time; 8=double AI event with time. 1=1:32bit AI evt; 2=2:16bit AI evt; 3=3:32bit AI evt&time; 4=4:16bit AI evt&time; 5=5: float AI evt; 6=6:double AI evt; 7=7:float AI evt&time; 8=8:double AI evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa40.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 40 1=32 bit AO; 2=16 bit AO; 3=AO float; 4=AO double. 1=1:32bit AO; 2=2:16bit AO; 3=3:AO float; 4=4:AO double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.DftVa42.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Default Var Obj 42 1=32 bit AO event; 2=16 bit AO event; 3=32 bit AO event with time; 4=16 bit AO event with time; 5=float AO event; 6=double AO event; 7=float AO event with time; 8=double AO event with time. 1=1:32bit AO evt; 2=2:16bit AO evt; 3=3:32bit AO evt&time; 4=4:16bit AO evt&time; 5=5:float AO evt; 6=6:double AO evt; 7=7:float AO evt&time; 8=8:double AO evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.VldAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Validate master addr Validate master address on receive 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.SelfAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Self address Support self address query function 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.ChLivTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Link keep-alive Link keep-alive interval for DNP 0...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.TCPAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 TCP write authority 0=no client controls allowed; 1=Controls allowed by registered clients; 2=Controls allowed by all clients 0=No clients; 1=Reg. clients; 2=All clients Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 20002 TCP port TCP Port used on ethernet communication 20000...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT3.CommPort.eIp ENG VisString255 (20) EX ED1 DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 3
DNP 3.0 VER LD0.DNPLPRT3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

DNP 3.0: DNP3.0 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DNP 3.0 OUT LD0.DNPLPRT4.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CTR LD0.DNPLPRT4.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.LnkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Link errors Link layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.PhyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Physical errors Physical layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.TranErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transport errors Transport layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.MapErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Mapping errors Mapping errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT4.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B,C 3 Port Communication interface selection 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1; 4=Ethernet TCP+UDP 1 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Unit address DNP unit address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.MstrAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Master address DNP master and UR address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 1 Mapping select Mapping select 1...2 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.SynIntvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30 Need time interval Period to set IIN need time bit 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Time format UTC or local. Coordinate with master. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.CROBSelTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 CROB select timeout Control Relay Output Block select timeout 1...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.LnkCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Data link confirm Data link confirm mode 0=Never; 1=Only Multiframe; 2=Always Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.LnkCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Data link confirm TO Data link confirm timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.LnkReLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 Data link retries Data link retries count 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.RxTxDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Data link Rx to Tx delay Turnaround transmission delay 0...255 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.CharDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Data link inter char delay Inter character delay for incoming messages 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.AplLayCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 App layer confirm Application layer confirm mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.AplCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 App confirm TO Application layer confirm and UR timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.AplLayFrg.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2048 App layer fragment Application layer fragment size 256...2048 bytes Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 UR mode Unsolicited responses mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URRe.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 UR retries Unsolicited retries before switching to UR offline mode 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URReTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 UR TO Unsolicited response timeout 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.UROfTm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 15 UR offline interval Unsolicited offline interval 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URCla1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 1 Min events Min number of class 1 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URCla1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 1 TO Max holding time for class 1 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URCla2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 2 Min events Min number of class 2 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URCla2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 2 TO Max holding time for class 2 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URCla3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 3 Min events Min number of class 3 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URCla3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 3 TO Max holding time for class 3 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.URLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master UR Legacy DNP master unsolicited mode support. When enabled relay does not send initial unsolicited message. 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.SBOLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master SBO Legacy DNP Master SBO sequence number relax enable 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 01 1=BI; 2=BI with status. 1=1:BI; 2=2:BI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa2.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 02 1=BI event; 2=BI event with time. 1=1:BI event; 2=2:BI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa3.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 03 1=DBI; 2=DBI with status. 1=1:DBI; 2=2:DBI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa4.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 04 1=DBI event; 2=DBI event with time. 1=1:DBI event; 2=2:DBI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa20.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 20 1=32 bit counter; 2=16 bit counter; 5=32 bit counter without flag; 6=16 bit counter without flag. 1=1:32bit Cnt; 2=2:16bit Cnt; 5=5:32bit Cnt noflag; 6=6:16bit Cnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa21.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 21 1=32 bit frz counter; 2=16 bit frz counter; 5=32 bit frz counter with time; 6=16 bit frz counter with time; 9=32 bit frz counter without flag;10=16 bit frz counter without flag. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt&time; 9=9:32bit FrzCnt noflag; 10=10:16bit FrzCnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa22.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 22 1=32 bit counter event; 2=16 bit counter event; 5=32 bit counter event with time; 6=16 bit counter event with time. 1=1:32bit Cnt evt; 2=2:16bit Cnt evt; 5=5:32bit Cnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit Cnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa23.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 23 1=32 bit frz counter event; 2=16 bit frz counter event; 5=32 bit frz counter event with time; 6=16 bit frz counter event with time. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt evt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt evt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa30.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Default Var Obj 30 1=32 bit AI; 2=16 bit AI; 3=32 bit AI without flag; 4=16 bit AI without flag; 5=AI float; 6=AI double. 1=1:32bit AI; 2=2:16bit AI; 3=3:32bit AI noflag; 4=4:16bit AI noflag; 5=5:AI float; 6=6:AI double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa32.setVal ENG Enum SP B 7 Default Var Obj 32 1=32 bit AI event; 2=16 bit AI event; 3=32 bit AI event with time; 4=16 bit AI event with time; 5=float AI event; 6=double AI event; 7=float AI event with time; 8=double AI event with time. 1=1:32bit AI evt; 2=2:16bit AI evt; 3=3:32bit AI evt&time; 4=4:16bit AI evt&time; 5=5: float AI evt; 6=6:double AI evt; 7=7:float AI evt&time; 8=8:double AI evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa40.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 40 1=32 bit AO; 2=16 bit AO; 3=AO float; 4=AO double. 1=1:32bit AO; 2=2:16bit AO; 3=3:AO float; 4=4:AO double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.DftVa42.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Default Var Obj 42 1=32 bit AO event; 2=16 bit AO event; 3=32 bit AO event with time; 4=16 bit AO event with time; 5=float AO event; 6=double AO event; 7=float AO event with time; 8=double AO event with time. 1=1:32bit AO evt; 2=2:16bit AO evt; 3=3:32bit AO evt&time; 4=4:16bit AO evt&time; 5=5:float AO evt; 6=6:double AO evt; 7=7:float AO evt&time; 8=8:double AO evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.VldAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Validate master addr Validate master address on receive 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.SelfAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Self address Support self address query function 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.ChLivTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Link keep-alive Link keep-alive interval for DNP 0...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.TCPAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 TCP write authority 0=no client controls allowed; 1=Controls allowed by registered clients; 2=Controls allowed by all clients 0=No clients; 1=Reg. clients; 2=All clients Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 20003 TCP port TCP Port used on ethernet communication 20000...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.CliIP.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT4.CommPort.eIp ENG VisString255 (20) EX ED1 DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 4
DNP 3.0 VER LD0.DNPLPRT4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

DNP 3.0: DNP3.0 Protocol

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DNP 3.0 OUT LD0.DNPLPRT5.ChLiv.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B Status Status Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CTR LD0.DNPLPRT5.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.FrRxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Received frames Received frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.FrTxCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transmitted frames Transmitted frames -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.LnkErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Link errors Link layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.PhyErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Physical errors Physical layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.TranErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Transport errors Transport layer errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.MapErrCnt.stVal INS INT32 ST B Mapping errors Mapping errors -1...2147483646 Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 MON LD0.DNPLPRT5.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Reset counters Reset counters Monitoring\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,C,I 5 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.CommPort.setVal ENG Enum SP B,C 3 Port Communication interface selection 1=COM 1; 2=COM 2; 3=Ethernet - TCP 1; 4=Ethernet TCP+UDP 1 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.UnitAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1 Unit address DNP unit address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.MstrAddr.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Master address DNP master and UR address 1...65519 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.MapSel.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 1 Mapping select Mapping select 1...2 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.SynIntvTmm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30 Need time interval Period to set IIN need time bit 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.TmFrm.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Time format UTC or local. Coordinate with master. 0=UTC; 1=Local Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.CROBSelTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10 CROB select timeout Control Relay Output Block select timeout 1...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.LnkCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 0 Data link confirm Data link confirm mode 0=Never; 1=Only Multiframe; 2=Always Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.LnkCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Data link confirm TO Data link confirm timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.LnkReLim.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 Data link retries Data link retries count 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.RxTxDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Data link Rx to Tx delay Turnaround transmission delay 0...255 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.CharDl.setVal ING INT32 SP A 4 Data link inter char delay Inter character delay for incoming messages 0...20 char Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.AplLayCnf.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 App layer confirm Application layer confirm mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.AplCnfTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 App confirm TO Application layer confirm and UR timeout 100...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.AplLayFrg.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2048 App layer fragment Application layer fragment size 256...2048 bytes Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 UR mode Unsolicited responses mode 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URRe.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3 UR retries Unsolicited retries before switching to UR offline mode 0...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URReTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 5000 UR TO Unsolicited response timeout 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.UROfTm.setVal ING INT32 SP A 15 UR offline interval Unsolicited offline interval 0...65535 min Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URCla1.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 1 Min events Min number of class 1 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URCla1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 1 TO Max holding time for class 1 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URCla2.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 2 Min events Min number of class 2 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URCla2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 2 TO Max holding time for class 2 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URCla3.setVal ING INT32 SP A 2 UR Class 3 Min events Min number of class 3 events to generate UR 0...999 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URCla3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 50 UR Class 3 TO Max holding time for class 3 events to generate UR 0...65535 ms Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.URLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master UR Legacy DNP master unsolicited mode support. When enabled relay does not send initial unsolicited message. 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.SBOLgcyMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Legacy master SBO Legacy DNP Master SBO sequence number relax enable 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa1.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 01 1=BI; 2=BI with status. 1=1:BI; 2=2:BI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa2.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 02 1=BI event; 2=BI event with time. 1=1:BI event; 2=2:BI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa3.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Default Var Obj 03 1=DBI; 2=DBI with status. 1=1:DBI; 2=2:DBI&status Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa4.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 04 1=DBI event; 2=DBI event with time. 1=1:DBI event; 2=2:DBI event&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa20.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 20 1=32 bit counter; 2=16 bit counter; 5=32 bit counter without flag; 6=16 bit counter without flag. 1=1:32bit Cnt; 2=2:16bit Cnt; 5=5:32bit Cnt noflag; 6=6:16bit Cnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa21.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 21 1=32 bit frz counter; 2=16 bit frz counter; 5=32 bit frz counter with time; 6=16 bit frz counter with time; 9=32 bit frz counter without flag;10=16 bit frz counter without flag. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt&time; 9=9:32bit FrzCnt noflag; 10=10:16bit FrzCnt noflag Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa22.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 22 1=32 bit counter event; 2=16 bit counter event; 5=32 bit counter event with time; 6=16 bit counter event with time. 1=1:32bit Cnt evt; 2=2:16bit Cnt evt; 5=5:32bit Cnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit Cnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa23.setVal ENG Enum SP B 6 Default Var Obj 23 1=32 bit frz counter event; 2=16 bit frz counter event; 5=32 bit frz counter event with time; 6=16 bit frz counter event with time. 1=1:32bit FrzCnt evt; 2=2:16bit FrzCnt evt; 5=5:32bit FrzCnt evt&time; 6=6:16bit FrzCnt evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa30.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Default Var Obj 30 1=32 bit AI; 2=16 bit AI; 3=32 bit AI without flag; 4=16 bit AI without flag; 5=AI float; 6=AI double. 1=1:32bit AI; 2=2:16bit AI; 3=3:32bit AI noflag; 4=4:16bit AI noflag; 5=5:AI float; 6=6:AI double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa32.setVal ENG Enum SP B 7 Default Var Obj 32 1=32 bit AI event; 2=16 bit AI event; 3=32 bit AI event with time; 4=16 bit AI event with time; 5=float AI event; 6=double AI event; 7=float AI event with time; 8=double AI event with time. 1=1:32bit AI evt; 2=2:16bit AI evt; 3=3:32bit AI evt&time; 4=4:16bit AI evt&time; 5=5: float AI evt; 6=6:double AI evt; 7=7:float AI evt&time; 8=8:double AI evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa40.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Default Var Obj 40 1=32 bit AO; 2=16 bit AO; 3=AO float; 4=AO double. 1=1:32bit AO; 2=2:16bit AO; 3=3:AO float; 4=4:AO double Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.DftVa42.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Default Var Obj 42 1=32 bit AO event; 2=16 bit AO event; 3=32 bit AO event with time; 4=16 bit AO event with time; 5=float AO event; 6=double AO event; 7=float AO event with time; 8=double AO event with time. 1=1:32bit AO evt; 2=2:16bit AO evt; 3=3:32bit AO evt&time; 4=4:16bit AO evt&time; 5=5:float AO evt; 6=6:double AO evt; 7=7:float AO evt&time; 8=8:double AO evt&time Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.VldAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 Validate master addr Validate master address on receive 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.SelfAddr.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Self address Support self address query function 1=Disable; 2=Enable Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.ChLivTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Link keep-alive Link keep-alive interval for DNP 0...65535 s Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.TCPAuth.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 TCP write authority 0=no client controls allowed; 1=Controls allowed by registered clients; 2=Controls allowed by all clients 0=No clients; 1=Reg. clients; 2=All clients Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.TCPPort.setVal ING INT32 SP A,C 20004 TCP port TCP Port used on ethernet communication 20000...65535 Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.CliIPAddr.setVal VSG VisString255 (20) SP ED2,B DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 CFG LD0.DNPLPRT5.CommPort.eIp ENG VisString255 (20) EX ED1 DN ClientIP IP address of client Configuration\Communication\DNP3.0\DNP3.0 5
DNP 3.0 VER LD0.DNPLPRT5.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

PHIZ1: High Impedance Fault Detection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) INP LD0.PHIZ1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\PHIZ1\Inputs
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) INP LD0.PHIZ1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_CLOSED Circuit Breaker Closed input Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\PHIZ1\Inputs
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) INP LD0.PHIZ1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_OPEN Circuit Breaker Open input Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\PHIZ1\Inputs
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) OUT LD0.PHIZ1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\PHIZ1\Outputs
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) MON LD0.PHIZ1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B PHIZ1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) MON LD0.PHIZ1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST StatNrml P,H (Start)
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) MON LD0.PHIZ1.Str.dirGeneral ACD Enum ST StatNrml P,H (Start) 0=unknown1=forward2=backward3=both
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) MON LD0.PHIZ1.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B Position Position 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\PHIZ1\Monitored data
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) SET LD0.PHIZ1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\PHIZ1
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) SET LD0.PHIZ1.SysTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 System type System Type 1=Grounded; 2=Ungrounded Settings\Settings\Other protection\PHIZ1
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) SET LD0.PHIZ1.SecLev.setVal ING INT32 SG B,I 5 Security Level Security Level 1...10 Settings\Settings\Other protection\PHIZ1
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) TES LD0.PHIZ1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 PHIZ1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Other protection
PHIZ1 HIF(1) HIZ(1) VER LD0.PHIZ1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

ARCSARC1: Arc protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) INP LD0.ARCSARC11.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC1\Inputs
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) INP LD0.ARCSARC11.InRemFA.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 REM_FLT_ARC Remote Fault arc detected Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC1\Inputs
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) INP LD0.ARCPTRC11.InOpMod.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OPR_MODE Operation mode input Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC1\Inputs
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) OUT LD0.ARCSARC11.FADet.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ARC_FLT_DET Fault arc detected=light signal output Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC1\Outputs
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) OUT LD0.ARCPTRC11.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC1\Outputs
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) CTR LD0.ARCSARC11.FACntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Fault arc counter)
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) MON LD0.ARCSARC11.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ARCSARC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) SET LD0.ARCSARC11.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC1
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) SET LD0.ARCPIOC11.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 2.50 Phase start value Operating phase current 0.50...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC1 IL1TCTR1
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) SET LD0.ARCPIOC12.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.20 Ground start value Operating residual current 0.05...8.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC1 RESTCTR1
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) SET LD0.ARCPTRC11.OpModArc.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Light+current; 2=Light only; 3=BI controlled Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC1
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) TES LD0.ARCSARC11.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ARCSARC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 33=Activate ARC_FLT_DET; 34=Deactive ARC_FLT_DET Tests\Function tests\Other protection
ARCSARC1 ARC(1) 50L/50NL(1) VER LD0.ARCSARC11.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

ARCSARC2: Arc protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) INP LD0.ARCSARC21.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC2\Inputs
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) INP LD0.ARCSARC21.InRemFA.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 REM_FLT_ARC Remote Fault arc detected Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC2\Inputs
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) INP LD0.ARCPTRC21.InOpMod.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OPR_MODE Operation mode input Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC2\Inputs
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) OUT LD0.ARCSARC21.FADet.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ARC_FLT_DET Fault arc detected=light signal output Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC2\Outputs
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) OUT LD0.ARCPTRC21.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC2\Outputs
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) CTR LD0.ARCSARC21.FACntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Fault arc counter)
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) MON LD0.ARCSARC21.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ARCSARC2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) SET LD0.ARCSARC21.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC2
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) SET LD0.ARCPIOC21.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 2.50 Phase start value Operating phase current 0.50...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC2 IL1TCTR1
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) SET LD0.ARCPIOC22.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.20 Ground start value Operating residual current 0.05...8.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC2 RESTCTR1
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) SET LD0.ARCPTRC21.OpModArc.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Light+current; 2=Light only; 3=BI controlled Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC2
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) TES LD0.ARCSARC21.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ARCSARC2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 33=Activate ARC_FLT_DET; 34=Deactive ARC_FLT_DET Tests\Function tests\Other protection
ARCSARC2 ARC(2) 50L/50NL(2) VER LD0.ARCSARC21.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

ARCSARC3: Arc protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) INP LD0.ARCSARC31.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for all binary outputs Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC3\Inputs
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) INP LD0.ARCSARC31.InRemFA.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 REM_FLT_ARC Remote Fault arc detected Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC3\Inputs
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) INP LD0.ARCPTRC31.InOpMod.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 OPR_MODE Operation mode input Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC3\Inputs
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) OUT LD0.ARCSARC31.FADet.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIed P,H ARC_FLT_DET Fault arc detected=light signal output Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC3\Outputs
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) OUT LD0.ARCPTRC31.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\ARCSARC3\Outputs
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) CTR LD0.ARCSARC31.FACntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Fault arc counter)
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) MON LD0.ARCSARC31.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B ARCSARC3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) SET LD0.ARCSARC31.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC3
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) SET LD0.ARCPIOC31.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 2.50 Phase start value Operating phase current 0.50...40.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC3 IL1TCTR1
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) SET LD0.ARCPIOC32.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.20 Ground start value Operating residual current 0.05...8.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC3 RESTCTR1
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) SET LD0.ARCPTRC31.OpModArc.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Operation mode Operation mode 1=Light+current; 2=Light only; 3=BI controlled Settings\Settings\Other protection\ARCSARC3
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) TES LD0.ARCSARC31.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 ARCSARC3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 33=Activate ARC_FLT_DET; 34=Deactive ARC_FLT_DET Tests\Function tests\Other protection
ARCSARC3 ARC(3) 50L/50NL(3) VER LD0.ARCSARC31.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

SCEFRFLO1: Fault locator

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) INP LD0.SCEFRFLO1.RcdBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Signal for blocking the triggering Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Inputs
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) INP LD0.SCEFRFLO1.Trg.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 TRIGG Distance calculation triggering signal Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Inputs
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) INP LD0.SCEFRFLO1.TrgXC0F.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 TRIGG_XC0F XC0F calculation triggering signal Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Inputs
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) OUT LD0.SCEFRFLO1.Alm.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ALARM Fault location alarm signal Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Outputs
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) CTR LD0.SCEFRFLO1.Trg.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Triggering signal for distance calculation)
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) CTR LD0.SCEFRFLO1.TrgXC0F.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Triggering signal for XC0F calculation)
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) CTR LD0.SCEFRFLO1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 SCEFRFLO1 reset SCEFRFLO1 recorded data reset 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SCEFRFLO1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.FltDiskm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B FLT_DISTANCE Fault distance in units selected by the user 0.00...3000.00 pu Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.FltLoop.stVal ENS Enum ST B FAULT_LOOP Fault impedance loop 1=AG Fault; 2=BG Fault; 3=CG Fault; 4=AB Fault; 5=BC Fault; 6=CA Fault; 7=ABC Fault; -5=No fault Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.FltPtR.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B RF Fault point resistance in primary ohms 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.FltR.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B RFLOOP Fault loop resistance in primary ohms 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.FltX.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B XFLOOP Fault loop reactance in primary ohms 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.PhReact.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B XFPHASE Positive sequence fault reactance in primary ohms 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.RatFltALod.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B IFLT_PER_ILD Fault to load current ratio 0.00...60000.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.EqDisLod.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B S_CALC Estimated equivalent load distance 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.PhGndCapac.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B XC0F_CALC Estimated PhE capacitive reactance of line 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.SCEFRFLO1.FltDisQ.stVal INS INT32 ST B FLT_DIST_Q Fault distance quality 0...511 Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1\Monitored data
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltLoop.stVal ENS Enum ST B Flt loop Fault loop 1=AG Fault; 2=BG Fault; 3=CG Fault; 4=AB Fault; 5=BC Fault; 6=CA Fault; 7=ABC Fault; -5=No fault Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltDiskm.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Flt distance Fault distance 0.00...3000.00 pu Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltDiskm.t MV Timestamp MX B Triggering time Estimate triggering time Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltPtR.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Flt point resistance Fault resistance 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltDisQ.stVal INS INT32 ST B Flt Dist quality Fault distance quality 0...511 Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltR.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Flt loop resistance Fault loop resistance 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.FltX.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Flt loop reactance Fault loop reactance 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.PhReact.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Flt phase reactance Fault phase reactance 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.RatFltALod.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Flt to Lod Cur ratio Fault to load current ratio 0.00...60000.00 Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.EqDisLod.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Equivalent load Dis Estimated equivalent load distance 0.00...1.00 Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.PhGndCapac.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B XC0F Calc Estimated PhE capacitive reactance of the line 0.0...1000000.0 ohm Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhA.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Pre Flt Phs A Magn Pre-fault current phase A, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhA.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Pre Flt Phs A Angl Pre-fault current phase A, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhA.t CMV Timestamp MX B Pre fault time Pre-fault time Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhB.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Pre Flt Phs B Magn Pre-fault current phase B, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhB.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Pre Flt Phs B Angl Pre-fault current phase B, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhC.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Pre Flt Phs C Magn Pre-fault current phase C, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.APreFltPhC.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Pre Flt Phs C Angl Pre-fault current phase C, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VPreFltPhA.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Pre Flt Phs A Magn Pre-fault voltage phase A, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VPreFltPhA.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Pre Flt Phs A Angl Pre-fault voltage phase A, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VPreFltPhB.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Pre Flt Phs B Magn Pre-fault voltage phase B, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VPreFltPhB.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Pre Flt Phs B Angl Pre-fault voltage phase B, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VPreFltPhC.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Pre Flt Phs C Magn Pre-fault voltage phase C, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VPreFltPhC.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Pre Flt Phs C Angl Pre-fault voltage phase C, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.AFltPhA.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Flt Phs A Magn Fault current phase A, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.AFltPhA.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Flt Phs A angle Fault current phase A, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.AFltPhB.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Flt Phs B Magn Fault current phase B, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.AFltPhB.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Flt Phs B angle Fault current phase B, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.AFltPhC.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Flt Phs C Magn Fault current phase C, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.AFltPhC.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B A Flt Phs C angle Fault current phase C, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VFltPhA.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Flt Phs A Magn Fault voltage phase A, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VFltPhA.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Flt Phs A angle Fault voltage phase A, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VFltPhB.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Flt Phs B Magn Fault voltage phase B, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VFltPhB.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Flt Phs B angle Fault voltage phase B, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VFltPhC.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Flt Phs C Magn Fault voltage phase C, magnitude 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) MON LD0.FLO1RFRC1.VFltPhC.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B V Flt Phs C angle Fault voltage phase C, angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\Recorded data\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.ZMaxLod.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 80.0 Z Max phase load Impedance per phase of max. load, overcurr./under-imp., PSL 1.0...10000.0 ohm Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.PhLeakRis.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 210000 Ph leakage Ris Line PhE leakage resistance in primary ohms 20...1000000 ohm Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.PhLinCapac.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 7000 Ph capacitive React Line PhE capacitive reactance in primary ohms 10...1000000 ohm Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.EqLodDis.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.50 Equivalent load Dis Equivalent load distance when EF algorithm equals to load modelling 0.00...1.00 Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.TrgMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Calculation Trg mode Trigger mode for distance calculation 1=Internal; 2=External Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.HiLimSpt.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.000 High alarm Dis limit High alarm limit for calculated distance 0.000...1.000 pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.LoLimSpt.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.000 Low alarm Dis limit Low alarm limit for calculated distance 0.000...1.000 pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.EFAlgSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 EF algorithm Sel Selection for PhE-loop calculation algorithm 1=Load compensation; 2=Load modelling Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.EFAlgASel.setVal ENG Enum SP A 1 EF algorithm Cur Sel Selection for earth-fault current model 1=Io based; 2=I2 based Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.EnaLodComp.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Load Com PP loops Enable load compensation for PP/3P-loops 0=Disabled; 1=Enabled Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.SimpMod.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Enable simple model Enable calc. without impedance settings for PP/3P-loops 0=Disabled; 1=Enabled Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.DisEstVa.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.015 Distance estimate Va Allowed variation of short circuit distance estimate 0.001...0.300 Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEFRFLO1.PhVMeas.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Phase voltage Meas Phase voltage measurement principle 1=Accurate; 2=Ph-to-ph without Uo Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF1ZLIN1.LinLenkm.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.000 Line Len section A Line length, section A 0.000...1000.000 pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF1ZLIN1.RPs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.000 R1 line section A Positive sequence line resistance, line section A 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF1ZLIN1.XPs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.000 X1 line section A Positive sequence line reactance, line section A 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF1ZLIN1.RZer.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 4.000 R0 line section A Zero sequence line resistance, line section A 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF1ZLIN1.XZer.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 4.000 X0 line section A Zero sequence line reactance, line section A 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF2ZLIN1.LinLenkm.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.000 Line Len section B Line length, section B 0.000...1000.000 pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF2ZLIN1.RPs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.000 R1 line section B Positive sequence line resistance, line section B 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF2ZLIN1.XPs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.000 X1 line section B Positive sequence line reactance, line section B 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF2ZLIN1.RZer.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 4.000 R0 line section B Zero sequence line resistance, line section B 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF2ZLIN1.XZer.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 4.000 X0 line section B Zero sequence line reactance, line section B 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF3ZLIN1.LinLenkm.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.000 Line Len section C Line length, section C 0.000...1000.000 pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF3ZLIN1.RPs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.000 R1 line section C Positive sequence line resistance, line section C 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF3ZLIN1.XPs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.000 X1 line section C Positive sequence line reactance, line section C 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF3ZLIN1.RZer.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 4.000 R0 line section C Zero sequence line resistance, line section C 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) SET LD0.SCEF3ZLIN1.XZer.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 4.000 X0 line section C Zero sequence line reactance, line section C 0.000...1000.000 ohm / pu Settings\Settings\Other protection\SCEFRFLO1
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) TES LD0.SCEFRFLO1.TestProRl.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 SCEFRFLO1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 39=Activate ALARM; 40=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Other protection
SCEFRFLO1 FLOC(1) 21FL(1) VER LD0.SCEFRFLO1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

COLPTOC1: Capacitor bank overload protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) INP LD0.COL1PTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Inputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) INP LD0.COLPTUC1.InPosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CB_CLOSED Input showing the status of capacitor circuit breaker Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Inputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) OUT LD0.COL1PTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_OVLOD Overload started Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Outputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) OUT LD0.COL1PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_OVLOD Overload operated Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Outputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) OUT LD0.COL2PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Outputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) OUT LD0.COLPTUC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H ST_UN_I Under current started Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Outputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) OUT LD0.COLPTUC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPR_UN_I Operate under current Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Outputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) OUT LD0.COLPTUC1.InhRec.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B BLK_CLOSE Inhibit re-close of capacitor bank Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Outputs
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) CTR LD0.COLPTUC1.LORs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 COLPTOC1 Inh reclose Reset COLPTOC1 inhibit reclose 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) MON LD0.COL1PTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B COLPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) MON LD0.COL1PTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_OVLOD Start duration for overload stage 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Monitored data
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) MON LD0.COL1PTOC1.PkIntgAPhA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_PEAK_INT_A Phase A peak value of the integrated current of the capacitor 0.00...40.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Monitored data
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) MON LD0.COL1PTOC1.PkIntgAPhB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_PEAK_INT_B Phase B peak value of the integrated current of the capacitor 0.00...40.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Monitored data
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) MON LD0.COL1PTOC1.PkIntgAPhC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_PEAK_INT_C Phase C peak value of the integrated current of the capacitor 0.00...40.00 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Monitored data
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) MON LD0.COLPTUC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ST_DUR_UN_I Start duration for under current operation 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\COLPTOC1\Monitored data
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COL1PTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COL1PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Start value overload Start value for overload stage 0.30...1.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COL1PTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier for Capacitor Bank protection curves 0.05...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COL1PTOC1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Num of start phases Number of phases required for operate activation 1=1 out of 3; 2=2 out of 3; 3=3 out of 3 Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COL2PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 105 Alarm start value Alarm start value (% of Start value overload) 80...120 % Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COL2PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 300000 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time 500...6000000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COLPTUC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.50 Start value Un Cur Start value for under current operation 0.10...0.70 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COLPTUC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 1000 Un Cur delay time Delay time for under current operation 100...120000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COLPTUC1.EnaUnCur.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Enable under current Enable under current functionality 0=Disable; 1=Enable Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COLPTUC1.RecInhMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Reclose inhibit mode Reclose inhibit mode 1=Non-latched; 3=Lockout Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) SET LD0.COLPTUC1.RecInhTms.setVal ING INT32 SG A 1 Reclose inhibit time Reclose inhibit time 1...6000 s Settings\Settings\Current protection\COLPTOC1
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) TES LD0.COL1PTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 COLPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM; 21=Activate BLK_CLOSE; 22=Deactive BLK_CLOSE; 113=Activate OPR_OVLOD; 114=Deactive OPR_OVLOD; 115=Activate ST_OVLOD; 116=Deactive ST_OVLOD; 117=Activate OPR_UN_I; 118=Deactive OPR_UN_I; 119=Activate ST_UN_I; 120=Deactive ST_UN_I Tests\Function tests\Current protection
COLPTOC1 3I>3I<(1) 51C/37(1) VER LD0.COL1PTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

CUBPTOC1: Capacitor bank unbalance current, double Y bridge

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) INP LD0.CUB1PTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Inputs
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) OUT LD0.CUB1PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Outputs
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) OUT LD0.CUB2PTOC1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Outputs
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) OUT LD0.CUB2PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Outputs
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.FailCnt.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Total number of capacitor element failures)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr1PhsA.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Capacitor element failures in branch1 of phase A)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr2PhsA.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Capacitor element failures in branch2 of phase A)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr1PhsB.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Capacitor element failures in branch1 of phase B)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr2PhsB.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Capacitor element failures in branch2 of phase B)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr1PhsC.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Capacitor element failures in branch1 of phase C)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr2PhsC.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO (Capacitor element failures in branch2 of phase C)
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 CUBPTOC1 counters Reset all the counters 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) CTR LD0.CUB1PTOC1.RcdUnb.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Record unbalance Record unbalance current 0=Do not record; 1=Record Control\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B CUBPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.FailCnt.stVal INC INT32 ST B FAIL_COUNT Total number of element failures 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr1PhsA.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNT_BR1_A Number of element failures in branch1 phase-A 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr2PhsA.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNT_BR2_A Number of element failures in branch2 phase-A 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr1PhsB.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNT_BR1_B Number of element failures in branch1 phase-B 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr2PhsB.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNT_BR2_B Number of element failures in branch2 phase-B 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr1PhsC.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNT_BR1_C Number of element failures in branch1 phase-C 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CntBr2PhsC.stVal INC INT32 ST B COUNT_BR2_C Number of element failures in branch2 phase-C 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.NatUnbCur.neut.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_NAT_AMPL Recorded natural unbalance current amplitude 0.00...5.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.NatUnbCur.neut.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_NAT_ANGL Recorded natural unbalance current angle -179.00...179.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CompUnbCur.neut.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_COM_AMPL Compensated unbalance current amplitude 0.00...5.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CompUnbCur.neut.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_COM_ANGL Compensated unbalance current angle -179.00...179.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) MON LD0.CUB2PTOC1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\CUBPTOC1\Monitored data
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.05 Alarm start value Alarm start value 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1 IL1TCTR2
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200000 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.FailCntLim.setVal ING INT32 SG A 3 Element fail limit Element failure limit above which alarm is active 1...100 Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.NatCompEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SG A 0 Natural Comp enable Enable natural unbalance compensation Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.CubAlmMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 1 Alarm mode Mode of operation for Alarm stage 1=Normal; 2=Element counter Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB1PTOC1.FuLoct.setVal ENG Enum SG A 1 Fuse location Location of capacitor fuse 1=Internal; 2=External Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.TmACrv.setCharact CURVE Enum SG B,I 15 Operating curve type Selection of time delay curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv.; 2=ANSI Very inv.; 3=ANSI Norm. inv.; 4=ANSI Mod. inv.; 5=ANSI Def. Time; 6=L.T.E. inv.; 7=L.T.V. inv.; 8=L.T. inv.; 9=IEC Norm. inv.; 10=IEC Very inv.; 11=IEC inv.; 12=IEC Ext. inv.; 13=IEC S.T. inv.; 14=IEC L.T. inv.; 15=IEC Def. Time; 17=Programmable; 18=RI type; 19=RD type Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.TmACrv.setParA CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 28.2000 Curve parameter A Parameter A for customer programmable curve 0.0086 ...120.0000 Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.TmACrv.setParB CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.1217 Curve parameter B Parameter B for customer programmable curve 0.0000 ...0.7120 Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.TmACrv.setParC CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 2.00 Curve parameter C Parameter C for customer programmable curve 0.02...2.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.TmACrv.setParE CURVE FLOAT32 SP B,I 1.0 Curve parameter E Parameter E for customer programmable curve 0.0...1.0 Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.10 Start value Start value 0.01...1.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1 IL1TCTR2
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.TmMult.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.00 Time multiplier Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves 0.05...15.00 Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.MinOpTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Minimum operate time Minimum operate time for IDMT curves 20...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 5000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 50...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) SET LD0.CUB2PTOC1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\CUBPTOC1
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) TES LD0.CUB1PTOC1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 CUBPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Current protection
CUBPTOC1 dI>C(1) 51NC-1(1) VER LD0.CUB1PTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

SRCPTOC1: Capacitor resonance protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) INP LD0.SRC1PTOC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Inputs
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) INP LD0.SRC2PTOC1.InReso.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RESO_IN Input signal from higher frequency resonance branch Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Inputs
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) OUT LD0.SRC1PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T ALARM Alarm Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Outputs
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) OUT LD0.SRC2PTOC1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate signal Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Outputs
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) MON LD0.SRC1PTOC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B SRCPTOC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) MON LD0.SRC1PTOC1.ResoA.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_RESO_A Resonance current for phase A 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Monitored data
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) MON LD0.SRC1PTOC1.ResoA.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_RESO_B Resonance current for phase B 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Monitored data
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) MON LD0.SRC1PTOC1.ResoA.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B I_RESO_C Resonance current for phase C 0.00...40.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Current protection\SRCPTOC1\Monitored data
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) SET LD0.SRC1PTOC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Current protection\SRCPTOC1
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) SET LD0.SRC1PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.03 Alarm start value Alarm limit for filtered harmonic currents 0.03...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\SRCPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) SET LD0.SRC1PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Alarm delay time Alarm delay time for resonance alarm 120...360000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\SRCPTOC1
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) SET LD0.SRC1PTOC1.TunHNum.setVal ING INT32 SG B 11 Tuning harmonic Num Tuning frequency harmonic number of the filter branch 1...11 Settings\Settings\Current protection\SRCPTOC1
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) SET LD0.SRC2PTOC1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.03 Start value Tripping limit for filtered harmonic currents indicating resonance condition 0.03...0.50 xIn Settings\Settings\Current protection\SRCPTOC1 IL1TCTR1
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) SET LD0.SRC2PTOC1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 200 Operate delay time Operate delay time for resonance 120...360000 ms Settings\Settings\Current protection\SRCPTOC1
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) TES LD0.SRC1PTOC1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 SRCPTOC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 17=Activate ALARM; 18=Deactive ALARM Tests\Function tests\Current protection
SRCPTOC1 TD>(1) 55TD(1) VER LD0.SRC1PTOC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 B (Name plate)

DQPTUV1: Directional reactive power and under voltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) INP LD0.DQPTUV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV1\Inputs
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) OUT LD0.DQPTUV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV1\Outputs
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) OUT LD0.DQPTUV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV1\Outputs
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) MON LD0.DQPTUV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DQPTUV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) MON LD0.DQPTUV1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV1\Monitored data
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) MON LD0.DQMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...+160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV1\Monitored data
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPTUV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPTUV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.85 Voltage start value Start value for under voltage detection 0.20...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPTUV1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPDOP1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.05 Min reactive power Minimum reactive power needed for function to operate 0.01...0.50 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPDOP1.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.05 Min Ps Seq current Minimum positive sequence current 0.02...0.20 xIn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1 IL1TCTR1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPDOP1.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the positive reactive power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) SET LD0.DQPDOP1.PwrSectRed.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 3 Pwr sector reduction Power sector reduction 0...10 deg Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV1
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) TES LD0.DQPTUV1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DQPTUV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DQPTUV1 Q>->,3U<(1) 32Q,27(1) VER LD0.DQPTUV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

DQPTUV2: Directional reactive power and under voltage protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) INP LD0.DQPTUV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV2\Inputs
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) OUT LD0.DQPTUV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV2\Outputs
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) OUT LD0.DQPTUV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV2\Outputs
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) MON LD0.DQPTUV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B DQPTUV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) MON LD0.DQPTUV2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV2\Monitored data
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) MON LD0.DQMMXU2.TotVAr.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B Q Reactive power -160.000...+160.000 xSn Monitoring\I/O status\Power protection\DQPTUV2\Monitored data
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPTUV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation On/Off 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPTUV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.85 Voltage start value Start value for under voltage detection 0.20...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPTUV2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 500 Operate delay time Operate delay time 100...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPDOP2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.05 Min reactive power Minimum reactive power needed for function to operate 0.01...0.50 xSn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPDOP2.BlkValA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 0.05 Min Ps Seq current Minimum positive sequence current 0.02...0.20 xIn Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2 IL1TCTR1
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPDOP2.RevPol.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Pol reversal Reverse the definition of the positive reactive power direction Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) SET LD0.DQPDOP2.PwrSectRed.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP A 3 Pwr sector reduction Power sector reduction 0...10 deg Settings\Settings\Power protection\DQPTUV2
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) TES LD0.DQPTUV2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 DQPTUV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Power protection
DQPTUV2 Q>->,3U<(2) 32Q,27(2) VER LD0.DQPTUV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

LVRTPTUV1: Low voltage ride through protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) INP LD0.LVRTPTUV1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1\Inputs
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) OUT LD0.LVRTPTUV1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1\Outputs
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) OUT LD0.LVRTPTUV1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1\Outputs
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) MON LD0.LVRTPTUV1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LVRTPTUV1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Voltage start value Voltage value below which function starts 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.NumPt.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Active coordinates Coordinates used for defining LVRT curve 1...10 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt0Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 500 Recovery time 1 1st time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000 Recovery time 2 2nd time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 3 3rd time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 4 4th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt4Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 5 5th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt5Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 6 6th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt6Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 7 7th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt7Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 8 8th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt8Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 9 9th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt9Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 10 10th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt0Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.20 Voltage level 1 1st voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt1Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.80 Voltage level 2 2nd voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt2Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 3 3rd voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt3Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 4 4th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt4Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 5 5th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt5Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 6 6th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt6Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 7 7th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt7Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 8 8th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt8Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 9 9th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.CrvPt9Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 10 10th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Num of start phases Number of faulty phases 4=Exactly 1 of 3; 5=Exactly 2 of 3; 6=Exactly 3 of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV1.VCrtSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Voltage selection Parameter to select voltage for curve monitoring 1=Highest Ph-to-E; 2=Lowest Ph-to-E; 3=Highest Ph-to-Ph; 4=Lowest Ph-to-Ph; 5=Positive Seq Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV1
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) TES LD0.LVRTPTUV1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 LVRTPTUV1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
LVRTPTUV1 U 27RT(1) VER LD0.LVRTPTUV1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

LVRTPTUV2: Low voltage ride through protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) INP LD0.LVRTPTUV2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2\Inputs
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) OUT LD0.LVRTPTUV2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2\Outputs
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) OUT LD0.LVRTPTUV2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2\Outputs
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) MON LD0.LVRTPTUV2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LVRTPTUV2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Voltage start value Voltage value below which function starts 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.NumPt.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Active coordinates Coordinates used for defining LVRT curve 1...10 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt0Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 500 Recovery time 1 1st time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000 Recovery time 2 2nd time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 3 3rd time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 4 4th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt4Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 5 5th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt5Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 6 6th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt6Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 7 7th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt7Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 8 8th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt8Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 9 9th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt9Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 10 10th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt0Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.20 Voltage level 1 1st voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt1Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.80 Voltage level 2 2nd voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt2Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 3 3rd voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt3Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 4 4th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt4Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 5 5th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt5Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 6 6th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt6Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 7 7th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt7Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 8 8th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt8Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 9 9th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.CrvPt9Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 10 10th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Num of start phases Number of faulty phases 4=Exactly 1 of 3; 5=Exactly 2 of 3; 6=Exactly 3 of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV2.VCrtSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Voltage selection Parameter to select voltage for curve monitoring 1=Highest Ph-to-E; 2=Lowest Ph-to-E; 3=Highest Ph-to-Ph; 4=Lowest Ph-to-Ph; 5=Positive Seq Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV2
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) TES LD0.LVRTPTUV2.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 LVRTPTUV2 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
LVRTPTUV2 U 27RT(2) VER LD0.LVRTPTUV2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

LVRTPTUV3: Low voltage ride through protection function

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) INP LD0.LVRTPTUV3.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3\Inputs
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) OUT LD0.LVRTPTUV3.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3\Outputs
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) OUT LD0.LVRTPTUV3.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3\Outputs
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) MON LD0.LVRTPTUV3.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B LVRTPTUV3 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.90 Voltage start value Voltage value below which function starts 0.05...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.NumPt.setVal ING INT32 SP B 3 Active coordinates Coordinates used for defining LVRT curve 1...10 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt0Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 500 Recovery time 1 1st time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt1Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1000 Recovery time 2 2nd time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 3 3rd time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt3Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 4 4th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt4Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 5 5th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt5Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 6 6th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt6Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 7 7th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt7Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 8 8th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt8Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 9 9th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt9Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 10000 Recovery time 10 10th time coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt0Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.20 Voltage level 1 1st voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt1Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.80 Voltage level 2 2nd voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt2Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 3 3rd voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt3Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 4 4th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt4Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 5 5th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt5Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 6 6th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt6Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 7 7th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt7Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 8 8th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt8Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 9 9th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.CrvPt9Ydir.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.90 Voltage level 10 10th voltage coordinate for defining LVRT curve 0.00...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3 UL1TVTR1
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.NumPh.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Num of start phases Number of faulty phases 4=Exactly 1 of 3; 5=Exactly 2 of 3; 6=Exactly 3 of 3 Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) SET LD0.LVRTPTUV3.VCrtSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B 4 Voltage selection Parameter to select voltage for curve monitoring 1=Highest Ph-to-E; 2=Lowest Ph-to-E; 3=Highest Ph-to-Ph; 4=Lowest Ph-to-Ph; 5=Positive Seq Settings\Settings\Voltage protection\LVRTPTUV3
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) TES LD0.LVRTPTUV3.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 LVRTPTUV3 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Voltage protection
LVRTPTUV3 U 27RT(3) VER LD0.LVRTPTUV3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

VVSPPAM1: Voltage vector shift protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) INP LD0.VVSPPAM1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Inputs
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) OUT LD0.VVSPPAM1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Outputs
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) OUT LD0.VVSPPAM1.BlkIntnSt.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B INT_BLKD Protection function internally blocked Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Outputs
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) MON LD0.VVSPPAM1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B VVSPPAM1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) MON LD0.VVSPPAM1.VShtPhA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B VEC_SHT_A_AB Vector shift for phase to earth voltage A or phase to phase voltage AB -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Monitored data
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) MON LD0.VVSPPAM1.VShtPhB.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B VEC_SHT_B_BC Vector shift for phase to earth voltage B or phase to phase voltage BC -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Monitored data
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) MON LD0.VVSPPAM1.VShtPhC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B VEC_SHT_C_CA Vector shift for phase to earth voltage C or phase to phase voltage CA -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Monitored data
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) MON LD0.VVSPPAM1.VShtPsSeq.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B VEC_SHT_U1 Vector shift for positive sequence voltage -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Other protection\VVSPPAM1\Monitored data
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) SET LD0.VVSPPAM1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Other protection\VVSPPAM1
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) SET LD0.VVSPPAM1.StrVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 6 Start value Start value for vector shift 2...30 deg Settings\Settings\Other protection\VVSPPAM1
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) SET LD0.VVSPPAM1.BlkValV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 0.80 Under Volt Blk value Voltage below which function will be internally blocked 0.15...1.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Other protection\VVSPPAM1 UL1TVTR1
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) SET LD0.VVSPPAM1.PhSpvn.setVal ENG Enum SP A 8 Phase supervision Monitored voltage phase 7=Ph A + B + C; 8=Pos sequence Settings\Settings\Other protection\VVSPPAM1
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) SET LD0.VVSPPAM1.MaxV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG A 1.20 Over Volt Blk value Voltage above which function will be internally blocked 0.40...1.50 xUn Settings\Settings\Other protection\VVSPPAM1 UL1TVTR1
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) TES LD0.VVSPPAM1.TestPro.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 VVSPPAM1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE; 83=Activate INT_BLKD; 84=Deactive INT_BLKD Tests\Function tests\Other protection
VVSPPAM1 VS(1) 78V(1) VER LD0.VVSPPAM1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

UEXPDIS1: Under Excitation protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) INP LD0.UEXPDIS1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Inputs
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) INP LD0.UEXPDIS1.InExLos.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 EXT_LOS_DET External signal for excitation loss detection Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Inputs
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) OUT LD0.UEXPDIS1.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Outputs
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) OUT LD0.UEXPDIS1.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Outputs
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXPDIS1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B UEXPDIS1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXPDIS1.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time (in %) 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.Z.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_A Impedance amplitude phase A 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.Z.phsA.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_A Impedance angle phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.Z.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_B Impedance amplitude phase B 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.Z.phsB.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_B Impedance angle phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.Z.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_C Impedance amplitude phase C 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.Z.phsC.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_C Impedance angle phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPP.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_AB Phase-to-phase A-B impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPP.phsAB.cVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_AB Phase-to-phase A-B impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPP.phsBC.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_BC Phase-to-phase B-C impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPP.phsBC.cVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_BC Phase-to-phase B-C impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPP.phsCA.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_CA Phase-to-phase C-A impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPP.phsCA.cVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_CA Phase-to-phase C-A impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPs.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B Z1_AMPL Positive sequence impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) MON LD0.UEXMMXU1.ZPs.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B Z1_ANGLE Positive sequence impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1\Monitored data
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.PoRch.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 200 Diameter Diameter of the Mho diagram 1...6000 %Zn Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.Ofs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -10 Offset Offset of top of the impedance circle from the R-axis -1000...1000 %Zn Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 5000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.Dsp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0 Displacement Displacement of impedance circle centre from the X-axis -1000...1000 %Zn Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.ZMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Impedance Meas mode Select voltage and currents for impedance calculation 1=1Phase-to-earth; 2=1Phase-to-phase; 3=3Phase-to-earth; 4=3Phase-to-phase; 5=Pos sequence Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.PhSelZClc.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Phase Sel for Z Clc Voltage phase selection 1=A or AB; 2=B or BC; 3=C or CA Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.ExLosEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 External Los Det Ena Enable external excitation loss detection 0=Disable; 1=Enable Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) SET LD0.UEXPDIS1.VRv.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 0 Voltage reversal Rotate voltage signals by 180 degrees 0=No; 1=Yes Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS1
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) TES LD0.UEXPDIS1.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 UEXPDIS1 Test 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Impedance protection
UEXPDIS1 X<(1) 40(1) VER LD0.UEXPDIS1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

UEXPDIS2: Under Excitation protection

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) INP LD0.UEXPDIS2.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 BLOCK Block signal for activating the blocking mode Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Inputs
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) INP LD0.UEXPDIS2.InExLos.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 EXT_LOS_DET External signal for excitation loss detection Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Inputs
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) OUT LD0.UEXPDIS2.Str.general ACD BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H START Start Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Outputs
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) OUT LD0.UEXPDIS2.Op.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H,T OPERATE Operate Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Outputs
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXPDIS2.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B UEXPDIS2 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXPDIS2.StrDur.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B START_DUR Ratio of start time / operate time (in %) 0.00...100.00 % Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.Z.phsA.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_A Impedance amplitude phase A 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.Z.phsA.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_A Impedance angle phase A -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.Z.phsB.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_B Impedance amplitude phase B 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.Z.phsB.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_B Impedance angle phase B -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.Z.phsC.cVal.mag.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_C Impedance amplitude phase C 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.Z.phsC.cVal.ang.f WYE FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_C Impedance angle phase C -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPP.phsAB.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_AB Phase-to-phase A-B impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPP.phsAB.cVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_AB Phase-to-phase A-B impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPP.phsBC.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_BC Phase-to-phase B-C impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPP.phsBC.cVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_BC Phase-to-phase B-C impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPP.phsCA.cVal.mag.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_AMPL_CA Phase-to-phase C-A impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPP.phsCA.cVal.ang.f DEL FLOAT32 MX B Z_ANGLE_CA Phase-to-phase C-A impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPs.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B Z1_AMPL Positive sequence impedance amplitude 0.00...200.00 xZn Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) MON LD0.UEXMMXU2.ZPs.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B Z1_ANGLE Positive sequence impedance phase angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2\Monitored data
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.PoRch.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 200 Diameter Diameter of the Mho diagram 1...6000 %Zn Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.Ofs.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B -10 Offset Offset of top of the impedance circle from the R-axis -1000...1000 %Zn Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.OpDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 5000 Operate delay time Operate delay time 60...200000 ms Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.RsDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 3000 Reset delay time Reset delay time 0...60000 ms Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.Dsp.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0 Displacement Displacement of impedance circle centre from the X-axis -1000...1000 %Zn Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.ZMeasMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Impedance Meas mode Select voltage and currents for impedance calculation 1=1Phase-to-earth; 2=1Phase-to-phase; 3=3Phase-to-earth; 4=3Phase-to-phase; 5=Pos sequence Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.PhSelZClc.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Phase Sel for Z Clc Voltage phase selection 1=A or AB; 2=B or BC; 3=C or CA Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.ExLosEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 External Los Det Ena Enable external excitation loss detection 0=Disable; 1=Enable Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) SET LD0.UEXPDIS2.VRv.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 0 Voltage reversal Rotate voltage signals by 180 degrees 0=No; 1=Yes Settings\Settings\Impedance protection\UEXPDIS2
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) TES LD0.UEXPDIS2.TstOutCmd.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 0 UEXPDIS2 Test 0=Reset; 1=Activate START; 2=Deactive START; 9=Activate OPERATE; 10=Deactive OPERATE Tests\Function tests\Impedance protection
UEXPDIS2 X<(2) 40(2) VER LD0.UEXPDIS2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 A (Name plate)

OLATCC1: On-load tap changer controller

IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP Channel TAP_POS (ACT input channel)
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.LTCBlk.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 LTC_BLOCK External signal for blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.VRed.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 RSV Reduce set voltage active Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf1TapPos.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 TR1_TAP_POS Integer value representing tap changer position of transformer 1 -36...36 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf2TapPos.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 TR2_TAP_POS Integer value representing tap changer position of transformer 2 -36...36 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf3TapPos.stVal INS INT32 ST B 0 TR3_TAP_POS Integer value representing tap changer position of transformer 3 -36...36 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.TapChgFllw.stVal INS INT32 ST 0 (Change follower tap position (stop, lower, higher))
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.InConSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 CON_STATUS Network connection status of the (own) transformer Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.InLTCOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 TCO Tap changer operating input Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf1A.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B 0.00 TR1_I_AMPL Received current magnitude from transformer 1 0.00...15000.00 A Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf1A.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 TR1_I_ANGL Received current angle from transformer 1 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf2A.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B 0.00 TR2_I_AMPL Received current magnitude from transformer 2 0.00...15000.00 A Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf2A.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 TR2_I_ANGL Received current angle from transformer 2 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf3A.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B 0.00 TR3_I_AMPL Received current magnitude from transformer 3 0.00...15000.00 A Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.Trf3A.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B 0.0 TR3_I_ANGL Received current angle from transformer 3 -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.TapChgR.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 RAISE_LOCAL Raise command input from configuration Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.TapChgL.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 LOWER_LOCAL Lower command input from configuration Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.InAuto.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Input auto operation)
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) INP LD0.OLATCC1.InParOp.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Input parallel operation )
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.ParOp.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H PARALLEL Parallel or single operation Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.Auto.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B StatNrml P,H AUTO Auto/Manual indication Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.TapOpErr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H ALARM Alarm status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.TapOpR.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P,T RAISE_OWN Raise command for own transformer Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.TapOpL.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatIO P,T LOWER_OWN Lower command for own transformer Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.LTCBlkAHi.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H BLKD_I_LOD Indication of over current blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.LTCBlkVLo.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H BLKD_U_UN Indication of under voltage blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.Blk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H BLKD_LTCBLK Indication of external blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.ErrPar.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H PAR_FAIL Parallel failure detected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.TapOpFllw1.stVal INS INT32 ST B FLLW1_CTL Lower/Raise command for follower transformer 1 in the Master/Follower operation mode 0...2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.TapOpFllw2.stVal INS INT32 ST B FLLW2_CTL Lower/Raise command for follower transformer 2 in the Master/Follower operation mode 0...2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.TapOpFllw3.stVal INS INT32 ST B FLLW3_CTL Lower/Raise command for follower transformer 3 in the Master/Follower operation mode 0...2 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.LTCRnbk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H RNBK_U_OV Indication of raise voltage runback Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) OUT LD0.OLATCC1.CircAHiBlk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H BLKD_I_CIR Indication of high circulating current blocking Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) CTR LD0.OLATCC1.TapChg.Oper.ctlVal BSC Tcmd CO B 0 Manual control Manual control 0=Cancel; 1=Lower; 2=Raise Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) CTR LD0.OLATCC1.ParOp.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Parallel/Independent operation)
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) CTR LD0.OLATCC1.Auto.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Automatic/Manual operation)
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) CTR LD0.OLATCC1.CntRs.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 OLATCC1 counter OLATCC1 counter reset 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.Beh.stVal ENS Enum ST B OLATCC1 Status 1=on; 2=blocked; 3=test; 4=test/blocked; 5=off Monitoring\FB status
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.OpCntRs.stVal INC INT32 ST B OPR_CNT Total number of raise and lower commands given in the manual and automatic modes 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.TapChg.valWTr.posVal BSC INT8 ST B StatUrg P,H TAP_POS Integer value representing tap changer position of own transformer -36...36 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Inputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.CtlV.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B U_CTL Control voltage, Up, target voltage level 0.000...3.000 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.CircA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B I_CIR Calculated circulating current - calculated in operation modes NRP and MCC -10.00...10.00 xIn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.LodAVec.cVal.mag.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B TR0_I_AMPL Transmitted current magnitude 0.00...15000.00 A Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.LodAVec.cVal.ang.f CMV FLOAT32 MX B TR0_I_ANGL Transmitted current angle -180.00...180.00 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Outputs
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.VMeas.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B U_MEAS Phase-to-phase voltage, average filtered 0.00...5.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data UL1TVTR1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.AngVAPhA.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B ANGL_UA_IA Measured angle value between phase A voltage and current -180...180 deg Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.CtlDlOn.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatIed P,H TIMER_STS Timer T1, T2 or fast lower timer active 0=Timer off; 1=Lower timer1 on; 2=Raise timer1 on; 3=Lower timer2 on; 4=Raise timer2 on; 5=Fast lower T on Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.CtlOpModSt.stVal ENS Enum ST B StatNrml P,H OPR_MODE_STS The acting operation mode of the function block 0=Not in use; 1=Manual; 2=Auto single; 3=Auto master; 4=Auto follower; 5=MCC; 6=NRP Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.CtlVDif.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B UD_CTL Voltage difference between Measured voltage - Control Voltage: Um - Up -2.000...2.000 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.ClcLDC.mag.f MV FLOAT32 MX B LDC Calculated line drop compensation -2.00...2.00 xUn Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.BlkSt.stVal INS INT32 ST B BLK_STATUS Bit-coded output showing the blocking status for the next operation 0...127 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.AlmReas.stVal ENS Enum ST B ALARM_REAS Status and reason for alarm 0=No alarm; 1=Cmd error; 2=TCO error; 3=Cmd + TCO err; 4=Pump error; 5=Pump + cmd err; 6=Pump + TCO err; 7=Pmp+TCO+cmd err Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.FllwFlt.stVal ENS Enum ST B FAIL_FLLW Failed followers 0=No failed followers; 1=Follower 1; 2=Follower 2; 3=Followers 1+2; 4=Follower 3; 5=Followers 1+3; 6=Followers 2+3; 7=Followers 1+2+3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.NumParUnit.stVal ENS Enum ST B PAR_UNIT_MCC Parallel units included in MCC calculation 0=No parall units; 1=Trafo 1; 2=Trafo 2; 3=Trafos 1 and 2; 4=Trafo 3; 5=Trafos 1 and 3; 6=Trafos 2 and 3; 7=Trafos 1+2+3 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) MON LD0.OLATCC1.OpTmhNum.stVal INS INT32 ST B OP_TM_NUM_H Number of controls for own tap changer during last hour 0...2147483647 Monitoring\I/O status\Control\OLATCC1\Monitored data
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation Off / On 1=on; 5=off Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.BndCtr.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 1.000 Band center voltage Band center voltage Us 0.000...2.000 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.BndWid.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 3.00 Band width voltage Allowed deviation of the control voltage 1.20...18.00 %Un Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.CtlDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 60000 Control delay time 1 Control delay time for the first control pulse 1000...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.CtlDl2Tmms.setVal ING INT32 SG B 30000 Control delay time 2 Control delay time for the following control pulses 1000...300000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LDCR.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Line drop V Ris Resistive line-drop compensation factor 0.0...25.0 % Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LDCX.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Line drop V React Reactive line-drop compensation factor 0.0...25.0 % Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.RnbkRV.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 1.25 Runback raise V Voltage limit, where fast lower commands takes place 0.80...2.40 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LimLodA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 2.00 Load current limit Load current blocking limit 0.10...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.TmDlChr.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 Delay characteristic Selection of delay characteristic 0=Inverse time; 1=Definite time Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.VRedVal.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.00 Band reduction Step size for reduce set voltage (RSV) 0.00...9.00 %Un Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.TapBlkR.setVal ING INT32 SP B 17 Raise block tap Tap changer limit position which gives highest voltage on the regulated side -36...36 Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.TapBlkL.setVal ING INT32 SP B 0 Lower block tap Tap changer limit position which gives lowest voltage on the regulated side -36...36 Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.BlkVLo.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.70 Block lower voltage Voltage limit, where further voltage lowering commands are blocked 0.10...1.20 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.ParTrfMod.setVal ENG Enum SG B 2 Auto parallel mode Parallel mode selection 2=Auto master; 3=Auto follower; 5=NRP; 7=MCC Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LodPhAng.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0 Load phase angle Load phase-shift, used only with the negative reactance principle -89...89 deg Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.StabFact.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SG B 0.0 Stability factor Stability factor in parallel operation 0.0...70.0 % Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.VCtlOpMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 5 Operation mode The operation mode 1=Manual; 2=Auto single; 3=Auto parallel; 4=Input control; 5=Command Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LTCPlsTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP B 1500 LTC pulse time Output pulse duration, common for raise and lower pulses 500...10000 ms Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.ManBlkTyp.setVal ENG Enum SP B 2 Custom Man blocking Customized manual blocking 1=Custom disabled; 2=OC; 3=UV; 4=OC, UV; 5=EXT; 6=OC, EXT; 7=UV, EXT; 8=OC, UV, EXT Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LimCircA.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.15 Cir current limit Blocking limit for high circulating current 0.10...5.00 xIn Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LimLDC.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B 0.10 LDC limit Maximum limit for line drop compensation term 0.00...2.00 xUn Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.LDCEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP B 1 LDC enable Selection for line drop compensation Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.RPFAllw.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 0 Rv Pwr flow allowed Reverse power flow allowed Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.OpTmhMax.setVal ING INT32 SP A 100 Max operations in 1h Allowed number of controls per one hour sliding window 0...10000 Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.CmdErrTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 20 Cmd error delay time Time delay before command error will be activated 10...50 s Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.FllwDlTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 6 Follower delay time Time delay between successive follower commands by a master 6...20 s Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.AlmEna.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Alarms enabled Alarm selection Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) SET LD0.OLATCC1.ParTrfNum.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 0 Parallel trafos Number of parallel transformers in addition to own transformer 0...10 Settings\Settings\Control\OLATCC1
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) TES LD0.OLATCC1.TestCtl.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B 1 OLATCC1 Test control for outputs 0=Reset; 3=Activate ALARM; 4=Deactive ALARM; 23=Activate RAISE; 24=Deactive RAISE; 27=Activate LOWER; 28=Deactive LOWER; 27=Activate PAR_FAIL; 28=Deactive PAR_FAIL Tests\Function tests\Control
OLATCC1 COLTC(1) 90V(1) VER LD0.OLATCC1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Name plate)

Control LLN0: Control general

IEC 61850-7-4:2007
IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Control LLN0 INP CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyOff.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control disable)
Control LLN0 INP CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyLoc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control local)
Control LLN0 INP CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyRem.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control remote)
Control LLN0 INP CTRL.LLN0.LocKeySta.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control station)
Control LLN0 INP CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyAll.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control all)
Control LLN0 OUT CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyOff.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control disable)
Control LLN0 OUT CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyLoc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control local)
Control LLN0 OUT CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyRem.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control remote)
Control LLN0 OUT CTRL.LLN0.LocKeySta.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control station)
Control LLN0 OUT CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyAll.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (Control all)
Control LLN0 CTR CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST OW,ER,AW StatUrg P,H (Local / Remote)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocKey.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.origin.orCat SPC Enum CO (Station operation) 0=not-supported1=bay-control2=station-control3=remote-control4=automatic-bay5=automatic-station6=automatic-remote7=maintenance8=process
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.origin.orIdent SPC Octet64 CO (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.ctlNum SPC INT8U CO (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.Test SPC BOOLEAN CO (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.Oper.Check SPC Bstring2 CO (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Station operation)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocSta.ctlModel SPC Enum CF (Station operation) 0=status-only1=direct-with-normal-security
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.MltLev.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP (Multiple levels)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.CmdBlk.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Commands blocked)
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.CmdBlk.ctlModel SPC Enum CF (Commands blocked) 0=status-only
Control LLN0 MON Enum B Command response Latest command response 0=No commands; 1=Select open; 2=Select close; 3=Operate open; 4=Operate close; 5=Direct open; 6=Direct close; 7=Cancel; 8=Position reached; 9=Position timeout; 10=Object status only; 11=Object direct; 12=Object select; 13=RL local allowed; 14=RL remote allowed; 15=RL off; 16=Function off; 17=Function blocked; 18=Command progress; 19=Select timeout; 20=Missing authority; 21=Close not enabled; 22=Open not enabled; 23=Internal fault; 24=Already close; 25=Wrong client; 26=RL station allowed; 27=RL change; 28=Abortion by trip Monitoring\Control command
Control LLN0 MON CTRL.LLN0.LocKeyHMI.stVal ENS Enum ST B,OW,ER,AW StatUrg P,H LR state LR state monitoring 0=Off; 1=Local; 2=Remote; 3=Station; 4=L+R; 5=L+S; 6=L+S+R; 7=S+R Monitoring\Control command
Control LLN0 CFG CTRL.LLN0.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO A,I 1 Control mode Enabling and disabling control 1=On; 2=Blocked; 5=Off Configuration\Control\General
Control LLN0 CFG CTRL.LLN0.LocRemMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 LR control LR control through LR key or binary input 1=LR key; 2=Binary input Configuration\Control\General
Control LLN0 CFG CTRL.LLN0.StaLevSet.setVal ENG Enum SP B 1 Station authority Control command originator category usage 1=L,R; 2=L,S,R; 3=L,R,L+R; 4=L,S,S+R,L+S,L+S+R Configuration\Control\General
Control LLN0 VER CTRL.LLN0.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC D (Control)
Control LLN0 VER CTRL.LLN0.NamPlt.ldNs LPL VisString255 (20) EX IEC 61850-7-4:2003 (Control)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP CTRL.CBCILO1.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP CTRL.CBCILO1.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP CTRL.CBCSWI1.InSynOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 SYNC_OK Synchronism-check OK Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP CTRL.CBCSWI1.SynItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H SYNC_ITL_BYP Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP CTRL.CBXCBR1.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP CTRL.CBXCBR1.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 TRIP Trip signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Auxiliary open Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Auxiliary close Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Inputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI1.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT BOOLEAN B OP_REQ Open request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) OUT BOOLEAN B CL_REQ Close request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Outputs
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) MON CTRL.CBCSWI1.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) MON CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR1\Monitored data
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 200 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B CBXCBR1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC CBXCBR1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 500 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...10000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI1.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR1.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR1.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR1.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\CBXCBR1
CBXCBR1 I<->O CB(1) I<->O CB(1) VER CTRL.CBCILO1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP CTRL.CBCILO2.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP CTRL.CBCILO2.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP CTRL.CBCSWI2.InSynOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 SYNC_OK Synchronism-check OK Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP CTRL.CBCSWI2.SynItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H SYNC_ITL_BYP Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP CTRL.CBXCBR2.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP CTRL.CBXCBR2.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 TRIP Trip signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Auxiliary open Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Auxiliary close Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Inputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI2.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT BOOLEAN B OP_REQ Open request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) OUT BOOLEAN B CL_REQ Close request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Outputs
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI2.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) MON CTRL.CBCSWI2.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) MON CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR2\Monitored data
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 200 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B CBXCBR2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC CBXCBR2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 500 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...10000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI2.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR2.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR2.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR2.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\CBXCBR2
CBXCBR2 I<->O CB(2) I<->O CB(2) VER CTRL.CBCILO2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP CTRL.CBCILO3.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP CTRL.CBCILO3.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP CTRL.CBCSWI3.InSynOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 SYNC_OK Synchronism-check OK Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP CTRL.CBCSWI3.SynItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H SYNC_ITL_BYP Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP CTRL.CBXCBR3.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP CTRL.CBXCBR3.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 TRIP Trip signal Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Auxiliary open Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Auxiliary close Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Inputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI3.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI3.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI3.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI3.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT CTRL.CBCSWI3.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT BOOLEAN B OP_REQ Open request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) OUT BOOLEAN B CL_REQ Close request Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI3.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CTR CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) MON CTRL.CBCSWI3.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) MON CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Monitored data
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) MON CTRL.CBCSWI3.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) MON CTRL.CBCSWI3.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\CBXCBR3\Outputs
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 200 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B CBXCBR3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC CBXCBR3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 500 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 200 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...10000 ms Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBCSWI3.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR3.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR3.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) CFG CTRL.CBXCBR3.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\CBXCBR3
CBXCBR3 I<->O CB(3) I<->O CB(3) VER CTRL.CBCILO3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 D (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP CTRL.DCCILO1.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP CTRL.DCCILO1.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP CTRL.DCCILO1.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP CTRL.DCXSWI1.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP CTRL.DCXSWI1.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Inputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI1.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Outputs
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) MON CTRL.DCCSWI1.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) MON CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI1\Monitored data
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI1.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI1.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI1.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI1.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCXSWI1
DCXSWI1 I<->O DCC(1) I<->O DCC(1) VER CTRL.DCCILO1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP CTRL.DCCILO2.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP CTRL.DCCILO2.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP CTRL.DCCILO2.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP CTRL.DCXSWI2.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP CTRL.DCXSWI2.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Inputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI2.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Outputs
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI2.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) MON CTRL.DCCSWI2.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) MON CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI2\Monitored data
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI2.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI2.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI2.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI2.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCXSWI2
DCXSWI2 I<->O DCC(2) I<->O DCC(2) VER CTRL.DCCILO2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP CTRL.DCCILO3.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP CTRL.DCCILO3.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP CTRL.DCCILO3.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP CTRL.DCXSWI3.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP CTRL.DCXSWI3.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Inputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI3.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Outputs
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI3.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) MON CTRL.DCCSWI3.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) MON CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI3\Monitored data
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI3.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI3.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI3.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI3.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCXSWI3
DCXSWI3 I<->O DCC(3) I<->O DCC(3) VER CTRL.DCCILO3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP CTRL.DCCILO4.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP CTRL.DCCILO4.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP CTRL.DCCILO4.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP CTRL.DCXSWI4.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP CTRL.DCXSWI4.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Inputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) OUT CTRL.DCCSWI4.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Outputs
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI4.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CTR CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) MON CTRL.DCCSWI4.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) MON CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCXSWI4\Monitored data
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCXSWI4 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCXSWI4 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCCSWI4.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI4.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI4.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) CFG CTRL.DCXSWI4.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCXSWI4
DCXSWI4 I<->O DCC(4) I<->O DCC(4) VER CTRL.DCCILO4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI1\Inputs
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI1\Inputs
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI1\Outputs
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI1\Outputs
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI1.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI1\Outputs
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) MON CTRL.DCSCSWI1.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI1\Monitored data
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI1.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI1
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI1.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI1
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI1.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI1
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI1.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCSXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI1
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI1.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCSXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI1
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI1.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI1
DCSXSWI1 I<->O DC(1) I<->O DC(1) VER CTRL.DCSXSWI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI2\Inputs
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI2\Inputs
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI2.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI2\Outputs
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI2.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI2\Outputs
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI2.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI2\Outputs
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) MON CTRL.DCSCSWI2.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI2\Monitored data
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI2.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI2
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI2.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI2
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI2.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI2
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI2.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCSXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI2
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI2.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCSXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI2
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI2.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI2
DCSXSWI2 I<->O DC(2) I<->O DC(2) VER CTRL.DCSXSWI2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI3\Inputs
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI3\Inputs
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI3.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI3\Outputs
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI3.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI3\Outputs
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI3.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI3\Outputs
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) MON CTRL.DCSCSWI3.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI3\Monitored data
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI3.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI3
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI3.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI3
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI3.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI3
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI3.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCSXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI3
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI3.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCSXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI3
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI3.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI3
DCSXSWI3 I<->O DC(3) I<->O DC(3) VER CTRL.DCSXSWI3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI4\Inputs
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI4\Inputs
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI4.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI4\Outputs
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI4.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI4\Outputs
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) OUT CTRL.DCSCSWI4.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI4\Outputs
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) MON CTRL.DCSCSWI4.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\DCSXSWI4\Monitored data
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI4.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI4
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI4.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI4
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) CFG CTRL.DCSXSWI4.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI4
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI4.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B DCSXSWI4 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI4
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI4.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC DCSXSWI4 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI4
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) CFG CTRL.DCSCSWI4.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\DCSXSWI4
DCSXSWI4 I<->O DC(4) I<->O DC(4) VER CTRL.DCSXSWI4.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP CTRL.ESCILO1.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP CTRL.ESCILO1.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP CTRL.ESCILO1.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP CTRL.ESXSWI1.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP CTRL.ESXSWI1.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Inputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI1.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Outputs
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) MON CTRL.ESCSWI1.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) MON CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI1\Monitored data
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 4 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B ESXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC ESXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI1.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI1.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI1.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI1.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\ESXSWI1
ESXSWI1 I<->O ESC(1) I<->O ESC(1) VER CTRL.ESCILO1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP CTRL.ESCILO2.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP CTRL.ESCILO2.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP CTRL.ESCILO2.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP CTRL.ESXSWI2.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP CTRL.ESXSWI2.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Inputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI2.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Outputs
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI2.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) MON CTRL.ESCSWI2.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) MON CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI2\Monitored data
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 0 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B ESXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC ESXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI2.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI2.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI2.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI2.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\ESXSWI2
ESXSWI2 I<->O ESC(2) I<->O ESC(2) VER CTRL.ESCILO2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP CTRL.ESCILO3.EnaOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_OPEN Enables opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP CTRL.ESCILO3.EnaCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 1 StatUrg P,H ENA_CLOSE Enables closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP CTRL.ESCILO3.ItlByps.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H ITL_BYPASS Discards ENA_OPEN and ENA_CLOSE interlocking when TRUE Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP CTRL.ESXSWI3.BlkOpn.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_OPEN Blocks opening Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP CTRL.ESXSWI3.BlkCls.stVal SPC BOOLEAN ST B 0 StatUrg P,H BLK_CLOSE Blocks closing Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_OPEN Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 AU_CLOSE Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Apparatus close position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Inputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.stSeld DPC BOOLEAN ST B StatUrg P,H SELECTED Object selected Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.OpOpn.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_OP Executes the command for open direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.OpCls.general ACT BOOLEAN ST B EXE_CL Executes the command for close direction Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.OpnEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPEN_ENAD Opening is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) OUT CTRL.ESCSWI3.ClsEna.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSE_ENAD Closing is enabled based on the input status Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Outputs
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI3.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.SBOw.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.Oper.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CTR CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.Cancel.ctlVal DPC BOOLEAN CO (Switch, general)
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) MON CTRL.ESCSWI3.Loc.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatUrg P,H (Local operation)
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) MON CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESXSWI3\Monitored data
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Operation mode on/off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.OpCntRs.Oper.ctlVal INC INT32 CO A 0 Operation counter Breaker operation cycles 0...10000 Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.pulseConfig.onDur DPC INT32U CF B,I 100 Pulse length Open and close pulse length 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.ctlModel DPC Enum CF B,I 0 Control model Select control model 0=status-only; 1=direct-with-normal-security; 4=sbo-with-enhanced-security Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.sboTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Select timeout Select timeout in ms 10000...300000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B ESXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC ESXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.Pos.operTimeout DPC INT32U CF B,I 30000 Operation timeout Timeout for negative termination 10...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 10000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESCSWI3.AdpPls.setVal SPG BOOLEAN SP A 1 Adaptive pulse Stop in right position Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI3.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI3.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) CFG CTRL.ESXSWI3.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\ESXSWI3
ESXSWI3 I<->O ESC(3) I<->O ESC(3) VER CTRL.ESCILO3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI1\Inputs
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI1\Inputs
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI1.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI1\Outputs
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI1.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI1\Outputs
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI1.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI1\Outputs
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) MON CTRL.ESSCSWI1.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI1\Monitored data
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI1.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI1
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI1.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI1
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI1.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI1
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI1.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B ESSXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI1
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI1.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC ESSXSWI1 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI1
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI1.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI1
ESSXSWI1 I<->O ES(1) I<->O ES(1) VER CTRL.ESSXSWI1.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI2\Inputs
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI2\Inputs
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI2.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI2\Outputs
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI2.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI2\Outputs
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI2.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI2\Outputs
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) MON CTRL.ESSCSWI2.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI2\Monitored data
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI2.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI2
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI2.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI2
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI2.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI2
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI2.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B ESSXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI2
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI2.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC ESSXSWI2 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI2
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI2.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI2
ESSXSWI2 I<->O ES(2) I<->O ES(2) VER CTRL.ESSXSWI2.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)


IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSOPEN Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI3\Inputs
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) INP BOOLEAN B 0 POSCLOSE Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI3\Inputs
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI3.PosOpn.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OPENPOS Apparatus open position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI3\Outputs
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI3.PosCls.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B CLOSEPOS Apparatus closed position Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI3\Outputs
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) OUT CTRL.ESSCSWI3.PosOk.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST B OKPOS Apparatus position is ok Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI3\Outputs
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) MON CTRL.ESSCSWI3.Pos.stVal DPC Dbpos ST B StatUrg P,H POSITION Apparatus position indication 0=intermediate; 1=open; 2=closed; 3=faulty Monitoring\I/O status\Control\ESSXSWI3\Monitored data
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI3.EEName.vendor DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Vendor External equipment vendor Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI3
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI3.EEName.serNum DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Serial number External equipment serial number Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI3
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) CFG CTRL.ESSXSWI3.EEName.model DPL VisString255 (20) DC A 0 Model External equipment model Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI3
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI3.Pos.dU DPC Unicode255 DC ED2,B ESSXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI3
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI3.Pos.d DPC VisString255 (64) DC ESSXSWI3 switch position Identification Control Object identification Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI3
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) CFG CTRL.ESSCSWI3.PosDlTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 30000 Event delay Event delay of the intermediate position 0...60000 ms Configuration\Control\ESSXSWI3
ESSXSWI3 I<->O ES(3) I<->O ES(3) VER CTRL.ESSXSWI3.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC ED1 C (Name plate)

DR LLN0: Disturbance recorder

IEC 61850-7-4:2007
IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Binary ch 1 INP DR.RBDR1.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 2 INP DR.RBDR2.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 3 INP DR.RBDR3.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 4 INP DR.RBDR4.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 5 INP DR.RBDR5.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 6 INP DR.RBDR6.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 7 INP DR.RBDR7.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 8 INP DR.RBDR8.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 9 INP DR.RBDR9.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 10 INP DR.RBDR10.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 11 INP DR.RBDR11.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 12 INP DR.RBDR12.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 13 INP DR.RBDR13.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 14 INP DR.RBDR14.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 15 INP DR.RBDR15.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 16 INP DR.RBDR16.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 17 INP DR.RBDR17.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 18 INP DR.RBDR18.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 19 INP DR.RBDR19.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 20 INP DR.RBDR20.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 21 INP DR.RBDR21.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 22 INP DR.RBDR22.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 23 INP DR.RBDR23.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 24 INP DR.RBDR24.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 25 INP DR.RBDR25.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 26 INP DR.RBDR26.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 27 INP DR.RBDR27.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 28 INP DR.RBDR28.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 29 INP DR.RBDR29.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 30 INP DR.RBDR30.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 31 INP DR.RBDR31.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 32 INP DR.RBDR32.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 33 INP DR.RBDR33.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 34 INP DR.RBDR34.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 35 INP DR.RBDR35.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 36 INP DR.RBDR36.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 37 INP DR.RBDR37.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 38 INP DR.RBDR38.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 39 INP DR.RBDR39.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 40 INP DR.RBDR40.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 41 INP DR.RBDR41.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 42 INP DR.RBDR42.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 43 INP DR.RBDR43.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 44 INP DR.RBDR44.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 45 INP DR.RBDR45.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 46 INP DR.RBDR46.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 47 INP DR.RBDR47.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 48 INP DR.RBDR48.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 49 INP DR.RBDR49.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 50 INP DR.RBDR50.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 51 INP DR.RBDR51.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 52 INP DR.RBDR52.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 53 INP DR.RBDR53.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 54 INP DR.RBDR54.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 55 INP DR.RBDR55.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 56 INP DR.RBDR56.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 57 INP DR.RBDR57.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 58 INP DR.RBDR58.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 59 INP DR.RBDR59.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 60 INP DR.RBDR60.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 61 INP DR.RBDR61.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 62 INP DR.RBDR62.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 63 INP DR.RBDR63.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Binary ch 64 INP DR.RBDR64.BinInSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST 0 (input)
Disturbance recorder OUT DR.RDRE1.RcdStr.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Recording started)
Disturbance recorder CTR DR.RDRE1.RcdTrg.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Trig recording Manual trigger for the disturbance recorder 0=Cancel; 1=Trig Disturbance records\Disturbance records
Disturbance recorder CTR DR.RDRE1.MemClr.Oper.ctlVal SPC BOOLEAN CO B 0 Disturbance records Clear all disturbance recordings in the memory 0=Cancel; 1=Clear Clear\Clear
Disturbance recorder MON DR.RDRE1.RcdMade.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Recording made)
Disturbance recorder MON DR.RDRE1.RcdDltInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Recording deleted)
Disturbance recorder MON DR.RDRE1.MemFullSt.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Memory full)
Disturbance recorder MON DR.RDRE1.OvWrRcdInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Overwrite of rec.)
Disturbance recorder MON DR.RDRE1.PerTrgInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Periodic triggering)
Disturbance recorder MON DR.RDRE1.ManTrgInd.stVal SPS BOOLEAN ST StatDR P (Manual triggering)
DR LLN0 CFG DR.LLN0.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Disturbance recorder on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.PerTrgTms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Periodic trig time Time between periodic triggerings in seconds 0...604800 s Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.ExclTmms.setVal ING INT32 SP A 0 Exclusion time Time how long triggerings for the same reason are ignored in milliseconds 0...1000000 ms Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.RcdMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A 2 Operation mode Saturation / overwrite 1=Overwrite; 2=Saturation Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.PreTrgLen.setVal ING INT32 SP B 50 Pre-trg length Length of recording preceding the triggering in percent 0...100 % Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.RcdLen.setVal ING INT32 SP B,I 50 Record length Record length in fundamental cycles 10...500 cycles Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.StoRteSel.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 32 Storage rate Storage rate for waveform recordings in samples per cycle 8=8 samples / cycle; 16=16 samples / cycle; 32=32 samples / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.StoModPer.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Stor. mode periodic Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) for periodic trigger 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Disturbance recorder CFG DR.RDRE1.StoModMan.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Stor. mode manual Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) for manual trigger 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\General
Binary ch 1 CFG DR.RBDR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 1
Binary ch 1 CFG DR.RBDR1.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 1
Binary ch 1 CFG DR.RBDR1.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 1
Binary ch 1 CFG DR.RBDR1.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 1 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 1
Binary ch 2 CFG DR.RBDR2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 2
Binary ch 2 CFG DR.RBDR2.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 2
Binary ch 2 CFG DR.RBDR2.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 2
Binary ch 2 CFG DR.RBDR2.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 2 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 2
Binary ch 3 CFG DR.RBDR3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 3
Binary ch 3 CFG DR.RBDR3.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 3
Binary ch 3 CFG DR.RBDR3.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 3
Binary ch 3 CFG DR.RBDR3.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 3 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 3
Binary ch 4 CFG DR.RBDR4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 4
Binary ch 4 CFG DR.RBDR4.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 4
Binary ch 4 CFG DR.RBDR4.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 4
Binary ch 4 CFG DR.RBDR4.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 4 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 4
Binary ch 5 CFG DR.RBDR5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 5
Binary ch 5 CFG DR.RBDR5.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 5
Binary ch 5 CFG DR.RBDR5.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 5
Binary ch 5 CFG DR.RBDR5.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 5 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 5
Binary ch 6 CFG DR.RBDR6.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 6
Binary ch 6 CFG DR.RBDR6.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 6
Binary ch 6 CFG DR.RBDR6.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 6
Binary ch 6 CFG DR.RBDR6.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 6 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 6
Binary ch 7 CFG DR.RBDR7.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 7
Binary ch 7 CFG DR.RBDR7.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 7
Binary ch 7 CFG DR.RBDR7.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 7
Binary ch 7 CFG DR.RBDR7.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 7 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 7
Binary ch 8 CFG DR.RBDR8.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 8
Binary ch 8 CFG DR.RBDR8.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 8
Binary ch 8 CFG DR.RBDR8.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 8
Binary ch 8 CFG DR.RBDR8.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 8 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 8
Binary ch 9 CFG DR.RBDR9.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 9
Binary ch 9 CFG DR.RBDR9.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 9
Binary ch 9 CFG DR.RBDR9.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 9
Binary ch 9 CFG DR.RBDR9.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 9 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 9
Binary ch 10 CFG DR.RBDR10.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 10
Binary ch 10 CFG DR.RBDR10.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 10
Binary ch 10 CFG DR.RBDR10.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 10
Binary ch 10 CFG DR.RBDR10.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 10 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 10
Binary ch 11 CFG DR.RBDR11.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 11
Binary ch 11 CFG DR.RBDR11.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 11
Binary ch 11 CFG DR.RBDR11.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 11
Binary ch 11 CFG DR.RBDR11.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 11 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 11
Binary ch 12 CFG DR.RBDR12.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 12
Binary ch 12 CFG DR.RBDR12.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 12
Binary ch 12 CFG DR.RBDR12.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 12
Binary ch 12 CFG DR.RBDR12.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 12 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 12
Binary ch 13 CFG DR.RBDR13.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 13
Binary ch 13 CFG DR.RBDR13.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 13
Binary ch 13 CFG DR.RBDR13.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 13
Binary ch 13 CFG DR.RBDR13.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 13 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 13
Binary ch 14 CFG DR.RBDR14.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 14
Binary ch 14 CFG DR.RBDR14.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 14
Binary ch 14 CFG DR.RBDR14.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 14
Binary ch 14 CFG DR.RBDR14.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 14 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 14
Binary ch 15 CFG DR.RBDR15.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 15
Binary ch 15 CFG DR.RBDR15.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 15
Binary ch 15 CFG DR.RBDR15.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 15
Binary ch 15 CFG DR.RBDR15.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 15 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 15
Binary ch 16 CFG DR.RBDR16.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 16
Binary ch 16 CFG DR.RBDR16.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 16
Binary ch 16 CFG DR.RBDR16.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 16
Binary ch 16 CFG DR.RBDR16.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 16 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 16
Binary ch 17 CFG DR.RBDR17.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 17
Binary ch 17 CFG DR.RBDR17.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 17
Binary ch 17 CFG DR.RBDR17.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 17
Binary ch 17 CFG DR.RBDR17.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 17 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 17
Binary ch 18 CFG DR.RBDR18.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 18
Binary ch 18 CFG DR.RBDR18.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 18
Binary ch 18 CFG DR.RBDR18.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 18
Binary ch 18 CFG DR.RBDR18.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 18 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 18
Binary ch 19 CFG DR.RBDR19.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 19
Binary ch 19 CFG DR.RBDR19.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 19
Binary ch 19 CFG DR.RBDR19.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 19
Binary ch 19 CFG DR.RBDR19.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 19 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 19
Binary ch 20 CFG DR.RBDR20.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 20
Binary ch 20 CFG DR.RBDR20.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 20
Binary ch 20 CFG DR.RBDR20.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 20
Binary ch 20 CFG DR.RBDR20.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 20 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 20
Binary ch 21 CFG DR.RBDR21.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 21
Binary ch 21 CFG DR.RBDR21.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 21
Binary ch 21 CFG DR.RBDR21.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 21
Binary ch 21 CFG DR.RBDR21.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 21 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 21
Binary ch 22 CFG DR.RBDR22.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 22
Binary ch 22 CFG DR.RBDR22.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 22
Binary ch 22 CFG DR.RBDR22.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 22
Binary ch 22 CFG DR.RBDR22.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 22 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 22
Binary ch 23 CFG DR.RBDR23.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 23
Binary ch 23 CFG DR.RBDR23.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 23
Binary ch 23 CFG DR.RBDR23.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 23
Binary ch 23 CFG DR.RBDR23.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 23 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 23
Binary ch 24 CFG DR.RBDR24.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 24
Binary ch 24 CFG DR.RBDR24.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 24
Binary ch 24 CFG DR.RBDR24.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 24
Binary ch 24 CFG DR.RBDR24.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 24 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 24
Binary ch 25 CFG DR.RBDR25.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 25
Binary ch 25 CFG DR.RBDR25.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 25
Binary ch 25 CFG DR.RBDR25.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 25
Binary ch 25 CFG DR.RBDR25.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 25 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 25
Binary ch 26 CFG DR.RBDR26.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 26
Binary ch 26 CFG DR.RBDR26.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 26
Binary ch 26 CFG DR.RBDR26.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 26
Binary ch 26 CFG DR.RBDR26.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 26 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 26
Binary ch 27 CFG DR.RBDR27.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 27
Binary ch 27 CFG DR.RBDR27.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 27
Binary ch 27 CFG DR.RBDR27.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 27
Binary ch 27 CFG DR.RBDR27.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 27 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 27
Binary ch 28 CFG DR.RBDR28.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 28
Binary ch 28 CFG DR.RBDR28.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 28
Binary ch 28 CFG DR.RBDR28.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 28
Binary ch 28 CFG DR.RBDR28.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 28 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 28
Binary ch 29 CFG DR.RBDR29.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 29
Binary ch 29 CFG DR.RBDR29.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 29
Binary ch 29 CFG DR.RBDR29.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 29
Binary ch 29 CFG DR.RBDR29.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 29 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 29
Binary ch 30 CFG DR.RBDR30.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 30
Binary ch 30 CFG DR.RBDR30.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 30
Binary ch 30 CFG DR.RBDR30.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 30
Binary ch 30 CFG DR.RBDR30.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 30 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 30
Binary ch 31 CFG DR.RBDR31.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 31
Binary ch 31 CFG DR.RBDR31.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 31
Binary ch 31 CFG DR.RBDR31.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 31
Binary ch 31 CFG DR.RBDR31.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 31 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 31
Binary ch 32 CFG DR.RBDR32.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 32
Binary ch 32 CFG DR.RBDR32.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 32
Binary ch 32 CFG DR.RBDR32.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 32
Binary ch 32 CFG DR.RBDR32.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 32 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 32
Binary ch 33 CFG DR.RBDR33.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 33
Binary ch 33 CFG DR.RBDR33.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 33
Binary ch 33 CFG DR.RBDR33.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 33
Binary ch 33 CFG DR.RBDR33.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 33 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 33
Binary ch 34 CFG DR.RBDR34.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 34
Binary ch 34 CFG DR.RBDR34.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 34
Binary ch 34 CFG DR.RBDR34.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 34
Binary ch 34 CFG DR.RBDR34.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 34 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 34
Binary ch 35 CFG DR.RBDR35.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 35
Binary ch 35 CFG DR.RBDR35.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 35
Binary ch 35 CFG DR.RBDR35.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 35
Binary ch 35 CFG DR.RBDR35.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 35 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 35
Binary ch 36 CFG DR.RBDR36.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 36
Binary ch 36 CFG DR.RBDR36.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 36
Binary ch 36 CFG DR.RBDR36.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 36
Binary ch 36 CFG DR.RBDR36.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 36 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 36
Binary ch 37 CFG DR.RBDR37.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 37
Binary ch 37 CFG DR.RBDR37.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 37
Binary ch 37 CFG DR.RBDR37.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 37
Binary ch 37 CFG DR.RBDR37.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 37 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 37
Binary ch 38 CFG DR.RBDR38.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 38
Binary ch 38 CFG DR.RBDR38.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 38
Binary ch 38 CFG DR.RBDR38.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 38
Binary ch 38 CFG DR.RBDR38.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 38 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 38
Binary ch 39 CFG DR.RBDR39.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 39
Binary ch 39 CFG DR.RBDR39.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 39
Binary ch 39 CFG DR.RBDR39.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 39
Binary ch 39 CFG DR.RBDR39.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 39 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 39
Binary ch 40 CFG DR.RBDR40.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 40
Binary ch 40 CFG DR.RBDR40.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 40
Binary ch 40 CFG DR.RBDR40.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 40
Binary ch 40 CFG DR.RBDR40.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 40 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 40
Binary ch 41 CFG DR.RBDR41.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 41
Binary ch 41 CFG DR.RBDR41.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 41
Binary ch 41 CFG DR.RBDR41.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 41
Binary ch 41 CFG DR.RBDR41.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 41 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 41
Binary ch 42 CFG DR.RBDR42.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 42
Binary ch 42 CFG DR.RBDR42.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 42
Binary ch 42 CFG DR.RBDR42.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 42
Binary ch 42 CFG DR.RBDR42.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 42 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 42
Binary ch 43 CFG DR.RBDR43.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 43
Binary ch 43 CFG DR.RBDR43.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 43
Binary ch 43 CFG DR.RBDR43.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 43
Binary ch 43 CFG DR.RBDR43.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 43 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 43
Binary ch 44 CFG DR.RBDR44.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 44
Binary ch 44 CFG DR.RBDR44.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 44
Binary ch 44 CFG DR.RBDR44.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 44
Binary ch 44 CFG DR.RBDR44.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 44 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 44
Binary ch 45 CFG DR.RBDR45.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 45
Binary ch 45 CFG DR.RBDR45.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 45
Binary ch 45 CFG DR.RBDR45.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 45
Binary ch 45 CFG DR.RBDR45.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 45 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 45
Binary ch 46 CFG DR.RBDR46.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 46
Binary ch 46 CFG DR.RBDR46.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 46
Binary ch 46 CFG DR.RBDR46.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 46
Binary ch 46 CFG DR.RBDR46.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 46 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 46
Binary ch 47 CFG DR.RBDR47.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 47
Binary ch 47 CFG DR.RBDR47.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 47
Binary ch 47 CFG DR.RBDR47.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 47
Binary ch 47 CFG DR.RBDR47.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 47 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 47
Binary ch 48 CFG DR.RBDR48.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 48
Binary ch 48 CFG DR.RBDR48.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 48
Binary ch 48 CFG DR.RBDR48.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 48
Binary ch 48 CFG DR.RBDR48.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 48 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 48
Binary ch 49 CFG DR.RBDR49.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 49
Binary ch 49 CFG DR.RBDR49.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 49
Binary ch 49 CFG DR.RBDR49.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 49
Binary ch 49 CFG DR.RBDR49.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 49 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 49
Binary ch 50 CFG DR.RBDR50.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 50
Binary ch 50 CFG DR.RBDR50.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 50
Binary ch 50 CFG DR.RBDR50.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 50
Binary ch 50 CFG DR.RBDR50.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 50 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 50
Binary ch 51 CFG DR.RBDR51.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 51
Binary ch 51 CFG DR.RBDR51.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 51
Binary ch 51 CFG DR.RBDR51.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 51
Binary ch 51 CFG DR.RBDR51.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 51 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 51
Binary ch 52 CFG DR.RBDR52.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 52
Binary ch 52 CFG DR.RBDR52.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 52
Binary ch 52 CFG DR.RBDR52.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 52
Binary ch 52 CFG DR.RBDR52.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 52 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 52
Binary ch 53 CFG DR.RBDR53.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 53
Binary ch 53 CFG DR.RBDR53.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 53
Binary ch 53 CFG DR.RBDR53.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 53
Binary ch 53 CFG DR.RBDR53.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 53 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 53
Binary ch 54 CFG DR.RBDR54.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 54
Binary ch 54 CFG DR.RBDR54.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 54
Binary ch 54 CFG DR.RBDR54.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 54
Binary ch 54 CFG DR.RBDR54.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 54 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 54
Binary ch 55 CFG DR.RBDR55.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 55
Binary ch 55 CFG DR.RBDR55.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 55
Binary ch 55 CFG DR.RBDR55.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 55
Binary ch 55 CFG DR.RBDR55.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 55 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 55
Binary ch 56 CFG DR.RBDR56.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 56
Binary ch 56 CFG DR.RBDR56.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 56
Binary ch 56 CFG DR.RBDR56.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 56
Binary ch 56 CFG DR.RBDR56.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 56 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 56
Binary ch 57 CFG DR.RBDR57.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 57
Binary ch 57 CFG DR.RBDR57.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 57
Binary ch 57 CFG DR.RBDR57.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 57
Binary ch 57 CFG DR.RBDR57.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 57 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 57
Binary ch 58 CFG DR.RBDR58.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 58
Binary ch 58 CFG DR.RBDR58.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 58
Binary ch 58 CFG DR.RBDR58.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 58
Binary ch 58 CFG DR.RBDR58.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 58 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 58
Binary ch 59 CFG DR.RBDR59.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 59
Binary ch 59 CFG DR.RBDR59.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 59
Binary ch 59 CFG DR.RBDR59.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 59
Binary ch 59 CFG DR.RBDR59.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 59 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 59
Binary ch 60 CFG DR.RBDR60.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 60
Binary ch 60 CFG DR.RBDR60.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 60
Binary ch 60 CFG DR.RBDR60.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 60
Binary ch 60 CFG DR.RBDR60.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 60 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 60
Binary ch 61 CFG DR.RBDR61.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 61
Binary ch 61 CFG DR.RBDR61.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 61
Binary ch 61 CFG DR.RBDR61.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 61
Binary ch 61 CFG DR.RBDR61.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 61 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 61
Binary ch 62 CFG DR.RBDR62.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 62
Binary ch 62 CFG DR.RBDR62.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 62
Binary ch 62 CFG DR.RBDR62.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 62
Binary ch 62 CFG DR.RBDR62.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 62 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 62
Binary ch 63 CFG DR.RBDR63.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 63
Binary ch 63 CFG DR.RBDR63.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 63
Binary ch 63 CFG DR.RBDR63.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 63
Binary ch 63 CFG DR.RBDR63.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 63 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 63
Binary ch 64 CFG DR.RBDR64.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 5 Operation Binary channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 64
Binary ch 64 CFG DR.RBDR64.LevMod.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 1 Level trigger mode rising / falling / both / trigger off 1=Positive or Rising; 2=Negative or Falling; 3=Both; 4=Level trigger off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 64
Binary ch 64 CFG DR.RBDR64.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 64
Binary ch 64 CFG DR.RBDR64.BinInSt.d SPS VisString255 (64) DC A Binary ch 64 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Binary channel 64
Analog ch 1 CFG DR.RADR1.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 1
Analog ch 1 CFG DR.RADR1.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 1
Analog ch 1 CFG DR.RADR1.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 1
Analog ch 1 CFG DR.RADR1.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 1
Analog ch 1 CFG DR.RADR1.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 1 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 1
Analog ch 1 CFG DR.RADR1.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 1
Analog ch 2 CFG DR.RADR2.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 2
Analog ch 2 CFG DR.RADR2.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 2
Analog ch 2 CFG DR.RADR2.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 2
Analog ch 2 CFG DR.RADR2.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 2
Analog ch 2 CFG DR.RADR2.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 2 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 2
Analog ch 2 CFG DR.RADR2.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 2
Analog ch 3 CFG DR.RADR3.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 3
Analog ch 3 CFG DR.RADR3.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 3
Analog ch 3 CFG DR.RADR3.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 3
Analog ch 3 CFG DR.RADR3.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 3
Analog ch 3 CFG DR.RADR3.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 3 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 3
Analog ch 3 CFG DR.RADR3.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 3
Analog ch 4 CFG DR.RADR4.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 4
Analog ch 4 CFG DR.RADR4.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 4
Analog ch 4 CFG DR.RADR4.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 4
Analog ch 4 CFG DR.RADR4.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 4
Analog ch 4 CFG DR.RADR4.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 4 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 4
Analog ch 4 CFG DR.RADR4.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 4
Analog ch 5 CFG DR.RADR5.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 5
Analog ch 5 CFG DR.RADR5.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 5
Analog ch 5 CFG DR.RADR5.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 5
Analog ch 5 CFG DR.RADR5.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 5
Analog ch 5 CFG DR.RADR5.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 5 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 5
Analog ch 5 CFG DR.RADR5.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 5
Analog ch 6 CFG DR.RADR6.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 6
Analog ch 6 CFG DR.RADR6.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 6
Analog ch 6 CFG DR.RADR6.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 6
Analog ch 6 CFG DR.RADR6.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 6
Analog ch 6 CFG DR.RADR6.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 6 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 6
Analog ch 6 CFG DR.RADR6.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 6
Analog ch 7 CFG DR.RADR7.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 7
Analog ch 7 CFG DR.RADR7.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 7
Analog ch 7 CFG DR.RADR7.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 7
Analog ch 7 CFG DR.RADR7.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 7
Analog ch 7 CFG DR.RADR7.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 7 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 7
Analog ch 7 CFG DR.RADR7.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 7
Analog ch 8 CFG DR.RADR8.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 8
Analog ch 8 CFG DR.RADR8.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 8
Analog ch 8 CFG DR.RADR8.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 8
Analog ch 8 CFG DR.RADR8.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 8
Analog ch 8 CFG DR.RADR8.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 8 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 8
Analog ch 8 CFG DR.RADR8.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 8
Analog ch 9 CFG DR.RADR9.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 9
Analog ch 9 CFG DR.RADR9.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 9
Analog ch 9 CFG DR.RADR9.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 9
Analog ch 9 CFG DR.RADR9.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 9
Analog ch 9 CFG DR.RADR9.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 9 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 9
Analog ch 9 CFG DR.RADR9.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 9
Analog ch 10 CFG DR.RADR10.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 10
Analog ch 10 CFG DR.RADR10.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 10
Analog ch 10 CFG DR.RADR10.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 10
Analog ch 10 CFG DR.RADR10.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 10
Analog ch 10 CFG DR.RADR10.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 10 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 10
Analog ch 10 CFG DR.RADR10.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 10
Analog ch 11 CFG DR.RADR11.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 11
Analog ch 11 CFG DR.RADR11.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 11
Analog ch 11 CFG DR.RADR11.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 11
Analog ch 11 CFG DR.RADR11.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 11
Analog ch 11 CFG DR.RADR11.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 11 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 11
Analog ch 11 CFG DR.RADR11.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 11
Analog ch 12 CFG DR.RADR12.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,I 1 Operation Analog channel on / off 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 12
Analog ch 12 CFG DR.RADR12.HiTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 10.00 High trigger level Over limit 0.00...60.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 12
Analog ch 12 CFG DR.RADR12.LoTrgLev.setMag.f ASG FLOAT32 SP B,I 0.00 Low trigger level Under limit 0.00...2.00 Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 12
Analog ch 12 CFG DR.RADR12.ChSigSel.setVal ENG Enum SP B,I 0 Channel selection Select a signal, which will be recorded by this channel 0=Disabled; 1=Io; 2=IL1; 3=IL2; 4=IL3; 5=IoB; 6=IL1B; 7=IL2B; 8=IL3B; 9=Uo; 10=U1; 11=U2; 12=U3; 14=U1B; 17=CIo; 18=SI1; 19=SI2; 20=SU0; 21=SU1; 22=SU2; 23=CIoB; 24=SI1B; 25=SI2B; 52=U1C Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 12
Analog ch 12 CFG DR.RADR12.ChSigSel.d ENG VisString255 (64) DC B,I Analog ch 12 input Channel id text Channel identifier text Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 12
Analog ch 12 CFG DR.RADR12.StoMod.setVal ENG Enum SP A,I 0 Storage mode Storage mode selection (waveform / trend) 0=Waveform; 1=Trend / cycle Configuration\Disturbance recorder\Channel settings\Analog channel 12
DR LLN0 VER DR.LLN0.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC G (Name plate)
DR LLN0 VER DR.LLN0.NamPlt.ldNs LPL VisString255 (20) EX IEC 61850-7-4:2003 (Name plate)

Std conformance: SMVSENDER enable

IEC 61850-7-4:2007
IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Category IECName CDC Type FC Access Default Dataset Event CMT Parameter name Parameter desc Parameter range Menu path Channel relation
Std conformance MON MU01.I01ATCTR1.Amp.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.I01BTCTR2.Amp.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.I01CTCTR3.Amp.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.I01NTCTR4.Amp.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.U01ATVTR1.Vol.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.U01BTVTR2.Vol.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.U01CTVTR3.Vol.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance MON MU01.U01NTVTR4.Vol.instMag.i SAV INT32 MX ()
Std conformance CFG MU01.LLN0.Mod.Oper.ctlVal ENC Enum CO B,H,C,I 1 Operation Operation 1=on; 5=off Configuration\Communication\Ethernet\SMVSENDER
Std conformance VER MU01.LLN0.NamPlt.swRev LPL VisString255 (20) DC A1 (NamPlt)
Std conformance VER MU01.LLN0.NamPlt.ldNs LPL VisString255 (20) EX IEC 61850-7-4:2007A (NamPlt)